Chapter 5

A new day has arrived, Pia was currently walking to class with Dino, Shikadai, Boruto, and Iwabe. She normally goes to school with Metal, but she had woken up late and he went without her. In the village, they saw a bunch of kids running away from a kid blowing fire. 

"Those bastards that failed me at the academy don't know anything about anything," the boy raged. "I'll just show them how strong I am." He blew out more fire. 

"Damn it, what a drag," Shikadai groaned. "And first thing in the morning."

"Who is that guy?" Boruto asked. "He kind of reminds me of you Iwabe."

"Come on, don't lump me in with him," Iwabe urged.

"Well, look who it is," the boy said looking up at them. "If it isn't tough-guy Iwabe, thought I recognized your voice. I heard you lost a fight to that runt and turned over a new leaf."

"Just shut up," Iwabe stated. "Give me a break, would ya? I remember when you used to suck up to me all the time back in the day?"

"What!?" the kid shouted. "Whatever, I'm not the same guy I used to be." He blew fire at them, and they all jumped away. 

"He definitely has the same short temper as you," Pia stated. 

"C'mon!" Iwabe shouted. 

"Just leave it alone," Shikadai stated once they landed on the ground. "The adults will take care of this soon enough.

"Not if I do first," Boruto stated as he ran forward. 

"Hey, Boruto!" Shikadai called out. The kid blew fire, it was blocked by a wall of mud. 


"You're mine!" Boruto declared aiming down at the guy. He swung his leg, kicking him in the face. 

"It's my turn next," Iwabe smirked as they walked up to the guy.

"All right!" the boy shouted as he prepared his next attack. He flew fire at the ground, causing dirt to rise up, he then ran away as they all coughed from the dust. 

"You're not getting away that easy!" Boruto declared as he ran after him.

"Just leave it alone, Boruto!" Dino suggested.

"What a drag," Shikadai groaned. They all ran after Boruto, they followed to find Boruto staring down an alley. The kid that dusted them was knocked out. In the alley stood an extremely pale boy with tousled white-blue hair. He wore loose-fitting two-toned light and dark blue kimono shirt with billowing, overlong sleeves, tied by a thick khaki-grey Ono-stylised belt, and a pair of navy pants. He had long black fingerless gloves and shinobi sandals. Next to him stood a boy with black spiky hair, he had a short sleeve light brown jacket, it went down to the folds of the back of his legs and a blue hood underneath, and black jogger pants and shinobi sandals. He had gunbai on his back. 

"I don't really care either way, but this town is so rowdy isn't it?" one boy stated.

"I expect nothing less from this village," the other boy stated. 

"Who are you two?" Dino asked. Both boys turned around, the pale one with glowing yellow eyes. The other one had an eye patch over the right eye, his left eye a golden yellow. They both smiled, the pale one giggled. They soon all went to class, which was being taken place outside. Shino stood in front of a chalkboard with the two boys. 

"These are our new transfer students," Shino announced. "They will be studying with the reset of you from this point on. Please welcome Mitsuki and Koga to our class. 

"Those two from earlier," Boruto stated. 

"Yeah, you're right," Iwabee agreed. "It is those two show-offs."

"Tell us about yourselves," Pia suggested. Everyone glanced at her. "I wish to know more about the people that are joining our class."

"As you wish," Koga stated. 

"My name is Mitsuki, I've come from the Hidden Sound Village," Mitsuki introduced himself as he bowed his head. 

"So have I," Koga stated. All of them gasped. 

"It's understandable if you feel surprised," Shino stated. "After all, the Hidden Sound Village was established by a shinobi whose goal was to destroy the Hidden Leaf. However, all of that is in the past. And now it's being rebuilt as a new shinobi village. Mitsuki and Koga are here to represent our new friendly relationship."

"Hey, Boruto, did you say you know that transfer student?" Denki asked. 

"Yeah, I kind of met him this morning," Boruto answered. 

"They stopped this trouble maker in the village before we had a chance too," Iwabe explained to Metal. 

"So that must mean they are pretty skilled then," Metal said. "Just what sort of Jutsu are they able to use?"

"Didn't get a chance to see," Dino answered. 

" I don't know," Shikadai answered. 

"I can't wait to test them, just to find out strong they really are," Iwabe smiled punching his fist. 

"You and that guy from earlier, really are similar," Pia stated. 

"Don't lump me in with him," Iwabe glared at her. 

"Are you guys even listening to me?" Shino asked. 

"Thew kids kind of good looking," Wasabi stated. Namida nodded. 

"I don't know, to tell you the truth, they are both really not my type," Cho-Cho stated. 

"Seriously guys," Sarada grunted. 

"Everyone please be quiet during homeroom okay," Sumire requested in a panic. Shino grabbed his head sighing. 

"In any event, please go take a seat Mitsuki and Koga," Shino requested. He gasped, he saw Mitsuki sitting next to Boruto, and then Koga sat in between Metal and Pia.

"May I sit next to you?" Mitsuki asked. 

"Oh, uh sure," Boruto smiled. "My name's Boruto Uzumaki, nice to meet you, Mitsuki."

"Of course," Mitsuki smiled. "Nice to mee you too, Boruto."

"Feel free to ask me anything you want to know," Boruto stated. "Okay?"

"Anything," Mitsuki repeated. 

"Yeah of course," Boruto stated. "Anything at all"

"Well, then," Mitsuki began as he looked forward. "Why is it that we are the only students that don't have a classroom?" Everyone started laughing a Boruto grew lost for words. 

"Well, that's cause," Boruto began.

"We have classes outside thanks to a certain someone," Inojin answered as they all looked at Boruto. Boruto groaned.

"Nothing wrong with fresh air for class," Koga stated. "I for one like it."

"You are quite optimistic," Metal noted. "I'm Metal Lee, and that's my sister, Pia Lee, over by Boruto is our brother Dino Lee."

"A trinity," Koga said. "I have a lot of siblings as well, two sisters and three brothers."

"Did you leave your family behind?" Dino asked.

"No, actually they are already here," Koga answered. 

"Fair warning, I wouldn't cross any lines with Pia," Denki advised. " She'll numb one of your limbs without a second thought." Soon they continued on with class, Boruto was up at the whiteboard, demonstrating a problem. 

"Boruto's always dozing off in class, so how does he know how to do all that stuff?" Iwabe asked. 

"He's just got a knack for it, that's all," Inojin answered. 

"That was a pretty simple problem," Boruto stated once he finished. "Lease of somebody of my abilities."

"It's correct," Shino confirmed. "Now use the formal I taught you."

"No way," Boruto denied. "Doing it like this is a million times faster. Plus, it's more accurate too. Never mind all that, give us a problem we can really sink our teeth into."

"Really?" Shino asked with a smile. In an instant, Shino wrote out a whole new problem for them to solve. "As requested, here's something with more meat for you to chew on. Let's see if your method can solve this Boruto."

"As good as Boruto is solving problems, he's good at creating them as well," Pia stated, as she closed her eyes. 

"You know, you're a sore loser, Shino-sensei," Boruto stated as Mitsuki walked up to the board. 

"Here look," Mitsuki said as he began to write on the board. "Try this. You can calculate it as an equation of motion and this way you can factor in air resistance. See easy."

"Oh, I get it now," Boruto smiled. 

"Mitsuki, I didn't ask you to solve this problem," Shino stated. 

"But Boruto was having a hard time with it," Mitsuki stated. "We are supposed to teach each other when the other doesn't understand?"

"Yes, but it's meaningless if they can't solve it themselves," Shino said. Mitsuki looked at Boruto. "All right, that's enough. Go back to your seats." They did as they were told; soon they went to the training hall for physical training. Boruto and Iwabe were going up against each other again. 

"Oh what, am I going to beat you in another fight?" Boruto taunted. He jumped over Iwabe. "You're mine!

"Weak," Iwabe grunted, he grabbed Boruto's arm flipping him. 

"That's it! This match is over!" Shino declared. 

"That'll show you," Iwabe said holding out his hand. "Don't get overconfident in battle." 

"I'll say," Boruto agreed. "When it comes to brute strength, no one close to you." He grabbed Iwabee's hand to get up. 

"I'll determine that the day I go up against your cousin," Iwabe said, they looked over at Pia, she was standing Cho Cho and Sarada. 

"If you go easy on her because she's a girl, she'll be very ticked off," Boruto stated. "And then you won't stand a chance." Iwabe smiled. 

"Okay, next," Shino announced walking up to them. 

"Fight me next," Mitsuki requested. 

"There's nothing I would like better kid," Iwabe smirked. 

"Knock yourselves out you two," Boruto stated walking away. 

"All right, no holding back," Iwabe said. 

"Oh, are you sure?" Mitsuki asked. 

"All right, Iwabe," Shino began.

"Well then, here I come," Mitsuki said, he vanished, he appeared in front of Iwabe, he struck him.

"He's fast," Dino breathed.

"Wait, Mitsuki!" Shino called out. "I didn't give the signal yet."

"You fight dirty," Iwabe smiled as dodged Mitsuki's attacks. 

"To be honest, I don't really care either way," Mitsuki said. 

"Why you!" Iwabe growled when he struck on the teeth, he lodged forward; Mitsuki's foot shot straight up, hitting him in the chin. "Not good enough." Mitsuki slid under him. Mitsuki suddenly latched onto Iwabe from behind, putting him in a headlock. 

"How'd he move like that?" Boruto asked. 

"He's like a snake," Sarada stated. 

"Hey, hold on," Shikadai stated as everyone whispered. 

"It's over, release him," Shino ordered appearing by the two. Mitsuki remained. "Let him go." He started to pry Mitsuki off Iwabe.

"He never knows when to stop," Koga sighed. 

"Come on, stop!" Shino ordered. 

"Mitsuki!" Boruto shouted as he ran over. "Let him go!" Iwabe gasped for air once Mitsuki finally let go. 

"Are you alright, Iwabe?" Shino asked as the boy coughed. 

"Why did you stop me?" Mitsuki asked. " I was nearly on the verge of winning the fight."

"What?" Boruto gasped; everyone gasped as well. "Listen, just apologize to Iwabe."

"But why?" Mitsuki asked walking up to Boruto. "You heard him, he said no holding back."

"It doesn't matter, you went too far," Boruto argued. "And I really don't like that kind of fighting."

"Oh, really? You don't?" Mitsuki asked. 

"Of course not," Boruto confirmed. 

"I see," Mitsuki breathed. "Well, I don't want you to dislike me." He walked over to Iwabe. "I guess I overdid it, I'm sorry." He held out his hand. Iwabe grabbed it and got up. That night, only Lee was home, Aceso had to work a night shift at the hospital. He took them all out for barbeque.

"Your class seems to be making a name for themselves," Lee stated. Metal was currently bottle-feeding Ren, feeding his baby brother was one of his favorite things to do. It helped him stay calm.  

"We have two new students, Daddy," Pia stated. "Both from the Hidden Sound Village."

"The village has been talking about that," Lee stated.

"There's Mitsuki, he's a bit intense and then there's Koga, he's the complete opposite, but he acts cool," Dino explained.

"We only got to get a glimpse at Mitsuki's abilities, Koga's is still a mystery," Metal added, as he took back the bottle. 

"Sorry we are late," a voice said. They looked over to see Temari and Shikadai. 

"We are glad you could make it," Lee smiled a sparkling smile. 

"Should we really have brought the baby?" Shikadai asked taking a seat next to Dino. "He's just going to get upset like last week."

"Shikadai, you have the same complaint every week," Temari stated as she took a seat across from Lee. 

"It's okay, Temari," Lee assured putting his hands up. "Ren is getting a lot better being out and about without his mom. If he starts getting fussy, I will take him outside or home."


The next day at school, everyone was completely surprised by Shino's change in clothing. He had a circus-like suit coat on, and star sunglasses. 

"Good morning everyone!" Shino greeted them.

"Sensei?" Denki as everyone trying to process Shino. 

"What is with that weird outfit?" Metal asked, Shino laughed. 

"Let's get started now!" Shino urged. Banner rose up, along with food, drinks, and giant stuffed animals. Plus flowers. The banners read. 

'Welcome, Mitsuki and Koga. Welcome to the Academy. And How beautiful is it to have good friends.'

"Today we are going to use our morning homeroom time to throw a little welcoming party for Mitsuki and Koga," Shino announced, the balls by him opened letting out confetti. 

"What is this?" Sarada asked. 

"He kind of went overboard," Wasabi stated.

"I think it's sweet," Pia stated as she checked out the balloons.

"Shino-sensei actually made all of this?" Namida gushed; she stared at a panda. 

"I think it's a little misguided though," Inojin stated.

"Must've taken him all night," Dino stated.

"All right!" Shino cheered holding up a cup. "Here's to deeper friendships, everyone!"

"Yeah!" Everyone cheered. Cho-Cho tried to eat everything she saw. 

"So what are we supposed to do?" Shikadai asked. 

"Who knows," Boruto smiled cheaply. "But he went through all this trouble, so I guess we just have fun, huh?"

"Hey, there," Wasabi greeted Mitsuki and Koga. "What kind of place is the sound village?"

"So in yesterday's practice your defensive moves were awesome," Metal complimented. "Do you know any special ninjutsu?" He turned to Koga. "How about you?"

"Well, actually I'm skilled at various escape Jutsu," Mitsuki stated. 

"Wow," Metal gushed stepping back.

"Also Wind Style and Lightning Style too," Mistuki added. 

"And you?" Metal asked facing Koga. 

"Earth, and fire," Koga answered. 

"Wow," Metal smiled even more. 

"What?" Boruto asked walking up, he had a chip in his mouth. "I thought the Hidden Cloud specialized in lightning style, not the Hidden Sound. It sounds to be like you are just bluffing."

"But it's true," Mitsuki said.

"Boruto, do you specialize in fire style?" Pia asked.

"No," Boruto answered.

"But you live in the Land of Fire," Pia pointed out. 

"I guess I see your point," Boruto glared at her.

"Don't mind Boruto, he's a champion for stupid questions," Pia stated walking up to them.

"I don't mind," Mitsuki smiled at her. 

"I was kind of worried when all of this first started," Sarada admitted. "But this welcome party is actually kind of fun." Sumire nodded.

"And it's all thanks to Aburame-sensei," Sumire added. Everyone happily mingled with each other and the new students.

"Okay!" Shino announced with his arms raised. "For the finale, here's a little present from me!" He started to move his fingers; the staff animals around them seem to have come to life in movement. The flowers moved all around.

"They are moving," Dino noted. 

"Wow awesome," Sumire smiled.

"Yeah! Way to go Shino-sensei!" Wasabi complimented. 

"I don't get it, how's he doing this?" Denki asked.

"Seems to be different from my super beast scroll," Inojin stated. 

"Come to think of it, Shino-sensei's ninjutsu is--" Metal began as Namida hugged a teddy bear. 

"Cute!" Namida gushed. 

"No, wait! Don't touch that!" Shino ordered. A big bug flew up, it landed on Namida's head. She started screaming as bugs flew out of the stuffed animals and plants. 

"They're bugs, ugh, so gross," Boruto stated. 

"Hey, c'mon, Get away from my snacks, shoo!" Cho-Cho urged as she tried to swat them away.

"How awful, it's completely disgusting," Namida frowned as she swatted them away. 

"The Aburame clan's famous insects," Koga stated as he held up his finger, one bug landed in it. 

"Someone do something!" Denki trembled as he dropped to his knees. 

"Would you like me to do something about the bugs?" Mitsuki asked.

"Yes!" Denki responded. "Anything!"

"Well then," Mitsuki said. "Ready Koga?"

"Proceed," Koga stated as they did hand signs. Mitsuki let out huge gusts of wind as Koga put his hands on the ground, as giant earth hands popped out of the ground, grabbing onto everyone so they wouldn't get swept away by the wind. 

"What're you guys doing?" one of the repairmen demanded, the rock hands let everyone go once the bugs were gone. 

"I'm sorry!" Shino shouted as he ran over.

"Get it together would ya, sensei?" the repair guy asked. 

"Poor Shino, sensei," Sumire breathed. 

"Hey, so um...what are we going to do about all this?" Shikadai asked as they looked around. People were crying. 

"So what's the story with that guy?" Mitsuki asked. 

"Don't call him that guy," Sarada stated. "After all, he still is our teacher, even if he is like that."

"Really?" Koga asked.

"Couldn't you tell?" Iwabe asked. 

"Is there anything he can teach us at this point?" Mitsuki asked. Shino sensei was falling deep into a sullen mood. 

"They say he was amazing a long time ago," Inojin brought up.

"Well, compared to the other teachers he's not very dependable and he's so not charismatic either," Boruto stated.

"Yeah, he's pretty boring," Inojin agreed. 

"Perhaps you all are being a bit harsh on sensei," Pia said. 

"Yeah, don't say stuff like that about Shino-sensei," Shikadai said. "Look at what he did to welcome Mitsuki and Koga."

"Welcome us, really?" Mitsuki asked. 

"You two had fun at the party, didn't you Mitsuki and Koga?" Sumire asked. 

"Did I have fun?" Mitsuki asked. 

"Not sure about you, but I had fun," Koga answered. "It was a unique way to get us to know our new classmates more, I appreciate the effort"

"Is it me or does he sound like mom?" Metal whispered to Dino.

"He's definitely not a guy to lose his cool easily," Dino whispered back. Once they got everything cleaned up they got ready for class to start, except Shino didn't return.

"So uh, Aburame-Sensei isn't feeling well," Sumire announced to the class. "So we are just going to have study hall instead of our first-period class." Everyone sighed and groaned. 

"I guess calling his bugs disgusting was a bit too harsh," Wasabi said.

"What do you guys think we should do?" Iwabe asked. 

"It'll be a drag, but we should go and apologize to him later on," Shikadai answered. 

"You're right," Boruto agreed. "Are you going to come too, Mitsuki?"

"Where did he go?" Dino asked. "Koga as well." There was an explosion, they looked over to where the repair people were located. 

"Hey!" a guy shouted. 

"What?" Boruto asked, getting to his feet. "Oh no! Is it happening again?" He glanced at the class. "I'm going to check it out!"

"Don't go alone!" Dino shouted as he followed. 

"Boruto! Dino!" Shikadai called out. 

"Me too," Iwabe smiled putting a hand on Shikadai. "You coming along?"

"What a drag," Shikadai groaned. 

"Come on!" Cho Cho urged towards Sarada and Pia. "We're going with them!"

"Why's that?" Sarada asked. 

"I'm worried about the snack bar," Cho Cho answered.

"I probably shouldn't let my brother go in there alone," Pia stated as she stood up. They followed. They hid behind a pillar as a log was thrown toward them. 

"Jeez that was close," Boruto said.

"That guy, I think he's one of the workers rebuilding the school," Denki noted. 

"You keep getting in the way of us fixing things!" the guy raged as he threw more logs. "We're never going to finish this way!"

"Boruto is it the same thing that happened to Metal the other day?" Shikadai asked. 

"What is it anyway?" Dino asked. 

"I don't know," Boruto answered. "Let's just focus on stopping him. C'mon!" He jumped when he saw Mitsuki and Koga next to him.

"So you can see it too, huh?" Mitsuki asked with a smile. "Boruto."

"Hey, hold on, how did you?" Boruto asked. Another log flew past the opening. 

"We can't just sit here," Pia stated, she got up; she made her way towards the guy.

"What are you doing?!" Iwabe demanded. "I'm going to back her up!" He followed her. 

"Wait!" Shikadai shouted as he followed.

"C'mon!" Boruto shouted as they all followed. "Rush in!"

"Let's go!" Sarada followed. 

"You know what?" the man asked picking up a log. "I'm just going to destroy the whole place so it won't need to be repaired anymore!" He threw multiple logs, Pia jumped up, spinning, and she kicked the one that was thrown at them; it flew back towards the guy, lodging into the wall behind him. 

"Be careful you guys!" Denki shouted.

"Do your best Sarada and Pia!" Cho Cho wished as she waved her hand. Sarada got up to where the guy was located.

"So annoying!" Sarada shouted throwing multiple shurikens, he easily blocked them. He started to try to hit her as she jumped around trying to hit him. He smacked her, she landed on her feet.

"Don't get so carried away, kid," the man ordered. 

"Is that enough time, Shikadai?" Sarada asked. 

"Yeah, "Shikadai answered, capturing the man in his shadow. He was laying on the stairs. "You did just great, Lady Sarada."

"Hn," Sarada grunted.

"That's it, it's game over now," Shikadai confirmed as Iwabe ran up, he raised his jo striking him harshly on the head. The man fell over as two cacti needles struck his arms and a rope wrapped around him.

"Too bad Boruto didn't get to have a turn," Iwabe said as Shikadai released his shadow. 

"Why you brats," the man growled getting on his feet. 

"You didn't go for the legs?" Shikadai asked. 

"I was more focused on the hands hurling logs at us," Pia responded. 

"Don't get so carried away!" the man roared. Boruto launched onto the guy from behind and upside down. 

"Take him down now!" Boruto shouted. 

"Right!" Iwabee responded as they ran forward. The man started to twist around, to get free of Boruto; they ended up falling over the edge. Both of them were ready to land on the ground, with they cushioned by wind and water swirling together. Everyone ran over the edge to see what had happened. They saw Boruto laying the guy in the puddle of water. 

"You guys almost died," Mitsuki stated as Boruto looked up at the new students. "You really shouldn't overdo it."

"Be more careful," Koga advised.

"Oh, yeah," Boruto breathed, he looked down at the man. 

"Is it all over?" Cho-Cho asked. 

"Uh, huh," Denki answered. Soon more shinobi came, they had walked the guy out of the place, with the ropes still tightly around him. Boruto looked back at Koga and Mitsuki.

"What's up?" Mitsuki asked.

"It's nothing," Boruto smiled. "I looked forward to working with you two, Mitsuki and Koga."

" I feel the same as you Boruto," Mistuki smiled in agreement; Koga nodded. That night, the dinner table was quite exciting, this time it was Aceso that was only home, Lee was out on a mission. They were having a fish dinner. 

"Well, I appreciate Shino's wish to make Mitsuki and Koga more welcomed," Aceso stated. "Being new must be frightening, to begin with."

"It did up failing," Metal said. "Though it is the thought that counts." There was a knock on the door.

"I got it!" Pia stated. She ran to the front; opened the door to find a letter.

"Who was it?" Aceso asked as Pia walked back over to them.

"A letter for Dino," Pia answered handing it to him.

"Me?" Dino asked opening it.

"Who's writing to you?" Metal asked.

"Shino-sensei," Dino asked. "Something about a morning detention."

"It was bound to happen from all the times you get in trouble at school," Metal stated. Ren giggled and clapped. "Even Ren agrees with me."

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