(check out our playlist: "New London" RP aesthetic on Spotify!)
This drive was much more relaxed as it was mostly through the smaller parts of town, more land between structures and soon it was merely a road through the woods, gently winding, watching the autumn trees as they were starting to turn color this week, though it was hard to tell right now in the dark.
Adeline was glad of the helmet keeping cold wind from her face but her arms were covered in chill bumps because of her short sleeved scrubs.
Finally, however, they came upon a beautifully made house that looked Tony Stark could easily live there. Its style was modern with smooth rounded edges and circular exteriors. There were lots of windows that overlooked the ocean at the cliffside, and the house was mainly dark colors and some dim lights around its base just enough for them to see but not attracting attention.
Rather than going down the main drive, Muiredach curved his biked and went down to the garage entrance where he found two women arguing outside a dented car. One had wild red hair and the other was short with shoulder length brown hair and looked significantly younger than the other. Both were dressed in black but much more casual than how Muiredach was dressed.
As the bike eased to a stop, the two girls looked at them when they parked beside the car and Muiredach got off at once.
"Muiredach, thank God. Can you please tell Runa that my driving is not that bad?" the redhead demanded.
"She almost ran over an old lady in a wheelchair," the smaller girl said.
"She was hogging the lane!" the redhead defended. Both spoke with English accents but the redhead's was more northern than the younger.
Muiredach pulled off his bike helmet with a scowl as he dismissed their bickering. "Enough. Where is he?" he asked them.
Adeline took off her helmet and hopped down off the bike. She suddenly felt very... out of place and shy. Typically she wasn't really considered a shy one but she had no clue who any of these people were.
"Oh he's here," Cait said and walked to the trunk to open it.
Muiredach's expression became concerned at once as he walked over and looked down when she did, as well as Runa, and then Adeline when her curiosity overtook her.
Inside the trunk was a dark haired man about their age tied up with tape over his mouth, passed out cold. He was only in a t-shirt and boxers.
But Adeline recognized him immediately.
Adeline quickly made her way over, glancing into the trunk as her facial expression dropped slightly. "Klaus..."
Muiredach's eyes widened. "I told you to talk to him!" he said.
"You said to convince him to come back here but you never said we couldn't use force," the redhead replied.
"In her defense, you did send the worst persuader in the world to talk to him," Runa said with her arms crossed. She spoke plainly and without very much emotion like Muiredach did.
"Why persuade, when you have this?" the redhead said when she picked up a bloody bat.
Muiredach frowned with alarm. "Did you hit him with that?!" he demanded.
"No! I just threatened him with it. The blood is from that rat I killed last week."
He shut his eyes and put a hand to his face in stress.
Adeline quickly moved over to the trunk and untied him, removing the tape from his mouth. "Klaus, wake up— why is he knocked out?" she asked, pulling him so he was sitting up and now resting against the trunk.
"Well you see there was a Plan A and then a Plan B—" the redhead started.
"Caitrina, shut up. You're fired. Both of you are fired from this entire mission," Muiredach told them sternly. "Where's Castor?"
"Oh like that knob yanker would help?" Caitrina said with disbelief.
"Where's Uriah?"
"He comes back from mission tomorrow."
"Where's Raegan?"
"How the fuck should I know?" she demanded like that was impossible, but she turned her head to see a brunette coming out of the garage to meet them. "Oh nevermind, there she is," Cait backtracked.
"Has anyone seen my black bra— oh is this Muiredachs girlfriend?" she asked, crossing her arms as she stood in front of Adeline and Klaus.
Just then Klaus woke up being startled by the change of scenery. His head flew up from Adeline's shoulder, smacking into the trunk door. "Fuck!" he yelped out, rubbing the back of his head.
"Oh wow, he is fine." Reagan said with a small smirk, holding out the end of the word 'fine'.
"What kinda rubbish-" Klaus was about to say but was quickly cut off when Adeline's arms wrapped around him. "Oh— Addy!" He said, throwing his arms tightly around his younger sister, holding onto her tightly.
"Man why don't you all fucking hug me like that?" Reagan called out, holding her arm out as she looked at the others.
Muiredach just stared at her for like a full minute with a deadpan before he just gave her Adeline's bike helmet and said, "Find them both a place to sleep tonight," plainly, walking to his bike to take it a bit further down the driveway to the basement door.
Reagan scoffed softly, being well used to his attitude as she muttered a soft 'yeah, yeah' before leaving the scene to go find a place for their two new guests to sleep... and her black bra.
"Are you okay?" Adeline asked urgently, her hands cupping both sides of Klaus's face as she searched his eyes for any sign of a concussion or injury.
"Aside from being kidnapped from the comfort of my own home..." He trailed off, his eyes flickering over to the redhead nearby, his English accent unmistakable. "I'm fine, Ads." He gave a reassuring smile, gently placing his hands on her shoulders. 'But uh, can't help but notice this is not our flat... and I am in my shorts..." he said with a soft chuckle, glancing down towards his lower half.
A sudden wave of relief washed over her body to see her brother was perfectly fine. No injuries, he was fine. Good.
She let out a soft laugh, glancing down towards his lower half before looking back up, "Don't worry we will find you something." she assured before helping him stand up.
"Or we can just make him walk around with nothing on," Cait suggested and bit the air, teasing him with her arms crossed.
Klaus's brow raised slightly at that but before he could respond, a voice from a little bit of ways yelled out, "Yes! I agree!" which happened to belong to Reagan who was just about to walk inside. Klaus just let out a soft sigh, his head shaking slightly, not really surprised at all by the attention he was receiving.
"Welcome to our circus," Runa remarked before going inside, Caitrina laughing at Raegan's comment before running back in as well, leaving the two alone.
Adeline glanced behind her just as Klaus noticed the random bit of blood on his white t-shirt. She saw Muiredach walking away from them to put his bike up. "I'll be back." she said quickly, patting her brother's shoulder before she jogged to catch up to him. "Hey, um, I just wanted to thank you... for ya know... saving me." she said, now walking alongside him.
He glanced her way but didn't say anything at first... before he opened the garage door to the basement and parked his bike inside, where she noticed it wasn't just a garage but a workshop for all kinds of electronic gadgets, experiments, car parts, blueprints, and even things like files, pictures, and documents with notes scribbled on them, connected by red yarn on the wall. There were some blood stains on the concrete floor in there that she noticed as well. Seems he kept himself busy.
He turned when he was able to give her his full attention, his eyes looking at her in a calm and relaxed manner before he reached up and clicked a small button on the side of his face mask, pulling it off to reveal a pale face with dark circles around his eyes as if he were nocturnal... or just a vampire... but he had scars from burns all along the right side of his face as well as one from a scrape traveling across his brow, another over his nose. He had some kind of a permanent marking down from his left eye as well. But he had sharp cheekbones and a nice jawline, larger nose and averagely full lips. In the light that came on in the room she could see his eyes better as that piercing ice blue that almost looked silver. A little tiny lock of black hair hung over his face by his cheek, but he kept his hood on. "You don't have to thank me... ever," he said surely to her.
Adeline was momentarily taken aback by the man's appearance as he looked nothing like she had imagined. In fact, he seemed to be even more handsome than she had pictured.
She wasn't the type to swoon over a man's looks or take part in the typical girly chatter about celebrity crushes. Most of her time was spent with her nose buried in a medical textbook, not sparing a look at the men who would pass her or even greet her throughout the day. But this man... he was strikingly beautiful in a way that caught her off guard. She couldn't quite put her finger on what it was about him. Perhaps it was the intensity of his piercing blue eyes, staring deep into her soul, gathering every piece of information about her.
"But you saved my life, I should be thanking you." she replied, her eyes shifting to glance around his space rather than him. She was in awe as she looked around, amazed by all the different weapons and small trinkets.
He studied her for a moment as she avoided his gaze, curious about the girl, he admitted. Though that wasn't surprised. In a more distantly observant way, he was curious about most people. Of course the psychology books he read were more for tactical reasons... he did find himself deeply interested in how every person worked.
Another thing he thought about was how soft this girl was, how much she didn't deserve to be thrown into this mess. He was glad he got to her in time but... this wasn't over.
Their height difference was remarkable, as he stood at a good six foot two inches, while she was about five feet four inches. And as he looked at her, he was looking down at quite an angle, even though they stood about three feet apart.
He nodded a bit, better at... studying people than interacting with them. But regardless, he said quietly, "You're welcome, Adeline." Then he looked away for a moment. "Although something tells me it won't be the last time," he said as there was a hint of snark in his eyes, turning to take his helmet and put it away.
Her eyes flickered back up to him, a small grin etching its way onto her lips. "Then prepare yourself for a lot of 'thank you's.'" she teased before glancing back behind her, finding Klaus gone from where she had left him. He could never stay still, ever.
She turned her head back around to look at him again as she spoke up, "Suppose I should get out of these and rest for once." she chuckled, glancing down at the scrubs she was in.
He nodded with his head towards the stairs. "You can use my door. Follow the shouting. They'll help you find clean clothes and a bed. We can talk more tomorrow," he told her with those kind eyes again, although he still spoke plainly, as if emotions were beyond his reach. He was fiddling with some of his tactical gear as he worked on taking some of it off for the night... or... morning more like.
She nodded to him, "Goodnight." she told him before using the door he told her he could use. The minute she did she heard Reagan's voice again from down the hall as well as her brother voice.
As she walked down the rather large hallway of dark colors, (some deep wood and stone mixed with drywall, as the interior was mostly all dark colors—a sleek and minimalist design—but with neon light accents, very open in the floor plan and full of windows), she was stopped when someone stepped out from nowhere with a cake in her hands. "Hi! Adeline right? I heard you were coming tonight so I made a cake with your face on it!" the girl said as quickly as she could breathe, someone about Adeline's age with curly blonde hair tied back in a bun and a huge grin on her face.
"Oh! Uh, thank you?" she said, not meaning it to come out as a question but it did. "And what's your name?" she questioned, tucking a strand of brown hair behind her ear.
She was about to answer but Caitrina came from around the corner eating a whole loaf of bread. "Why is she blue?" she asked with a frown as she looked at Adeline's icing face on the cake.
"I ran out of yellow food dye," she replied before she turned back to Adeline. "I'm Jody. I'm Castor's sister. You'll know him as the one that never smiles," she said casually with a grin.
Adeline let out a soft noise that was a mix between a laugh and a snort. "I see..." she replied before looking over, seeing Klaus now in a pair of sweats looking confused as ever as he looked down at who she assumed was Reagan.
The girl was much shorter than him, her hair pulled back into two braids while her bangs hung over her forehead. She seemed very... confident and extroverted... at least from what she gather.
"So what do you bench?" Reagan asked, arms crossed over her chest as she stared up at the taller man.
"I beg your pardon?" Klaus's face showed utter confusion, not expecting her to ask such a question.
"I bench one-fifty, c'mon on big boy I know you bench look at those thighs!" she exclaimed, pointing towards his now covered lower half.
Adeline couldn't help but let out a laugh, her head shaking at the pure chaos in the room. She then turned towards the redhead, "And you?"
"Huh?" Caitrina said with a mouthful of food. "Oh, I bench seven thousand."
"No- your name." She said finding this whole room of chaos rather amusing. She felt like she was on some reality TV show, she had never met a group of people as chaotic as—well this.
"My name what?"
"What is your name?"
"Caitrina?" Jody said to the redhead (answering Adeline's question) when she came back over to where they were, handing Adeline a piece of her cake on a plate. "Who is that other voice out there? Is it one of Raegan's... sexual guests?" she whispered that last part like it was a curse word.
"No, that's Adeline's brother. Go meet him," Cait replied with a nod of her head towards him.
Jody glanced at Adeline.
"He doesn't bite, I promise." She said with a small smile, tilting her head over towards her brother.
She shrugged and walked into the main room where they were. But upon seeing him she froze up with wide eyes.
"Can you say water bottle for me?" Raegan asked Klaus who was leaning against a counter, his arms crossed over his chest.
"Do you drink tea?"
"Are you sure you're not an alien?"
"Bloody hell..." Klaus said, wiping a hand down his face as he tried to process the random stream of questions.
Jody made a squeak and quickly did a one-eighty, walking briskly with a panicked or perhaps embarrassed look on her face, back the way she came and instead fled to her room without another word.
"Right!" Klaus clapped his hands together and pushed off the counter with his hands, "Hate to bring this to an end but I'm sure my sister is knackered and needs some rest." he glanced in Adeline's direction, seeing that exhaustion was clearly showing on her face.
"Oh! Right! Let me show you all where you will be staying." Raegan piped up, walking over to grab Adeline's hand, "I'm sure you want to be next to your emo boyfriend—"
"Boyfriend?" Klaus interrupted, confusion written on his face.
Adeline looked at him and shook her head slightly, letting him know that she was just being funny.
"Right..." He nodded to her, following behind the two girls.
"Adelaide can stay in my room," Caitrina said as she also went with them.
"Are you sure?" Adeline questioned, turning to look at the redhead behind them.
"Klaus can stay in mine." Raegan piped up.
"Eyooo!" Cait cheered, eyeing Klaus's ass unapologetically.
Adeline couldn't help but let out a loud laugh as she looked over to see Klaus's expression. His lips were pulled into a thin line, his eyes looking at Adeline as if he was pleading for help.
"Klaus needs his own space he snores—" Adeline replied before Klaus was quick to butt in, "I do not! I am a very quiet sleeper. Thank you very much." he scoffed, rolling his eyes.
"He can stay in daddy Uriah's room, he's out of town currently." Raegan said casually.
"Do you just call everyone daddy?" Cait asked her with amusement.
Raegan turned to look at Cait and nodded, "Absolutely." before she turned a corner and pointed towards a door that was down the hall, "That is Uriah's room."
"Right, I'm off to bed, I bid you ladies a goodnight— Adeline, I'll see you in the morning." He leaned over and placed a kiss on her head before turning on his heel.
"Sooo, how're you not British and he is?" Raegan asked Adeline once the door was shut behind them and they were making their way towards Cait's bedroom.
"Uh, my mother and father split when I was little. My father moved and took Klaus to England in a city named Oxford, while my mother and I lived in Toronto." she explained.
"OH! You're Candiana?" Raegan asked.
"Canadian...?" She corrected, "Yes, I am Canadian."
"Wait you're not?" Cait asked Raegan, clueless to where the girl came from even if she already told her several times.
"No, I'm from New York. I don't drink syrup for breakfast, lunch and dinner." Raegan replied with amusement.
"We don't— nevermind." Adeline sighed, shaking her head.
"Yeah you just steal shit and pee on the subway," Caitrina retorted in a New York accent.
"I did pee on the subway once, yeah that was fun." Raegan replied as Adeline's face turned up in disgust.
"I peed in a Subway restaurant before, does that count?" Cait said, this conversation just going so far down a rabbit trail.
"Cait, you gotta be wild you gotta pee on the ground." Raegan replied in a joking tone.
"Bitch I don't want to get it all down my legs!"
"That's why you squat, why the fuck are you standing up and peeing?? You aren't a man."
"How are you doing that? Show me."
"Like this-"
"Do not demonstrate please." Adeline said, holding her hands out to stop Raegan from doing anything that could ruin her eyes. "Now where is Cait's room? I need to sleep, I feel high listening to this conversation and nothing is in my system."
"Oh, right, this way." Raegan said pointing towards a door that was at the end of the hall.
"I can do it!" Cait argued with offense. "Get out of here and go to bed. Go have horny dreams!" she playfully shoved Raegan.
"Oh, I hope it's about a ripped man pinning me to a wall."
"Those are the best."
"Mmm, I'm gonna go masterbate now." Raegan said with sarcasm before dashing off to her room, leaving Adeline there with Cait.
"Well that will surely give me nightmares..." Adeline said once the brunette was out of view.
"Yeah I'm not really a fan of that word..." she sighed. But then she turned and opened her door with a sign on it that said "Keep Out" but under it, the word "Castor" was added with marker.
Cait's room was very tom-boy-ish as well as a bit messy. She had a big gaming setup at her desk and a VR treadmill with the headset hanging off the rail. Her computer looked like it was the focal point of the room as it was the fanciest thing in here by far. She did also have a television that was playing some city in the rain ambience, her west east all windows as it faced the ocean. But Adeline couldn't really tell for sure because the windows were black tinted. The main light in the room were the neon light bars that ran along the edges of the ceiling and along the bottoms too, the top ones hot pink and the bottoms blue.
There was clothing thrown everywhere and a mini fridge with beer and soda in it, as well as an empty pizza box atop the coffee table. There was a couch on the window wall and the TV was on the opposing wall, the bed opposite the gaming area on the other side of the room. It looked like a king size. And off the side of the room was her bathroom.
Caitrina went to her dresser and dug through it for some clean clothes. "Here you go," she said to Adeline and tossed her a grey t-shirt and some pajama trousers. "I don't think any of us have a bra to fit yuh but you might can use my girl boxers if you need clean pants. The shower's that way," she said, pointing to the bathroom. "If you get hungry I should still have a piece in here," she said as she opened the pizza box but promptly closed it after seeing a roach. "Nevermind."
Adeline couldn't help the small laugh that left her lips as she closed the pizza box, "Awh man I was looking forward to dirty pizza." she joked before glancing around the room once more. She was amazed at how fancy everything looked, her room looked the complete opposite back home. She rarely even had pictures on the walls of her room.
"Yeah that was the piece I dropped on the ground. But you know, five hour rule."
"It's still edible."
"Exactly. One sec." She put on her headset with attached mic. "Go to sleep you fat lesbians!" she said in a really annoying California accent before leaving some online call she'd been in before apparently. She took off her headset and explained to Adeline, "Some guys I know."
"If they're guys, how are they lesbians??" she questioned curiously.
"You're thinking about it too much."
"I definitely am." she said sarcastically.
Cait took her pillow off her bed and tossed it on her couch after pulling her clothes off the couch and dumping them in the floor, despite there being a dirty clothes bin near her. She then grabbed a blanket and made a spot comfy for her. "You can have my bed. I'll sleep here," she told her.
"Are you sure? I don't wanna kick you off your own bed."
"Nah I can sleep anywhere. Once I slept on one of those beds of nails at those museums. It was surprisingly comfortable. But then they kicked me out," she said as she shut her electronics off for the night
Adeline snickered at that, "Alright well I'm gonna shower real fast and change into these." she said, holding up the wad of clothes in her hands before she made her way off to the bathroom.
"Let me know if you see a bowl of cereal in there. I lost one a while back."
"Wait," she stopped in her steps looking back at the redhead, "how did you lose a cereal bowl... in the bathroom?" she asked, very confused.
When she turned around, Caitrina was already passed out on the couch... somehow.
She let out a small laugh and turned back around so she could open the door to the bathroom.
The room was empty when Adeline woke up which didn't surprise her. It felt like she had slept all day with how out of it she was. The windows were still tinted, but when she hit the button on the nightstand, the black layer disappeared to reveal the view of the ocean by the cliffs, the mid day sun bright in her eyes.
She yawned and stretched her body out, the aches and pains she was feeling last night had completely disappeared. She tapped her phone screen to look at the time, not surprised by the numbers that had appeared on the screen.
She tossed the blankets up off her body, swinging her legs over the side of the bed so she could get up. Once she was standing she opened the door, peeking her head out the door to see if she could hear anyone talking.
"He was found carrying a knife... into the club. And he still wasn't suspected somehow," a new voice was saying in a smooth English accent. "What possible reason could someone have for taking a steak knife into a club?"
"Someone needs to cut an emergency bagel?" Runa's voice said plainly with sass.
"Did they get him?" Caitrina asked.
"No, Cait. That's the point. But it's a second attempt on his life," the stranger said.
"I could have done it," Runa muttered.
The voices sounded like they were coming from the main room that they were in last night with the long dining table and fireplace.
Adeline slipped out of Cait's room and made her way down the hall to where Klaus was staying. She knocked on the door, hearing shuffling on the other side of the door before the door swung open, revealing Klaus with no shirt on.
"Klaus! Put a damn shirt on!" she smacked him, quickly pushing him aside and entering the room.
"Oh, my apologies, did I harm your poor little eyes even though you entered right when I'm changing?" he replied, rolling his eyes as he closed the door behind her. "Why aren't you out there, why are you buggin' me?"
She sat down on the bed, tossing his discarded shirt towards him, "Because I don't wanna walk out there alone, now put your shirt on!"
"Bloody hell! Okay Ads I'm going." he mumbled, pulling the shirt on over his head. "I don't understand why you're so shy." he added, brushing his fingers through his brown locks of hair once his shirt was fully on.
"Because I don't know any of them! Just... well you..." she looked down at her hands, pulling on each finger making them make a 'pop' noise.
Klaus walked over and put his hands over hers, giving her a look, knowing that it was a nervous habit of hers. "Come on your majesty." he teased, holding his hand out for her to grab.
She scoffed smacking his hand playfully before she actually grabbed onto it and hoisted herself up, "You're a real pain." she mumbled.
"So i've been told, by you and mum." he glanced at her with a pointed look before leading her out of the room and into the main room with the rest of them.
When they came into the room, it was brightly lit as the natural light from the huge windows bounced off the white walls and simple decor of the house that was kept surprisingly clean despite the chaos. There was already a fire going in the fireplace to cool them from the cold October temperatures.
Cait was now in a flannel over some baggy boyish jeans, her crazy hair pulled into a messy bun.
Runa was wearing a black band tee over high wasted grey jeans under a dark green open sweater.
Raegan was across from the new person they had yet to meet, wearing a black long sleeved shirt and some dark green cargo pants.
This new person had long white hair like an elf, an eyepatch covering the left eye as there was a scar that run under it, pronounced cheekbones and a nice jawline. His right eye was a beautiful hazel color. And he was wearing a nice suit that probably cost more than Adeline's car. He turned to smile politely at them. "You must be Adeline and Klaus, glad to meet you both and certainly glad that this group of freaks was able to get you both out alive." He held out his hand for a shake. "I'm Castor E. Kingsley. Though I'm sure you've heard of me," he said as if wildly famous.
Caitrina rolled her eyes at this.
Klaus was the first to step up and take his hand, giving it a firm shake. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Castor. I'd introduce us but it seems you know our names already." he smiled and glanced down at Adeline, giving her a look that suggested she should say something.
"Oh, yes, It's good to meet you." Adeline said, with a soft grin, her eyes glancing up to her brother for a split moment before looking back at Castor.
Jody was on her way in but when she saw them she immediately ran back to her room like a scared cat.
"I assume you've been properly introduced to these... carnival folk already?" Castor started but when he said this, Caitrina flicked a rubber band to the back of his head and when he turned to glare at her she smacked Raegan on the arm and looked at her as if she had done that.
"Eat my ass Cait! That was not me!" Raegan defended herself, crossing her arms over her chest.
"Yes... They threw me in the back of a trunk." Klaus replied, "And tied me up. Great introduction."
"He has sexy thighs." Raegan said, wiggling her brows.
Adeline let out a soft laugh, immediately getting smacked in the arm by Klaus. "What?! It was funny!" she defended and rolled her eyes. "Right, so... What do you all do exactly?..." she asked, her brow shooting up in slight confusion.
"Well—" Castor started but he was interrupted by Runa.
"We can't have an official Clarence Meeting without Uriah," she told him.
"Oh for heaven's sake," Castor rolled his eye.
"Hey he's our leader!" Caitrina defended.
"He's not our leader!" Castor argued with a disbelieving tone.
"We had a vote—" Runa said.
"Yes and we all voted for ourselves when we did—"
"Except me—" Cait said.
"You put three papers in the box—do you think we can't count?!"
"I did not! That was Runa who forged my name! I told you!" she was screaming now as she stood up with a wide stance as if she was preparing to throw hands.
"Oh yes, perfectly believable."
Runa was smirking to herself as she sharpened a steak knife in the corner of the room.
"I voted for our president— wait, we were voting on a leader for the house?!?!" Raegan butted in.
"But didn't you write 'Uriah's left tit' on the ballot?" Cait asked her.
"Yeah, is he not the president?"
Castor had his hand on his face in stress before he turned back to the newbies. "Hungry?" he asked them, not paying attention to the others anymore. "There is an assortment of food in the fridge and the pantry. Anything is up for grabs... except the potatoes."
"Where is Jody? I'm going to go find that bitch, I'll be back." Raegan said, running off in the direction of her room.
Adeline watched her run off before she turned back to Castor and nodded. "We are starving." She replied.
When Raegan went towards Jo's room, she had come out in a head wrap and sunglasses to get food but stopped when she ran into the girl.
"Jody!— wait, what the hell are you wearing?"
She looked both ways as if on the run from the cops before pulled her arm into her room and shut the door behind them. She looked for a way to explain this as she began pacing nervously and tore off the headwrap and sunglasses.
Her room was the complete opposite of Caitrina's. It was full of plants and paintings hanging on the walls on various sized canvases, the brushes and easel in the corner. There was a lot of pastel pinks and other complementary colors.
She sat down on her bed and grabbed a big plush cinnamon roll in her hands. "I can't go out there. He'll recognize me, I'm sure of it," she said awkwardly.
"Who?" She asked curiously, sitting down next to her.
She put the plushie to her face to hide it with embarrassment. "UGH!" is all she said.
"Klaus? Did you snog him? Did you guys date or something?"
"NO! I just... Oh I can't tell you—it's so embarrassing," she said as she stood up again and started pacing, her feet tapping the floor, wearing fuzzy socks as usual.
"Jo, I'm sure whatever it was he probably forgot about it. He's literally the kindest person—or well from what I gathered..."
"How could he? I can't take that risk. You have to smuggle food in here to me until either one of us is dead or moved out. I'll be fine. I'll just never go outside again—Oh God that sounds awful!" she said as if she was going to cry about this fake future she was imagining, burying her face in her hands.
"You're overthinking this, surely whatever happened couldn't have been THAT bad. I literally called his thighs sexy Jody." she stated plainly.
"Yeah but mine is way worse. Fifty times worse. So much worse," she was saying with a theatrical tone as per usual.
"Did you guys have sex?!" she asked, a bit shocked if she had.
She gawked in horror. "No! Of course not! I wouldn't give the beans away for free," she said the last part in a quiet hiss as if that talk was incredibly scandalous an she didn't want anyone else to hear. She sighed and shook her head. "Fine. I'll tell you. Just promise me you won't look at me differently. It was a different time in my life..."
Raegan nodded as if telling her to go on, her hands crossed in her lap.
She took a deep breath and sat back down beside her. "Okay... when I was in University... in my dorm... The building had been set on fire. It was Pyro Pete, of course. But I didn't hear the alarm because my roommate had taken the alarm because she thought the government was spying on her of course—anyway. They had to bust in. And he... He came in to to wake me and carried me out like a hero... but I was..." She stopped and swallowed. "I was in my nightgown. The thin one. I wasn't wearing a bra..." she said as if that was the worst possible outcome.
When the silence lingered, Raegan realized that was the end of the story...
Raegan was quiet for a few moments before she started laughing hysterically. She threw her head back and openly snorted, "Y-you—" she tried to get out through words before she finally composed herself. "You're scared to go out there because of that? Jo, love, that's his job, he probably does stuff like that daily. He's probably even seen worse than that and I can bet money on that, you could probably even ask him the horror stories of being in his position." she assured before standing up and placing her hands on either side of the girls shoulders, "I haven't known Klaus long, but I know he wouldn't look at you as 'the girl who wore a thin nightgown'."
"Raegan no! The second he sees me he'll just be thinking about my nipples!" she protested hysterically, standing up. "That's not even all of it. He said 'get well' when he left and I said 'you too'!"
Raegan smacked a hand upon her forehead before wiping a hand down her face. "He is not going to think about your nipples! Also what's wrong with saying 'Get well too'? I'm telling you Jo, he probably doesn't even remember it. That is his job, he does it on a daily basis."
She threw herself onto her bed and buried her face into her plushie again, groaning loudly but muffled.
"Jo, come on, I'll go out there with you and talk to him, if he says anything I'll give him a wet willy for you." she said as she turned around so she was facing the girl on the bed.
She got up and looked at her. "You'd do that for me?" she asked as if she was touched.
"Yes, now come on." she replied, holding her hand out towards the girl.
She huffed and got off the bed... "Okay... fine..." she gave in. "But just a precaution," she added before slipping a cream pullover sweater over her baby blue sundress. "My boobs look more your size in this."
Her brows furrowed at this, "Are you calling my boobs small?" she asked, placing her hands upon her breasts. "I am a B cup thank you very much!" she added before grabbing her hand and opening the door.
"Well yeah but I'm a C. Not that slightly smaller boobs than mine are ugly or anything. I mean I'm jealous of you. You can wear cute little lacy bras with no nipple padding—ugh I really hate saying that word multiple times in one day. What else can they be called? Boob hats?" she was rambling as she walked with her to the kitchen.
When Adeline opened the fridge to see what they had to eat, she saw... a bag containing a severed hand just lying on the middle shelf with a sticker on it that said evidence...
"Klaus come here," she said, waving her hand for him to come closer to her.
Klaus furrowed his brows before walking over and peering into the fridge, "Oh, that's normal."
Adeline picked it up and gently smacked him with it.
Raegan then walked into the room and let out a gasp, "There that thing is! I've been looking for that!" she called out, making her way over to Adeline, "That could be a sex toy honestly-"
"Bloody hell! Ew!" Klaus faked a gag and walked away from both the girls.
"What's all the—" Jody gagged for real when she saw the hand and covered her eyes. "WHY?! What is that doing in the kitchen?!" she demanded.
"Halloween, duh. I was hoping I'd scare someone with it." Raegan said, hopping up on the counter. "Guys should I dress up as Muiredach for Halloween?" she said with a soft gasp, loving the idea.
Adeline placed the hand back in the fridge with a disgusted look on her face.
When she did, she spotted something else that was utterly bizarre. It was a Twinkie that was sitting on a rectangular plate on the back of the counter as if it were a decoration.
She glanced at it before speaking up, "Why is there a random Twinkie sitting on a plate." she pointed at it.
"That's an experiment," Caitrina said. "We're seeing if it will ever decay. It's been there for five years now. Still good."
"Someone should take a bite of it." Klaus said with a soft chuckle.
"Klaus! Stop encouraging stupid shit." Adeline said, smacking his arm.
"Ow!" Klaus rubbed his arm before glancing over at Jody, who was staring at him rather awkwardly. "I don't think we've met," he said, holding his hand out for her to shake. "I'm Klaus."
"Klaus stop flirting." Adeline said, rolling her eyes, knowing he obviously wasn't.
"I'm not!" Klaus defended.
Jody took his hand but made a tiny little squeak bashfully. "I-mean um, hi. I'm Jody. Nice to meet you. Ag—I—for the first time. Meeting you for the first time. It's nice—I can... I... um... ... ... hello." she was shaking his hand far too long and when she realized this she let go immediately.
Klaus's brow raised slightly at her stutter but passed it off as nerves. "Pleasure to meet you, love."
"Klaus..." Adeline warned.
"Ooo, you can call me love anyday." Raegan got out before Klaus could reply to Adeline.
"Reagan you're one point away from being sentenced to Horny Jail, you really want that again?" Caitrina asked.
Jody almost buckled from how entranced she was and she forced a smile on her face. "You're Jody, I'm Klaus, right—I mean. I'm... I'm Klaus and you're Jody—no... uh—" She was screaming at herself internally.
"Oh please no! Not horny jail!" Raegan replied, "but he is hot."
"You alright there love?" Klaus asked Jody, his brow raised just slightly, ignoring Raegan's comment about him being hot.
"No—I mean yes," Jody said with a nervous smile, before putting her arms over her chest as if he was looking before running off towards the pantry to eat.
"Raegan, do you have a crush on my brother or something?" Adeline asked curiously.
"No, he's just fine, same with Uriah, have you seen that man? Delicious." Raegan said, the look on face looking as if she was daydreaming about him.
"She's thinking about his dick! Runa, get the handcuffs!" Cait said and the 14 year old ran off to retrieve them.
"No I am not!" Raegan quickly jumped down from the counter and ran for it, "Muiredach help me!" she yelled out, quickly running down one of the halls.
Klaus shook his head as she ran, rubbing a hand down his face. There was too much going on in this room for him.
That's when the door opened and someone came in with a leather strapped bag over his shoulder; a tall, brown eyed, dark haired chap with a groomed short beard and honey toned skin. He was wearing a brown jacket over a thin grey sweater and casual old fashioned jeans.
He spoke up in an Irish accent, "Well... what did I miss?"
"Don't touch me you whore!" Raegan's voice was screaming in the distance.
"Now, let's start from the beginning," Uriah began after he had been briefed on the two newcomers, all of them standing around the dining room table. Muiredach was the only one not present.
"Uriah, don't tell her about your birth," Caitrina joked.
Uriah glared and handed her a potato out of the pile that was in the middle of the table. "Don't talk." He turned back to them. "The beginning... is when Castor and I met—"
"We've been friends since middle school and when he became a Missionary. But when he was in South America he came across a network of child traffickers so he trained his arse off and went into those areas to rescue them by gunning the bastards down and I stayed back to become an attorney. He fights criminal activity in the trenches and I do so from a highrise," Castor summed up.
Uriah rolled his eyes. "I was going to tell all of that myself—I was getting to the important things but the story would have had a cinematic build up," he explained to him, annoyed. "Anyway, the two of us realized we had... significant skillsets and were dedicated to making this city better given we grew up here. The unfortunate side of this was that we started to make enemies. Corrupt politicians, criminals, and anyone else who profited from being an absolute—"
"Dickwad," Runa interrupted.
Uriah nodded in agreement despite not using foul language to get his point across. "This meant people close to us would be at risk of being targeted to get to us. So we had to live in secret and take them with us. Castor took his sister and we went into hiding... kind of. But as our enemies got more dangerous... we needed more help to keep safe from them—"
"That's where we met Caitrina," Castor interrupted. "At the time I believe she was pranking the Pentagon by replacing the feed on their monitors with pictures of Thanos's bare ass cheeks."
Cait made a proud face as she held her potato.
"Thanos's bare ass cheeks?" Adeline questioned before breaking out into a fit of laughter, her body colliding with Klaus's who was next to her.
"Really Adeline? That's all you got from that? You're a child." Klaus said with a shake of the head before gently pushing her off of him.
"Thanks to Cait and her weird computer skills we have locked this palace down better than anywhere on earth," Uriah continued. "Nothing gets here by mistake or malicious intent. Not that we are off the maps by satellite or anything. But, we have no address and records of this house don't exist, as well as the gates around this place. You'd think we were Area Fifty-One with how—"
"Infiltrated it. Not as secure as you think," Runa interrupted.
"Okay, she interrupted twice. Give her a potato!" Caitrina defended while pointing like a kid.
"Potatoes aren't given to people for interrupting. They're given for going off topic or making inappropriate jokes that derail the conversation—we have been over this," Uriah told her.
"But Castor gave me one last time for being too enthusiastic," Jody whined with confusion.
"We never specified enough when to get one—" Cait started.
"Yes we did, but you don't listen—" Uriah told her.
She took a cookie from the plate and was prepared to hit him with it but Castor just grabbed her around the waist to stop her as she lunged. "That's it! Time out! Go to your room!" he was saying.
"Get off me!" Caitrina said with struggle.
"Don't throw my cookies!" Jody complained as chaos erupted.
"So this place doesn't even exist? I'm impressed." Adeline said, making a soft hum, trying to not get distracted by the chaos. She had her chin in the palm of her hands as she listened to them talk, interested in everything they were saying.
Uriah tried to ignore the others to answer Adeline. "Yes we're completely off the grid. In fact you'll need to give your phones to Caitrina so she can jailbreak them and make them secure for you."
"I don't have mine. They threw it off the balcony when they 'rescued' me." Klaus replied, glaring over at Raegan and Cait.
"Yo, his thighs are hot though!" Raegan called out.
"I have mine." Adeline said, pulling her phone out. "I know Muiredach did something to it before we came here but," she placed it down on the table.
Caitrina shoved Castor away from her and reached out to take it. "I'll get this back to yuh in an hour. I'm pretty practiced at this by now." She hacked into her phone without even having to ask for the passcode and walked away with it. "I'll encrypt all your nudes!" she called from her room.
"I don't have nudes!" Adeline said with confusion.
"I do not want to know what is on my sister's phone!" Klaus called out, raising his hands up.
"I don't have nudes! I'm literally a nurse who works twelve hour shifts! I don't even have time for that!" She defended.
Uriah was laughing now with his hand to his face.
"I think they'll fit in just fine," Castor remarked, glancing at him.
"Wait! Do it later! You can't leave the meeting yet! It's not concluded!" Jody whined.
"Ugh!" Cait groaned before she walked over and remained in the meeting for now.
"So how did Muiredach and Runa get involved in this whole thing?" Adeline questioned.
"Well I was born in a government lab," Runa said plainly. "And was trained to be a spy. Muiredach was my biological brother but I didn't know I even had one, of course. He found me and broke me out one day, got me to stop taking the drugs to suppress my emotions... and he told me the truth. Then he met Uriah and since they shared similar desires to make this city a better place, the both of us were recruited. Not to mention I was safer here with the government still looking for me."
Adeline frowned slightly as Runa spoke, finding her backstory saddening. The poor girl never even had a childhood, she didn't even know who her brother was. She glanced over at Klaus for a moment, not really knowing what she would do if he wasn't by her side. He was her rock, anytime she needed someone he was the first person she would go to.
Well... that was of course after they reconnected from years of being apart. She always knew she had a brother but when her parents split, she had no contact with him. Ever since the day they reunited they had been glued to the hip.
She felt Klaus's hand on top of hers, which when she looked, she was nervously playing with her fingers again. He was the only person that could read her like a book, know every emotion she was feeling.
"Well, I'm glad you're here now, safe and with your brother." she finally managed to get out.
"And you now, too. The people who captured you last night were goons of a man we call 'Manic'. He's made himself an enemy of order, of the city, and of us. What he had planned for you and your powers, we weren't sure. But it would have been bad."
"What do you all refer to yourselves as? Surely with a group this big you have a name?" Klaus asked.
When he asked this, they all answered at the exact same time.
"Team Awesome," Jody said with a smile.
"Inglorious Bastards," Cait said.
"Circus Freaks," Uriah said.
"Does it matter?" Castor said.
"Mob of Narcissistic Kickass Eagle-eyed Youth Spies," Runa said.
Castor frowned for a moment before looking at her. "That spells 'Monkeys'."
"I know," she replied without looking at him, smirking.
Klaus blinked, confused by the fifty names that were thrown into their faces.
"I voted for pussy poppers, no one agreed on it." Raegan shrugged.
"You know I hate that word," Jody said to her.
"I also suggested Uriah's left tit but again! No one agreed!" she crossed her arms over her chest.
"I did appreciate that. My left one is the one I'm insecure about," Uriah replied plainly, playing along.
"You have nice boobs Uriah, don't let anyone tell you otherwise, especially Cait." she replied, whispering the last part about Cait so she wouldn't hear it.
Klaus couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle.
Uriah nodded with a smile as if honored to have such things said about him.
"I see why Muiredach doesn't join the family meetings." Adeline said with a soft giggle.
"He's so boring, he won't even play card games with me. I go in there with a stack of cards and he pretends like I don't exist— but don't worry! I always play his cards for him." Raegan said proudly.
"Yeah the thing with Muiredach is, he's the ghost of Clarence. He's nocturnal and he haunts the basement, occasionally coming up here for something but honestly, we hardly see him," Caitrina explained with a hand on her hip, standing lazily against the table. "We don't like to disturb him. He's kind of terrifying."
"He doesn't come to any of my game nights," Jody pouted.
"He needs some friends, I don't know how he stays down there all day not speaking to anyone." Raegan replied
"If you've got enough distractions, you don't really realize it, I suppose." Adeline shrugged slightly.
"Adeline would know, all she does is work and stay up in her room sleeping." Klaus said partially joking.
Adeline glared at him, pinching his bicep.
Klaus let out a quiet laugh, pushing her hand back so she wouldn't pinch him again.
"Well in Clarence we do things together! In fact, why don't we have a game night tonight to celebrate our newcomers?" Jody said with a smile.
The others all began to awkwardly reply in mutters, throwing around random excuses and Adeline could have sworn she heard someone say "I have to wash my hamster"
Jody looked insulted.
"Jody and I can cook dinner?" Adeline suggested, gathering she liked to bake and cook by the cake she made her.
Jo gasped and clapped her hands together with excitement when she beamed at Adeline.
"Oh, Adeline does make some fantastic food." Klaus said, stretching his arms up so they were placed behind his head.
The others still seemed skeptical.
Jo rolled her eyes. "We'll have alcohol."
"Oh then I'm in," Castor said as everyone else said something similar, all talking over one another.
"Anything specific or just, anything?" Adeline questioned, thinking of the possible things they could make.
"Oh! Maybe homemade pizza! I have this amazing sauce recipe! Oh! Or tacos! Oh! Or chicken! Or—" Jody was rambling with excitement.
"Jo, take a breath," Castor said as if this was a regular thing.
She did just that, breathing in deep to contain herself before she grabbed Adeline's arm and dragged her to the kitchen. "Come on! I have a new apron I've been dying to wear!"
Adeline let out a soft laugh as she tried not to knock anything over by being dragged away.
"So I suppose that concludes the Clarence Meeting?" Uriah decided and Cait took Adeline's phone and ran off to her room after he said this, putting her potato back in the pile.
Klaus grinned, happy to see her sister doing something other than working but that also drew a question to his mind. "So, are we able to go back to work? I know Adeline will go insane by being cooped up here." he asked the remainder of the group.
Uriah and Castor glanced at one another.
"In theory. But the two of you would be working here in New London," Castor said. "That is, after you two cool off for a bit in hiding while we create new legal names, social security numbers, and banking information for you."
"Do we have rooms for them?" Uriah asked.
"Well... we have Jody's craft room and the gym if we—"
"What about your office?"
"No, no, no. I cannot work with all this around. I need my seclusion and my tiny bonsai tree," he insisted.
"Don't you have a desk in your room?"
"I cannot work where I nap! It makes things too tempting—"
"Masturbating?" Runa asked as she was whittling something in her hand.
He looked at her with an incredulous and disgusted gaze. "...No... taking naps," he said sternly with emphasis. "The hell is wrong with you—Is that my wine corkscrew from Rioja?!" he demanded and grabbed it from her.
"I made it better," she said with no emotion.
"You carved a swastika in it..."
"If it makes things easier, Adeline can share a room with me?" Klaus shrugged.
"Oh what?! She's too good for my room?! I see how it is!" Caitrina called from her room.
"Cait! Eat ass!" Raegan called back, "No you guys don't have to share a room. Cait can sleep on a metal roof if asked too."
"No! Last time a bird made a nest in my hair!" she continued to call out.
"Yeah well, this time cover yourself in a blanket!" she rolled her eyes.
"We can move my crafts to my room! I don't mind!" Jody said when she heard the conversation from the kitchen."
"And then we can put the weights in the training grounds. Should be there anyway," Uriah decided. "Go order them some bed frames."
Castor scoffed. "Yes, ly liege," he said with sass and walked off.
"Well... I have a drug lord to tail so... bye," Runa said as she also left and went to her room.
Klaus looked over at Adeline, a soft smile on his lips seeing her grinning ear to ear. He was glad to see her have fun, as most of the time she was stressed from her job and isolated herself. He hoped the change of scenery helped her, maybe she'd even be a little more social now. It might've been a huge change for them but he knew they could adapt. These people were genuine and he knew they could trust them.
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