Chapter 6
The next morning, Dino met Boruto, Shikadai, Mitsuki, and Koga at a spot.
"This is the place right?" Dino asked as he stared at his note.
"Yeah, it's supposed to be," Shikadai confirmed.
"I still don't get it," Boruto said. "Why would Shino-sensei have us come out here? It's so early."
" And why just the five of us?" Shikadai asked. "Why call us lessons outside of school?"
"Yeah, I was supposed to do some training with my brother and sister today," Dino stated. They heard rustling, they looked over to see Shino walking over to them.
"Oh, Shino-sensei," Boruto greeted. "You're super late ya'know."
"I'm sorry to have kept you waiting, Boruto," Shino apologized. "Dino, Shikadai, Mitsuki and Koga."
"S-Sensei, what's up?" Boruto asked.
"All right then, our final lesson begins right now," Shino declared as one of his eyes glowed red.
"Sensei?" Dino asked softly. "Are you mad about something?" Shikadai put Boruto in a headlock after punching him.
"Listen, I don't know what you did but hurry up and apologize alright?!" Shikadai ordered in a whisper. "Sensei seriously lost it!"
"You think?" Boruto stated, looking at him.
"We're so sorry," Shikadai apologized looking back at Shino. "Whatever we did, we really regret it. You apologize too, Mitsuki and Koga."
"Why are we involved?" Mitsuki asked.
"Why should I have to apologize?" Boruto asked.
"No, there's no need for anyone to apologize anymore," Shino said, they looked up to see his insects crawling out of his face.
"Uh, guys," Dino breathed as he took out a kunai.
"And the reason why is that I'm going to kill all five of you right now," Shino smiled.
"Wh-What did you just say sensei?" Boruto asked as he and Shikadai stopped fighting. Bugs flew towards them; they all jumped out of the way.
"Is this really happening?" Shikadai asked as Mitsuki and Dino threw kunai.
"Oh wow," Mitsuki breathed as they saw the kunai get caught in a web. " I didn't know you could use them like that."
"Now's not the time to be impressed," Shikadai stated. "Shino sensei is coming after us for real."
"You got to be kidding," Boruto said with wide eyes.
"I've had enough not being taken seriously by my students no matter what I do," Shino said. "And having all my hard work backfire. I've had enough of everything!" Blood dripped out of his head. Everyone gasped. "Heh, heh, it seems like everything I was worried about was a lie. But now I've been liberated from all that. That's right." He was now in a tornado swarm of his insects. "Just like these insects!" The insects swarmed out; crawled up trees, instantly taking them down.
"Tell me how that old saying goes? Be careful of the quiet ones," Shikadai quoted.
"Sure," Dino breathed.
"This again," Boruto said. "Just like what happened to Metal."
"It's what?" Shikadai asked.
"We gotta stop him," Boruto declared grabbing his fist. "Even roughing the guy up a bit."
"Stop me," Shino repeated. "So that's your plan. Do you really think you're capable?"
"Shadow Paralysis Jutsu!" Shikadai shouted putting his hands together. The shadow and bugs met in the middle, the bugs swarmed around. "It failed!" They jumped away from the bugs. Some of the bugs attacked Boruto taking him down.
"Boruto!" Dino exclaimed. "Damn, even if we stop some of the insects, there's still too many." The bugs crawled up Boruto, he swatted them away from him the best he could, Koga landed next to Boruto.
"Nothing but a waste of time trying to teach you, kids," Shino said. "Trouble makers that always give their teachers a hard time. Lazy and indifferent ones that don't want to listen. And disruptive outsiders. So now I've given up on bothering to teach you anymore. And instead, eliminate you."
"Wind Style: Immense Break Through," Mitsuki said. He did a few hand signs, sucked in the air then blew out tones of it. The bugs flew off of Boruto.
"Fire Style: Fire Clap," Koga said. He sucked in air, then blew out the fire, it rolled out in a line, two fire hands appeared, it smashed the bugs in between the hands, burning them. A pair of long arms wrapped around them and started to pull them towards the others. A smoke bomb was thrown down.
"I had no idea you could do something like that," Shikadai admitted.
"Where to now?" Mitsuki asked as Shikadai grabbed Boruto as they took off. They hid behind a tree in the forest, Boruto was panting heavily.
"I never thought this could happen to sensei too," Boruto panted.
"The situation with Shino-sensei feels different than the others," Dino stated.
"He said he was going to kill us right?" Mitsuki brought up. "Did he mean that?"
"He was using his insects to absorb chakra he only fights that when he's serious," Shikadai explained. "So yeah, I think sensei's serious about killing us."
"But if all of this is the same with Metal, we could try knocking some sense back into him," Boruto suggested.
"Doing that would be suicidal," Shikadai stated.
"This is Shino-sensei we are going up against, the repair guy and not my brother," Dino stated.
"According to my dad, Shino-sensei has Jonin level skills," Shikadai brought up. "Even the five of us combined are no match." He glanced over at Mitsuki and Koga, and both smiled.
"Well alright then, let's ask another teacher for help," Boruto suggested.
"I don't think that'll work either," Mitsuki stated. "The parasitic chakra is spreading at an alarming rate through the forest. And we are deep in the middle of it. It is quite likely, they'll locate us before we even make our way out."
"Are you serious," Boruto groaned. Dino opened his pack, he felt around for anything, a few kunai, some shuriken, medical supplies...if he knew what today was going to hold he would have grabbed that thing. "So you saying we are completely trapped in here?"
"This is all your fault!" Shikadai snapped at him. "Because you made sensei snap in the first place!" He crossed his arms looking away. "And even worse you had to get us involved!"
"Oh, c'mon!" Boruto exclaimed. "I'm not the only one who drove him to this point! Besides, who gets like because of what we did?"
"So what exactly is this shadow thing you are only able to see?" Shikadai asked.
"Is it a possessing thing? Chakra? Invisible monster?" Dino asked. They snuck through the tall grass as quietly and quickly as possible.
"I'm surprised he hasn't caught up to us yet," Dino stated as he stopped and stared at the sky.
"B-B-Bugs," Boruto started panicking, they looked back at him. He fell back into a river. Shikadai walked over to get a look.
"Idiot," Shikadai breathed picking one up. "This isn't one of Shino-sensei's insects.
"Huh?" Boruto asked picking one up. "It's so confusing how can you even tell?"
"C'mon let's go," Dino urged as Shikadai got up.
"In that case, if we haven't seen sensei's insects, it means we must have lost it him right?" Boruto asked
"Listen don't let your guard down," Shikadai ordered.
"According to mom, Shino-sensei is a highly skilled tracker," Dino brought up,
"Yeah, but c'mon, we haven't seen any sign of him for a long--" Boruto went wide-eyed and scared. He shakily pointed up.
"What's the matter now?" Shikadai asked as they turned around, they came face to face with a wall of parasitic insects.
"I found you," Shino smiled as the bugs parted, revealing him. They screamed running away.
"You shouldn't of said anything!" Dino hissed.
"This way!" Boruto shouted. "No this way! Uh, no this way!"
"Boruto! Dino! A paper bomb!" Shikadai suggested.
"Yeah, alright," Boruto responded, he jumped up pulling out a kunai with a paper bomb attached to it. It took out a large swarm of the bugs. "Did it work?" More bigs came out of the smoke.
"Only on some," Dino answered. "But not all."
"Even explosions don't work against them!" Shikadai panicked.
"What do we do now?" Boruto asked as they ran away.
"Face it you don't have a chance," Shino smirked, crossing his arms. "not if you up against my parasitic insects, all you can do is run! Just run! Run until you understand I atone in vain!" They ran till crossed the water, the bugs stopped following them. Dino and Shikadai glanced at each other.
"Hey, Shikadai! Dino! This way!" Boruto shouted from on top of a cliff.
"Coming!" Dino shouted as they jumped to the cliff." He turned, making his eyes glow green, a barrier popped up; the bugs ran into the barrier.
"Dino!" Boruto shouted. "Your eyes!"
"Later! I'm not sure how long I can hold it!" Dino shouted as the bugs continually ran into the barrier. In no time the bugs broke through, Dino's eyes returned back to normal and the chase continued. Soon they hid up in a tree, where they came across Mitsuki and Koga. They panted heavily.
"So where have you two been all this time then?" Shikadai asked.
"We got lost," Koga answered.
"This is pointless guys," Boruto panted. "There's just no way we can outrun him."
"Hey, Boruto, you said this happened to other than Shino-sensei too," Mitsuki brought up.
"Uh yeah," Boruto answered sitting up. "Before this, there was a couple guys who started acting weird like Shino-sensei is now. And I was able to see this creepy shadow thing like them. For some reason, I seem to be the only one who can see."
"Oh, I see," Mitsuki smiled.
"Well, anyway, all better get out of here and keep moving," Boruto said, standing up.
"No," Shikadai denied. "Just stay put. If we don't have a plan, then he's just going to catch us again. Plus, Boruto, you still haven't recovered from the chakra that was taken from you earlier."
"So what are we supposed to do?" Boruto asked as Dino handed him a chakra patch.
"If we can't escape then the only other choice is to kill Shino-sensei," Mitsuki stated.
"Kill him?" Dino repeated standing up as well as Shikadai." Do you know what you are saying?"
"I'm well aware of what I am saying," Mitsuki confirmed.
"How can we even do that?" Boruto asked.
"After all, that's his goal right?" Mitsuki pointed out. "So why is it wrong that we try to do the same thing to him?" They all stared at him.
"If we don't do anything, then we are done for," Koga added.
"Yeah, but still, there some things you just don't do," Boruto stated.
"Hang on Boruto," Dino said putting a hand on him.
"Look set aside killing sensei," Shikadai ordered. "There might be a way to win if we go about it."
"Elaborate for us," Koga requested.
"Haven't you noticed?" Shikadai asked. "Earlier, sensei didn't give a thought to how much chakra he was using. He just let the insects go wild."
"Hey, yeah, you're right," Boruto recalled as he looked up.
"In other words, since sensei is snapped he's lost his usual presence of mind," Shikadai explained. "We can use that to our advantage."
"But if we can't get rid of those insects then I don't see how we are ever going to get close enough to do that," Boruto stated as he turned around, scratching his back.
"I have a plan in mind," Shikadai answered.
"What?" Boruto asked, turning around.
"But for it to work," Shikadai said, he looked over at Mitsuki and Koga. "I'm going to need someone to take on a dangerous role."
"So, what you are talking about is a decoy strategy," Dino gathered.
"That's right," Shikadai confirmed. "And I think the transfer students here might be the perfect choice."
"Shouldn't the person that suggest the idea be the decoy?" Koga asked.
"Unlike the three of us, there's no a drop of sweat on the two of you," Shikadai answered. "Considering one of you just use wind style while the just used fire, it seems you both still have chakra left too."
"Oh, I see," Mitsuki breathed, touching his chin. "I think that's a good enough reason. To send a comrade to their death."
"But-" Boruto began.
"Besides," Shikadai began, putting his arm in front of Boruto. "After seeing how you extended your arms before, I bet you still have secret weapons up your sleeves, the both of you. Well, then?"
"Hold on," Boruto said. "Let me do it. I'll be the decoy."
"Boruto?" Dino asked as they looked at him.
"You're right," Boruto laughed lightly, wiping his nose. "I haven't recovered my chakra yet. I am still able to create shadow clones, and I still have this." He showed the chakra patch given to him by Dino.
"You idiot," Shikadai hissed. "It's way too risky for you. You could die if you're not careful."
"Look we drove sensei to the tipping point and drove to the edge, right?" Boruto pointed out. "I think it's time for me to take responsibility for my actions. And...I also want to save everyone."
"Boruto," Shikadai breathed softly.
"Everyone, then all the more reason why I'm the perfect choice," Mitsuki stated. "Because if push come to shove--"
"That's not it," Boruto cut him off, grabbing his shoulder. "By everyone, I mean Shino-sensei. But I always mean you two, Mitsuki and Koga. I'm not gonna give up until the end. I won't let anyone die." Mitsuki and Koga were both surprised.
"I understand," Mitsuki stated.
"Ditto," Koga nodded his head.
"But even so there's something I want you to let me do," Mitsuki said. They made their way over to a waterfall in the forest. Shino sensei finally found them.
"Heh heh," Shino laughed darkly. "It seems you've finally given up, prepared to meet your fates, Boruto."
"Yeah, right," Boruto denied. "I'm just done being chased by you. So, instead of running..." He took out kunai. "I'm going to take you down right here sensei." He charged down from the branch he stood on, he threw the kunai as Shino's bug immediately swarmed him. The bugs took out the shadow clone. Another appeared behind Shino. "That's the oldest trick in the book, and this one a shadow clone too as is this one." He jumped up as Boruto shot up from under the ground. "And the real one." He looked up to see Boruto aiming down at him. "Same trick again!" a kunai was thrown, with a paper bomb attached to it. it exploded, and Shino's bug took him out of the attack safely. He gasped at Shikadai by the water. "What?!" He began running away as Shikadai stretched out his shadow.
"No, you don't!" Shikadai denied. "Not when I'm this close!" Shino blocked it with a wall of bugs, then flipped over to the water.
"Looks like we failed," Shikadai stated as Boruto ran up to him panting. Shino lifted up his arms; his bugs grabbed a hold of Shikadai and Boruto, lifting them into the air, and attaching them to trees.
"At least you both keeping me entertained," Shino laughed. "But what's happened to the other ones?" Shino looked back to see Mitsuki standing on the water, behind a log. "What's wrong, transfer students? Aren't you going to help them?" They both remained quiet, Shino looked back at the other two. "Where's the last one? Well, whatever, I'll leave the rest of you for later on. Let's review shall we. Your shadow paralysis was to drag me into the water. You figured the insects could be contain in the water. I can see right through a half baked plan like that"
"I guess we're going to find out if that's true sensei," Shikadai laughed. "Looks like you've lost most of the insects that you can control." Shino gasped.
"Mitsuki! Dino!" Boruto shouted. Ropes shot out of the water, wrapping around Shino-sensei
"So what's where you were?!" Shino gasped as he, Dino, and Mitsuki went underwater, Mistuki grabbed a hold of Shino-Senesi with his long arms. Bugs came out of Shino's arms. Koga appeared underwater next to Dino. He took the gunbai off his back, and Mitsuki conducted electricity, shocking all the insects and Shino, the lighting reached the other two; it hit the gunbai, bouncing back to the ones getting shocked. Dino's eyes went wide. Koga grabbed Dino, he clicked his heels, and both shot out of the water, landing on the ground, as Shino-sensei got slammed on the ground.
"Mitsuki's still down there!" Dino shouted.
"I'll get him!" Boruto shouted diving into the water.
"He's not resurfacing," Shikadai stated. "Dino!"
"On it!" Dino responded putting his hands together, his ropes attached around the two, but the current was strong. "Curse my weakness." He started to pull hard.
"Boruto!" Shikadai shouted in despair. "Come on damnit, stop showing off!" Dino heard gasping, he looked back to see Shino getting back on his feet, Dino reached into the pack, but Koga stopped him. "Damnit, there's no choice!" Shikadai started to go forward.
"Wait!" Shino called out. "I'll go!"
"Sensei!" Dino and Shikadai called out as Shino jumped in.
"Damnit!" Shikadai stated, pulling out a scroll. He bit his thumb and did a few hand signs. "Summoning Jutsu!" He put his hand on the ground, Dino looked forward as a giant bug shot out of the water. Once it landed on the ground, it disappeared with Shino holding both Boruto and Mitsuki, both unconscious.
"Aceso!" Shino gasped, Dino snapped his head back, to see his mom standing in front of Shikadai, Koga's eyes went wide.
"Mom!" Dino gasped as Aceso appeared right by the two unconscious kids, Shino laid them on their backs.
"Dino" Aceso called.
"Coming!" Dino responded he ran over as fast as he could, with the other two following. Dino and Koga went in front of Mitsuki and Boruto, they tilted their heads back, opening their mouths. Aceso's hands glowed green, steadily and swiftly she took the water up their throats and out of their mouths. Mitsuki and Boruto sat up coughing.
"Aunty Doc," Boruto groaned, he looked over at Shikadai, giving a weak thumbs-up, Shino did the same. Shino groaned in pain before falling forward.
"Shikadai, Dino, what's going on?" Aceso asked looking up at him as she put her hands on Shino and Mitsuki, Dino did the same following her in healing Boruto. "This was just supposed to be a training exercise, right?"
"Uh," Shikadai began.
"No matter how crazy it may seem, you need to tell me," Aceso insisted. "We can move forward on with the matter afterward," Shikadai explained everything to her. They took everyone to the infirmary to get further check out.
"I'm very sorry, all of you," Shino apologized.
"Shino-sensei," Boruto breathed.
"Clearly, of course, I wasn't exactly myself," Shino said. "To think I'd attack the very students I should be protecting."
"Like you said, you really weren't yourself," Shikadai stated.
"That's right," Shino said. "I only vaguely remembered it, but it's like I had no sense of reality. It felt as if I were possessed by something." He grunted angrily. "Even if I wasn't myself what I did to you was unforgivable. I'll tell the administration it was my fault and once I do that, I'll resign from the academy."
"Bu-but hold on a second," Dino protested. "Nobody really got hurt, you don't have to be so dramatic about it."
"And besides, it's our fault for getting you all worked up in the first place," Boruto added. "Right, guys?"
"Oh, yeah, right," Shikadai agreed. "I don't think all of us realized how much it was weighing on your mind. "I'm sorry."
"By the way, I had no idea you were that strong, Shino-sensei," Boruto admitted.
"You guys I--" Shino got choked up; he turned around to cry.
"Awe! What's wrong?" Boruto asked.
"You're like an open book sensei," Shikadai laughed.
"Quiet!" Shino demanded they continued laughing.
"Now, I understand, maybe there still is," Mitsuki said.
"Did you just say something Mitsuki?" Boruto asked looking back.
"No, nothing," Mitsuki shook his head. It was late afternoon when they were let out of the hospital, Dino walked home with the others.
"I can't believe you summoned Dino's mom," Boruto stated.
"My Dad and mom made me learn it in case of emergencies like this," Shikadai stated. "Plus, making a contract with her wasn't going to be a drag like it would with an animal."
"I'm surprised my dad hasn't made me do the same," Boruto lowered his head. Over in the Hokage's office, Shino and Aceso were reporting to Naruto.
"I'm sorry," Shino lowered his head. "But as to where and when I became psychologically affected. I have no idea whatsoever."
"Well, in a sense it's a blessing in disguise you weren't entirely yourself," Shikamaru said.
"Yeah," Naruto agreed, getting up. He walked over to the window. "If Shino had been normal and attacked them for real then Boruto and the others wouldn't of stood a chance." A small smile appeared on Shino as Naruto looked back at him. "I got to thank you Shino." Naruto smiled. "You're always doing your very best looking out for them. It must be tough with a bunch of difficult kids."
"Doesn't help that three of them are mine," Aceso said.
"Naruto," Shino breathed. "Yeah, I guess. It's just a pity he took after you so much, isn't it?" Naruto gasped, then came to defeat.
"Can't really argue with that," Naruto agreed with a laugh. Aceso handed the papers to Shikamaru to look at.
"In any case, we are dealing with some mysterious power that can affect even Jonin-class level psyche," Shikamaru brought up.
"You're right," Naruto agreed. "Looks like there's a situation brewing in our village that we can't ignore."
"I've given you all the information that Shikadai told me," Aceso said. "And from the looks of it, most of the ones affected are associated with the school in a way." 'Even Metal.'
"I know that you're busy, but do you think that you could help us investigate Shino?" Naruto asked.
"Absolutely, Lord Seventh," Shino confirmed. Shortly, after more discussion with Lord Seventh, they left the office.
"I am terribly sorry for what I did to your son," Shino apologized.
"I forgive you, Shino," Aceso smiled at him.
"So easily?" Shino asked in surprise. " I tried to kill him."
"You were possessed," Aceso reminded him.
"Still it was unacceptable," Shino said. "I was just feeling so defeated yesterday, the welcoming party went wrong, I've had a hard time getting them all to listen to me." Aceso stopped walking. "What is it?"
"You must have had a ton of negative feelings," Aceso stated. "According to Shikadai, the same happened to Metal. He got possessed when he was feeling down as well."
"Who's all been affected?" Shino asked.
"According to my son, Denki, his brother, an expelled student, the repair guy, and you," Aceso answered.
"How could have I been so blind to this affecting my students?" Shino asked as he clenched his fist.
"Shino," Aceso breathed. "It really is a blessing in disguise that you got affected. Knowing my kids and nephew, if this continued to affect only the students, the last thing they would have down is come to the adults, especially Lord Seventh," Aceso explained." Those kids need you more than you think they do, even if they won't come to you with a problem."
"You really think so?" Shino gasped, he started to be overcome by crying with joy.
"I know so," Aceso said. "If my kids are causing any problems, I do apologize."
"Don't apologize," Shino ordered. "Your kids may cause problems with the other kids, but they really are a good bunch. Your kids are good kids." Aceso looked at him. "Dino takes after you and Lee, not sure if it's a pity or joy yet."
"Probably both," Aceso laughed.
"You truly think I am a good role model for those kids?" Shino asked.
"Metal and Pia talk about you a lot at the dinner table and in a good way, all of my kids look to you, even Ren." Shino smiled happily.
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