Chapter 21
Everyone else was waiting on Naruto to pick up any sense of Sakura and Pia.
"It's no use," Naruto stated as his eyes went back to normal. "They either went really far away or escaped inside of a barrier. I'm not able to sense Sakura's chakra at all, or Pia's chakra."
"Sarada," Cho-Cho breathed walking up to her.
"She's gone," Sarada breathed uneasily.
Over in the enemy's territory, Sakura stood in front of Pia protectively.
"Whatever you do, don't take your eyes off of them," the Older Shin instructed.
"Yes, father," they all responded.
"You two better behave yourselves," the older Shin ordered as the other Shin's stepped closer. "You are not of Uchiha Blood, but we can still use you two, at this point that's the only good reason I have for letting you live." He put a hand over his chest. "You certainly weren't afraid of holding back, were you?"
"It's because you tried to kill my husband, my child, and my stepchild," Sakura informed. "Not to mention my close lifelong friend. Listen, that child needs immediate medical attention or he could die. I can help him, I'm sure you don't want to lose your child, do you?"
"My child?" Older Shin asked. "Don't misunderstand, these children are clones, created from culturing my teeth and nerves."
"Clones?" Pia repeated as she looked at the one surrounding them. "They look nothing like you."
"It's just like him," Sakura stated, the Older Shin started to laugh.
"Oh, yes, my mentor was Orochimaru," Shin revealed. Pia watched the blades go over the younger Shin, pointing towards his body.
"Hey, what's happening?" Sakura demanded. A blade went into the younger Shin, cutting him; blood immediately came out.
"Stop it!" Sakura pleaded as she put her hand over Pia's eyes. The sound of the monitor went flat.
Over in the tower, Naruto was pacing back and forth as the kids sat down.
"Orochimaru," Sarada breathed.
"Yeah, Kakashi-sensei said the same thing," Naruto stated, looking over at her. "He said he had a feeling that enemy could be connected to Orochimaru this time."
"Who is that?" Cho-Cho asked.
"He is a notorious criminal that tried to destroy the hidden leaf once," Koga answered. "But he is also the mastermind behind my existence."
"That's right," Naruto confirmed. "He is an extremely dangerous individual, a very secretive one as well, Koga if my sister knew of your existence there is no way she would have neglected you all this time."
"That guy that called himself Shin Uchiha," Sasuke began as he walked up, he looked at Koga and Sarada. "I happened to notice that his left arm is implanted with multiple Sharingan. Not just anyone is capable of that. It had to have been Orochimaru."
"So then, you think Pia and Sarada's mom was taken to this Orochimaru's place?" Cho-Cho asked.
"No," Naruto denied. "That can't be true, because we've had Leaf Shinobi keeping strict surveillance on him, I don't think we'd be directly involved in this, it doesn't make sense."
"But in order to know about Shin's whereabouts, it would be helpful to find out all we know about Orochimaru," Sasuke pointed out. "Let's head over to his research lab." He started to walk away.
"Wait, dad!" Sarada shouted.
"Sarada," Cho-Cho breathed.
"What is it?" Sasuke asked looking back at her.
" How can--How can you be so calm right now? Lord Seventh hasn't stopped pacing," Sarada asked. "Aren't you worried at all about how mom is doing?"
"Hey, Sarada, Sasuke is--" Naruto began.
"Personal feelings don't matter," Sasuke interrupted Naruto. "Emotions will only get in way of a mission, you should remember that if you want to be a shinobi, Naruto you need to calm down." Cho-Cho put a bag of chips in between them.
"Here, it's all I have left," Cho-Cho offered. "They are lightly salted chips
"Cho-Cho," Sarada smiled at her friend.
" Alright, let's go, how about you three come with us?" Naruto suggested. "What do you say?"
"Huh?" the kids asked.
"Naruto, come on," Sasuke groaned.
"Remember they came after Sarada as well, and Koga is your son, who knows when he'll be targeted, so I think it'll be safer if we stay together," Naruto pointed out. "Ya'know."
"My son," Sasuke repeated as his eyes grew wide, he looked at Koga.
"We'll explain later," Naruto assured.
"Do what you want then," Sasuke started as he started to leave.
"Besides at Orochiamru's place, we might run into the people that were in the photo," Naruto whispered to Sarada. She looked at him, Naruto smiled and nodded. "Okay, it's decided then, tomorrow all of us will set out at daybreak."
"Fine," Sasuke grunted. "Sarada, how exactly is Koga related to you?"
"He is my half-brother," Sarada answered. "He cares for me way more than you, obviously."
"Naruto?" Sasuke asked.
"Orochimaru constructed Koga's existence he combined your genes with Pia's mom's genes," Naruto answered.
"Pia is who again?" Sasuke asked.
"Rock Lee and my sister's daughter," Naruto answered, Sasuke let out a small gasp as his eyes widened, and he looked back at the Koga.
"Was it you earlier that created the green barrier?" Sasuke asked squinting at the boy.
"Yes, sir," Koga answered. "Lord Orochimaru had me train till I was able to open it, he said he knew of my predecessors before the Matsuba Clan was wiped out."
"I see," Sasuke asked. "As for your Sharingan?" Koga lifted up his eye patch, everyone watched the left eye activate the Sharingan. "When you go back to the village, you must train with my daughter and look after her."
"Yes, sir," Koga nodded, Sarada stared between the two.
Over at the lair, Pia peaked over Sakura's hands to see one of Shin's organs being taken out, her eyes went wide.
"That's horrible," Pia breathed.
"Even if they are clones, didn't you raise them as if they are your own sons?" Sakura asked.
"They only exist to provide me with replacement organs," the Older Shin informed. "There's nothing more to the relationship than that. There's no need to mourn, living things truly never die anyway."
"I don't understand," Pia stated.
"Listen, closely child," the older Shin ordered. "Without a doubt, the body of every living creature decomposes over time. Despite that fact, genes survive forever without change through reproductive cells and progeny, that is the system which we call life. What is that we call death? It's merely the expiration of the corporal vessel that's completely disposable, you are disposable."
"You're wrong!" Sakura argued. "You're sorely mistaken if you think the body only serves as a disposable vessel, listen, Pia, the body is where one's feelings and one's will resides, what exists between and a child is more than genes, much more." Pia thought back to her relationship with her mom and dad, it is definitely deeper than being a disposable body.
"Genes are the all-powerful essence of life," the Older Shin stated. "Weak genes will eventually perish, and strong genes will always hyberdiate generate even stronger beings, that is evolution."
"That's nonsense," Sakura disagreed. "It's like you don't understand at all what's important to be as a parent." Shin raised a clenched fist.
"For evolution, conflict is essential in the further selection of superior genes," Shin stated. "Through countless battles, new ninjutsu and art were developed rapidly and strong shinobi were selected. It was the organization known as the Akatsuki, who stirred up such a conflict in the past." Sakura gasped. "For the sake of evolution, I will revive the Akatsuki and carry out the wishes of Itachi Uchiha."
Naruto and the others were now outside Orochimaru's hideout.
"Wow, long time no see," Naruto smiled at a guy. "Huh, Captain Yamato?"
"Please stop," Yamato requested with a smile looking back. "I don't want to be called Captain by the Hokage."
"Sorry, I can't help it," Naruto smiled. "You'll always be Captain Yamato to me."
'I hope Pia's okay,' Koga wished as he looked up.
"Koga," Yamato stated. "Didn't expect to see you back here so soon, tagging along?"
"Kind of," Koga smiled lightly.
"Lord 6th filled me in for the most part," Yamato revealed looking back at the lair. "But I'm sorry, this is the mission I was assigned and I can't leave my post."
"I understand," Naruto smiled. "Don't worry, Sasuke and Koga will take the lead from here."
"Follow us," Sasuke stated everyone took off following him and Koga. Once inside, everything was just the way it was before Koga left the place with Mitsuki.
"This way," Koga stated as he led them down the hallway.
"Hey, Sasuke it's not like we are going to one of your favorite restaurants here," Naruto pointed out. "You might wanna be a little more on your guard, ya' know." They came to a stop to see Jugo and Suigetsu. "Dammnit, told you."
"Long time no see Sasuke and Koga," Suigetsu smirked. "For your information, this isn't exactly the kind of place you bring kids for a field trip."
"The Hokage?" Jugo asked.
"Good timing, you two can take us straight to him now," Sasuke urged.
"Huh? Hold on, are you ordering us around?" Suigetsu asked.
"Please Mr. Jugo and Mr. Suigestu," Koga urged. "The matter deals with my half-sister Pia."
"I can take you if you'll like," Jugo allowed.
"Sasuke, Koga, you may need to wait for a second, it looks like it may not be necessary," Naruto advised. They heard footsteps; they all looked to see Orochimaru walking up to them, the girls gasped.
"Oh my goodness, we have the most unusual visitor," Orochimaru stated.
"Orochimaru," Sasuke grunted.
"Lord Orochimaru," Koga greeted.
"Orochimaru," Sarada gulped. "It's really him."
"Wow, you look a lot younger than you did back in the day," Naruto noted.
"You should know me a lot better than that by now," Orochimaru said. "So why don't you stop beating around the bush and tell me why you are here."
"He's a lot different from what I imagined," Sarada admitted.
" I know, me too, and if there's any possibility of this person being a parent of mine, would he be my mom or my dad?" Cho-Cho asked. "Which one would he be Sarada?"
"I don't know," Sarada answered.
"Evidently, one of your underlings placed my child in danger," Sasuke revealed. And kidnapped my wife, along with Aceso's daughter. If you been up to something, you'd better spit it out right about now."
"Why are you talking to me like that?" Orochimaru asked. "I haven't done anything suspicious. What's the watcher outside for then?"
"It's about Shin Uchiha," Koga revealed stepping in front of Sasuke. "Lord Orochimaru, you need to tell us everything you know."
"Let's go to the other room," Orochimaru stated. "Come with me." Everyone followed. "Koga, I see you've met your father as well as your mother."
"They know the truth," Koga stated as he walked next to the Sannin.
"And?" Orochimaru asked.
"You are definitely right about my mom being the prettier one," Koga stated. Sasuke's glanced at Orochimaru and Naruto choked on a laugh as they were led into a lab. "So Shin."
"Shin, I haven't heard that name in a while," Orochimaru stated. "He's gone off on my own already, but he was one of my experimental subjects. Danzo Shimura, the man you all fought his right arm came from Shin. That child possessed a peculiar trait where his body wouldn't reject any kind of tissue transplant. He was the optimum object for cloning experiments."
"Cloning," Naruto repeated.
"Perhaps, I should put it in simpler terms for you," Orochimaru stated. "He was like a shadow clone that never disappears."
"What do you mean never disappears?" Naruto asked. "So, what happens when you are all done with them then?"
"If you want them gone, the only option is to kill them," Orochimaru answered.
"It's not that simple," Naruto grunted. "Human beings aren't your playthings."
"Actually, humans are much more simple than you think they are," Orochimaru stated as he turned around. "Practically every single one of us is enslaved by our genes. For example, take you Sasuke, the reason your daughter looks like you is because your genes were passed on to her. Everything about her is simply data that was recorded into her genes."
"I don't look much like him, only the hair color," Koga whispered softly to himself.
"We made sure to give you the prettier genes," Suigetsu whispered to Koga, Jugo hit Suigetsu upside the head.
"Genes," Sarada breathed.
"Hey, that's not a very nice way to put it," Naruto stated as Sasuke pushed his way to be in front of Naruto.
"But why does he call himself an Uchiha?" Sasuke demanded.
"Oh yes, that's the name he claimed for himself," Orochimaru answered. "Granted he's just a reproduction, but as someone who possesses the Sharingan, he was obsessed with Uchiha family name. In particular, he was encaptured by your late brother, Itachi Uchiha."
"I see," Sasuke breathed. "I understand Shin's background now. When are you going to tell us where he is?'
"My word, such one siding questioning," Orochimaru stated. "It's surprising to see how shameless you've become. Well anyway, it would be a great benefit to me too, if the Leaf were to capture that late troublesome Shin. Besides, I sought of owe you one, right Naruto? How is the child doing? Well, I hope."
"Yeah," Naruto nodded with a smile. "The kid seems to be doing very well."
"Really?" Orochimaru asked. "How wonderful." He led them down the hall. "I'd be happy to explain more, come along."
"Excuse me, but all of you guys are my dad's former partners isn't that right?" Sarada asked Suigestu.
"Huh? Well, I guess," Suigestu answered.
"Then can you tell me, where this woman is?" Sarada asked grabbing his sleeve; holding up a picture.
"That's Karin," Suigestu informed. "She's not here, she's at a different hideout."
"Oh, I see," Sarada sighed as she lowered the photo. "Well, could I ask you to do me one other favor?" Over with the others, Naruto looked back to see Sarada was no longer with them.
"Sasuke you stay with these two," Naruto said before peeling off.
"Koga," Sasuke began.
"Yes, sir?" Koga asked.
"Tell me, how exactly did become a human, are you sure you are not one of those clones claiming to be an Uchiha?" Sasuke asked.
"I will explain," Orochimaru stated. "Koga is an experiment, you got that much right. But not in the way you think, from the eggs we took from Aceso, along with your bit, we finally decided to try to get one of yours to impregnate one of the eggs, with one surrogate mother it was a better success than I thought," Orochimaru explained. Sasuke looked down at the floor.
"Was Pia's mom associate with this place too?" Cho-Cho asked. "This is definitely not her style."
"Another time," Orochimaru said. "Though you are right about this hideout not being her...what you call it? Style? If you wish to know more ask Koga's father or his mother."
"I'd rather not," Cho-Cho stated.
"As for the surrogate mother?" Sasuke asked.
"Died after giving birth," Orochimaru answered. Soon they waited outside for Naruto and Sarada.
"Sarada!" Cho-Cho called out as they saw them run out.
"What have you two been doing?" Sasuke demanded. "Where have you been?"
"Sasuke," Naruto growled getting in his face as Sarada looked away. "Listen, there's something we need to discuss later."
"What is it?" Sasuke asked.
"I said later," Naruto stated. "Right now we need to rescue Sakura and my niece."
"It's possible that they might be dead already," Orochimaru commented.
"Don't underestimate her," Sasuke ordered. "My wife's not weak."
"Don't underestimate Pia, either, half the boys at school don't dare to mess with her," Naruto stated. "She was only three when she broke my arm."
"But I do wanna thank you for telling me when Shin is," Sasuke admitted. " I can sense him now, I'll take everyone there right away. " He turned around, the Rinnegan was showing and his Sharingan was different. "it seems my visual prowess just came back. The Susano began to form; Cho-Cho and Sarada gasped.
"Seriously, your visual prowess was diminished?" Naruto asked. "Makes sense."
"Alright easy there looks who's talking," Sasuke argued. "Everyone get on."
Over by the hideout, Sakura and Pia were surrounded by the weapons and smaller Shin.
"In order to revive the Akatsuki, I will Sasuke and take his Sharingan for myself," Shin stated. "He doesn't deserve to carry on the Uchiha family name. The only one who can do that is me, Shin Uchiha. Pia slowly put her hands together, slowly making a hand sign without the Shin noticing.
Up in the sky, Sasuke was leading everyone with his Susano over to where Shin was located.
"They should be nearby, Naruto use your sensory ability," Sasuke ordered.
"On it," Naruto responded. Soon they were descending into a heavily rocked area.
At the hideout, everyone was on stand-by as they continue to listen to older Shin speak. Pia watched as the weapon formed to be an arm on Shin.
"I am the only one worthy of carrying out Itachi's wishes," Shin declared. "And the Uchiha name. My goal is to revive the Akatsuki and stir up conflict in the world once more."
"You said my goal, huh?" Sakura smirked as she grabbed her fist. "Then it's pointless for me to worry about it." She cracked her knuckles.
"All I have to do is take you down," Sakura declared. "And everything will be sound!" She punched the ground harshly, breaking it up easily.
"Woah," Pia breathed.
"You're done here!" Sakura growled. "I will not let you go after my husband, my daughter, and my stepson!"
Outside the hideout, the others followed.
"So this is Shin Uchiha's hideout," Sarada commented.
"They're coming," Sasuke declared as they saw multiple Shin appear, all of them ready to fight.
"What? Three of them have the same face?" Cho-Cho questioned.
"I get it now, these are the clones," Naruto commented.
"Father's orders, get rid of intruders," a Shin stated as Naruto made a few clones. They began to clash, Koga kicked one across the land.
"Hey, Sarada!" Cho-Cho shouted as Sarada slid under a Shin.
"Sorry Lord Seventh, but I'm heading in there, I'm going to go, rescue mom!" Sarada declared as she charged towards the entrance.
"Sasuke, go with!" Naruto ordered. "I'll handle these guys myself! Make sure Pia is alright!"
"What about me?" Cho-Cho panicked.
"Didn't I tell you, I'd protect you," Naruto said as one of his clones appeared by Cho-Cho, she blushed. "First, let's shut them down." They stopped to see numerous Shin stand up.
Inside the building, Shin was taking on Sakura as Pia was taking on the clones in the rooms.
"Just give up," a shin stated as Pia kicked one.
"It's pointless," another stated as she jumped up causing the two to run into each other.
"Six against one," another said as a Pia caught a kunai thrown at her.
"If it's pointless, then why are you six the ones having the most trouble?" Pia asked as she did a few hand signs. She held out her hands, cacti needles shot out taking out all the Shin around her at once. Both the older Shin and Sakura stopped and looked over.
"What just happened?" Shin asked in shock. "She took them all out."
"As expected from Lee and Aceso's daughter," Sakura smirked as she threw a punch to continue the fight, more Shin appeared to fight, they all ganged up on Pia and she took them all on. Suddenly, a purple light appeared, Pia glanced back to see a Susano. It attacked Shin, and one of the Shin's kicked up a leg; Pia blocked it with her leg while blocking a punch with the other, she grabbed the limbs before slamming the two Shin's together. She jumped up to avoid a sword striking her.
"Mom!" Pia heard Sarada cry out. Pia latched onto one of the stones, using her chakra. She stared at the Shin clones below her, while also keeping her eye on the Uchiha family. Pia could see that Sakura was struck. "Oh no, Mom! you're hurt!" Sasuke took out the blades.
"Amaterasu," Sasuke said burning the blades. "You can heal your wounds yourself, right?"
"Yes, thanks dear," Sakura blushed as she looked away from him. "I appreciate it."
"Where is Pia?" Sasuke asked. "Naruto made a request."
"She's over there," Sakura nodded her head, they looked over at the redhead girl, she was a bit beat up, but not as much as the clones that laid around or the ones below her. Pia glanced over at the Older Shin trying to get away, they all followed her eyes.
'Rival for Sarada?' Sasuke thought to himself.
"You won't be moving far with that leg," Sasuke stated as he took out his sword. "We'll examine you thoroughly back at the leaf."
"It's the boy," Sakura stated as a younger Shin appeared in front of the older Shin as a shield.
"Move aside," Sasuke ordered. "I have no quarrel with you."
"I will not," Shin denied. "I will protect father."
"I'm not as soft as Naruto," Sasuke warned as he readied his sword. Everyone watched Sasuke raise his sword, staring down at the clone.
"Don't do it, Dad!" Sarada shouted as Sasuke swung down, his blade stopped right before Shin's neck. But blood was seeping out. Pia's eyes widened as the older Shin used a sword, going right through the clone to stab Sasuke.
"Sasuke!" Sakura shouted running over in an instant. The older Shin removed the blade, the clone fell to the ground. The blades raised up as the older Shin laughed.
"It seems to me now, that the tables have turned," Shin smirked as he stared down at Sasuke. "As I expected you are all weak. Your parental feelings towards your children have suppressed you completely. And this is the result.
"Sasuke!" Sakura called out, she was stopped as blades landed in front of her.
"Do not move!" Shin ordered. "You can not hope to escape my Sharingan." Blades appeared in front of Pia. "Don't think for a second I forgot about you girl." Pia held up her hand, multiple needles hoovered over the clones. Shin focused back on Sasuke. "You are a disgrace to the clan, now I will carry out Itachi's will and I shall revive the Akatsuki."
"It's okay Sarada," Sakura assured. "Something like this isn't enough to defeat your dad. Trust us." She looked back at Sarada. "Your father and I will protect you no matter what." Sasuke looked back, Sakura nodded and started to run. The blades slammed into the ground by Sakura, and suddenly Sakura appeared in front of Shin, giving him a devastating blow to the face. All the blades fell even the ones in front of Pia.
"You said a parent's love for their children is worthless, well I'm afraid I don't agree with you," Sakura stated angrily. "Never underestimate a parent."
"No!" Sarada cried out as Sakura fell forward. "Mom!" Sarada ran over to Sakura. Soon Sarada was helping Sakura as Shin's body was somehow being dragged away.
"Sarada!" Cho-Cho cried as she, Naruto, and Koga entered the room.
"Pia bean?" Naruto asked glancing around her.
"Uncle!" Pia lit up, Naruto looked over and smiled in relief to see that she was alright. An orange arm came out of Naruto, it zipped over grabbing Pia, she was brought back over to the others.
"It's over Shin," Sasuke declared. "You're done." The Shins went around the older to try to protect himself.
"Oh not yet," Shin laughed. "All of you, kill them." Pia's eyes grew wide when she saw the older Shin get attacked by the clones.
"" the older Shin demanded.
"Enough," a younger Shin said. "We are to dispose of all old useless flesh. That is what you taught us, father."
"You...But I am...I am!" Shin began angrily. "The original! I am!"
"Your visual prowess grows weaker," a Shin stated. "Just like you father. From this point on, we will evolve exactly as you taught us. That is logical, we will do it."
"What do you think? Is this it? The evolution you were hoping to create?" Sakura asked. Naruto put his arms in front of Cho-Cho, and Koga, as his orange arm held on to Pia. She saw more Shin start to appear. Pia did a few hand signs, cacti needles appeared above all of the clones, ready to strike at any given moment. The more appeared the more Pia wasn't sure she had enough needles, or chakra, it didn't help she wasn't on the ground.
"Why are there so many?" Pia asked.
"When did so many get made?" the older Shin asked as he looked around.
"We made more of ourselves," a younger Shin stated. "We don't need you father. Not anymore."
"Woah, it seems that they made some plump ones too," Cho-Cho noted as she backed up.
"Looks like they couldn't clone accurately," Sakura added. The Shins took off running ready to strike.
"Multi-shadow clone Jutsu!" Naruto stated a few of his clones appeared. Pia lit up putting her hands together. "You've done enough, Pia Bean." He and his clones went and fought with the Shin clones. A giant Shin appeared crushing the ground, it reached over.
"Susano!" Sasuke shouted as he slammed a fist into the giant one.
"Don't kill him, Sasuke!" Naruto shouted as Pia finally got released, Koga caught her with his hand rock Jutsu.
"You are as soft as ever" Sasuke grunted as the giant Shin fell backward.
"Dad," Sarada breathed.
"Uncle," Pia breathed.
"I'm not dying quite yet," the weird creature stated from behind them. "You're coming with me now, medical ninja!" he started to warp, sucking Sakura in.
"Sarada!" Sasuke shouted.
"I know what to do!" Sarada shouted as she threw a kunai at the weird creature. Sakura stopped being warped away as the weird creature dodged the attack.
"Don't get in our way!" the weird creature warned as it aimed giant kunai at Sarada, she was in the air with her fist clenched. Rock hands rose up and grabbed the weapons, before closing and crushing them with ease.
"Thanks for that Koga!" Sarada smiled as her Sharingan activated.
" I don't think so! Cha!" Sarada shouted as she slammed a fist into the weird creature.
"Sarada," Sasuke admired as everyone stared at Sadara in amazement.
"Amazing!" Naruto complimented. Naruto looked back to see a Shin coming at Naruto, he stopped the blade easily. "Still going to keep this up?" the little Shin looked up in question. An orange glow was over Naruto's hand, it was breaking the weapon. "Calm down, Kurama." The Little Shin started to tremble in fear. "There's no need to be scared, if you don't do anymore bad stuff, we won't do anything either." The shin dropped his weapon, trembling, falling to his knees.
"As I said, you are still way too soft," Sasuke stated looking at Naruto, he was back to his normal form.
"They really all are just a bunch of kids," Naruto stated. "We have to teach them the difference between right and wrong, let's not forget that my niece gave a good handful of them a beating." He pointed over to all the knocked-out younger Shin.
"Carrying on Itachi's will, huh?" Sasuke stated as he looked at the older Shin. "He didn't understand the first thing about my brother."
"Sarada! Koga! Way to go!" Cho-Cho gushed as she rushed over to her friends with Pia.
"The Uchiha Clan abilities certainly are amazing!" Pia added.
"That was some awesome power!" Cho-Cho added. "Uh? Sarada?" She looked over. "Your eyes are just like your dad's." Sarada stared at her fist.
"Sarada!" Sakura cried out as she ran over, pulling Sarada into a hug. "Oh! Why do you make me worry so much!"
"I'm sorry," Sarada apologized as Sakura hugged her tighter.
"I'm so glad you are okay," Sakura stated.
"Mom, you are squishing me," Sarada squeaked. "Too much!"
"Oh, sorry about that," Sakura laughed lightly as she pulled away. They both looked over at Naruto, Sasuke, and The Shins.
"Dad!" Sarada called out. ", is your feelings really connected with mom?"
"Yeah," Sasuke confirmed.
"How can you say that and be sure?" Sarada asked.
"Because you exist," Sasuke answered turning to look at her, Sakura smiled down at Sarada. "Sarada." Sarada teared up as Sasuke walked over.
"You are a lucky girl," Cho-Cho smiled. "Real lucky."
"Alright, let's go home!" Naruto declared.
"Come on Koga, mom is waiting," Pia insisted as she grabbed his hand. After dropping the Shins off at the Leaf Orphanage, the others went back to the village.
"Aw man," Cho-Cho groaned. "This was supposed to be a journey to find my real dad, but you found your dad instead."
"Are you going to keep searching?" Pia asked. "Looking for your real dad?"
"Well, the one I've already got isn't all that bad," Cho-Cho admitted. "I guess, I'll have to make do with him for now."
"You'll make do with him," Sarada repeated.
"Ugh, I wonder where in the world my real dad could be," Cho-Cho pondered, they stopped to see a man talking to Ino. "Huh? Who's that cool guy standing over there?" She walked over. "Um, excuse me? Would you happen to be?"
"Oh, hey Cho-Cho," Choji greeted. "Did you come over here to get me?" He put a hand on her head. "Thank you."
"That's how it felt," Cho-Cho stated. "That feeling."
"What's the matter?"Choji asked.
"Oh, I get it, she's never seen you like this Choji," Ino stated. "Cho-Cho doesn't recognize you in that physique."
"Huh?" Cho-Cho breathed as she stared at the man. "For real! Daddy!"
"Yeah, it's me," Choji confirmed.
"What is this? Is it some sort of secret Akimchi clan Jutsu?" Cho-Cho asked.
"Uh, it's kind of like that," Choji confirmed.
"I wanna learn how to do it too!" Cho-Cho urged. "Can you teach me tomorrow, Dad?"
"Oh, Choji, Cho-Cho's been looking for you all this time," Naruto stated as the rest walked up.
"I was on a mission," Choji stated.
"Sasuke!" Ino gasped. "It's been a long time!" Suddenly, Sarada appeared in front of Ino oddly.
"PIA BEAN!!!!" a voice shouted, Choji and Ino quickly stepped aside as Rock Lee zapped past them, he scooped her in a hug, and spun around.
"Daddy!" Pia exclaimed with a big smile.
'How tight do you think that hug is?' Sarada thought to herself as her eyes widened.
"We've been looking all over for you and Koga," Lee stated as he placed Pia down. He looked up to see Sasuke, he frowned.
"Lee," Sasuke greeted.
"Sasuke," Lee greeted.
"Uh, Lee would it be alright if Koga had dinner with us?" Sakura asked. Lee stared at Koga.
"Koga, the choice is up to you," Pia stated as Lee looked at Sakura.
" We will work something out," Lee stated. Everyone went home to their families, Koga ended up going home with his dad's side since he won't be in the village much longer. At the Lee household, Pia was telling them all about what happened.
"So you practically went on a mission," Metal stated as his eyes sparkled. "Did you like it? Give more details sister!"
"It was definitely not what expected," Pia admitted. " Especially since we were just academy students!"
"How many did you fight?" Dino asked.
" Two handfuls of people," Pia answered. "As terrifying it was, I liked it, all of these clones had the Sharingan."
"Well done!" Lee smiled as Ren clapped his hands to join in on the excitement.
"I didn't know Mr. Sasuke was so strong," Pia admitted.
"You know Pia, I was able to beat him," Lee stated.
"Really?" Pia lit up.
"Like father like daughter," Dino stated.
"Yes! If Papa can take someone down with the Sharingan, it's only right that one of us can too!" Metal agreed. "Pia, you followed Papa in those footsteps! Well done!" Lee clapped Pia on the back, giving her a big smile. "After dinner, train with me!"
"Shuriken training?" Pia asked.
"Hand-to-hand," Metal answered.
"I want in," Dino urged. Lee and Aceso looked at each other smiling, before looking back at their children.
The next day, after Sasuke left, the Lees and Uchihas were at the pharmacy. They came to a decision to do an every other week thing. One week with the Lees, and one week with the Uchiha. Pia was going to get moved out of her room and into her own so that her brothers can room together.
"Uh, Doctor Matsuba?" Koga asked.
"Koga, please call me mom," Aceso stated as she placed a hand on his cheek. He looked up with a surprised but happy face.
"How can you so easily accept me?" Koga asked.
"You are just a kid," Lee stated.
"A random kid," Koga added.
"Koga, if there's anything your mother knows, is that there is no such thing as a random kid," Sakura stated.
"Do you know who your real dad is?" Koga asked. "Don't you wonder if I am your real son?"
"My real dad?" Aceso repeated. " I haven't been asked that in a long time." Koga stared at her. " Besides, it doesn't matter if we are blood-related, I will love you forever."
"Hey," a voice greeted as the door opened.
"Gai-sensei!" Lee cheered, they looked over to see Gai being rolled in by Kakashi.
"What I hear about there being another grandchild?" Kakashi asked.
"Isn't that Lord Sixth?" Sarada asked.
"And my dads," Aceso smiled as Lee handed Gai, the baby. The two both were smiling at each other. Koga stared at them, then it clicked. Koga then stared at Aceso, he then pulled her into a hug. "Welcome to the family, kid" Aceso hugged him back.
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