Chapter 7
Dino was now at the Burger Shop with Boruto and Shikadai. Boruto was drawing out the shadow that's been trapping people.
"And done," Boruto said. He showed them his drawing. "The shadow I saw is supposed to look like this."
"Is that supposed to be my brother?" Dino asked.
"Can't you tell by the leg warmers and eyebrows?" Boruto asked. Dino and Shikadai both glanced at each other. "When it happened to Shino-sensei, he said he felt like he was being controlled the whole time, right?"
"uh-huh," Shikadai confirmed
"So, that must mean there's someone behind this, pulling the strings," Boruto gathered.
"Although it would be unusual of the person being controlled to remember what happened," Shikadai stated. "Besides controlling someone is usually done for a purpose, right?"
"Yeah, you'd think so," Dino agreed. "But so far, all people did was go on rampages."
"And I'm wondering if this is just some kind of illness," Shikadai suspected.
"No, mom doesn't think it's an illness, she did a check-up on Metal yesterday," Dino stated. "Plus, Boruto is the only one that can see it."
"It just doesn't seem to make sense," Shikadai sighed, resting his chin on his hand. Dino saw Pia passing by in front of them with Sarada, Cho-Cho, and Sumire.
"Damn it," Sarada sighed. "Now, we've wasted so much time thanks to Boruto and those other guys."
"Well maybe they had some kind of emergency," Sumire suggested.
"According to Dino, it was more than just some kind of emergency, but he won't tell me a thing," Pia stated.
"Please, don't let them fool you," Sarada advised. "I bet you all they wanted to do was get out of cleaning duty."
"Uh, who cares about those losers," Cho-Cho groaned. "Let's go and get something sweet to eat." Pia reached into her pack. "Sweet treats all over the world just waiting for us. Yay!" Sumire suddenly stopped walking."
"What's wrong?" Sarada asked walking back to her. "Ms. Class Rep?"
"Oh...uh...well...I thought I felt someone watching me," Sumire answered.
"I don't see anyone around here," Cho-Cho stated, Sumire laughed lightly.
"Sorry," Sumire apologized as they continued walking. Sumire suddenly let out a scream, she jumped back ready to fight.
"Who's there?" Cho-Cho demanded enlarging her fist as she jumped back. Sarada took out a kunai and Pia took out a Cacti needle as they jumped back. Nobody was there. Pia looked at Sumire...something was off about her.
The next day, everyone was at school, Pia was sitting in a circle with some of the girls.
"Guys, isn't it obvious, I'm wasting away?" Cho-Cho asked as she squished her cheeks.
"Uh," Wasabi and Sarada breathed uneasily.
"I guess so," Wasabi answered.
"She's been like this ever since it started," Sumire informed.
"What are you telling us you are still being stalked?" Namida asked.
"We can sense someone watching, but we never see them," Pia explained. Cho-Cho put a chip on her mouth.
"I'm so anxious I haven't been able to eat properly," Cho-Cho groaned. All the girls breathed lightly as Cho-Cho hugged the chip back. "Stalkers are totally sticky just like Nato, and I really really hate it. They just leave me alone in piece whoever they are."
"I just wish they would reveal themselves," Pia sighed.
"Next time I will find him and get him for sure!" Cho-Cho declared standing up.
"Is this another incident?" Mitsuki asked.
"No way," Shikadai denied. "Come on it's not like everything going to lead a rampage now."
"It does have my sister pretty freaked out," Dino sighed. "She was a bit too cautious training by herself last night and attacked dad when he went out to check up on her."
"It certainly not a matter we can't ignore," Koga stated. After school, the girls hurried over to a store so Cho-Cho could buy some chips.
"I hate this," Cho-Cho groaned. " I can't believe I actually ran out of potato chips."
"I thought you were having problems eating properly," Sarada brought up as she looked at a magazine with Sumire.
"She is, Cho-Cho normally eats the chips at more of a steady pace," Pia stated as she looked at the cards. "She sped through her chips today."
"Exactly, chips are better to enjoy when savoring the taste rather rushing through them," Cho-Cho stated. After Cho-Cho bought Mugwort and Sweet Red Bean Paste chips and Pia purchased a card, they left the store, taking an alley.
"Too sweet!" Cho-Cho complained after taking one bite.
"Why on earth did you buy that flavor?" Sarada asked.
"It may know it sucks, but even so it's still trying to compete against all those other chips as a new product," Cho-Cho explained. "No ones even considered buying it. It's been ignored and shoved to the corner of the lowest shelf. That's exactly why I had to accept its challenge fair and square." She threw a chip in her mouth. "So sweet!"
"Sure thing," Sarada breathed.
"Do you think he'll show up today?" Sumire asked.
"How do you know the stalker is a he?" Pia asked.
"Whoever it is....sticky people like that do tend to show up in deserted places like this," Cho-Cho pointed out. Sumire and Sarada gasped turning around. "So you are here?" Cho-Cho readied her arm, as Pia took out a few needles. "Partial Expansion Jutsu!" She slammed her fist into the vending machine, all the girls ducked; they heard a scream be let out. They dragged the boy out from behind; they sat him on the ground, Pia did a few hand signs; a large amount of cacti needles surrounded the guy, one move and he would be put into a slumber.
"Pia! What are you doing to him?!" a voice demanded. They looked over to Dino, Boruto, Shikadai, Mitsuki, and Koga.
"Pia! You don't have to be so violent!" Boruto shouted.
"He's the one that's been stalking us," Pia stated looking over at them.
"Put your needles away," Shikadai groaned as he grabbed her arm. "This is a drag." Pia did as she was told, the guy sat on his knees as they surrounded them.
"So this is the guy you've been talking about?" Boruto asked as they stared at him.
"That's right," Sarada confirmed.
"Wait, come to think of it your--" Cho-Cho began.
"You know this guy?" Dino asked.
"I'm pretty sure he's Magire from the class next door," Cho-Cho answered. "There aren't that many handsome guys at the academy so he'd actually rank near the top."
"I can't believe he was really following you," Sumire stated.
"Boruto, does this guy have--?" Shikadai whispered to him.
"Nah, I don't see anything around him," Boruto denied. " And I don't sense anything weird coming from him either."
"Okay," Shikadai breathed.
"But still we can't just let him off the hook that easily, ya' know," Boruto said, putting a hand behind his head.
"Explain," Pia ordered squatting in front of him.
"I'll handle this," Boruto said squatting next to her. " Why would you do something like this?" The guy gasped looking up at them. "Have you really been stalking Cho-Cho?" He looked away. "Hey! Why don't you say anything?"
"We won't get anywhere if you continue giving us the silent treatment," Pia stated.
"But seriously, what are you doing following Cho-Cho around?" Shikadai asked, crossing his arms. "You have really strange taste."
"Oh, my," Cho-Cho blushed, flipping her hair. "I totally understand why you would want to follow me around, but I', so so sorry, you and I?... Well, we are just like macaroons and Nato. We are just indifferently."
"No, you're wrong!" Magire denied it as he got to his feet. "The person I am following is Miss Sumire!" He pointed at her. Everyone remained silent, he turned around nervously.
"It's still creepy no matter who you follow!" Pia stated, standing up, she put her foot on his front, slamming him into the wall. "Explain."
"Pia!" Boruto shouted; he pulled her away. "But seriously, the class rep?"
"So that means the one he likes is," Shikadai began.
"What? Huh!?" Sumire blushed; she turned away.
"Man, I'm so relieved," Cho-Cho smiled. "Well, it seems that my plan to get him to confess the true was a complete and total success then."
"Yeah, right," Dino huffed as Shikadai bought a pop from the vending machine.
"In any case, you took all of this way too far," Shikadai started, he opened the can, sipping his drink.
"But...what else was I supposed to do then?" Magire asked.
"Not be a creep," Pia answered, crossing her arms.
"I just...all I really wanted to do is breathe the same air as Sumire," Magire confessed.
"Do that's really creepy," Boruto said as Sumire hid behind him.
"So are we all done here?" Magire asked nervously, he began to leave. "I'll just be on my way."
"No way!" Boruto denied latching onto the guy. "We're just getting started pal!"
"Actually, this may be your big chance," Cho-Cho brought up.
"Huh?" they all asked.
"Nows the time," Cho-Cho smiled, pointing at him. "To tell her how you feel." Magire and Boruto both blushed heavily.
"What?" Magire panicked.
"Are-are you serious?" Boruto asked.
"If you tell her how you feel right now, then I'll forgive you for what you've been doing," Cho-Cho said putting her hands on Sumire. "And maybe even." She gave a thumbs up. Everyone gasped. Magire stepped up to Sumire.
"What?" Boruto panicked, latching onto Mitsuki, as Dino latched onto Koga. "He's doing it." His voice went higher. "He's doing it." Magire breathed deeply, in and out. Sumire's eyes were sparkling as she looked up at him, suddenly Magire bowed, holding out a hand.
"I've had a crush on you," Magire confessed. Cho-Cho and Pia both latched onto each other as they watched. "For a really long time. Please! Would you go out with me!?"
"He actually did it," Boruto gasped as steam rose from him.
"He's got guts," Dino stated as he steamed up.
"I'm sorry," Sumire denied bowing her head.
"And he got rejected," Shikadai sweated. Magire went into shock, he dropped to his knees.
"No way," Magire gasped. "What the hell? I only did it because you told me to. I should have just stayed hidden, I would have been better off." He started crying.
"Yeah, I thought something like this would happen," Cho-Cho said as he walked over.
"Seriously?!" Pia gasped.
"You did?" Dino asked.
"I really can't believe, she'd be so cruel," Shikadai admitted.
"Listen," Cho-Cho began holding out a chip. "Here have one of these, cheer up okay." Magire looked up at her. "You never really know what's going to happen, unless you setup up to the challenge right? So you'll know just what to do the next time? You understand?" He smacked the chip out of her hand.
"Are you messing with me!?" Magire demanded getting up. "What the hell?!" He ran off crying.
"Talk about rubbing salt into a wound," Sarada stated as Cho-Cho caught the chip.
"Well, if he doesn't get it, then he's just a loser," Cho-Cho said, he took a bite of the chip. "Still too sweet!"
"This is going to be hard for him to accept," Shikadai stated.
"Still I feel like much worse could have happened if he stayed hidden," Koga said as he glanced at Pia.
"You think that dudes going to be okay?" Boruto asked. That night Pia was sitting in her room, with her brothers, she was dipping Cacti needles into a pot of numbing poison.
"I hear that the stalker issue is resolved," Metal stated as he laid the Catci needles on a towel to dry.
"Yeah, we caught him in the alley," Pia answered. "Turns out he was being creepy about his crush on Class Rep."
"He wanted to breathe the same air as her," Dino pointed out.
"That is creepy," Metal said as Dino fished out some needles. "If he shows up, get me, your big brother will take care of him!" He gave a thumbs up and a sparkling smile.
"You are only thirty minutes older," Pia stated.
"And fifteen minutes older than Dino," Metal said. "Altogether I am the oldest."
The next day, everyone sat at tables, quietly reading and doing their work. They were drawing faces of the Hokage that was placed in front of them.
"So what happened to the stalker?" Shikadai asked.
"I don't know, don't ask me," Cho-Cho answered.
"So I hear you're popular with the boys," Inojin stated leaning over to Sumire, she blushed heavily.
"How'd you find out?" Sumire asked. "It just happened yesterday?" Namida let out a scream.
"Namida, what's the matter?" Wasabi asked.
"Just look at the board," Namida answered pointing forward. Everyone looked to see writing.
'Sumire, I'm always watching you.'
"Who's idea of a prank is this?!" Shino asked angrily. Sumire shuddered in fear. He started to erase the board. "Everyone just keep working on your drawings."
"What's going on here?" Dino asked.
"It's that guy," Cho-Cho answered angrily.
"Let's figure out if he showed up today," Pia suggested. Once class ended, everyone asked around.
"Boruto," Mitsuki said walking up to a group of them with Koga. "Apparently, you know who was absent today."
"Huh?" Cho-Cho gasped.
"No ones seen him," Koga said.
"That can't be!" Cho-Cho denied.
"Does that mean Sumire has another stalker?" Dino asked, tilting his head.
"No, my intuitions are never wrong, I'm sure it was him," Cho-Cho said. A piece of paper flew in front of them.
"What's that?" Boruto asked, looking up. They all looked up to see millions of pieces of paper flying all over the place. Sumire knelt dow;, picking one up, she gasped at what was written on it. The others did the same.
'Sumire, you look cute today.'
'I'm always right beside you.'
'Sumire, I love you.'
'Sumire, I like you.'
"He's lost it," Boruto trembled.
"Pretty sure, that guy's the only one who would've done this," Shikadai said looking at the papers falling all around them.
"Yeah, you're right about that," Pia agreed. "The question is how did he do it?" They slowly made their way back to class, looking out for Magire.
"Damn it, where do you think he could be now?" Shikadai asked.
"Don't worry," Boruto assured. "As long as the class rep's not alone, it'll be fine." Suddenly, the gate behind them slammed shut, separating them from the girls/
"What the? What is this?" Dino as he tried to get the gate to budge.
"This guys' serious," Cho-Cho growled as Sumire panicked as all the girls got in defensive mode.
"You okay?" Boruto asked as he banged on the gate. "Damn it!"
"It's pretty solid," Mitsuki said.
"It might be dangerous to stay here," Sarada said as she began to run away.
"Let's go," Cho-Cho said, they all ran away from the gate.
"Hey, wait you guys!" Shikadai called out.
"Pia!" Dino shouted as he banged on the gate even more. The girls ran, they hid inside the Ninja Tool Prep Room.
"I don't think he'll find us in here," Sarada said as they started to explore the room. "Do you?"
"We ran super far so I'm sure we'll be fine," Cho-Cho said as Pia opened a barrel. Suddenly, the place filled with smoke.
"What's going on?" Pia asked as they all started to cough.
"I'll open the door!" Sumire announced, lighting soon filtered into the room. "Hey, you guys, it's this way!"
"Where?" Pia asked as the door suddenly shut.
"Sarada! Cho-Cho! Pia!" Sumire shouted as they started to bang on the door. Eventually, they were able to get the door open, when they opened it, they saw Denki laying on the ground and Sumire gone.
"We made it," Sarada gasped.
"Denki!" Boruto gasped appearing out of the smoke.
"What happened?" Dino asked as he flipped Denki over, the others arrived.
"Someone knocked over a ton of smoke bombs and then trapped us inside," Pia answered.
"Is that guy behind this too?" Boruto asked.
"He's totally out of control," Shikadai stated.
"Hey, where's the class rep?" Boruto asked as he stood up.
"Sorry," Cho-Cho denied, suddenly they heard screaming.
"That was her!" Sarada gasped. They ran till they found, Magire on the rooftop, he had Sumire corned.
"All right, this has gone far enough!" Boruto shouted.
"You okay Class rep?" Pia asked.
"I knew you were behind all of this!?" Cho-Cho declared.
"Could you not bother us right now?" Magire asked, facing them. "We finally have a chance to be together." Boruto suddenly gasped.
"I see that shadow again," Boruto stated.
"Yesterday, you said he didn't have anything around him," Shikadai pointed out.
"Yeah, I know I did, but it's there right now," Boruto said. "So he may start rampaging at any
"Definitely not an illness spreading around then," Dino said.
"Listen up, Nato guy!" Cho-Cho demanded, pointing at him. "'m going to flatten you, do you understand what I'm saying?"
"Sit tight Sumire, I'm going to get rid of these guys for us right now," Magire said. "Okay?" A kunai came out of his sleeve, he threw it right at Cho-Cho.
"Watch out!" Boruto shouted the kunai got canceled out by Sarada's kunai.
"Thanks for that Sarada," Cho-Cho said. "Hey, you!"
"Boruto, what now?" Shikadai asked.
"Hey!" Boruto shouted. He walked forward. "Fine, we'll take you on."
"Boruto!" Sumire gasped.
"Now get away from the class rep!" Boruto ordered.
"Shut up," Magire said softly. "Shut up, Shut up...Shut up! Don't interfere with me and Sumire! Disguise Jutsu." He waved his poncho; suddenly he disappeared.
"He's gone!" Dino gasped.
"I see, he must of used this jutsu when he wrote on the class blackboard," Shikadai gathered.
"Sumire is the only one that can truly see me," Magire said. A kunai flew past Boruto, cutting off some hair. " There's no way, you guys can see me."
"Where is he?" Shikadai asked.
"Damn it!" Boruto hissed as another kunai fewl passed them.
"That's what happens without a plan," Sarada frowned. Numerous kunai rained down; Dino jumped into action, blocking some with his kunai.
"Boruto! Dino!" Shikai shouted, grabbing a kunai, he began to block. "Quickly, we need a plan!" Boruto missed a line of kunai, he grabbed one to block kunai going towards him.
"I never stood out from the crowd, but Sumire was different from the others," Magire said. "She came over and talked to me. She actually talked to someone like me!" A kunai knocked the one out of Boruto's hands. Shikadai fell on his back, and Dino fell forward, soon all three of them were back to back.
"Hey, you! That's enough!" Cho-Cho shouted. Everyone looked at her as she walked forward. "Do you actually believe doing this is the best way to win the class rep's heart?"
"Hey, Cho-Cho, listen be careful with this guy," Dino advised.
"Sneaking around and doing stuff like this isn't going to get a lady to notice you," Cho-Cho stated putting her hands on her hips. She pulled a bag of the super sweet chips. "The reason I picked these gross chips was because they've been sitting on the shelves for just forever."
"W-What? P-Potato Chips?" Boruto asked.
"But've just hidden yourself away," Cho-Cho said. "And you aren't even on the shelf right now." She held the bag of chips up for all to see. "EVEN THESE POTATO CHIPS ARE STEPPING UP TO THE CHALLENGE! BUT YOU'VE TOTALLY REMOVED YOURSELF FROM THE ROMANCE SHELF!"
"I did step up to the challenge!" Magire argued. "But it didn't work!" Cho-Cho faced all the ways, Magire's voice was coming from. "So there's no reason to go back on the shelf!"
"That's where you're wrong," Pia stated.
"Before now, nobody else has really ever noticed me," Magire said.
"No, you're wrong about that," Cho-Cho denied. "They've noticed, I've doubt you've been able to hide." Kunai started to go at Cho-Cho from behind. "You can't hide that you are weak and pathetic." The kunai stopped right behind her head. "Who would ever want to talk to a person like that?"
"Then what am I supposed to do?" Magire asked.
"First of all, think about why you have that disguise jutsu of yours," Cho-Cho pointed out. "Polish that skill, keep stepping up to the challenge, and be somebody people take notice of." Cho-Cho turned around. "And become a strong and dependable man." Magire gasped, once Cho-Cho opened her eyes, the kunai was dropped. Magire revealed himself once more. Cho-Cho took out another bag of chips, she opened it, holding it out for Magire. He took a bite of a chip. It was a Toasted Soy Flour flavor.
"It's delicious," Magire gushed.
"Right," Cho-Cho smiled. "You're never sure until you step up to the challenge, you know what I mean? Then you'll know what to do the next time. Since you're kind of handsome already, work on becoming a better man and once you are, come back to me."
"Come back to you, Cho-Cho?" Sarada asked as Cho-Cho held up a bag of chips.
"Cho-Cho is one of a kind, one would be foolish to not take notice of her," Dino said glancing at Sarada. Everyone walked forward as Magire dropped to his knees in tears.
"Alright," Cho-Cho said.
"What do you mean alright?" Shikadai demanded. "You do realize you almost got stabbed?"
"So what?" Cho-Cho asked. "Once you share chips, you become friends, that's just common sense!"
"What have I done?" Magire trembled in his tears. He sobbed louder.
"Magire, he's some love advice," Pia stated kneeling beside him, he looked at her. "A girl isn't going to want to get with someone that's been stalking her. Instead, do something simple to win her heart, sticky notes, flowers, or train with her. Something simple starting off as friends, from there, it can bloom into a beautiful romance."
"You think that would work?" Magire asked. "For the next person, I ever crush on?"
"My Papa gave my momma flowers every day he was home, even before they were a couple. My mom went from looking forward to the flower to looking forward to seeing the person who gave her the flowers." Magrie cried even harder.
"What is going on here?" Shikadai asked. "Hey, Boruto, we didn't knock him out, but he still went back to normal."
" I know, and the shadows disappeared," Boruto said as Magire got back on his feet. He looked over at Sumire.
"Um, I'm sorry for everything," Magire apologized.
"Oh, it's okay really," Sumire smiled.
"I'm so so sorry," Magire apologized bowing his head. He stood back up sniffing. "And I promise you, I'll never hide in front of you again, Sumire." He then flew over unconscious, Cho-Cho was smiling and nodding as they gasped.
"You okay?" Dino asked s they ran over, Pia turned him on his back
"What's wrong with him?" Koga asked.
"Maybe we should take him to the nurse's office," Sarada suggested.
"Yeah, probably," Shikadai agreed. Magire got taken away, Pia stayed behind with a few others.
"Boruto," Sumire said. "Hey, Boruto." He looked at her. "What's the matter?"
"Oh, don't worry, it's nothing at all," Boruto denied, waving his hand. "Come on, let's all go home!" He walked past her with his hands behind his head. Pia remained on the rooftop, she sat on the ledge.
"Pia?" a voice asked. She looked up to see Mitsuki standing in front of her. "Something bothering you?"
"Mitsuki," Pia greeted.
"You can tell me," Mitsuki stated. "I wish to know what Boruto's cousin is thinking.
Pia studied him for a minute. "It these attacks that's been happening," Pia stated. "I'm starting to have my suspicion on who...but I don't want to jump to conclusions."
"I see," Mitsuki breathed tilting his head. "What are your reasons?"
"It seems the people affected are always the ones associated with the school in some way," Pia answered. "Whether student or staff."
"Care to tell me who?" Mitsuki asked.
"I'll whisper it," Pia said as she ushered them to come closer, Mitsuki got closer and Pia whispered more of her suspicions.
"Your secret is safe with us," Mitsuki said. "I'll look more into it."
"No, I should do it if it's my suspicion," Pia denied getting up.
"It's going to be quite dangerous," Mitsuki stated. "It's best I do it alone."
"How about we team up, exchange student?" Pia suggested.
"Alright," Mitsuki nodded in agreement.
After school, Dino sat in the burger place with Mitsuki, Koga, Boruto, and Shikadai.
"Why did he go back to normal?" Boruto asked with a mouth full of food.
"Well, I guess you shake that off even if you're not knocked out physically," Shikadai stated. "Why did he become so gaunt all of a sudden?"
"It's like when you lose a lot of chakra," Mitsuki pointed out.
"You aren't wrong," Dino stated. "According to my mom, Magire's chakra was pretty drained."
"But his jutsu wasn't that demanding," Shikadai stated.
"It might not be the Jutsu, but the jutsu that was casted onto them," Dino stated. "The same thing happened to Shino-sensei."
"Hm," Koga nodded.
"So guys, can chakra manifest as a giant monster?" Boruto asked. "I mean do you think something like that is even possible?"
" A monster?" Shikadai repeated.
"Wait, hold on one sec!" Boruto lit up. He took out a notebook and pencil, he quickly sketched it out. He showed it to them. "I'm not sure if it was chakra or what it is, but I saw a monster just like this guy!" They all were incomplete horror looking at the photo, Shikadai forgot how to drink.
"Seems you saw something amazing," Mitsuki stated.
"Well, anything, I never heard of anything like that before," Shiakdai stated. " All those incidents, you think they can be related to chakra?"
Over in the Hokage's office were Shikamaru, Naruto, and Aceso.
"People are losing chakra?" Naruto repeated.
"Yeah," Aceso breathed. " A number of people have been taken to the hospital lately. We aren't sure if it's from an illness or from something someone did."
"We should keep an eye on the situation," Shikamaru advised.
"You think that chakras being targeted?" Naruto asked.
" I have arranged with an investigation with that possibility in mind," Shikamaru said. Naruto grunted.
"Aceso make sure to lock away the chakra ointment and chakra patches, for now on only certain authorized people are allowed to retrieve it," Naruto ordered. "If this thing is after chakra, the last thing we want is to get to a large quantity of it."
"On it," Aceso nodded.
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