Chapter 15
Today in class, Shino-sensei had them learn how to walk on water.
"Focus on gathering chakra on the soles of your feet," Shino ordered. "That's it if you can control chakra skillfully it's even possible to walk on water."
"Compare to everyone else, I'm at a serious disadvantage," Cho-Cho stated as she struggled to stay on her feet.
"Isn't it kind of ridiculous we are learning how to walk on water?" Sarada asked. "What's the point of inventing things like boats then?"
"Some battles take place on the water," Pia stated. "We need to be prepared for anything."
"Can you two stop talking please?" Cho-Cho pleaded.
"Alright, hold on," Shino stated. Chakra engulfed his hand, he put it on top of the water; the water started to sway and throw people off balance and into the water. "The surface of the water is never the same, actual rivers and oceans are nothing like this pond." Soon school and Pia headed home without her siblings. She got home to Lee on a ladder cleaning the gutters.
"Daddy," Pia greeted, Lee looked over and smiled. "We learned how to walk on water today." Lee gave her a thumbs up. " Can come to the river with me and help?"
"I'm more than happy too," Lee smiled as he flashed a shining smile. "As long as you help me make dinner, mom is working late tonight." Pia nodded in agreement. "We have to make it good, mom's going to the sand village tomorrow to visit family."
"Is she going alone?" Pia asked.
"She's taking Ren with her," Lee asked as he got off the latter. "Ready to go train?"
"I'm joining as well," Metal stated as he arrived home. As the two went to go train, Dino was hopping off a train top with Boruto, Denki, Inojin, and Shikadai.
"Come on that was too dangerous Boruto," Denki stated.
" I do this all the time," Boruto stated with a smile.
"It's all good," Dino assured.
"Hey, Sarada!" Boruto waved; they looked over to see their classmate with bags in her hands.
"It looks like you guys are up to no good again," Sarada stated as she walked over to them.
"We're just going to teach Denki, how to fish," Shikadai informed. "Except it's kind of a drag."
"I know can you believe it?" Boruto asked as he gestured to Denki. "He's never actually gone fishing in his whole entire life before."
"But I've played fishing games," Denki brought up. "So there's that."
"That's not the same," Dino denied. "Sarada, you should join us if you are free."
"No," Sarada denied. "I have to go home and get dinner ready right now and not that I care but you guys should learn how to ride a train properly before someone gets hurt."
"Ah, don't be so uptight," Boruto stated. "It's really great to be able to sit on a roof and feel the wind against your face."
"Oh yeah? I'm not a child you know," Sarada pointed out.
"Okay, but don't knock it to you try it," Boruto advised.
"I don't have to try anything, I already know," Sarada stated as she walked away with her nose in the air.
"What an attitude," Boruto grumbled as he glared at her.
The next morning Aceso stood at the front door, Lee was holding on to Ren.
"Are you sure you all are going to be okay?" Aceso asked. "I can stay at home."
"No, you finally managed to get days off to go see your family in the sand, you should take it," Pia urged. "This will be Ren's first time in the sand, I'm sure he'll like it!"
"Tell Uncles we say hello," Dino added.
"The house will be so clean when you get home, promise!" Metal assured, Aceso stared at her kids, suddenly they were all grouped into a hug.
"I'm going to miss all of you," Aceso smiled as she kissed their heads.
"We'll miss you too," they all started.
"Go on," Pia stated as they all pulled
"See you when you get back," Lee smiled, Aceso looked up at him; the two exchanged a kiss. "See you in a couple of days." He gave Ren to Aceso. "Be good for Mom." Ren stared at him as he kicked his legs. The couple exchanged another kiss before Aceso left to go see Gaara and Kankuro, she was going to be gone for about nine days.
"Okay, let's not tear the house down," Lee stated.
"Just don't cook," Pia advised.
"More of just don't use the microwave," Dino stated.
"We can all go to the Yamankas," Metal suggested. "And have Sarada come along as well, both their moms are going away for the day." They looked back to see their dad with his head against a wall.
"Is my cooking all that bad?" Lee groaned.
"No, you just blow up the microwave a lot," Dino stated. "Well, I'm out, still got to teach Denki how to fish." He ran out of the door.
"That's right I have a mission," Lee remembered as he lifted his head. He ran down the hallway.
"I'm training with Iwabee," Metal remembered as he left the house, leaving Pia at the door. She heard running she looked back to see Lee running into view.
"Pia Bean. can you drop this off at the hospital?" Lee requested as he held up a bag full of medicine. "Your mom didn't get them done till last night and is supposed to turn them in today."
"Yeah, I got it," Pia nodded.
"Thank you," Lee kissed the top of her head. "My mission should not be too long, I will be home making a youthful dinner for all of you." he dashed out the door. Pia went into her parent's room and grabbed a backpack. She looked up to see a picture on the nightstand, it was the day she and her brothers were born; next to it was the day Ren was born. Pia smile at them, her eyes landed on a picture, it was from when Lee and Aceso were just kids. Not much older than she was at the moment. Dad was getting his arm fixed by Mom. Soon she was leaving the house, she went to the train station. "Sarada?"
"Pia?" Sarada gasped looking over at her. "What are you doing here?"
"I'm heading to the hospital," Pia answered.
" Same here," Sarada nodded as the train pulled up, coming to a stop. They both got on. "Mom fixed up a stuffed bunny for a beloved patient."
"My mom forgot to turn in medicine she made," Pia stated as Sarada put her bag on the top shelf, a piece of paper fell onto the ground; soon the train started to move. They sat down, taking the train ride in silence as Sarada read a letter, and soon they came to a stop.
"Tatsumi gate," the conductor announced. Both girls got off.
"Sarada?" Pia asked looking down.
"Hm?" Sarada asked looking up.
"Your bag," Pia pointed out.
"Oh no!" Sarada exclaimed as they looked back to see the train already taking off. "What do I do? What do I do?"
"Well, if we go straight across the rooftops, I'm sure we'll be at the spot where the train is stopping next," Pia stated.
"We?" Sarada asked.
"We," Pia confirmed. "You are my friend that is in crisis, I'm not going to walk away." She grabbed Sarada's hand. " Let's go!" They went outside.
"Wait," Sarada backed up in horror. "That makes me no different than Boruto and Dino."
"Oh, Sarada? Pia?" a woman asked, they looked back to see Shizune.
"Miss Shizune," the girls greeted as they faced the woman.
"Uh, thank you for always supporting my mom," Sarada stated as she bowed her head.
"Why are you being so formal?" Shizune asked. "Are you okay? What's going on?"
"Are you going to the hospital?" Pia asked.
"No, is something wrong?" Shizune asked.
"No, we just have something to do," Sarada stated as they both started to walk away. "Please excuse us." They both quickly ran around the corner.
Over by a bridge was the fishing group.
"Two whole days fishing, and it's the same as yesterday, empty-handed," Dino stated.
"But it was still super fun," Denki stated.
"Denki, you have no idea of the joys of fishing yet," Boruto stated as they stopped walking. "I'll take you to my special fishing hole, where you are guaranteed to get a bite."
"There's a place like that?" Denki asked.
"Yeah, just leave it to me," Boruto smiled.
Sarada and Pia were now running up to the other train station.
"Better hurry, better hurry," Sarad panted as they got inside. They got behind an elder lady.
"How do I buy train tickets again, what do I do?" the woman asked.
"Excuse me, where do you need to go?" Sarada asked, soon the two girls helped the woman buy the train ticket, they headed up to the loading dock.
"Well thank you very much," the woman thanked them.
"You're welcome," Pia smiled, Sarada gasped, they looked forward to seeing the train taking off. Sarada whimpered in a panic. Suddenly she disappeared without saying anything to Pia.
"Oh boy," Pia sighed. She left the train station, she went over to the next train stop.
Over on the train, the fishers sat in a cart when they heard something land on the roof.
"What was that?" Dino asked as he opened a window.
"I'll check," Shikadai stated as he stuck his head out the window. Soon he sat back down.
"Well?" Dino asked.
"That's impossible," Shikadai declined.
"What'd you say?" Boruto asked.
" I saw something that's impossible," Shikadai answered. "I'm probably just tired."
"What's so impossible?" Inojin asked.
"Guys, there's no way Sarada would be riding on the roof of this train right?" Shikadai asked.
"Sarada's on the roof?!" Denki asked in alarm.
"After the fuss yesterday," Dino said.
"Not a chance," Boruto denied. "Didn't you hear what she said, she'd be a total hypocrite if she got on the roof of a train after everything she said to us."
"Yeah," Inojin agreed. "She'd never be able to live it down."
"Just think, we could tease her about it right up until we graduate," Shikadai smirked. Evil looks appeared on the boy's faces, besides Denki. Soon they all got on the roof of the train to get a look.
"See she's not out here," Boruto said as Dino helped Denki up.
"Where did you see her?" Inojin asked.
"I thought I saw her over that way," Shikadai stated as he pointed in a direction.
"Let's find her," Dino urged.
"I don't think we'd ever get another chance like this one," Shikadai laughed as they looked around the train top we were on.
"If you say so, why do you have to be so mean?" Inojin asked.
"I got you now!" Boruto sang as he looked around a corner, nobody was there.
"You must've seen wrong," Inojin stated. "She's nowhere to be found out here."
" I know, but I swear I saw her," Shiakdai stated with confidence.
"Oh, come on, Shikadai," Boruto groaned.
"What's this?" Dino asked looking down.
"Isn't that a footprint?" Shikadai asked.
"Looks like a girl's footprint," Inojin stated as he leaned over to get a look.
"Let's follow it and see where it goes," Boruto suggested. Suddenly, a man stuck his head out the window.
"You kids again!" He shouted angrily.
"It's not what you think!?" Boruto exclaimed. "At least hear us out, will ya?"
"Get down from there right now! Before I call your parents!" They got to the train stop to find Pia waiting outside the doors.
'They'll never let it down if they find out it was Sarada that left it on the train.'
"Pia?" Shikadai asked he walked off with something with cherry blossoms.
"Is there by chance a stuffed animal in there?" Pia asked.
"What areyou getting into stuff animals?" Dino asked teasingly.
"It belongs to one of the patients at the hospital," Pia answered. "She's desperately worried about it."
"You forgot it on the train?" Dino asked.
"I didn't mean to," Pia stated. "I have to go turn in medicine for mom as well." Soon the train was pulling away.
"What's the truth?" Dino asked.
"I am telling the truth," Pia stated.
"No, he's right, who are you covering for?" Boruto asked he got in her face.
"We won't give this to you till you tell us, "Shikadai stated as he stepped away from her.
Pia narrowed her eyes at the boys. "Just hand it over."
"Not happening," Shiakadi denied.
"I'm sure we can work something out," Denki stated nervously.
"What are you doing?" Inojin whispered.
"She scares me," Denki whispered back. All the boys lifted their heads and tilted them.
"Let's work something out," Boruto said as he started to sweat. "Give us something to laugh about? Decipher? Solve? Anything!?"
Pia observed the boys again. 'Though it's as Cho-Cho always says, every pretty girl has their secrets.' Soon after the agreement was made; Pia went over to the pharmacy, waiting for Sarada.
A few hours later the boys were at the special fishing hole, Sarada was on the water, and Cho-Cho was on the side.
"Boruto?" Cho-Cho breathed.
" I can guarantee you'll catch a fish here," Boruto assured Denki.
"Sarada!" they heard Cho-Cho cry out.
"Huh? Did you hear something just now?" Shikadai asked Inojin.
"It's probably your imagination again," Inojin stated.
"So, do it like this?" Denki asked as he threw the line.
"Yeah, looking good," Dino smiled.
"I'm going to let you catch you the big boss of this river when it comes in," Boruto smiled.
"You think he'll do it?" Inojin asked.
"Nah, I seriously doubt it," Shikadai denied.
"Boruto, look!" Denki shouted as they saw something start to resurface.
" Here it comes," Boruto stated. "It's gotta be the big boss." Everyone leaned forward as it got closer. Boruto got to his feet. "The net! Get the net!" Soon it resurfaced, to their surprise it was Sarada.
"S-Sa-Sarada?" Dino asked.
"What are you doing...out here?" Inojin asked slowly. She did not look too happy.
"How come you were in the river?" Boruto asked slowly.
"It was hot so I was taking a little swim," Sarada answered. "Got a problem with that?"
"Of course not," the boys answered in fear. "Not at all."
Over at the pharmacy, Sarada and Cho-Cho walked in, and suddenly Sarada gasped.
"You found it!" Sarada asked as she ran over.
"It took us two wrong bags," Cho-Cho revealed as she walked over munching on chips.
"Sorry for ditching you earlier when you were just trying to help," Sarada apologized.
"It's alright don't sweat it," Pia assured. "I already turned in the medicine, but I left the stuffed animal up to you."
"Thank you," Sarada smiled in relief. "After do you three wanna go grab a snack or something?"
"It'll be your treat right?" Cho-Cho asked with a smile.
Later that night, they all sat around the table, it was different without Ren.
"Pia, did you get that medicine delivered?" Lee asked with some food in his mouth.
"Sure thing," Pia answered.
"So who were you covering for about the stuff animal?" Dino asked. "I promise I won't tell the others."
"Stuff animal?" Metal asked.
"Well, Ms. Sakura was having Sarada return a stuffed animal to a patient in the hospital," Pia answered.
"I knew you were covering for someone!" Dino roared as he stood up, leaning over the table.
"It's good for you to cover for someone, but the truth is easier," Lee stated.
"In my defense, they thought it was mine at first," Pia stated.
"And there's nothing wrong with that," Lee said as he waved his spoon at her.
"Papa's right, especially with that fact you do have one," Metal pointed out. "It's of the Shukaku the One-Tail," Metal reminded her. "Mine is of a turtle and Dino's is a bunny."
"I feel I am getting a bit too old for a cuddle buddy at night," Pia stated.
"There's no such thing," Lee denied. "When mom's not around, I have a stuff turtle animal I cuddle with."
"You do?" Pia asked in surprise as Lee got up, he went down the hall. He showed them an old stuffed turtle animal and an old stuffed dog animal. "Turtle is mine, and the other one belongs to her mom. Granpa Hokage gave it to her when she was younger. Youth never dies, remember that!"
That night Pia laid awake staring at the ceiling. Next to her was the stuff Shukaku that Metal mentioned earlier. It was too quiet without Mom coming home late or Ren crying. She heard a thump coming down the hallway. She got to her feet; she slowly opened the door, she poked her head out to a rabbit hopping down.
"Miss Pia," the bunny breathed.
"Pepper?" Pia asked as she knelt down.
" A message from your mom," Pepper stated as she handed Pia a note before vanishing. Pia stood up, opening it.
'Dear my love,
We just made it to Grandma Sansho's Curry Place, Ranmaru and Karashi say hello. Ren is loving the journey, Ranmaru tried to give the spicy curry of life, but thankfully Karasahi interfered saying he was too young, in the morning we will start back up for the sand, see you in eight days.
To Dino, Metal, and Pia,
I am missing all of you, I am so proud of the three of you.
Love you deeply, Mom'
Pia smiled, she walked out of the room; she slid open the door to her parent's room, Lee was holding onto the turtle and sprawled out.
"Daddy?" Pia asked walking over to the bed.
"Are you okay?" Lee asked as he sat up, eyes snapping open.
"Mom sent a letter, she's at the curry shop," Pia informed as she crawled onto the bed, Lee moved over to make room. "Ren is having fun."
"I expect nothing less, his youth shines brightly for his first trip away from home," Lee said with tears falling down his face. He looked down to see Pia next to him. "Not going back to bed?"
"I can't sleep," Pia answered. "Can you tell me a story?"
"Not too old for it like you are too for stuff cuddle animals?" Lee asked.
"Wait," Pia stated as she got out of the bed, she left the room, in seconds returned with the animal to the spot.
"What do you want to hear?" Lee asked as Pia scooted closer to him.
"The day you fell in love with mom," Pia requested.
"T-Th-Tha-That one?" Lee asked as his cheeks grew red. "Are you sure?"
"Yes, that one," Pia nodded her head.
"You got it little bean," Lee smiled. After the story finished, Lee looked over to see Pia on her side fast asleep, clutching to the letter from Aceso and the animal. He smiled even more, before going back to sleep as well.
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