"So how's detective life going? You catch that guy who was cutting off people's hands?" Uriah asked Raegan when he was dropping his stuff in his room. Uriah's room was clean but homely, with warm colors and not much in the ways of decor. He was never really one to decorate much but he had books, journals, and a gaming setup, as well as camping and hiking gear thrown in the corner. At the far side of his rather large room, was a small workbench where he had woodworking and carpentry paraphernalia, a chalk board with blueprints on it for some new house additions.

The wall behind his headboard was a monotone wallpaper of mountains and the other walls were painted a dark grey-green color. The back wall was also just all window, as Uriah had to be able to have something natural to look at and to wake him in the morning. He wasn't an inside dog.

Raegan was splayed out on his bed with one of his pillows shoved between her arms, an abandoned bag of gummy bears next to her.

Her hair was down instead of being styled in two braids as usual, but it still appeared wavy due to the usual style from the braids.

"No, but I have a good lead. The moment I find him I'm going to kick his ass— I feel like he's just got a hand kink or something because like- why hands?" she said with exasperation.

"Kick his ass, huh? When you can't even take me down?" he teased, pulling out various things from his bag as he did.

"Okay, well you cheat. I could for sure take you down." she threw the pillow that was in her arms at him before sitting up, "I bet I could take Muiredach down."

He laughed loudly as he caught the pillow. "You couldn't even think about trying before he'd have you on the ground. I've tried to fight him myself and it didn't go well. But answer me this: how does one cheat at hand-to-hand combat?"

"Because you're taller and buffer than me— Have you seen my arms? They aren't even in the same realm as yours!" she said, holding her arm up for him to see her bicep, "But don't worry I'll figure out a way... maybe if i get Cait, Adeline and Jody..." she trailed off, thinking about the idea of all of them holding him down.

He was laughing at her first comment before it died down after she made the second remark, showing a smirk instead. "I don't know... you'd probably need more than that. I'm quite the unit," he bragged.

"I'll ask Muiredach to take you down then, he could do it." she crossed her arms over her chest, her brow raised slightly.

"Wait, what? Now you are cheating! I've seen him fight off three truck loads of SWAT by himself with no weapon and he had a cracked femur! He didn't even break a sweat!"

"No! It's not cheating if I'm using my resources!" she exclaimed.

"Well then I'll use my resources and get a whole hockey team in here to—no nevermind you'd probably like that," he sighed.

"Ooo, yes I like that idea." she said with a smirk, rubbing her hands together. "Sexy hockey men tackling me? Sign me up!"

He snickered. "I think Steven would be jealous. How are things with him?" he asked with a bit of snark in his tone. "Did he propose yet?" he asked as he took books from his bag and put them on the shelves.

"Oh, ew, he's gay, I'm telling you he is gonna come out as gay." she threw herself back down onto his bed, her back colliding with the mattress

"Speaking of which, stop making my bed smell like your perfume or Castor will think I'm cheating on him," he joked as he continued to put things away.

She purposely rolled around on his bed, a few gummy bears escaping the bag. "Oh shit." she said, sitting up and popping the ones that fell out into her mouth. "Castor can kiss my ass, I married you first, not him. I have the certificate Cait drew for me in a frame in my room, that's the proof." she said, tossing a gummy bear at him.

"When you two were drunk? Yeah I saw that. The next day Caitrina asked me 'what the hell is this?' because she thought we'd actually gotten married. I said 'no, of course not. I have a type. You know, tall, ugly, no hair. She doesn't fit that mold'." He picked up his pillow she had thrown at him and threw it back at her face.

She pretended as if he wounded her with the pillow, her arms falling limp on either side of her body. "You've wounded me with your words and this pillow. How will I ever recover?" she said, placing a hand over her heart.

"I know what I can do, I'll get you a Barbie, shave its head, and give it to you. Boom, ideal girl!"

"Mmm no if I wanted someone who was made of plastic and ignored me I'd actually marry Castor," he said with his hands on his hips.

She laughed at that, tossing her head back. "Or Muiredach, he's pretty quiet."

"But not made of plastic. Made of steel... We all know he's an android. We had a Clarence Vote."

She gasped, "I knew that man wasn't real!" she replied, "When did we vote on that?!?!"

"Easter. You ditched us for a work party. This is what you get." He took his bag to put it into his closet.

She thought about what he said for a moment, "Oh yeah- hey! They  had free alcohol so I couldn't turn that down." she pointed out, "Although, I could've gone without Steven trying to make out with me."

"Oh I think you could do much worse than Steven. He's got a nice jawline." He turned and leaned his back against the doorframe with his arms crossed over his chest. "What, he not your type?"

"Ew, no." she sat up, a disgusted look on her face, "I like tall, plastic, bald men, you feel me?" she replied, taking his words that he had said earlier.

"Hm, somewhere out there are two mannequins just for us," he remarked with a smirk.

"The mall has mannequins, I can steal two of them for us." she let out a soft giggle before pulling her feet up onto the bed so she was sitting criss-cross. "What about Adeline? She's good looking— Ooo, or Klaus." she said jokingly, but actually genuinely interested if he did find Adeline attractive.

"Are you asking me if I want to date Klaus or Adeline? Or are you trying to say they are your new options?" he asked with his brows raised, confused.

"No! You! Would you date them?"

"Adeline is sweet and I'm sure she's a great girl but I don't see us together... Now Klaus... I'd definitely go for someone like him. He's got strong arms. Can carry me like a baby," he joked.

"I wonder if he's stronger than Muiredach... Have you seen his biceps?" she questioned, a part of her oddly feeling relieved he didn't find Adeline attractive. Not that she cared who he liked anyway...

"Oh, sounds like he might be your type then huh?" he questioned when he came and sat near her on his bed, fiddling with his alarm clock on his nightstand.

She let out a soft scoff, laying her head against his shoulder. "Nah, he's good looking but not really my type. More like a brother to me." she shrugged, tossing  another gummy bear into her mouth.

A strange feeling shot through him when she did that but he didn't know why. Raegan was always very casual with physical affection; hugs and whatnot. She didn't think too deep about it, he knew that. She also joke-flirted with everyone which caught him off guard when they first met but he was used to it now.

He almost was tempted to ask if he was like a brother to her too but didn't want her to think he was flirting with her and make her uncomfortable so he didn't. "I am curious to see who will eventually meet your standards," he said thoughtfully. "I could see you with a cop or a marine... or even a nice hunky hockey player," he said with a twinge of a joking tone at that last one, watching the multicolored sky out his window as the sun had gotten low in the west. From here they could see some of the forest and the cliffs but mostly the ocean.

"Or maybe a mall mannequin." she said with a soft laugh, her eyes also drifting to look out his window. She felt content sitting here with him, her usual crazy demeanor simmering down. For some reason she could never figure out why out of all people it was him that seemed to balance her out. She was known for acting crazy around everyone but when they had moments like this she seemed to naturally settle down and be semi-serious for once. Maybe that was partially the reason as to why she found herself sitting on the bed in his room talking to him.

He chuckled quietly at her comment regarding the mannequin, knowing that was going to be another inside joke they shared from here on.

Good. He liked their jokes.

"So is it true you can, like, magically heal things?" Jody was asking Adeline while they stirred her sauce over the stove. She was wearing a baby pink apron over her blue dress now, her hair in a bun and a bandana around her head to keep the strays from falling into the food.

Adeline hesitated for a moment as she had never really been asked about her abilities, aside from Klaus ages ago. "Uh, yeah," she said, her lips pulling up into a gentle smile. "I suppose that's why I'm an EMT." she said with a soft laugh.

She was still in a pair of Cait's clothes, her hair pulled back into a low messy bun rather than her usual ponytail she wore to work.

"How were you able to keep it a secret if you healed people at the hospital?" she asked curiously.

"Paramedics and firefighters and typically the first to arrive on scene during calls. If the injuries were life threatening I was able to heal them just enough before anyone else arrived. Luckily Klaus works alongside me as a firefighter and helped," she explained.

"So you can only heal mortal wounds?"

"Well—no I can heal just about anything from small cuts to life threatening wounds. Typically paramedics who work alongside me have aches and pains from working all day. I get them but by morning they're gone," she explained.

"So if I burn my hand right now, you can heal it?" she asked as if eager to do it.

"Yes, but let's not." she said, shaking her head just the slightest.

"I can. I want to see what it looks like." She reached for the burner but as she did she hesitated. "Oh man, this is gonna really hurt. Okay breathe. You can do this," she talked herself into it on the verge of tears as if someone was making her do this.

"Jody, no don't do it." she said, grabbing the girl's hand, attempting to stop her from burning her hand.

She had her eyes wide but obeyed her. "Oh! Basil!" She said and went to retrieve some spices. "Okay fine. How about hobbies! Have any hobbies?" she asked when she bound back over, seeming to always walk as if she were wearing springy shoes.

She thought about it for a moment, her face obviously showing she was in thought. "I mean I cook. If I take care of Klaus is one then definitely that, I did garden for a bit but then they started making me work night shifts."

"Aw. What did you like to tend to? Flowers or fruits or veggies or herbs—I love gardens!" She didn't realize that during her rambling she put in too many leaves and had to pull some out. "Sorry. I just love that we have another girl around here. Especially one that doesn't tell me to shut up all the time—"

"Shut up, Jody," Caitrina said to her plainly as a joke but walked on without adding anything else, not even looking up from her phone.

Adeline couldn't help but let out a soft laugh at Cait telling Jody to shut up, "When I did garden I loved to plant flowers, especially roses. They're my favorite flower." she grinned.

"Ooo Roses!" she said but when she did she flung some sauce from her spoon onto Adeline's face. Her jaw dropped in shock mixed with guilt that she just did that.

She scrunched her face together as the sauce hit her face, her hand reaching out for a towel nearby. Once she got a hold of it she wiped the sauce off, "Well... it smells good." she said with a soft grin.

Jody put her hand to her mouth, trying not to laugh. "I'm so sorry!"

"It's okay," she chuckled, "a little got in my mouth and it's safe to say, it does taste good." she said with amusement in her tone.

"Oh yay!" she said and threw her hands up only to sling more sauce but on the countertop this time and she made a face of regret.

This time Adeline let out a loud laugh, placing her face into her hands. "We are never going to be able to eat this sauce because the majority will be on the countertop." she teased, grabbing the towel she used to wipe her face off to wipe off the countertop.

She started laughing at this and decided to carefully place the wooden spoon back over the pot. "It's my fault. It's why I always wear aprons—wait what were we talking about before? Oh right, hobbies. Okay, anything else you like to do?" she asked with interest, going over to grab a glass bowl to make dough.

"She likes to read boring medical books." Klaus said, walking into the kitchen to join them. He placed his hands on the edge of the counter, leaning over it while Adeline rolled her eyes at him. "I'd love to see you name every bone in your finger."

"No chance." he replied.

"I can," Jo spoke up and began to point. "Reginald, Bartholomew..." she frowned and looked at Adeline. "That's not what you meant, was it?"

"Did you name your own bones?" Adeline questioned.

"Not before now... I'm just really good at coming up with names," she said quietly with her eyes still slightly wide as she looked at her.

"I'm impressed." Klaus replied, shrugging his shoulders forward.

"Honestly, they can be called whatever you want." Adeline said with a soft giggle.

"Well, um... anyway... I'm just gonna," Jody said nervously, rather suddenly, grabbing the flour but when she did the bag puffed it all over her face and she shut her eyes immediately in response. 'Ugh really? What is wrong with me?' she thought.

Klaus was quick to spring into action, taking the flour from her hands and placing it on the counter.

Adeline passed him a towel in which he used to carefully wipe the bit of flour off his face, a low chuckle emitting from his lips. "You got a little in your hair." he said using his fingers to dust off the bit of flour off her hair that fell from her bandana.

She went beet red at this and froze up like a wide eyed prairie dog, unable to speak.

"You alright there love?" He questioned, a look of confusion written on his face.

She let out an involuntary high pitched giggle very briefly but quickly covered her mouth in embarrassment. She cleared her throat and turned back to her bowl. "Yes I—I-I-I am." She then fiddled with the recipe card. "Does anyone else hear really loud Pride & Prejudice music?" she asked as her eyes wandered around the space in front of her.

Klaus gave a look in Adeline's direction, receiving a shrug from her.

"...I can't hear anything..." Adeline said after a moment of listening.

"Yeah that's what I was afraid of..." she muttered. She then tried to get back to baking but dropped a metal measuring cup onto the ground and stood there staring at it... before she slowly slid the bowl over to Adeline for her to make it instead as she was too clumsy to trust herself. "I think I might be coming down with something..." she said quietly.

Adeline's brows furrowed together at the change of her demeanor before she looked at her, "Do you want Klaus to take you back to your room? I'll finish this up and come check on you?" she asked.

"No!" she said immediately and there was an awkward silence that occurred when this happened. "I mean... I'm okay. I just... I think I'm just... stop looking at me!" she shouted suddenly and fled to her room.

Adeline blinked a few times, looking off in the direction she ran off to before she turned back to her brother. "What was that about?"

"How would I know?" He replied.

"Well she was fine until you came in here, what did you do?" Adeline asked with her hands on her hips.

"Ads, I'm tellin' ya I didn't do anything, I just came in here to see what all the laughing was." he said honestly.

She glared at him for a moment before pointing her finger, "If I find out you did something to her I'm gonna push you into a lake." she threatened.

"Oh boy! What a threat." he rolled his eyes.

"Well glad you two are together. I have some gifts," Castor said when he came in from upstairs. His rooms were the only ones up there. He had papers in his hands and he came and set them down on the island, frowning at the flour that was everywhere. "Can you—nevermind," he dismissed his OCD and got back to the point. "I have new identities for both of you," He separated the stacks and slapped them down for them to see.

Atop each pile was a new drivers license with entirely fabricated information that they... well had to memorize now. Anastasia Dyer and Milo Barnes.

Adeline turned when she heard Castor voice, her eyes peeking over to look at what he had placed on the counter. She set aside the bowl for a moment and picked up one of them, looking at the information. "Huh, I finally have an alter ego."

Klaus picked up the other stack glancing down at the information before posing a question, "So, what about our appearances? They're gonna know it's us."

"What do you suggest? Drastic plastic surgery?" Castor asked with a brow quirked. "I should be able to manage that," he joked.

"No! I wanna keep my beautiful looks." Klaus replied, which earned him a smack on the arm by Adeline.

"He does have a point, there's a viral video of me, everyone knows what I look like."

"My colleagues will be erasing every trace of you everywhere. Luckily there isn't much more to go on, unless the goons that caught you remember your face but I doubt it. Muiredach's sedative does significant damage to short term memory. They'll wake up with aches and pains and think it's two years ago. Other than that, you don't have many people who know you outside of work. Of course they could remember you from seeing your face but they won't likely be out in this city. We don't get a lot of tourism," Castor explained. "Cait and Muiredach can tell you in better detail how they are accomplishing this. I was just here to do the paperwork—"

"Why didn't Runa do that?" Jody asked as she had to run back to stir her sauce. "Doesn't she have like thirty-seven fake IDs?"

"Yes but the last time she was in charge of the paperwork she legally changed Raegan's name to 'Melanie Fart'," he told her with emphasis.

"I bet Raegan got a kick out of that." Adeline replied, finding it actually pretty fun that Runa had done that.

"Mhm," Castor said and then directed them to their papers. "You will have personalized backstories here, details are up to you but I would recommend having some, because a vague background is suspicious to anyone. Medical history, job history, letters of recommendation from jobs, educational background, birth certificates, and everything else you could need. But to be safe, I would wait a week or two before going back out into the world. This is also for you. It's an old one of mine." He took out a phone and handed it to Klaus. One that looked fairly new as if he had gotten it two years ago. "Do either of you have any more loved ones we need to know about that should be informed of your current arrangement?"

"Neither of them live here. They both live in a secluded residence in Sweden ." Adeline replied, glancing over at Klaus's papers to read his name.

"I thought they were divorced," Jody said curiously.

"They got remarried on Adeline's twenty-first birthday." Klaus piped up, "That's how we reunited." he said, tilting his head slightly in Adeline's direction.

"Awww that's so cute!"

Jody, put the spoon down when you get excited," Castor sighed, hating the sauce that was being flung around his kitchen.

She pouted and put it down.

After eating pizza with a usual chaotic conversation around the table, they all migrated to the living space in front of the fireplace with the coffee table and couches around them.

Once again. Everyone was present except Muiredach.

There was a scoreboard and a top hat with papers inside of it, as well as a black board and soft party-synth music playing which fit how the house looked at night, with the colored lights and the almost Tron-like atmosphere of the home, but still plenty bright enough to see and play games.

"Are we picking teams?" Uriah asked.

"Random! Everyone write down your name!" Jody said with slips of paper and a second hat.

"Your handwriting is monstrous—" Castor said.

"Shut up," Cait scolded.

When everyone got their names in the hat, Jody shook it and handed it to Adeline.

Adeline shuffled her hand through the hat before picking out a piece of paper, "Alright, Uriah you're with..." she dug around for another piece of paper and pulled it out. "Bill clinton?..." she asked with a questioning tone.

"Oh! That's me!" Raegan said excitedly before looking at Uriah, "Alright sexy you're with me."

"Hey, only Castor can call me that," he scolded her.

Castor rolled his eyes.

"Cait and Castor you're together." Adeline said, picking two more slips from the hat.

"No!" Cait complained at the same time as Castor said, "I want a switch—"

"Yeah, me too," Caitrina added.

"The hat has spoken," Runa said. "Suck it up."

"I'm not sucking anything of his—!" Cait said.

"That's not what she..." Castor gave up.

Jody made a disgusted look.

"Klaus and Jody, you two are together," Adeline continued.

"No we're not! I mean not that he wouldn't make a good... courtesan—romantic partner of a nature of... dating or something—" Jody began to ramble.

Klaus's brow quirked up as he looked over at Jody because of her reaction. He couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle at her rambling.

"In the game, Jo..." Castor sighed.

"Oh... right. I knew that," she added and cleared her throat.

"And Runa, you're with me," Adeline finished.

"Don't worry, Adeline. I'm not competitive. But if we lose I will be shaving off your eyebrows tonight," she told her with a dead stare, making her not know if she was kidding or not.

"Hey, whoa, no if we are shaving anyone's brows off it has to be Castor's" Raegan butted in.

"Or... no one gets their brows shaved and whoever wins, wins." Adeline said.

"And no poop revenge," Uriah said sternly.

"God please," Castor agreed.

"That was a disgusting summer," Jody sighed.

"That sounds utterly terrifying and disgusting." Klaus shook his head, trying to not picture it in his head.

"I had nightmares for weeks," Jody said to him.

"I would too if it was bodily fluids or bathroom related stuff..." He replied.

"That was the longest Castor went without eating," Uriah chimed in.

"Whoever loses gets farted on." Raegan piped up.

"No- No, let's not do that, that's what causes pink eye." Adeline said quickly.

Jody frowned. "Does it?"

"Yes, yes it does." She replied.

"Eh, it's just pink eye!" Raegan said to Adeline.

"No!" Castor said as if he shouldn't have to. "Do you remember that time we all shared the telescope when Saturn was visible?! Never again! You and Cait are superspreaders."

"All I hear is Castor is volunteering to be farted on." Raegan said.

Cait laughed loudly and fell from the couch.

"Adeline, why don't you start us off?" Uriah got back to the game.

"Dear Lord, help me." she muttered before standing up.

"HITLER!" Raegan quickly spoke up.

"Raegan! I haven't even picked a paper!" Adeline said.

"Make sure once you pick one, you roll the dice to see if you are acting it out with no words, drawing it, or giving worded clues only!" Jody told her, pointing at their custom made dice for the game. The words on the dice were "Charades", "Taboo", and "Pictionary" to indicate.

Adeline nodded before pulling a slip out of the pile of prompts they all made. When she looked at the slip she shook her head and sighed. She picked up the dice and rolled it, the dice landing on the word "Taboo".

When she was ready, Jody started the timer.

"Knock off of Legolas from Lord of the Rings."

"Castor," Runa said immediately with a straight face.

"What?!" he demanded with offense, Caitrina already bursting into more laughter on the floor.

"Wait no Legolas is actually hot." Raegan interrupted.

He looked at her insulted as Uriah said, "Oh damn..." but this made Caitrina laugh even harder.

"No offense." she added.

"Oh, no offense, yes, well that makes everything better," Castor said with sarcasm.

"Raegan! Say you're sorry!" Jody told her as if she were a toddler. "I think you're handsome!"

"Jody, please I know you're trying to be nice but I do not want to hear that from you," Castor insisted.

"At least she didn't say Sméagol." Klaus shrugged.

"Castor I am so sorry, you look exactly like Taylor Swift." Raegan said with sarcasm.

"Whoever wrote this put, 'not allowed to use the words: jackass, neat freak, insufferable, lawyer, attorney, or white'," Adeline read allowed before sitting down beside Runa.

Caitrina burst into more loud laughing.

Castor grabbed the paper. "Oh yes, I know that horrible penmanship well—she also spelled 'attorney' wrong—are you a literal third grader?" he asked Caitrina.

Adeline giggled, not being able to contain her laughter. She had to admit, it was funny.

"Alright everyone shut up! I'm next!" Raegan called out before standing up and looking at the paper that she grabbed out of the pile.

"Oh this one is perfect for me." she spoke allowed before rolling the dice getting Charades.

Uriah perked up and tried to pay attention.

She grabbed a blanket off the couch, pulling it over herself making it into a makeshift hood. She then put the most serious expression on her face, her lips pulled into a thin line.

Cait spit out her drink when she realized what she was doing.

Uriah kept a smile away but instead he decided to look incredibly concentrated, rubbing his beard. "Well... let's see... a hood... Grim Reaper?"

Jody looked confused. How did he not get it?"

Raegan looked at him and gave him a confused look, "Really? The Grim Reaper?"

"No talking!" Jody said but was also trying to not laugh.

"How about a Nazgul?" Uriah asked.

"Is that another Lord of the Rings reference?" Castor asked Caitrina when she was sitting beside him and she nodded.

Raegan then left the room, the blanket still pulled over her head.

"Oh, now I got it..." Adeline stifled a laugh.

"Hmmm well I know there's a card in there that says 'Castor on his period'. Is it that?!" Uriah called to her, still smirking.

Caitrina spit again.

"Stop drinking beer and laughing at the same time!" Castor scolded her and grabbed wipes out of nowhere to wipe it up.

Suddenly there was a bunch of banging noises sounding from the room Raegan had walked into.

"Oh! Terminator!" Uriah guessed.

"Time!" Jody announced.

Everyone shouted at him in frustration and he just started laughing.

Raegan finally came out of the room, "You suck Uriah!" she said, pulling the blanket off her head. "I wish I could've done pictionary, I would've drawn Batman."

He laughed more at that. "I'm sorry, dimples. I know it was Muiredach. I'll promise I'll lock in the next turn. I just couldn't help messing with you," he told her as he reclined with his legs stretched out, heel over ankle. He drank from his canteen of water, not really a beer person... or any alcohol.

"Can I switch partners since mine is mean? Castor go be with your husband." Raegan said.

Uriah chuckled. "Not Castor. He and I are in a fight, isn't that right, pookie bear?"

"I will end you," Castor replied plainly.

"Is he on his period?" Jody asked.

"I think he's pregnant, hormones, you know? What the fuck Uriah when were you gonna tell us?!" Raegan said jokingly.

"Alright. Time for a second glass," Castor sighed and poured more wine for himself.

Jody started giggling at what Raegan said.

"Just sit down, wild one," Uriah said to his partner, as everyone had shuffled to sit by their teammates.

Raegan popped down next to Uriah, the blanket now pulled over her shoulders.

"I believe it's my turn," Caitrina said.

Castor took a big gulp of wine when she said this.

She picked a piece of paper and then rolled the dice. She grabbed the digital blackboard and held it up, ready to draw.

"Go!" Jody said.

She drew a circle—

"Mitocondria," he guessed.

"Shut up!" she yelled at him and continued to draw.

Adeline was the only one to hear a door open somewhere and from the corner of her eyes she saw movement towards the kitchen.

When she looked over, she saw a tall figure in a dark grey shirt with casual black pants that might be sweats but she couldn't see from here. His build was impressive but that was to be expected with what she saw the previous night. She also had never seen his hair before now and it was long and jet black, not reaching his shoulders but it was long enough to be tucked behind his ears... if he wanted to. But it was loose and partly hanging in his face. She could only see his back as he opened the fridge to get something from it.

She stared at him for a few seconds, her eyes looking him up and down before she diverted her attention back to Cait and Castor.

She sank slowly into the couch, her legs kicking up to rest on the coffee table to make it look like she hadn't been staring at him.

Cait had drawn an angry face on the circle and immediately Castor said, "Muiredach?"

Jody laughed at this guess and covered her face.

Muiredach stopped as he had pulled out a protein shake to down before he glanced back at Castor with a brow raised, his eyes observing what Cait drew with a plain look in his face.

Runa was also laughing now and glancing between them, as well as Uriah when he realized Muiredach was there.

Raegan glanced behind them where everyone else was looking and let out a loud laugh, smacking her thigh. "See! I got his face right!"

Now Cait and Castor were both laughing with everyone else when this was said.

Klaus let out a soft chuckle but then his eyes landed on Adeline seeing how she had sunken back into the couch. He wanted to ask her if she was alright but didn't want to cause a scene.

"Was that the answer? Was it Muiredach?" Raegan asked Cait.

"You still have thirty seconds!" Jody told them.

"No, it wasn't."

"What is it? Angry?" Castor continued to guess.

Muiredach simply shook his head and left to go back to the basement.

"No," Cait replied.





He sighed. "...Is it me on my period?" he asked with an exasperated look.

She burst into laughter again and slumped forward.

"Ten seconds!" Jody said.

"Cait," Castor tried to get her attention. "Cait is that the answer or not?"

She couldn't even reply as she was laughing so hard.

Uriah reached over and took the whiskey she was drinking, sliding it over and out of reach of her.

"Caitrina!" Castor grabbed her arms. "Just nod or shake your head!"

She was unresponsive.

"Time!" Jody said.


"No! It wasn't the answer!" she finally said.

He sighed and threw his arms up in defeat.

Adeline looked over at Runa to see she was now drinking the whiskey.

Uriah and Jody were both laughing softly at this display.

Adeline was going to speak up and stop Runa from drinking the whiskey but she disregarded it. She figured this was certainly not the first time she had drank alcohol.

"So, what was the answer?" Klaus asked curiously, arms folded over his chest.

Castor took it and looked at it. "The Grinch? That's the best you could do?!" he demanded.

"Hey! I got his essence!" Cait replied.

"You didn't draw anything related to Christmas!"

"You and Muiredach were distracting me!"


"Being gay bitches!

"At least I can draw better than that! That looks like a picture from Jody's first graders!"

"Cait!" Uriah said and grabbed the lamp she had picked up to hit him with.

"It's true. My kids are sweet but they can't draw," Jo said. "When I asked them to draw the ocean one of them drew a square."

"It's your turn," Runa told her.

"Oh! It is!" Jo grabbed a paper, making extra sure not to look when she did. She pulled it out she gasped and held it to her chest. "Who put this in here?!" she demanded.

Uriah laughed and Runa took it as she was sitting near her. "Are you kidding? Don't be a bitch. Just do it."

"What?! No!"

"Jo, just go!" Cait said with a groan.

"Ugh!" she stood up and started giggling to herself with embarrassment, putting her hands to her face. "This is going to be so bad! I need to do a lap!" she took off running around the room.

Castor eyed the bottle she was drinking from. "Who let her have orange soda?" he asked with a sigh.

"Okay," Jody said when she came back and rolled the dice, getting Charades with it. "Oh no."

"Just go. You'll be fine," Uriah told her with amusement.

Runa set the timer.

Jody put her heels together as she thought about how she was going to do this. Then she did something with her hands but was she dancing? Or...

Klaus's brows furrowed together as he tried to think of what she could possibly be acting out. "Uh... ballet?" he guessed with a soft laugh.

She shook her head, grimacing nervously. She then acted like she was eating a cupcake.

Klaus was now thoroughly confused, trying to figure out what she was getting at. "Enjoying a pastry?"

The others were all equally confused watching her, no one having a clue what she was doing.

She shook her hair out wildly and swayed a bit but she started giggling and put her hand to her mouth as she was so embarrassed.

Klaus let out a chuckle, glancing around the room to make sure he wasn't the only one who looked confused. "I am honestly not sure..."

She spun and then laid down on the ground on her back, a pillow in her arms.

"Why do I feel like I'm watching an improved play?" Raegan spoke up.

"To me it seems like an allergic reaction." Klaus said, tilting his head to the side, "She ate something and now she's on the ground."

"Knowing her it's probably something extremely simple," Castor remarked before taking another drink.

"Any last guesses? You got ten seconds," Runa pointed out, knowing he wouldn't get it.

"I got nothing." Klaus replied.

"Time," Uriah said.

When Klaus grabbed the paper it read "sex".

"What was it?" Cait asked.

Klaus let out a loud laugh when he read over the word, "Oh, you poor thing." he said to Jody before flipping the paper over so everyone could read it. "How do you even reenact this?"

"Are you kidding me, Jo?!" Cait said with frustration.

"I told you guys I didn't want to do dirty ones but you made me!" Jody shouted back in an accusatory way, pointing at her.

Raegan leaned over Uriah to read it and then busted out laughing, "Oh that's easy! Uriah, get on all fours."

"Nope. I'm good," he replied.

"This is how you do this card!" Cait came and sat on the pillow on the floor, doing pelvic movement on it like she was riding someone, pulling her hair to one side and arching her back.

Castor went red and his eye got wide, glancing away to take another drink of wine.

"See? That's what I'm talking about! Woo!" She looked at Castor. "Let's do shots!"

"No, I think you're done for the night," he said with regards to alcohol. "And that pillow is... definitely done," he said more quietly as he took her arm to pull her back to her seat.

"Aw, that's cute, you're jealous of the pillow!" she replied in a mocking tone.

He snickered and made a face. "Please Cait—"

"Is it because you haven't gotten any in a week?"

"Oh I'm sorry that I have standards and I don't take any stray hunk offering to paint my mailbox," he shot at her.

"Which ones do you take?" Uriah asked.

"Ha, ha," Castor replied with sarcasm.

"...'A week'?" Jody asked in alarm and confusion. Was that really a long time for them to go without sex?

Klaus was still glaring down at the pillow with a look of utter disgust. "That pillow needs to be set on fire," he muttered, pointing at it.

"Klaus! Stop giving them ideas! They'll actually do it," Adeline said, throwing her hands up in exasperation.

"Everyone in this house, minus Runa, needs some good sex, it would solve everything." Raegan piped up.

"No... I don't think that would solve anything." Adeline was quick to chime in.

"Trust me, sex takes away all  your worries. You're an EMT, you should know sex has benefits!" Raegan explained to Adeline.

"Raegan, my line of work does not involve discussions of sexual intercourse and its benefits." Adeline stated plainly, "Can we stop talking about sex there is a child in here." she said, pointing towards Runa with her thumb.

"Ads, I'm sure she's heard worse than sex with Cait living under the same roof as her." Klaus said, tossing the piece of paper onto the coffee table in front of him.

"It's true," Runa said in a monotone voice before taking another drink of whiskey.

"I think it's time for you to stop drinking too," Uriah told Raegan with an amused look on his face.

"No, that's boring. Games like these require a little drinking fun! Now, whose turn is it?" Raegan question.

"Us," Runa said and picked a paper before she rolled the dice. Grabbing the board, she got ready and when the timer was set she drew super fast like an android in a factory, drawing perfectly a room with a desk and chair and a table lamp with a computer, as if she was sketching but sped up.

"Office." Adeline said without any hesitation.

"Oh my gosh—Are you kidding me?!" Cait groaned, throwing up her arms in defeat and frustration, the others making similar reactions.

"Can I have her on my team next time?" Uriah asked.

"Who's that on the floor?" Castor asked.

"Oh that's you being stabbed. I had a little bit of extra time," Runa said.

Raegan busted out laughing at what Runa drew and rolled off the couch onto the floor.

Klaus stared down at her and laughed, shaking his head slightly. "I think she's broken."

Raegan kicked Klaus's leg playfully before sitting up from the floor, "Next time Adeline is with me. I call dibs."

"Well I won't take that personally," Uriah remarked with slight amusement.

"You're too busy picking on me to help me win." she replied, crossing her arms over her chest.

"You're just too competitive for your own good. Maybe what I'm doing is giving you patience and perspective," he replied with equal stubbornness in his voice as her.

She smacked his thigh playfully, "I have both of those! I don't need you to teach it to me!"

He stood up as if this were a challenge and picked her up, slinging her over his shoulder like she was a sack of flour. "Here! Let's see how much patience you have when I hold you like this for the rest of the game!" he told her.

"Uriah! Put me down!" she yelled out, a laugh following as she smacked her fists against his back. "I will tickle you!"

"I feel like we shouldn't be watching this," Castor said.

"You don't even know where I'm ticklish at," Uriah told her with amusement.

"It's under the left ribcage," Runa said plainly.

He pointed at her. "Treason."

Raegan made a soft noise, holding her hand out acting like she was going to tickle him. "Put me down or I will tickle you." she threatened.

"Can we continue the game? I need to win," Cait said.

"Believe it or not, this is not the first time a game of Sharks in Hats has derailed due to Raegan threatening to tickle Uriah," Jody told Adeline.

"You hold the key to a nuclear war with that threat, my dear. Are you sure you want to start it?" Uriah questioned.

Adeline smiled at their interaction before glancing over at Jody, "I believe it." she said, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Put me down and there won't be war," she replied, reaching her hand down and smacking him on the ass.

"Hey you minx if I'm not allowed to smack you there, then you can't smack me there, alright? Make it fair. Now I'm gonna put you down slowly, no tickling. Got it?" Uriah said as if the two were in a Mexican Standoff.

"Fine, deal." she replied, crossing her arms over her chest waiting for him to put her down.

"It takes us twelve days to play Monopoly," Jody said to Klaus.

"Well it looks like Caitrina and Castor are at the bottom with zero points, Jody and Klaus are next with four. Raegan and I have six, and our winners are Adeline and Runa with twelve," Uriah announced when the game was over.

"Woo!" Adeline said excitedly, clapping her hands together.

"Of course they win!" Raegan groaned, "one of these days I am going to win, and when I win everyone is going to buy me Ice cream."

"You don't need any more sugar right now," Uriah said with a chuckle. "Come on, you're going to bed." He picked her up before carrying her away.

"No! I want Ice cream!" she yelled out, trying to break from his hold. "Klaus! Save me!"

"Nah I'm comfortable where I'm sitting!" Klaus called back, chuckling softly.

"Are you comfortable enough to see these?! WOOO!" Cait said when she flashed him. Luckily she was wearing a bra but even so. It was clear she was drunk.

"Oh bloody- my eyes!" Klaus said, quickly bringing his hands up to cover his eyes.

"Caitrina!" Jody shouted immediately.

Adeline busted out laughing, a hand coming up to cover her mouth.

"Why do they look like that?!" Klaus yelled out, obviously joking.

"What?! What are you talking about?! They're perfectly symmetrical!" Cait argued defensively.

"Nope—don't show us again. Time for bed yourself," Castor said when he grabbed her arm before she could flash them a second time.

"Unhand me you wanker!" she said in a weird accent.

"Are you mocking me?" Klaus gasped out.

"Relax, Oxford, everyone here is English, not just you. She just pretends she's The Doctor when she's drunk," Runa said, finishing the expensive bottle of whiskey as Adeline realized she had and she wasn't even buzzed in the slightest.

"Time to get in my TARDIS—!" Cait was saying as Castor just picked her up like Uriah did with Raegan and carried her to her room bridal style, while she was making Sonic Screwdriver sounds the whole way... whatever that was.

"Maybe I will sleep on the couch tonight..." Adeline shook her head, watching Castor carry Cait off to bed.

Klaus chuckled before he stood up, stretching his arms out in front of him. "I'm sure she'll be out like a light."

"She needs the bed more than me." she giggled, standing up as she collected the glasses off the table and brought them into the kitchen.

"Oh I think Uriah got a mattress set up in my sewing room for you! I haven't gotten everything out of there just yet but it's nice and quiet and you won't wake up to Cait puking," Jo said when she hopped up from the couch to help clean up.

"Cait, don't drink that!" Castor was shouting from her room.

Adeline laughed softly as she overheard the yelling, turning on the sink so she could clean out the glasses. "Nothing I haven't heard before but, I'll sleep in there so I don't get woken up." she said.

Klaus brought up whatever remaining glasses he could find left, as well as the pieces of paper with the prompts on them that had been scattered about. "They're gonna be hungover." he said with a smile, tossing the crumbled up papers away.

"Both of you shoo, go to bed I'll get this." Adeline said, waving her hands out at both of them.

"No you won't," Jody said with her hands on her hips. "You're new. You don't have cleaning duties. That's always been my job and Castor because he's OCD and then Uriah always likes to help too—but that's not the point. You two aren't even on the chore wheel yet. So, no."

"Agh! Did you just bite me?!" Castor's voice shouted from afar.

"I feel like I should go check on them..." Klaus said, his head turning toward the direction of the screaming.

"You might get bitten too," Adeline replied with a laugh as she put the cups in the dishwasher. "Anyway, it's the least I can do. Let me clean up," she added, responding to Jody.

"No! Adeline I'm not even tired! Seriously, I have so much energy I could literally climb a mountain so please let me do this myself because I need something to do with this sugar rush energy—or I'm gonna run around the house—I'm gonna—I'm gonna—" Jody's eyelids became so heavy she couldn't keep her eyes open anymore and she slumped onto the island, but Klaus had to catch her before she just collapsed onto the floor like a toddler after a spurt of energy, already half asleep.

"Oh, well." Klaus chuckled softly, adjusting her in his arms. "I'll take her to bed," he told Adeline with a smile, then turned to Jody, gently scooping her up bridal style. "I'll see you in the morning, don't stay up late.."

Jody was mumbling something about "fireman" and "nipples".

"I'll try not to, goodnight Klaus." Adeline smiled gently as Klaus carried Jody to her room. After closing the dishwasher and starting it, she made her way to the couch. She scooped up the pillows that had been haphazardly tossed on the floor, arranging them neatly back on the cushions. Then, she folded the blankets and draped them carefully back over the couch.

She then shut off all the lights before making her way to her makeshift room, plopping face first onto the bed.

Cait hurled into her small trash can and Castor had a clothespin on his nose because of the smell of vomit. "Cait, can you... oh goodness me," Castor was saying in frustration as he tried to pull her hair back. "Your hair is like the Little Orphan Annie, for God's sakes, woman," he added as he took one hand and pulled off his tie to tie it around her hair.

"You know... you know I think you're a sexy man. I call you as ugly as sin all the time but that's just teasing, you know that," she was saying with slurred words.

"Hm... I know you're drunk but I am definitely not letting that one go..." he told her with a twinge of sass.

"You've got a nice ass."


"And a nice face—"

"Cait, don't. Please don't touch me with that hand after wiping vomit off your face," he said when he dodged her finger.

"Well... apparently Raegan didn't drink half as much as Caitrina did..." Uriah said in the doorway.

"It's like those two have a competition for who can be the most idiotic. Thank god they don't go out to clubs anymore."

Uriah chuckled. "Go to bed. I'll take care of her."

He stood up gladly, trying to avoid the smell and thought of vomit as it would make him do the same. "Just... let her keep the tie," he told him before leaving.

He shook his head before walking over to Caitrina to make sure she was okay and help her get into bed once the vomiting eventually stopped.

"That's it. I'm not drinking ever again," she groaned.

"Hm... I'm sure that will stick," Uriah replied before putting a blanket on her.

Sometimes he just felt like the father of everyone in this house...

But he didn't mind that. They needed a bit of a guiding hand.

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