Chapter 14
At school, everyone was watching Denki as he tried to walk up a rock. He let out a yell as he charged forward, everyone was surprised to see him going up, he didn't get very far before falling.
"You couldn't do it," Boruto sighed as he got up.
"It really looked like he would make it this time," Inojin stated as a few of them ran over.
"Ow, ow, ow," Denki groaned.
"Hey there Denki," Shikadai greeted. "It's not just about how much you focus, the thing is it also needs to feel like it's kind of a drag."
"Along with second nature," Dino added.
"Uh, what do you mean a drag?" Denki asked. "How do I make it become second nature?"
"When you are working with chakra, you gotta use your physical and spiritual energy," Boruto explained. "Ya, know?" He put his hands separate, then put them together. "You fuse the two of them together like that. Then let it all flow delicately to the soles of your feet, after you make that happen, it's about how stable you can keep it. Understand?"
"Huh?" Denki asked.
"It's important to be aware of chakra points," Mitsuki began to explain.
"And also of the chakra network that connects them all together," Koga added.
"uh, what?" Denki asked the two.
"And to put it simply you have to be stylish," Cho-Cho explained. "You'll never succeed unless you do it with style like me."
"But you are really not all that stylish," Denki stated.
"I'm talking about the inside," Cho-Cho stated as she got dangerously close to him. "What's inside." She stood back up. "If you're stylish on the inside then you'll smoothly infuse chakra.
"So like I said before, just make it stable," Boruto explained as he started walking up the wall.
"It'll become second nature," Dino added as he followed.
"It'll seem easy," Inojin stated as he walked with Cho-Cho and Shikadai. "Once you get the knack."
"Remember to be stylish!" Cho-Cho exclaimed.
"You can't do it, of you're nervous," Shikadai stated as he looked back.
"Yeah," they all stated as they stopped and faced Denki.
"I don't understand a word, any of you are saying to me!" Denki admitted. He became lost for words as they all landed back on the ground.
"Hey, don't you think you are just being a little impatient?" Dino asked.
"I'm not used to being a failure," Denki said as he looked down. "I've never flunked a test before. I've also been a great student."
"You're certainly straightforward about it," Cho-Cho stated.
"If I fail ninjutsu, I'll get held back a year," Denki frowned even more. "I'll be a repeater like Iwabee is, I can't let that happen, I just can't!"
"Oh, hey it's Iwabee," Boruto greeted as he and Shikadai looked, Denki gasped loudly. They looked to see Iwabee silently staring at Denki as Denki looked at him.
"Uh, well, um!" Denki stammered as he got up.
"Well talking about it, isn't going to help you climb the wall," Iwabee stated. They watched him slowly walk away.
"You keep obsessing over tests, but that's not the only thing that's important," Shino stated. "Tests cannot determine a person quality, its because that--"
"Oh, wow Denki," Boruto interrupted him. "That was totally uncool."
"Yeah, it was," Dino agreed.
"You really shouldn't have said that about Iwabee," Shikadai added.
"As I was saying--" Shino continued.
"I'd hate to have to repeat a grade," a student stated.
"I'd be so embarrassed," a girl stated, all the other classmates started to talk with each other. More students started laughing, Pia remained silent.
"Denki," Pia said, everyone went silent. "If you truly want to pass this exam, perhaps you should train more."
"Train more?" Denki repeated.
"Plus, you shouldn't look down on people just because they repeated, everyone is on their own path," Pia explained. "If it takes a couple of times, then that's all that is to it. In the old days, it was common to have to repeat."
"She's right," Metal smiled with a thumbs up. "It doesn't matter how many times you fail, as long as you keep trying!" His teeth sparkled as he smiled more. The class soon ended and everyone was going home.
"Keep training," Denki repeated as he looked at the rock. "That's easy for her to say. I have to pass! I have to pass!" He ran towards the rock, he got to the same mark as earlier before falling back, into someone's arms. He was set down, he looked up to see Metal.
"I have been observing you for a while," Metal admitted. "Your technique looks like it could be dangerous. I will practice wall climbing with you!"
"Metal," Denki breathed as he stood up.
"We cannot have you getting heart," Metal declared. "Especially before the test." Denki sighed; they looked at the rock.
"Why does wall climbing have to be part of a ninjutsu exam?" Denki asked.
"It's is funny Denki," Metal laughed. "You have no problem with the written tests, yet wall climbing presents a challenge."
"It won't matter how well I do on a written test," Denki stated as he squatted down. "If I fail ninjutsu, I probably won't be able to graduate. Perhaps, I'm not ready to graduate, as long as I keep trying right?"
"That's the spirit!" Metal exclaimed as he smacked Denki in the back, Denki cried out and fell over. "No weakness! At times like these, you must continue to practice relentlessly! Until you finally get it right!"
"You are sounding like your sister," Denki stated as he looked back.
"Of course, we do!" Metal cheered. "We come from the same Papa after all!" Metal took Denki to train, beginning with rock climbing, Metal was using one hand.
"Is this how you normally train?" Denki asked from way below.
"Absolutely!" Metal answered as he looked down at Denki. "Pia and I start our day with rock climbing each and every morning! And then we go to the academy!" Denki started to climb up, he slipped and fell. "Denki no!" Denki screamed as he fell, he fell straight into someone else's arms. He was set gently on the ground.
"Thank you so much," Denki stated as he looked up at the man. "Huh?" He looked up to Rock Lee, he was smiling down with a sparkly smile.
"Papa!" Denki greeted as he landed on the ground with a smile.
"Papa!" Denki repeated in alarm as Lee looked at Metal. Lee then turned back around and gave Denki a tight hug, he made some noises. "Excuse me, what's going on?"
"Putting in extra training to improve your ninjutsu," Lee started as he pulled away, before bringing Denki into another hug. "You're absolutely in the throws of youth!" Denki started to make grunting sounds. "Oh, sorry! Sorry! If Pia saw me, she would be scolding me. I am just so happy!"
"Okay," Denki said slowly.
"If that is the situation then practice as much as you want," Lee declared. "Who cares if you fall sometimes, I will stay right here to watch over you!" He gave a thumbs up and another sparkling smile.
Over at Thunder Burger, Dino sat with some others trying to help Iwabee.
"What's the point?" Iwabee groaned with a book over his face. "I don't know if this is ever going to stick."
"Hey, are you taking this seriously?" Boruto asked.
"Shut up!" Iwabee raged as he sat up, letting the book fall. "This stuff isn't easy! Now, explain it again!"
"Sounds like you could really use Pia's help again," Dino stated.
"And she's busy helping your mom at the pharmacy and with Ren," Boruto reminded him.
"This isn't looking good," Inojin stated.
"Yeah," Shikadai agreed. "Looks like he's beyond our help."
"Like I said!" Boruto began as he went back to explaining, Iwabee opened his book again.
"Boruto isn't the best choice for a teacher either," Dino added.
"Slam the formula right in there!" Boruto finished, Iwabee dropped his book and held his head.
"You know Denki would be better," Shikadai stated. "He would be the best choice for a teacher!"
"But after the comment Denki made, what would Iwabee want Denki to teach him anything at all?" Inojin asked.
"That idiot," Shikadai frowned.
"Yeah, well," Iwabee breathed softly as he picked up the book again. The day grew late, Denki was now on his knees in front of Lee and Metal. He was panting heavily.
"You fell many times today," Lee noted. "I think we should continue tomorrow."
"Yeah!" Metal agreed as he raised a fist.
"Excuse me, do you have any more tips or instructions for me?" Denki asked as he looked up. "Please, I'll take every bit of your advice. I know Pia said it's okay to fail, but I absolutely have to pass the test!"
"That spirit!" Lee smiled as he gave a thumbs up. "That is what youth is about! However, one's youth is not merely for that alone. You must keep that in mind too! As you move forward in life!"
"Sure," Denki said slowly, Lee suddenly took out a green suit.
"Alright, because you are such a hard worker I have a special gift for you!" Lee cheered. He handed it to Denki. "Made with the latest ninja tool technology to aid in your success! It has amazing breathability! It is water-proof and fireproof, sold by!"
"Special order only," Lee and Metal said at the same time as they both struck a similar pose.
"Uh, this is great," Denki stated as he smiled down at it. "Thank you guys"
"It helps a whole lot!" Metal assured. "When Pia goes to train her hardest, she wears that."
"Really?" Denki asked for some disbelief.
That night, Iwabee walked into the pharmacy to see Pia saying bye to a customer.
"Hey, uh Pia," Iwabee greeted as he walked up to her, she looked up at him. "For the test tomorrow."
"I'm busy tonight," Pia stated. "It is funny though, Dino tried to help you, while Papa and Metal tried to help Denki." Iwabee frowned. "What he said was harsh, but you both should help each other out."
"Well," Iwabee breathed.
"There's no well, you both have a desire to pass, you are bad at math, he's great at the written tests. He's bad at ninjutsu and you are great at ninjutsu, the both of you should help each other," Pia explained.
"Fine," Iwabee gave in.
"Good," Pia smiled.
The next day was easy, it was just school and some training. That night Pia was sitting on the stumps in the back with her siblings and Dad.
"Why did you call us all back here, my love?" Lee asked as he tilted his head. "Our training is going extremely well."
"For this," Aceso answered as she knelt down, she put Ren on the ground. Ren started to crawl over to Lee, everyone lit up.
"When?" Lee answered.
"Just a few minutes ago," Aceso answered with a smile. "I dropped a tomato while putting dinner together and Ren suddenly appeared next to it."
"Amazing!" Lee cheered as he lifted Ren in the air, the baby started to laugh as he stuck his fingers in his mouth. The next day, Pia was chatting with Cho-Cho and Sarada at Lightning Burger about Ren starting to crawl while Dino and Metal spent the entire day training together. A few days later, some people stared up at Denki as he climbed up a wall while helping Iwabee.
"How do you do this one?" Iwabee asked.
"You solve problems like that with simultaneous equations we just learned in class," Denki explained as he jumped down.
"Of course," Denki stated. " I see, I got it!"
"What's going on?" Mitsuki asked.
"Don't ask me," Shikadai stated,
"Hey!" Boruto shouted as he ran over. "You working hard?! I brought everybody some snacks!" Everyone sat to enjoy the burger.
"Uh, Boruto," Pia breathed.
"No worries this is my treat," Boruto assured.
"Did you spend all of your allowances?" Shikadai asked.
"Who cares about that," Boruto smiled. "I'm just here to offer you guys, some moral support!"
"Oh, really?" Dino laughed.
"Thanks, Boruto," Denki smiled.
"Yeah, man," Iwabee smiled.
"Come on now, just eat up!" Boruto encouraged.
"Thanks for the burger!" everyone thanked him before taking a bite beside Pia and Mitsuki. She looked back to see everyone with wide eyes, they opened their mouths, letting out the fire. "It's hot!"
"So spicy," Iwabee sweated.
"What is in this?" Koga asked.
"It's the new ghost pepper burger," Boruto answered. He laughed. "I wanted to try this because it's supposed to be hotter than their old habanero burger?" He took a bite, his eyes went wide, fire shot out of his mouth. The next day was the big ninjutsu test.
"Begin!" Shino ordered a kid ran up the post easily. "You pass."
"Where are they?" Pia asked as she glanced back. "They should have been here by now."
"The ghost pepper burgers Boruto gave them yesterday probably got to them," Inojin stated. "Maybe they're sick." Boruto began to panic.
"My stomach's been messed up too," Shikadai admitted. "Come to think of it." Boruto started to sweat. The test continued on, the Lee siblings passed easily.
"How strange neither of the two showed up," Shino noticed. "Okay, the test is officially over!"
"Wait a sec, " Boruto protested as he stood up. "Shino-sensei. Uh, well, the reason they aren't here is because of me. I am the one to blame, I think it's because of the hamburgers I gave them."
"What are you trying to say?" Shino asked.
"He might've given them food poisoning," Dino clarified.
"Just wait for them okay!" Boruto insisted as he put a hand over Dino's mouth. "They were dead set on taking this test!" He bowed a little. "Please, sensei." They looked over to see the two showed up, both of them had smoked on them. Pia's eyes went wide to see Denki wearing the green suit.
"Did dad--?" Pia asked.
"Yeah," Metal smiled.
"Guess, we didn't make it in time," Iwabee huffed.
"Yeah, it looks that way," Denki breathed.
"You're both late," Shino stated. "What in the world happened?" They all went inside as Shino pulled the two students aside to talk to them. They soon saw the two staring at their names
"Congratulations!" Metal cheered as they ran over.
"Thanks, guys," Denki smiled.
"I didn't think you'd pass," Inojin admitted.
"Anway, you both did a good job," Shikadai complimented as he put a hand on Denki's shoulder.
"You had me super worried for no reason at all," Cho-Cho stated. "But congrats here's a gift." She pulled out two chip bags
"Awe, thank you guys," Denki smiled.
"You had all of us really going," Boruto stated as he put his arms around the both of them. "We were starting to panic."
"There was suspicion that Boruto gave you food poisoning," Dino added.
"Nah, not all," Iwabee laughed.
"Boruto, that kind of hurts," Denki admitted.
"Sorry," Boruto apologized as he pulled back. "I'm just happy, ya' know?" He put his arms behind his head.
"Maybe, we'll be shinobi together, Denki," Iwabee hoped. "What do you think?"
"Yep, you're right," Denki nodded. "We'll all do it together."
"Yeah!" they all cheered as they put their fists together.
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