"Well your dad's definitely going to meet in his worth. When he meets her alright. Well I'm going to go back downstairs with the others. Are you ladies coming?" She asked.
"Right behind you mom." I replied, as we all walked out of her room. When do you have my purse as we walk down. Introduced by a whole room full of people.
"Well dear you'll never believe. This but her friend. Athena climbed into the freaking window. And I found out she's Greek. And calling her beautiful is an understatement. I'm just telling you she's really something. But in a good way. everybody be nice. I called you all here to make her feel better. I'm just glad to say I've already confirmed that she is an actual person
And I've already confirmed her age she is definitely 24. She even showed me her ID. I didn't know she was that much older. Than you guys."
She whispered before letting us walk out. Wendy's been in front of me.
"Okay so y'all ready to meet Athena?"
"Yeah been wanting to I want to know where the heck my girlfriend always talking about. We dated for 3 years and I've never met her. Not to mention. All your friends that grew up with you since you were in diapers. Like my sister have never seen her. So I want to apologize in advance Athena. From all of us that we thought that you weren't a real person." He boyfriend said.
"No it's cool and I apologize that it's taken. So long for me to meet any of you my father is just so strict he doesn't want to go anywhere I have just need are just to see her. Good thing I'm in gymnastics and I'm a good climber. I'm pretty athletic. So I'll climbing a trees nothing for me." I replied.
"Holyshit There's an actual person behind her. That scared the shit out of me. I wasn't expecting anybody answer not being rude but we haven't seen you yet. We didn't know. I mean we've never seen the pictures nothing. One of her other friends blurted practically choking on their drink when I answered. I didn't hesitate to literally pick her up off the ground and physically move her they just got gawked.
"Now You See Me I am Athena. Sorry I'm really physically strong. I work out a lot and she's as light as a feather." I replied. Putting her down.
"Holyshit she's hot damn girl where are you hiding her. We'll get your fine booty over here. I'm Daina." Her friend said, extending her arms wanting a hug. I walked over chuckled sending down hugging her.
"She's she's a nice tall drink a glass." She said, making me laugh.
"Well I do model I'm definitely built for it." I joked.
"No baby girl you a damn goddess." Her friend joked as I just glanced over and Wendy laughing. Nervous they might be catching on to me. But they blame me this is my first time around humans other than Wendy.
"Athena relax and drink alcohol." She mouthed so they wouldnt hear her.
"Yes ma'am okay mom do you got shots?" I asked, as her mom pulled out a horned her box full of them I took one she took one. And she just started pour. See up and eaten if you're drinking alcohol with someone you have to stick your arm through theirs and then drink it and I did this unconsciously and she just started laughing.
"Sorry it's a hundred isn't my bad I keep on forgetting. That I don't have to do that here.
"No it's fine I like it but how the hell do you not managed feeling on each other in the process." She laughed drinking hers. Trying not to hit my arm in the process. So she didn't spell it. She didn't and I'm feeling some of it on herself.
"Skill lots of skill especially if you're really drunk. I'm Greek so we normally drink at a younger age." I said.
"Okay show me how a Greek does it." She teased
"Okay you're on. First you got to stop trying to avoid hitting my arm and actually. Lock your arm into mine biker giving a firm handshake but with your arm that's how you avoid spilling it." I said, showing her an example. Using her arm. Noticing one of her female friends and one of her male friends were literally recording us on their phone.
"Oh come on you knew I had to record you. Hear our newest friend to our Circle and your foreign. How could. I not resist showing them what you're teaching her. Plus no offense Auntie it's kind of funny watching you fail. Say hi so do you care if I stick this on my social media page. Since Miss windy over here tells me that your in your hometown you're not allowed to use it. We want introduce our cool new friend to the world.
"Yeah my father doesn't let me. Use social media for reasons. He thinks it's toxic and he's very. Old fashioned funny thing hes not even that old. So how does it exactly work out of curiosity. I want when I do get drunk don't let me near any poles or fire I know how to do fire play and I have a tendency. To do that a lot when I'm drunk. Almost caught my dad on fire last time. I accidentally blew up fire right in his face. He was not happy." I replied after Downing three more shots not even missing a beat. While her mom struggling to keep up with me.
"Damn when Grace can put it away they're not joking." I said Downing me several more without even taking a break.
"No they are not I'm not even feeling it yet then again muscles are probably because I really irritated but not as bad as earlier earlier I almost took out Aphrodite not even joking I want to rip that girls fuking throat it out. She's never had a problem with me all my life. In fact she never even acknowledge me. But you had as soon as a bitch sees. What I actually look like she starts acting all High & Mighty getting old in my face and all kinds of shit just because her man was snuggling me even though he's not even her man she sleeps with everybody from my hometown for God's sakes That's Why They Call Her Aphrodite but let me tell you her attitude is pure shit she thinks she's better than everybody else she thinks she I want him just because got it one time which was only because he was drunk. And I mean like stupid drunk. When he told her he didn't want a relationship she gets all butthurt. And then decides to try to challenge my ass because he admitted he likes me. And her partner in crime with fuking listening to me. When I was telling my dad. But asswhole and her partner in crime. Decides to listen in on my conversation with my dad. When I
Admitted I did like him calling me a slut. A little nobody a fake all kinds of shit like he could never like a child like me bight we're the same age how the fuk am I a child who. That woman just really pisses me off. Like no one in my hometown. Can just mind their own business. Sorry I'm ranting cuz they're that or I'm going to explode a man who chews exploited somebody while they're still in their guts about the person to their dad and send it to him I mean how humiliating. Not to mention they cost him a shit. Ton of trouble in the process. Guess I'm just feeling really guilty because of the way I had to leave things. He is never going to want to see or talk to me again. But I had no other options it was either coming or was my shit.
I'm probably destroying half my house in the process. Not even joking that's what happened last time. I bottled up everything. I'm not going to lie to you guys I am pretty violent. Especially if I'm angry.
"As long as it's not with us baby girl you're fine. That's what we're here for talk away. We all know it's much healthier to have somebody to talk to and too bottle it up or get violent. But if you take your phone with somebody can we video tape it?" Wendy's boyfriend's friend joked. That I also so I found out was named Conor. He was a fairly big now she was definitely handsome like a wolf. But I could tell just by looking at him and he was definitely an alpha.
"Oh my God you guys are too much. But yeah definitely especially if it's Aphrodite. I want to see that shit."
Not realizing that I was punching my fist so tightly I was making it bleed. The mail that she pointed out that had the violet eyes was actually from Eden I could tell by the smell. He walked over open my hand and started cleaning it when you noticed that it was healed instantly he looked at me curiously before realizing I put my fingers to my lips. Slyly so they wouldn't notice.
"I asked him question why are you actually here can't you get in trouble." He whispered trying to give his voice down the wolf's noticed I'm parked his ears up.
"Not necessarily because if you read the actual manual there's nothing in there saying that I can't come here and no snitching. If any of them come after me I'm a kick everyone's ass." I said catching their attention.
"I wasn't asking cuz I was going to tell. I was asking cuz I'm worried. I don't want you getting punished. I know how severe they can be sometimes they don't trip around up there.
"Yeah well but can't exactly touch King's Daughter besides I can easily beat them and with what mood I'm in I'd probably killing the process. That's why I had to leave and besides I was supposed to be coming here in a couple days anyways Hercules is getting married in like 3 days and he called me in because I'm h he works for me you want to see my damn paper cuz I have a paper which authorizes me to be here and as long as I carry that they can't technically drag me back." I informed him trying to get my voice. But at the same time not even giving a shit
"You're the one they call Selena?" He asked which made the two wolves walk over
"Please tell me she's not for me shes not from Eden." Conor asked.
"Yeah and if I am what are you going to do about it not to be fine friends but you can't exactly match me I'm not sure if one of the names I go by my actual name is Athena. And honestly I would have totally gotten away with it. If I wouldn't cut my hand.
Look we're not going to get physical with you I know that if I'm worried about what you are we definitely wouldn't be able to even touch you
World genius what do you think the Greek god Athena is duh I'm exactly what you think I am. Sorry I am a little tipsy.I'm not sorry I am a little tipsy and a very fuking bad day. And when you're as old as I am and how to put up their ship as much as I get really set up with all bullshit. Make volume at the people in need in their all fuking fake. Everyone they thought was my friend turn their back on me all because of Aphrodite and everyone else sliding with her I have no real friends there do you blame me to come into the one friend I actually do have. She's the only one that I really opened up to her that knows the real me. Sorry but I'm not fake like them. I'm honest and straightforward. I'm the complete opposite of every other one. Up there I don't know who I could turn to and she's the only person I evenTrust. I don't even fully trust my own birth parents to be honest sometimes. They only showing interest in me. When they realize how much potential. I have they lock me up all the time. They don't trust me to be by myself. If you grew up the way I did. You learn really quick that it's either measure of everybody's expectations or my situation. Where no one likes you cuz you're honest. I told him how I really feel and I showed them how I really was and they didn't like it. When did the only one that ever accepted to where. I actually am how. I actually I'm still wanted to be my friend. When you're used to a world like that. You learn really quick to try everyone like a stranger even if you like them because 90% of the time they're not going to have feel the same." I said, softly does the female wolf sat on my lap randomly. And started petting me. I didnt hate it though.
"Yeah that's the same reason why Christopher left. But your the one of them. That's ballsy enough to leave and come here. Despite the consequences." She said, hugging me to calm my fury.
"Wait shes from the same place Christopher's from. Wait doesn't that mean she's not human?" A girl asked.
No far from it she's one of the head honchos. She's the main kings daughter. She's a living god. So no one tells anyone she's here."Christopher said, nodded.
"Holy shit so that's why she's so gorgeous. Isn't Athena a greek goddess?" Wendy's boyfriend asked.
Yeah I'm the Greek god of war and wisdomWhy do you think I'm so strong and athletic.Sorry I didn't know any of the humans here knew about us. That's why I told Wendy to keeping hush hush of flat out said it. Just to be clear it's not but I didn't trust you It's more of I didn't want to put you in danger. Because of the fact that King daughter. I know that everybody's. Going to be looking for my ass." I exclaimed, pulling out my dragon who I shrunk down to the size of a Guinea pig. Her mother walked over.
"Is that a live dragon. Did you just seriously just pull that out of your purse?" I said making her grow to the size of a standard sized dog.
Ya sorry mom I didn't have the heart to leave my baby with those asswhole. Her names Wind I raised her from an egg. 5 hundred years ago. She always with me. She actually throws a tantrum. If I leave her behind. She'll refuse to eat, drink, or sleep. The whole time I'm gone. And I didn't know how long I was going to be her. I just shrank her down to size. Believe it of not. When shes in full size. She's the largest dragon on record the last three hundred years. As the biggest dragon in Eden. She's literally the size of a normal two of three story house. She absolutely loves Weddy. Do you still want to be my friends knowing what I am?" I asked, nervously. As Wind went straight to Wendy. Climbing up her clothes to her chest to start licking and nuzzling her.
"Sweetie no one here is going to judge you or reject you just because you're a livingng greek goddess. In fact we think that completely badass. How many people do you know that can say their friends with such an amazing person. The fact your a real living goddess is just a bonus. Athena we love you just the way you are. We're just going to change our minds over what you're born as. No one is in control of what they born as. Just like we can't our color or what family were born into. Not all family's blood relatived. But that doesn't make us any less family. We'll protect you as you protect us. We're in this together. You'll never be alone even. If we're apart." Our friends Nicky assured me giving me a hug as the others did the same. They gather on each side of me. As I stood in the middle. I picked Nicky up propping her up on one arm while doing the same thing with my other arm. With my other arm with one of our other friends Megan. They laughed as Wendy's mom snapped pictures. Even after after I put them down and even. Of my carrying Conor bridal style all because he tried running from me. When Wendy's dad dared him to let me pick him up. Since he was the tallest Male with the biggest body build out of our friends. He litterally latched onto. To me as I lifted me into the air with one arm bridal style effortlessly.
"Relax alpha I'm not going to drop you. Someone must of dropped him as a pup. My Bodyguard I grow up and some other wolves I know. Do the same thing if anyone lifts them up. And the only thing they had in common is that were dropped as a pup." I replied, putting him down. Helping him stand till he calmed down and his legs stopped shaking. His was the worse case I've seen.
"Ya but guarentee known of them have been thrown into a river by their mother. My birth mother threw me into a raging river when I was five months old. She was trying to drown me." He said, I hugged him.
"Sorry I shouldn't have done that I was trying to scare you. I should've known better. When you latched onto me shaking." I whispered.
"It's okay sweetie. It's not like you knew." He forgave me. The rest of the night talking. About our lives reminiscing in fond memories. Horsing around. While her mother kept pouring me drinks. I literally drank three. Whole bottles to my face by myself. So needless to say. I was feeling pretty damn good. By the end of the night. To the point I passed out on the floor beside Conor and Christopher.
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