Chapter 13

Several weeks passed, there were no more ghost incidents and Aceso was home a lot more. Pia trained with Lee a lot, the training was a lot harder than before. She treated Shikadai much kinder than before, especially since he covered for her, and kept it a lie. It was now morning, she was downstairs wrapping her hands.

"Hurry up," Dino stated. "We are going to be late."

"You are oddly excited for school," Pia stated with part of the wrapping her mouth.

"Not to worry Pia!" Metal smiled. "This just means he's finally starting to take school seriously." They looked back to see mom and dad, they walked into the kitchen with Ren. "He should be crawling no time."

"And then his training will begin," Lee stated as he looked over at the others. "Pia, let me help."


The school was now starting, it was almost done being built, but the class was still outside.

"The school repairs is almost completed," Shino stated. "Which means class will no longer have to be held here."

"Good means we won't have to be outside all day," Shikadai stated.  

"Now today, we'll be forming new three-man teams," Shino announced.

"Do these teams have to be different from the one we formed time?" Denki asked. 

"Yes, they do, that's the whole point," Shino stated. "The most compatible will work together after graduation."

"What about--I mean what about Sumire?" Sarada asked. "She's been absent a long time."

"We don't know when she'll return," Shino answered as he looked at his clipboard. "Until she's completely recovered, it's impossible for her to participate in any shinobi training."

"Is she going to quit the academy and never come back?" Sarada asked. 

"Well, we don't know," Shino answered. "All we can do in the meantime is just wait and see. Anyway, we will form our teams today with those in attendance."

"I understand," Sarada breathed. 

"I tried to go visit her at the hospital, but we were just turned away," Namida informed. 

"Maybe sensei's right," Sarada stated. "We should leave her alone while she recovers." Boruto and Pia both glanced at each other in deep thought.

"After you choose your new teammates, let me know about your new formations," Shino-sensei requested. "We will begin practical training tomorrow." Everyone went off trying to form groups.

"We aren't going to pair up this time," Metal stated.

"But I like working with you guys," Pia stated.

"You heard sensei, we need to trial with others that way they got put together the squads better," Dino reminded her.

"Hey, Pia!" a girl's voice shouted. She looked over to see Sarada running over to her. "Team up with me!"

"And what about Cho-Cho?" Pia asked as she walked over.

"She's teaming up with Inojin and Shikadai," Sarada answered as Dino walked over to Boruto and Mitsuki as Metal searched for teammates. 

"Who should I team up with this time?" Boruto asked. 

"I'm going to team up with you Boruto," Mitsuki answered. 

"Are you serious?" Boruto asked. "Isn't there anybody else you'd want to train with?"

"I want you close by where I can watch you" Mitsuki answered with a smile. 

"Aw man, I had a feeling you'd say that," Boruto sighed. 

"But not many students can team up with you Boruto," Denki pointed out as he walked up. "Mitsuki, Iwabee, and Pia are the only ones that can right now."

"So who's on your team?" Dino asked. 

"Denki and I are teaming up," Iwabee answered as he walked up. 

"Really?" Dino asked in shock as he looked at Denki.

"Yeah, Iwabee asked me and I said sure," Denki stated. 

"Got a problem with that?" Iwabee asked. 

"Not at all," Boruto answered. "Well, maybe we should ask Shikadai, then."

"Sorry, to say no Boruto," Shikadai as Inojin and Cho-Cho stood behind him. "But I'm already on a team."

"Oh hey! You guys are the Ino-Shika-Cho trio," Iwabee pointed out. 

"I kept telling them we don't have to be on the same team just because our parents were," Shikadai stated. "I mean it's a reason, I avoided this combination."

"But we knew that the Jutsu compatibility between us wasn't bad," Inojin brought up.

"And just because our individual talents work so well together doesn't mean we have to hang out all the time either," Cho-Cho added. "That adds a bit of intention and mystery to our relationship, it's good for us."

"I get it, this formations works, but it's the most unlikely match for you guys," Denki stated. 

"And that's what makes it a drag on all fronts," Shikadai stated.

"Aww, that's too bad, who else is available?" Boruto asked. 

"Join us, Dino," Iwabee requested.

"Me?" Dino asked. "Sure."

"Too scared to ask Pia? Afraid?" Boruto asked. 

"For your information, your cousin and Sarada seemed to have formed a group with Koga," Iwabee stated. 

"Interesting, so you are going to lead the charge while Dino and Denki both take care of backup," Shikadai gathered. 

"How'd you figure that out?" Iwabee asked. 

"Your strategy is simple," Shikadai answered. "Your strategy is simple, but it's actually not that bad?"

"Wow, you mean it?" Iwabee asked. 

"Boruto?" Denki as he looked at the trembling boy.

"I just hope I don't have to face my cousin is all," Boruto answered nervously. "Other than that, we're striking out."

"Uh, what about Metal?" Denki asked. They looked over to see Metal panicking. 

"Not a bad choice, my brother is extremely strong," Dino answered. " I would've paired up with him and Pia if we didn't have to form different teams."

"As long as he keeps his nerves under control," Boruto added. 

"Personally, I wanted to ask the class rep to team up with us," Mitsuki stated. "She's very strong--" Boruto suddenly covered his mouth.

"Mitsuki!" Boruto hissed. "Keep it down when you talk about her." He nodded.

"It's weird, ever since she's been gone, the ghost stopped appearing," Iwabee pointed out.

"Yeah, and the power in my eye stopped activating too," Boruto added. 

"Once the leaf police took over, there really wasn't anything left for us to do," Shikadai pointed out. "The case is probably closed now."

"I hope she is doing okay," Dino wished.

"She did commit treason against the village," Inojin pointed out. "So she may never be able to return to the academy."

"No way!" Denki gasped.

"She's definitely coming back," Boruto stated as he gave a thumbs up.

"How can you be so sure?" Iwabee asked.

"Because the class rep is the class rep," Boruto answered. 

"What's that mean?" Shikadai asked.

"Look we all know that the grown-ups will decide what will happen to her next," Shikadai stated. 

"The grown-ups huh?" Boruto frowned. 

"Hey," Mitsuki greeted.

"Huh?" Boruto asked looking up, they saw Metal behind him with teary hopeful eyes. 

"So who do you want as our third member?" Mitsuki asked as he looked at Metal. 

"Come join us, Metal!" Boruto smiled with a thumbs up.

"Thank you!" Metal broke out into a smile and bowed. 

"It's not that big of a deal Metal!" Boruto exclaimed.

"It's a big deal to me," Metal sniffed as he stood up. After class ended, Dino stayed out to train a bit longer, he got home to find his mom sweeping the front steps.

"Dino," Aceso greeted when she looked up. "Want to train with me today? If you are not too tired."

"Really?" Dino lit up. "I want you to help me with the rope Jutsu!" Dino stated as he put his bag down.

"Already," Aceso smiled as she leaned the broom against the wall. As Dino and Aceso went to go train, Pia was inside she was doing the dishes with dad again.

"Hey, dad," Pia stated as she stopped drying a dish. "About my classmate..."

"You worried about her?" Lee asked as he looked down at her.

"She's going to be able to return back to school right?" Pia asked. "I want her too."

"You want her to return?" Lee asked. 

"Yeah, she's my classmate as well as friend," Pia answered.

"Sumire is in a very tough spot right now, you know that right?" Lee asked. "No need to worry. Lord 7th said he wouldn't fail Sumire." Pia still seemed puzzled about it. "You should focus on yourself, I know the reason behind that run, your cousin shouldn't have had to cover for you." Pia's eyes went wide as she nervously looked up at dad. "What were you thinking? You are only an academy student! So much worse could have happened!" 

"I had a bit of a grudge against her for attacking Metal," Pia answered. 

"So revenge," Lee concluded. "On your brother's behalf?" Pia's eyes went even wider, then she lowered her head. "Your Uncle always states that revenge isn't the best road, and you still took it."

"I guess I need another lecture on that," Pia stated softly. Lee let out a sigh. "On the bright side, I landed a good hit on the creature." She looked up with a sheepish smile, Lee seemed a bit angry, even that wasn't enough to pull him away from an upcoming lecture, Lee opened his mouth when the doorbell rang; they looked over in the direction of the front door.

"I got it!" Metal yelled as he walked over his hands, he answered the door. "Iwabee?"

"Should I even bother to ask?" Iwabee's voice asked.

"Who's Iwabee again?" Lee asked.

"Our classmate," Pia answered.

"Is your sister home? I need help on my homework again," Iwabee stated. 

"She's busy feeding Ren," Metal answered they heard his feet landing on the floor.

"Can she take a moment to help me?" Iwabee asked. "I can't afford to fail again, it'll look worse if I repeat a fourth time."

"She can help," Lee stated as he poked his head into the view of the door.

"Daddy," Pia breathed; Lee looked back at her.

"Would you rather have a lecture?" Lee asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"I'll be right there!" Pia said as she poked her head into view.


The next day at school everyone was getting ready for the class activity.

"Today we will engage in battle training on the structure around the building," Shino informed. 

"Another capture the flag?" Koga asked as they all looked up at the red flag. 

"This is kind of like when we destroyed the building the last time," Denki noted.

"And this is probably going to turn out the same way, huh?" Boruto suspected. Shino started to get angry, then he coughed it away. 

"I have total faith in all of you," Shino declared. "But there is something I must emphasis, during this training it is absolutely vital you do not destroy any school--"

"Yeah!" Boruto cheered. "Let's get this thing started!"

"Two teams will begin at the same time and make their way from the bottom to the top," Shino instructed. "The first team to have a member reach the top wins." Pia's team won easily, it was Sarada that was able to reach the top first as Pia and Koga were on defense; they all worked very well together. "Obstructing your opponent is allowed." Dino's team on the other hand didn't do as well, they got defeated. The building was trembling as classmates that versed each other quietly argued. "This training is definitely not good for my heart."

"Are you feeling okay, sensei?" Sarada asked as she looked over. 

"Yes, I'll manage," Shino answered shakily. 

"Uh, what's the point of having specifically train here?" Dino asked. 

"We don't want you traumatized cause you previously damaged the school," Shino answered. "So the principal wanted to give you an experience that was both positive and successful."

"I'm pretty sure destroying the building didn't traumatize any of us," Sarada stated.

"Not even a little," Dino agreed as they looked back at the structure. 

"Aburame sensei," a man greeted walking up to them. 

"Sumire Kakei is what?" Shino asked in surprise. "Can you two take over please?"  He handed Sarada the clipboard. "Sorry!"

"W-what?" Dino asked.

"Sensei!" Sarada exclaimed as Shino ran off. The class continued, it was now Metal's team verse the Ino-Shika-Cho.

"Go chubbs!" Inojin shouted. 

"Watch out!" Cho-Cho warned as her fist enlarged. "I got moves!" Metal smirked as he got ready to fight.

"Hey, Metal!" Shikadai called out. "Everyone's watching you!" Metal looked down to see everyone watching and got freaked out, Cho-Cho punched him out of the structure by Cho-Cho.

"Are you kidding me?" Boruto groaned. 

"Maybe we should've taken Pia and Dino's advise," Mitsuki stated as they jumped away from one of Inojin's creations. 

"Cho-Cho! Go on ahead!" Inojin shouted. "Show them your chubby power!"

"There's nothing more powerful than me and my moves," Cho-Cho smiled as she moved. 

"I'm not done here yet," Inojin as another creature came out of his scroll. 

"Mitsuki!" Boruto shouted as he destroyed an ink creature. "These things weaker than it looks."

"I think you're right," Mitsuki agreed. 

"But that all depends on how I use it," Inojin stated as the creature blew up, exploding all over Mitsuki. 

"Now I can it," Mitsuki smiled as he slowly lowered his arm. 

"Yeah, that's what it is," Shikadai confirmed from a distance, Mitsuki was trapped in Shikadai's shadow. "How's that? Just as good as Boruto, huh?"

"Mitsuki!" Boruto shouted as he threw a kunai, Inojin instantly blocked it. 

"You won't be able to beat us like this," Shikadai stated. Mitsuki shakenly and slowly looked back at Boruto.

"Hey, Boruto, I would like to try out my new technique, is that okay with you?" Mitsuki asked Boruto and Inojin fought. 

"Yeah! Yeah! Fight them with everything you got!" Boruto urged as he jumped away from Inojin. Mitsuki puffed his cheeks, then shot out a kunai, Shikadai broke away.

"Damnit," Shikadai grunted. From the bottom, Pia and everyone else saw the structure starting to break and Cho-Cho started to fall. The structure crumbled to the ground, at the top was Boruto at the flag.

"Looks like our team wins," Boruto declared. 

"We really screwed up super bad this time," Shikadai groaned.

"What are you talking about?" Mitsuki asked, Shikadai looked up at him. "We didn't behave any different than we always do." He looked at Boruto. "Besides Boruto, realized what I was trying to do in order to win the challenge."

Inojin started laughing. "One fool just multiplied into two."

"How was that Shino-sensei?" Boruto asked as he landed on the ground. "Where'd he go?" Everyone was silent. "Sarada, Dino, where's the sensei?"

"I don't know," Sarada answered. "He mumbled something about the class rep and rushed off."

" I wonder," Denki looked down. 

"Do you know what happened?" Pia asked as she appeared near them. 

"What? Oh, no!" Denki responded. "It's just--"

"The class rep," Inojin began as he walked over. "Maye he's found out that she's transferring to another school."

"What'd the hell did you just say?" Boruto demanded as he grabbed Inojin by the collar, angrily. 

"This is the first time I've heard anything about it, " Wasabi stated. 

"I wonder what's going to happen to her now," Namida worried. Boruto started running off.

"Wait Boruto!" Shikadai called out.

"Shut up!" Boruto snapped as he turned around. "While we're wasting time here the class rep could--"

"Look!" Denki pointed, they all looked towards the school entrance to see Shino solely standing there. 

"Sensei?" Pia asked. Everyone stared blankly at him as he stared back at them. Seconds later, the class rep walked around the corner with her head lowered. 

"I'm back," Sumire greeted with a small smile as she looked up at the class. "Hi, everybody."

"Sumire!" Wasabi and Namida cheered as they rushed over to the girl. 

"Class rep!" Sarada cheered as she ran over along with the other classmates. 

"Wow, you look great," Cho-Cho cheered as Dino pulled Pia over with the rest of the class. 

" I was so worried." A girl stated.

"How are you Sumire?" Denki asked. 

"Hold on you guys!" Sumire exclaimed as she backed up a little. "Just let me--"

"Hey, now you're not acting like the class rep we know," Cho-Cho teased. Sumire looked at Pia, the purple hair girl seemed a bit worried, Pia let out a small smile and nodded her head, Sumire smiled more. Her smile dropped when her eyes went to Boruto. The yellow hair boy looked away before giving a cheesy thumbs up. Sumire smiled and started to cry a little. 

"What's wrong Sumire?" Namida asked. 

"Hey, what did you do to her?" Wasabi demanded looking at Iwabe.

"Why are you looking at me?" Iwabee asked as the class laughed. "I didn't do anything."

That night, Aceso and Lee were in Ren's room trying to get him to go to sleep as their other kids were already fast asleep. Aceso was sitting in the rocking chair rubbing Ren's back as Lee passed back and forth.

"Does she know how much danger she put herself in?" Lee demanded angrily. "Pia is only an academy student, she had no business rushing into danger like that, and part of it was based on revenge!"

"It was quite reckless of her," Aceso agreed.

"And Gaara's given her so many lectures on why revenge is bad," Lee added. "Did she not pay attention? She completely disregarded his words!" Aceso stood up to put Ren in his crib as Lee went into pushups. "Are we training her correctly? Are we being bad parents?"

"No, and no," Aceso answered. "Pia is still a child, she has a lot to learn, this small revenge side of her is something hopefully she will outgrow. If anything she gets it from you."

"Me?" Lee asked in alarm as he looked up at her.

"The main reason Pia seeks some revenge is how protective she is of her brothers," Aceso answered. "And you are also very protective of the ones you love."

"I guess you are right," Lee grunted as he sat down in the rocking chair.

"I guess?" Aceso repeated as she looked at him. "You kicked a drunk guy all into the sand village for trying to kiss me on our second date." Lee thought looked to the side thinking back on it. "There's also the time you punched someone so hard they landed in the emergency room for stealing from Tenten's weapons shop."

"I guess she does get it from me," Lee smiled sheepishly. "What about the revenge part?"

"Probably Kankuro," Aceso laughed as she walked out, Lee automatically followed. Aceso opened the door to the triplets' room, they peeked inside to see them all sleeping peacefully. 

"Who received flowers?" Aceso asked as she titled her head as Lee wrapped his arms around her from behind, resting his head on her.

"Pia," Lee grumbled. "From some classmate called Iwabee for helping him with his homework."

"How sweet," Aceso smiled as she closed the door. She glanced back to see Lee was still moody about the flowers, she kissed his cheek, quickly making him forget about it.  

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