Chapter 18

One morning everyone was hard at training, Dino was in the forest with his mom, he was working on balancing with one hand a rope.

"Looks Dad and Metal are working on balance as well," Dino stated. 

"Hmm?" Aceso breathed as she looked over, down in the village on top of structures were Metal, and Lee both balancing on one finger. 

"Set your heart on fire!" Lee ordered.

"Yes, papa!" Metal responded with a shaky arm. Over in the forest, Dino started to fall over, Aceso grabbed him by his ankle, before he could fall any further.

"Thanks, Mom," Dino grunted as he tried to regain balance.

"Dino...Tenten is watching Ren today, he helps bring more customers into the shop," Aceso stated.

"Am I not cute?" Dino asked.

"Very cute," Aceso assured. "But where's your sister?"

"She's trying out a new technique she wants to show Uncle G and Uncle K before they come for the Kage summit" Dino answered.

"By herself?" Aceso asked.

"She wants to surprise you and dad with it as well," Dino answered. "You can let go now." Aceso nodded, she let Dino's leg so he could go back to training. 


Later that day Pia was taking a break from training, she was getting food with ChoCho and Sarada. She watched her dad and Metal pass by on their hands. 

"All right! Let us run with spirit!" Lee shouted. 

"Yes!" Metal agreed. 

"Next up, cliff climbing!" Lee stated. 

"Yes, papa!" Metal agreed.

"Hello, Pia Bean!" Lee greeted.

"Hello, Pia!" Metal greeted.

"Dad, big brother," Pia greeted as they passed. 

"If you're not going to eat it, I'm gonna," ChoCho stated as she took the Dango stick from Sarada. 

"Are you going to keep ignoring us, Sarada?" Pia asked. 

"It's just that everyone is getting along so well," Sarada stated. "Then again our graduation exam is still a ways off."

"Oh is that what you're talking about?" Cho-Cho asked. "If the test would make me lose weight I might be excited about it." She ate the Dango. 

"What are you talking about? The genin tests are the first big step towards becoming a ninja," Pia stated. "You aren't even a little bit excited?"

"I haven't really given it much thought," Chocho stated with a mouth full of food. 

"What's the big deal about becoming a ninja?" Sarada asked.

"It's a great honor to be a ninja," Pia stated. "I've been dreaming about being a ninja since I was very little."

"But is it really what everyone wants to be?" Sarada asked. "Just think of the actual word, ninja sound pretty lame."

"That's where you are wrong," Pia disagreed. "The word ninja is among the coolest words out there."

"What's this all about?" Chocho asked. "Did something happen to you?"

"Not really," Sarada answered. "Anyway, what are you two going to do after this?" Sarada asked. "I have the whole day to myself, so let's hang out."

"Well actually, I think I promised my dad I would train with him for a while later today," Chocho answered. 

"I was going to go over and see my aunt," Pia answered. "It shouldn't take long."

"No, it's fine, I get it," Sarada stated as she went back to being gloomy. 

"Of course, I'm totally not interested in training with him, I have zero desire to go whatsoever," Chocho stated. 

"You should go with him," Sarada encouraged. 

"Huh?" Chocho asked.

"After all, you don't wanna fail the exam," Sarada backed up her suggestion. 

"You think you are better than me?" Chocho asked angrily. "And that attitude really gets on my nerves of course you think you come from the one and only Uchiha clan you don't have to worry about training like the rest of us."

"That's got nothing to do with it," Sarada answered.

"Then what is all of this about, Sarada?" Pia demanded. 

"It's special training with your dad," Sarada answered. 

"Hey, there!" A voice shouted. "Chocho!" They looked over to see Choji waving as he held a bag of chips. "Over here!"

"Damn, he's so embarrassing," Chocho stated as she pouted looking away. 

"What's so embarrassing about a grown-up walking around and enjoying a bag of chips?" Sarada asked. 

"He's such a poser," Chocho answered as she pointed at the chips. "See those lightly slated chips? That's for show. He eats the constame flavor at home. The truth is the two of us really don't see eye to eye."

"That's it," Sarada laughed. 

"Chocho!" Choji shouted as he continued to wave. "I'm over here! Come on!" He stopped. "Huh, guess she didn't hear me."

"We're not alike in any way," Chocho said. "You'd never know if he's my dad. Isn't it obvious we are totally different?" 

"We'd have to think about that," Sarada stated. 

"Well, what's it like in your family?" Chocho asked. 

"M-my family?" Sarada repeated.

"Are you and your dad really similar?" Chocho asked. 

"I really don't know," Sarada answered honestly. "I can't even clearly remember him. "I haven't seen him in such a long time." After their meeting, Pia went to the Nara household. The door opened before she knocked on the door. 

"What took you so long?!" Aunt Temari demanded. "Your late, Pia." 

"I got caught up with my friends," Pia answered as she took off her shoes. "What do you need me for today anyway?" 

"These kunai need sharpening," Temari answered. "Shikadai is out with his dad."

"You had me come over to sharpen tools?" Pia asked in disbelief. 

"Catching an attitude are we?" Temari asked as she looked back.

"No way!" Pia denied it as she smiled. "It's just that--"

"We are working on your aim, you can't hit your target properly with a dull kunai," Temari said. "And what's this I hear you working on a new Jutsu? Care to show me?" 

"Just don't tell my mom or dad about it!" Pia lit up. "In fact don't tell anyone, I want it to be a surprise!"

"Of course," Temari stated. After training all day, Pia arrived home late to find Mom and Dad both passed out, mom was snuggled up to dad he had his arms around her.

"Pia," a voice said, she looked over to see Dino. "You came home late."

"I ended up having dinner at the Naras, I was helping Auntie Temari out today," Pia answered. "Ren?"

"Sound asleep," Dino answered. "Have you seen Koga lately? He's been quite distant."

"I heard he went back to his village for the weekend," Pia answered. "He must miss it a lot."

"Which is odd cause he never talks about it," Dino stated. "What are your feelings about Koga?"

"He's good to train with, the more time I spend with him, the more I feel like he could be a brother," Pia answered. "You should train with him more."

"I know how you feel about the brother part," Dino admitted. He looked back at mom.

"Mom would never do anything, whatever you are thinking," Pia stated. "And neither would daddy, they are way too devoted to each other. You should've seen Daddy's face when I asked him about the moment he fell in love with mom." Dino seemed troubled. "Just get some sleep, you spent a lot of time upside down today, the blood is messing with your head."


The next day at Lightning Burger, Pia sat at a table with Sarada, the Uchiha was just as spaced out as the day before. 

"Dad, I told you to stop that already," Chocho groaned. "Could you not supersize things when you are out with your daughter?"

"More importantly, why would anyone eat such things so early in the morning?" Karui asked. "No matter how careful you are, when you die you die. That's just life. Not that I'd ever eat that stuff."

"Chocho you are still a child, you need to eat more so you can grow big and strong," Choji advised. 

"I think I'm already bigger than most of my classmates are Dad," Chocho stated. "And look mom you need to seriously dial back that condescending know-it-all attitude of yours." She got up angrily. "You made me so mad that I'm hungry again, now I'll just have to have seconds." She marched over, then stopped. "Oh, Pia...Sarada."

"Hey, Chocho," Pia greeted.

"Oh, hello there," Sarada sweated. They grabbed a booth so Chocho could join them. 

"A troubled mind can spoil any appetite, or so they say," Chocho stated. "And so it's true."

"So you feeling troubled?" Pia asked. 

"Hey, Sarada, Pia...if I tell you something, can you keep it just between us?" Chocho asked. They both nodded.

"What is it?" Sarada asked. 

"I have a feeling that the two people over there aren't actually my real parents," Chocho stated. "I mean look at them, I don't look anything like either of them." They looked over, Choji smiled and waved at them happily. 

"You think so?" Sarada asked. 

"Once when I was little and started to run a real high fever," Chocho recalled. She told them about the night. "I can still remember just how his hand felt when he touched my head. I believed ever since that manly man had to be my real father." 

"Sure," Sarada and Pia breathed.

"That's what's called the tragic heroine syndrome," a voice stated, they all looked over to see Mitsuki and Koga.

"What?" Chocho asked. 

"A condition that subconsciously occurs in girls of a certain age," Koga explained. 

"When attempting to defy who they are," Mitsuki added. 

"Who do you two think you are Mitsuki and Koga?" Chocho demanded angrily. "What's with those condescending tones? You both couldn't begin to understand the mind of a delicate maiden? Right, Sarada and Pia?"

"I can tell without even looking at your crest that you are from the Akimichi clan," Mitsuki pointed out. "So don't worry."

"Get lost insensitive jerks!" Chocho demanded. 

"Wait, Koga, I want to speak to you alone," Pia stated as he began to walk away.

"Me?" Koga asked pointing to himself.

"Meet me at the train station," Pia ordered.  He and Mitsuki looked at each other before walking away. They ended up just sitting a bit away. 

"Damnit, I'm actually worrying while I sit here," Chocho complained. 

"I get it, realizing you don't know the truth about your own mom and dad," Sarada said. 

"No kidding right," Chocho lit up. "Of course you get it, you two are my best friend." Sarada looked up and smiled. "So anyway, I kind of a favor to ask of my best friends. Are you both willing to hear me out?" 

"What do you need?" Pia asked. 

"Well you see, I'm thinking of going on a journey, I'm thinking of finding out who my real mom and dad are," Chocho revealed. "And naturally you both will be becoming along. Right?"

"Of course, right after I speak to Koga," Pia said as Sarada's eye widened. 

"What's the matter?" Chocho asked. 

"That's it!" Sarada lit up as she got to her feet. "That's the answer!"

"Sarada?" Pia asked as Sarada left the building. "Sarada!" They stood at the door.

"We'll leave just as soon as you get back," Chocho shouted. "Okay!? Did you get that?!" 

"Pia," Koga said appearing behind her. 

"Make it quick," Chocho stated. Pia started to walk through the village with Koga.

"What exactly do you want to talk to me about?" Koga asked. 

"You treat me like a sister and you treat Metal and Dino as if they were your brothers, and even Ren...why is that?" Pia asked. Koga stopped walking, Pia stopped; she looked back to see Koga staring at the floor. "I also can't help but notice you treat Sarada as a sister as well."

"You've noticed?" Koga asked softly. 

"Dino has as well. He brought it up to me last night" Pia stated as she walked over to him. Koga looked up at her with fear in his eyes, no fear of her, but what he knows. "Koga?"

"I gotta go," Koga said as he began to back up. "You'll find your answers on your journey." He bumped into someone, he looked back to see it was Aceso.

"Hey, Koga," Aceso smiled. "Training with Pia?"

"We just finished," Koga stated. "Nice to see you." He disappeared around the corner.

"He's always so jittering around me," Aceso stated; she looked at her daughter. "Pia Bean."

"I'm about to go do some training with Sarada and Chocho," Pia stated. 

"Will you be out late again?" Aceso asked.

"See you when I get home mom," Pia smiled. 

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