Chapter 2
When they got home from the Ninja Academy, Dino was put in his room until mom got home.
"You are going to be in so much trouble," Metal warned. "Your first day at the academy and you already got suspended."
"Ease off Metal," Pia said hanging upside down from her bed. "He already received an earful from Daddy."
"Mom is way too easy on him, "Metal argued. "Dad already had you do a 1000 pushups with weights, though that isn't punishment in my opinion." They heard the front door open; they all froze. They heard voices mumbling, and then the sound of footsteps approached, the door opened revealing Mom.
"Hey mom," they all greeted.
"Hello my loves," Aceso smiled at them. "May I speak to Dino alone?"
"You are so in for it," Metal taunted as they all exited the room. Aceso stepped in, closing the door behind her. All the kids put their ears up against it, plus Dad and the baby.
"From what I heard, you made quite the entrance to the first day," Mom said.
"You are probably furious," Dino said putting his head down at his desk.
"Not at all," Aceso denied. "You were helping out a friend before."
"But what about Uncle Naruto's stone face?" Dino asked whipping his head at her.
"That can be fixed," Aceso said. "I am happy the three of you are okay."
"I got suspended for two weeks," Dino pointed. "That's not exactly okay."
"Suspended is better than being heavily injured or dead," Aceso said ruffling the top of his head. "You are irreplaceable." Tears streamed down Dino's face, he launched at her; she sat in a chair, as he sat on her lap crying. "I heard that from Denki's father that the boy is very grateful to have met you and Boruto, the boy seems to become more confident."
"Did you ever get in trouble at school?" Dino asked.
"A couple of times, but what kid doesn't?" Aceso asked; Dino laughed, Aceso smiled she was glad Dino was feeling better. "But don't go thinking that these next two weeks will be easy. Lady Hinata and Me will both be having you and Boruto hitting the books."
"I can handle that," Dino said.
"Dad and I can train with you to make sure you don't fall behind," Aceso offered more. "You will also be helping Lady Tenten at her weapon shop."
"Too easy on him," Metal argued barging into the room with the others, Lee looked away and whistled as if he wasn't listening. "He gets in trouble, and he gets to work on his skills and be with Aunt Tenten?"
"I think mom's right," Pia disagreed. "It's better that he's suspended, and not heavily injured or dead."
"Still way too easy on him," Metal grumbled as he folded his arms.
That night Aceso and Lee were in bed, Aceso was staring out the window; when she felt someone roll towards her, she rolled to face them.
"You are being a bit too easy on Dino," Lee said.
"There are worse things that could have happened," Aceso brought up as she put a hand on his face.
"Even so, don't you think he's being a bit too reckless?" Lee asked. "Something worse could happen the next time he does something like this. And then what?"
"Dino's a sharp kid, I'm sure he's aware of what could've gone wrong," Aceso said.
"Red Rose," Lee huffed.
"He is suspended and grounded for two weeks," Aceso reminded him as she put another hand on his face. "There's a lot we can drill into his head between now and then, including when to act on his hot-blooded energy."
"Between his sharpness and his hotbloodness, I fear it can only get worse," Lee said.
"Or he can use it to his strengths," Aceso reminded him. "As parents, it is our job to guide them in the right direction as best as we can."
"I still think you are being too easy," Lee sighed as he looked away. "You have always been a bit too easy on me in the past, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised with how easy you are being on Dino." He looked forward to seeing Aceso fast asleep. He smiled down at her, put an arm around her pulling her close to him, he soon fell asleep.
The two weeks flew by, Dino was now finally able to go to school, and so was Boruto. They were on their way in with Denki and Shikadai.
"All right, this going to be where I make my mark on the world," Boruto said.
"In case you forgotten, we just got done with a two-week suspension the academy gave us,
Dino pointed out.
"It's bad enough everyone's gossiping about you two," Shikadai added. "You two should keep a low profile."
"Listen," Boruto chipped clapping Shikadai on the shoulder, as he walked towards the entrance. "What done is done, I can't go worrying all about that."
"Hey, wait up!" Shikadai called out as they caught up to Boruto.
In the school, in a classroom, moments later Denki, Dino, Shikadai, and Boruto walked into the class.
"Good morning everybody," Boruto greeted, and everyone went completely silent. "My names Boruto Uzumaki, ya know." He held out a fist.
"And I'm Dino Lee," Dino introduced himself holding out a thumbs up.
"It's nice to meet all of you," the two said at the same time.
"Didn't I tell you two to keep a low profile?" Shikadai groaned going to his seat.
"Hey, Denki, which desk is ours?" Boruto asked.
"You two can just sit anywhere," Denki answered.
"Really?" Dino asked as Boruto went to go sit down.
"Hey you guys," Boruto greeted as he sat next to Shikadai, Dino went to go sit next to Metal. He noticed Pia was sitting with Sarada, Cho-Cho, and some other girl. "How's it going?" Everybody was whispering. Boruto's face was planted on his desk. "This better than being stuck at home with my mom and aunt."
"Your mom and aunt?" Denki asked.
"Yeah, they forced us to study nonstop for the whole two weeks," Dino answered. "Even had us help at the pharmacy. I had to help my aunt at her weapon shop. She sure worked me to the bone."
"It's them," a boy whispered. "How come they weren't punished after what they did."
"They kind of were," the other boy said. Dino put his head down in his arms, Metal tried to pat his head in a comforting way.
"That's because it was just some silly prank," the boy said.
"If that train cart landed in town it would have been a disaster," another boy said.
"Are you saying there's a cover-up?" a boy asked, he got shushed.
"They can hear you," a boy whispered.
"Just ignore them, Dino," Metal said. "I for one am happy that you are here."
"You are only saying that because you are my brother," Dino grumbled lifting his head.
"I mean it," Metal insisted. Up a few rows was Pia's row.
"Boruto and Dino sure do stand out in the crowd," Sumire noted.
"Hmm?" Cho-Cho asked filing her nails. "But aren't people only paying attention to them because of that ridiculous stunt they pulled."
"She's most likely right," Pia sighed.
"Don't your parents go way back Sarada and Pia?" Cho-Cho asked.
"Not really, "Sarada denied. "Our parents are friends, that's all."
"And Boruto is my cousin," Pia sighed again.
"So, you're saying you are childhood friends," Cho-Cho said.
"Only with Pia," Sarada glared at Cho-Cho. She started growling. "With the other two, I'd hardly say that, if that's what we are. In fact, I find it annoying being associated with them."
"Yeah, me too," Cho-Cho agreed, putting her hands behind her head. "All though that dad of his, and that mom of your' s Pia are seriously cool."
"Lord Naruto, the Hokage," Sumire smiled putting her hands together. "And Doctor Matsuba, a world-class medical ninja."
"Yeah," Cho-Cho said. "Difficult experiences in life define and polishes a person." They saw Inojin walk down towards the front.
"Riding on the Hokage and Doctor's coattails," Inojin said as they walked down, Sumire started to panic.
"Watch what you're saying Inojin!" Sumire pleaded.
"Hm?" Inojin asked coming to a stop. "Did I accidentally just say that out loud just now?"
"Hey, Inojin," Shikadai said. "That's a bit harsh."
"Oh, sorry," Inojin laughed as he stood in front of Boruto's table. "If I offended, I take it back. I'm only saying what everybody else is thinking. If any other kids caused the train to jump the tracks chances are, they'd get thrown in jail."
"But that's—" Denki protested standing up. Boruto clapped a hand on Denki shaking his head.
"Inojin, listen," Shikadai ordered. "You know that really didn't happen."
"I guess so," Inojin smiled. "Anyway Boruto, and long it's been?"
"Don't know," Boruto answered. "So how are you doing?"
"Are you three friends?" Denki asked.
"All of our parents are friends," Shikadai answered.
"Dino is my cousin," Boruto said.
Shikadai frowned even more. "I don't understand you, Inojin, I know you've been like this for a long time, but why do you always shoot your mouth off?"
"I'm really not trying to cause trouble or anything," Inojin said.
"If he's telling the truth that makes him even worse," Cho-Cho said.
"Yeah," Sumire agreed.
"Anyways, who our parents are doesn't matter right?" Boruto asked holding out his hand. "We are friends and family, right?"
"I just don't think you're worthy of my trust," Inojin said smacking away Boruto's hand.
"Excuse me," Sumire said standing up. "We are going to be studying together, so I believe all of us should try and get along."
"Spoken like a true class rep," Cho-Cho said. Sumire started panicking as the door opened revealing Shino.
"Everybody, stand," Sumire ordered, everyone got to their feet as Shino walked in. Inojin and Mercury went back up to their seats. Class started, they had to go outside and let Boruto and Copper do a physical placement test. Dino did his test easily, now they were all watching Boruto.
"Ok, Boruto, that's good," Shino complimented as he wrote down the results. "We are now all done we have now measured everyone's basic skill level. Next time we'll use extra practice using the data we've gathered."
"Right," the class responded.
"Good job, Boruto, and Dino," Denki said running up to them. "That was really terrific. Boruto got second-best time in the whole class and Dino you are right around the same area as Pia and Metal." He opened a laptop.
"That's not a shocker," Dino said.
"Wait, I'm not on top?" Boruto asked as they looked at Denki's screen. The first three was Iwabe, Uzumaki, and Uchiha.
"Who's this Iwabe guy?" Dino asked. "That beat Boruto's time?"
"Oh, I don't think he's actually here today," Denki answered. "He said something before about it not being worth his time, hanging around amateurs like us."
"Really?" Boruto asked. They then all took a lunch break. Dino walked into the classroom with Denki, Shikadai, and Boruto. "Oh, man I'm starving." They saw four guys sitting in the classroom.
"Oh, what's up you guys?" Dino greeted them, they looked over at them. "You going to lunch?"
"Want some company?" Boruto asked.
"Sorry," the suspender guy apologized. "We're just going up to the rooftop."
"You know you oughta get going too," the fancy hair guy said.
"See ya," the last guy said as they rushed out of the room.
"What the heck is their problem?" Boruto asked. "Eh, whatever let's just go get something to eat."
"Get out of here," a voice demanded.
"Where is that voice coming from?" Dino asked as they looked around.
"You're bothering me," the same voice said, they looked over to see a guy in the seating area. "Can't you see, I'm using this room?"
"Who's he?" Dino asked.
"Iwabee Yuino," Denki answered.
"Iwabee the repeater," Shikadai said. "They say he's failed the graduation exam twice."
"Now that you mention it, Pia has spoken of him at home," Dino said.
"So, ah upperclassman huh?" Boruto asked raising his hand. "Cool, nice to meet ya."
"I don't want to be your little friend," Iwabee hissed. "Hokage's boy, and Doctor's boy."
"Hey, watch it," Dino growled clenching his fist.
"Why does it matter whose son we are?" Boruto asked. Iwabee jumped down and grabbed Boruto 's collar pulling him close.
"I just don't like the idea of having guys like you hang around me all the time," Iwabee said, the students started to return to the classroom. "You got that. You two think you're special. Go hide in your father and mother's shadow."
"Hey, you take that back," Boruto demanded, Iwabee threw him into the teacher's podium. "Seriously, that's it. You aren't even worth my time.
"Boruto!" Denki exclaimed rushing over.
"You dirty little—" Shikadai growled, Iwabee put out his arm.
"If you got a problem with me, bring it on," Iwabee ordered.
"Is that a challenge?" Dino asked.
"I wouldn't do it if I were you," Denki warned. "I heard the staff all talking about how impressed they were with Iwabee's taijutsu skills. "
"Oh, yeah, then why does he keep flunking?" Boruto asked.
"I really don't know," Denki said. "But I really think you shouldn't test him." Iwabee slammed the lower half of his stick onto the ground, creating sparks.
"Listen to me," Iwabee ordered. "Strength is the only thing that matters for a ninja. What's the use of doing nothing and studying obediently like all of you?" He faced the rest of the class. "The current Hokage is the strongest in all of history. As long as you are strong, a ninja can get away with anything."
"Aw man, there he goes again," A kid groaned.
"I know at this point, he really should just drop out of the academy," another guy said.
"But Iwabee even Lord Seventh made it his goal to use ninjutsu in peaceful ways," Denki pointed out. "That's why I—"
"Just shut up!" Iwabee demanded, and Denki whimpered. "Weaklings don't get to talk. Just ten years ago our people were fighting in a war, when Lord Hokage was a ninja on the front lines, it wasn't like this at all. Doctor Matsuba was right down with him, she has saved numerous people from the brinks of death during the war all while fighting as well. But then this school went soft and turned into a place of wimps. That's not going to fly with me. A weakling that got in here, by riding in on his father's coach pants. It's nothing more than an embarrassment."
"They are nothing like that at all," Denki argued.
"Huh?" Iwabee said.
"You're wrong," Denki said getting to his feet. "Boruto and Dino are not like that at all. "It was because of watching Boruto and Dino, I wanted to join the academy." He marched up to the older student. You don't know anything!"
"Brave words you got there," Iwabee growled picking Denki up by his collar. "But you only get to speak to me like that after you defeat me."
"Cut it out!" Boruto demanded, breaking the two apart by kicking his leg through. "I see, your idea of strength is bullying people into doing what you want."
"What did you say?" Iwabee asked Boruto stood up.
"Boruto," Shikadai warned.
"It's okay, Shikadai," Boruto assured. "Before I came here, I made a decision that I wouldn't fight. But if I have to, I'll take you on."
"Interesting," Iwabee smirked.
"Let's take this to the training hall," Pia suggested.
"You can't be serious," Sarada groaned. "Shouldn't we try stopping this instead?"
"I for one would love to see the show these two are about to put on," Pia said. "Plus, my mom has taught me some medical ninjutsu, so whatever happens, I can heal it."
"Training hall it is," Iwabee said. They went to the training hall Boruto and Iwabee stood at the bottom as everyone else gathered at the top.
"Ooohhh," Sumire panicked as Cho-Cho munched on chips. "What do we do? What about class?"
"So, what, we can just blame the guys that are fighting," Cho-Cho said.
"You worry too much class rep, it will ruin your youth," Pia said.
"This is so annoying," Sarada sighed.
"Not scared are ya?" Iwabee asked.
"Not all," Boruto denied. "This exercise hall is like a fighting ring; this is going to be fun." He grabbed his knuckle.
"Watch closely, you guys!" Iwabee shouted slamming his Jo to the ground. "This is a ninjutsu match and will be following academy rules. So, don't worry, I won't be using my weapon. Because if I did use it, you'd be dead, and little miss red wouldn't be able to do a thing."
Up by in Shikadai's section, was Denki and a few others.
"This whole thing is my fault," Denki said.
"No, it isn't," Shikadai denied. "He brought it up all on himself by taking this challenge. He's going to get suspended again."
"You think that's all he'll get it?" Inojin asked walking up.
"It doesn't help that my sister encouraged it," Dino said.
Huh?" Denki panicked.
"But I suppose, at least he's not a coward," Inojin said. "He's just stupid." The match down on the floor started, Iwabee threw multiple shurikens and Boruto easily dodged them. Boruto ran around the shuriken, he charged throwing punches; Iwabee blocked them. Iwabee went to go strike, and Boruto flipped away.
"Ah, so you can keep up a little, huh," Iwabee smirked. Iwabee jumped up; Boruto ran forward throwing shuriken; Iwabee easily dodged them. Iwabee was surprised to see Boruto behind him, he blocked the blonde boy's kick. He grabbed Boruto's foot, he cried out, turned slamming his foot on Iwabee's head. "Well, that's not gonna work. Ah!" He threw Boruto at a post. Everyone gasped when Boruto slammed into it. "What's the matter? You done already?" Boruto was now on all fours panting.
"Damnit," Boruto grunted getting on his feet. "He made me get my clothes all dirty." Up by Pia, Sarada was twiddling her thumbs, as Cho-Cho ate her chips.
"You seem captured by this fight Sarada," Pia pointed out, glancing at her.
"I thought you weren't interested in this," Cho-Cho recalled.
"Uhh..I..I'm not," Sarada confirmed.
"It sure doesn't look like you're not interested," Cho-Cho stated.
"You're delusional," Sarada stated as Cho-Cho finished her bag.
"Anyways, I think he's in real trouble," Cho-Cho said. "He's no match for that guy."
"If it gets real bad, I'll step in," Pia said. "No need to worry." Boruto threw multiple shurikens, Iwabee easily blocked them, with his kunai.
"Pretty clever," Iwabee stated as Boruto ran around Iwabee. Boruto stopped behind a post, he peaked around throwing more Shuriken, once again they were blocked. Boruto ran forward, small combat, he grabbed Iwabee. "Hands off!" He picked Boruto up slamming him onto the ground. "It's over!" Iwabee spun in the air, with his foot out ready to strike. He slammed down on Boruto, puffing into smoke.
"I'm over here!" Boruto stated coming up from behind Iwabee, getting ready to strike. He kicked Iwabee, sending him flying. He puffed into a log.
"A substitution," Shikadai gasped.
"Damnit," Boruto grunted as his two clones came to him. "Where?" He backed up to a post, and behind him, a blanket fell revealing Iwabee.
"Behind you!" Denki shouted Boruto got put into a chokehold.
"Boruto," Dino breathed. Iwabee squeezed till Boruto's clone gave out, Dino sighed in relief.
"Substitution with a disguise jutsu, huh?" Boruto noted. "That's pretty good."
"Yeah, you too," Iwabee smiled. "Shadow clones and they even stay manifested. That's some chakra."
"What's chakra?" Denki asked, he had pulled out his laptop thing.
"The energy that's produced by the measurable quantity of cells that are contained within the human body," Dino answered.
"Yeah," Shikadai breathed looking over. "Learning how to manipulate chakra is the first step towards mastering ninjutsu." Two more Boruto clones popped up.
"Interesting," Iwabee said. "But I can on any number of clones."
"We'll see," Boruto stated, he and his clones ran forward. Iwabee disappeared.
"Too easy," Boruto stated swinging his leg, knocking the clones off their feet. He struck one in the face, now only two Boruto's remained. Iwabee grabbed the Boruto's slamming him into the other Boruto.
"You know, you really shouldn't waste your clones," Iwabee advised. "Or you'll run out of energy to past."
"Just shut up!" Boruto ordered getting onto his feet. Iwabee threw something on the ground, dirt rose up blocking everyone's view.
"It's clear that guy's used to combat," Shikadai stated.
"The data says he was the top student in ninjutsu last year too," Denki stated. "Although it seems that his grades in other courses were dismal."
"That explains why he got held back," Dino stated.
"Ahh, man this guy is a serious drag," Shikadai groaned touching the side of his temple. "The academy shouId've just let him graduate already." They looked through the smoke to see Boruto going after Iwabee the best he could.
"Wait there," Boruto pointed out. "Get him!" One charged forward, easily defeated. "Go next one!"
"Would it kill ya to say please once in a while?" one of his clones asked before charging toward Iwabee.
"Boruto!" Denki exclaimed.
"So determined," Inojin stated. "But just why is he that determined? Huh?"
"It doesn't seem like he's riding on anyone's coattails," Sumire stated. "Not to me."
"That's too easy," Iwabee said punching down two Borutos. "Reached your limit already? Hokage's boy!" All four of Boruto's clones were panting.
"Shut up, I won't give in to someone that thinks strength is everything," Boruto stated.
"But that's just what you'll do," Iwabee stated. "It's the exact same thing that the Hokage and all the other adults has always been doing. They all rose up to their ranks because of their power. Now they've decide that times have changed. If things were the same, I would have graduated and become a ninja a long time ago. But the way things are now unless I pass courses that has absolutely nothing to do with ninjutsu then I'm stuck here."
"You fool," Pia breathed tilting her head.
"You think maybe you're just really bad at studying?" Boruto asked.
"So what if I am?" Iwabee asked, he was flustered. "Huh?"
"It means you are taking things out on the wrong person," Boruto answered.
"What did you say?" Iwabee demanded.
"If you really wanna become a ninja then you have to keep at it, no matter how many times you fail," Boruto answered. They all charged, Iwabee easily dodged them. "Instead, you blame the times you are living in, you skip classes and you act like the world's against you." Boruto had Iwabee in a hold from behind. "And that's one of the most uncool things I've ever heard." Iwabee grabbed his head and spun throwing Boruto off of him.
"You are calling me uncool?!" Iwabee ranged.
"Yeah, duh," Boruto answered getting back up. "There's no way, I'm ever going to lose to you!" They charged.
"You asked for it!" Iwabee smirked throwing the disguise blanket, he disappeared.
"What?" Boruto asked looking around.
"What's wrong?" Iwabee asked. "I'm right over here!" Boruto looked up to see Iwavee staring down at him while standing on one of the posts. "The clone jutsus useless." He took out multiple shurikens when the real one goes down." Boruto got cut; Iwabee ran down. "So the one at the very back is the real you then!" Boruto smirked, puffing into smoke.
"My clones aren't substitutes for the real me," Boruto stated. Three of them aimed toward Iwabee. "I'm not riding on.." They slammed a few punches and a kick. "The Hokage's coattails!"
"He did it!" Denki chimed as everyone cheered as Iwabee tumbled back. Iwabee struggled to get up as Borutos clones disappeared.
"Yeah, you've got your burdens to bear, everyone does," Boruto said. "But they all come here, despite them. So don't stand in their way." Iwabee let out a yell of frustration, he jumped up high or Boruto, grabbing his jo.
"Quit messing around!" Iwabee ordered, and the ground started to crack. "You jerk!"
"No way what's that?" Sarada asked as they watched. Iwabee rose his jo, there was a patch of solid ground, he slammed it into the ground, cracking it all the way to Boruto. He missed, taking down a pole in the process.
"He knows earth style too!" Shikadai went wide eye.
"Wait, what?" Boruto asked.
"The only thing I've ever wanted is to become like the Hokage," Iwabee stated raising his weapon. "I want to fight like him!" There were tears in his eyes. "That's the path I've chosen! And I'm not going to let it end right here! There's no way!" He raised his weapon to strike, a red and yellow bird swooped down, grabbing the weapon as a net made out of rope captured him.
"What is that?" Denki gasped.
"Super Beast Scroll," Shikadai stated, he looked back. "Inojin!" The bird dropped the weapon by Inojin before disappearing.
"And a rope," Metal stated. " Dino!" He looked over to see the ropes around Dino's waist were gone.
"Hey, what's the big idea?!" Iwabe demanded. "Stay out of this!"
"What's wrong?" Inojin asked with a smile. "Didn't you say you weren't going to use your weapon? How can you call it a fair fight if you break the rules?"
"Are you going back on your word?" Dino asked. Iwabe gasped.
"You know, you're right," Iwabe admitted. "I'm uncool." They all cheered.
"What is going on here?!" Shino demanded running into the hall. "Boruto!"
"Yeah!" Boruto smiled, giving a thumbs up. They all started to head back to class.
"Iwabee!" Pia called out running up to him.
"What do you want?" Iwabe asked as he looked away.
"Ninjutsu isn't the only thing to being a ninja, taijutsu is just as important," Pia stated.
"Is little red really telling me how to get stronger to pass?" Iwabe tsked.
"My grandpapa said instead of laminating the way things are; comforting the truth and embracing it makes people become even stronger," Pia answered, Iwabee's eyes went wide as he looked down at her. "Just spend a bit more time studying, there's more in the village than just being a ninja now, so of course, there will be other courses to take, that way we are to touch on everything." Pia looked over at her brothers. "People already acknowledge your strength, there is no doubt you will get stronger. But always, have something you want to protect."
"Something I want to protect?" Iwabe stated with a laugh.
"It's not funny!" Pia snapped looking at him. "When there is a smile you wish to protect, you will find a way to make sure it never falls, therefore it pushes one to become stronger. The Hokage became strong from training hard, he became strong to reach a goal and to be acknowledged, he also became strong in order to protect the ones he loves and the people in this village and this world." Iwabe stared at her. "Iwabe, you have a dream to be like the Hokage, it's something you will protect by becoming strong in mind, body, and heart. A ninja must also become strong in order to protect their teammates once they get out of the academy. You must never leave a comrade behind. Just for you to know, nobody is riding anyone's coattails, we all chose our own paths. Dino wishes to become just like our mom, and that is no easy path."
"Pia! Over here!" a voice shouted. Pia looked over to see Metal waving her over, a smile formed on her face.
"I for one want to become stronger to protect my brothers," Pia stated. "They mean the world to me." She ran over to them.
"After school, we should get started on our training right away," Metal stated.
"We should get our homework out of the way," Dino stated.
"It's probably best we do homework first," Pia answered.
"But Pia!" Metal protested.
"After school, we pick Ren up from the weapons shop, Lady Tenten is watching him at the moment. Unless you want to train with Ren as well," Pia stated.
"Ren's joined us before," Metal pointed out.
"Only when dad is with us," Dino pointed out.
They went back to class, and the next day Boruto quickly rose to popularity.
"Boruto, want to eat lunch with me?" Kuwa asked.
"Yeah, with me too?" another kid asked.
"Okay, sounds good!" Boruto smiled.
"Dino, join us!" Kuwa requested.
" All right," Dino agreed.
"Thank goodness," Sumire sighed in relief.
"Why are you so concern about what happens to him?" Cho-Cho asked as Sarada and Pia did book work.
"Because I'm the class representative!" Sumire blushed.
"I'm glad the air's been cleared," Denki smiled.
"Although, Anko sensei gave him a real ear full," Shikadai stated.
"I'm sure he's just going to get in trouble again, both of them," a boy said. "As usual, they're probably get away with it too."
"It must be nice riding somebody else's coattails," Doshu stated.
"You guys are sad," Inojin stated as he walked past them.
"What are you talking about?" the first boy demanded.
"He was just fighting for himself," Inojin stated. "He did it for his classmate too. Back when Denki was being bullied by those other guys. I didn't see any of you trying to help."
"Oh well, uh," the first kid began.
"I don't really want to sound like Boruto, but you guys are totally uncool," Inojin said with a smile. They all groaned.
"Iwabe!" Renga gasped when Iwabee opened the door. "You." He walked past them and down to Boruto.
"Hey man," Boruto smiled looking back at him.
"Hey, there," Iwabe greeted. He then took a seat behind Boruto, next to Dino.
"So you showed up after all," Dino stated.
"Well, since we are classmates and everything," Iwabe said looking away.
"Man, what a drag," Shikadai groaned. The door slid open revealing Shino.
"Stand," Sumire ordered, they all did as they were told. "And bow!" They did as they were told.
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