Chapter 10
The next morning Aceso and Lee were sending their children off to their workplace experience.
"Thanks for the help on my homework last night!" Metal thanked her with a kiss on the cheek.
"Have a good day at school!" Lee shouted as they all ran out the door.
"I will be taking Ren today," Lee stated as he grabbed the baby from her. "He will be helping me with training!"
"He can't even crawl yet," Aceso reminded him.
"The training he witnesses will have him crawling in no time!" Lee declared.
"Well, you two have a good day," Aceso said.
"Always do!" Lee smiled, he leaned down kissing her. Ren grabbed onto Lee's cheek and pulled him away. Lee went to go kiss Aceso again, Ren made a sound and pulled Lee away again. Aceso kissed the baby's head and he happily smiled.
Over at the herbalist workplace, Koga, Dino, and Pia were helping Zero crush up a plant leaf.
"What will these be used for?" Dino asked.
"This went be sent to the hospital," Zero answered. "Medicine for patients that are undergoing severe chakra depletion."
"There are going to need more with a new incident happening each day," Koga said. "Why doesn't Doctor Matsuba use her chakra patches on them?"
"Rumor has it with that thing attacking people, the patches and ointment are only to be accessed by certain people, even then those medical tools can only do so much," Zero answered. He looked up at the screen. "The Water purification plant." They all looked at the screen.
"The suspect barricaded himself inside the facility," the newscaster announced. "And there are several hostages in there with him. According to some witnesses, it seems from students from the Academy who are there on a workplace field trip have become involved in the incident."
"This is bad!" Dino stated bolting out of the place.
"Dino!" Pia shouted running after him. "Wait up!"
"Sorry about this," Koga apologized to Zero before running after the other two. In the end, the whole class ended up at the hospital, where the class rep was in the hospital bed, Wasabi and Namida were injured as well. Pia sat back from the crowd by Iwabee, her eyes were locked on Sumire.
"Seriously, thank you class," Wasabi thanked her.
"If you hadn't been there when it happened, we would've been--" Namida started crying.
"You're exaggerating," Sumire said. "Really, the whole reason we are safe is because Lord Hokage happened to be in the area."
"Yeah, that was really fortunate for us," Sarada said.
"Workplace field trips was my idea," Shino brought up. "I'm very sorry."
"Oh, sensei," Cho-Cho smiled big, she smacks him a little too hard. "You don't have to feel so bad, all you need to do is learn from your failures."
"Don't you think it's strange, people going wild for no reason?" Iwabee asked. "Seems like it's happening too often."
"It's hard for me to put it into words," Denki began as the class looked at him and Metal. "But when it happened to me, I had this feeling of uncontrollable feeling welling up inside me."
"Yes, it felt like suddenly I had a raging fever," Metal added.
"How strange, I've never heard of an illness like that before," Inojin stated.
"Maybe it's just a side-effect of those who get targeted," Pia stated.
"Well, anyway I wasn't hurt every badly so everything's okay," Sumire assured.
"You did hit your head though, so it's a good idea to take it easy for a while," Dino advised.
"Hey, where are Boruto and the other guys?" Denki asked.
"They're probably on their way," Metal said facing the door. "But maybe it is better that they are not here-" He walked over and leaned against the door. "Since the class rep can rest up better without those noisy guys around." Suddenly the opened revealing Boruto, he sent Metal spinning to the ground.
"Class rep, you alright?" Boruto asked. Sumire gasped.
"Boruto," Sumire breathed.
"So how are you feeling?" Boruto asked, walking over to her.
"Fine, I'm okay," Sumire answered.
"Are you sure?" Boruto asked.
"Well, I am sure that I am not okay," Metal stated.
"Metal," Pia breathed going over to him.
"I really messed up," Boruto stated.
"Please, don't worry about me, it's really just some bumps and bruises," Sumire assured.
"I'm really sorry," Boruto bowed."If I had been more on the ball then."
"Don't beat yourself up Boruto," Sumire said. "It wasn't your fault."
"No! You're wrong about that!" Boruto denied.
"Enough," Wasabi ordered. "You're scaring the class rep, she needs her rest!"
"Oh, no!" Boruto began with his hands up. "I didn't mean to--"
"Come on, let's go," Sarada ordered, she grabbed Boruto. "No noisy visitors allowed." She dragged Boruto out of the room.
"But--" Boruto protested. Dino went out into the hall, Shikadai and Mitsuki were also there. They told him everything that had happened.
"Look you really shouldn't blame yourself," Dino stated. "You're not responsible for what happened to her."
"No, it isn't that," Boruto said. "If I hadn't made such a mess delivering that mail, then we would've had all day today to patrol. Maybe we would've noticing happening at the water purification plant, you know." Mitsuki and Shikadai sighed glancing at each other.
"Well, maybe that's true," Shikadai stated. "But--"
"Boruto," a voice said, they looked over to see Lord 7th.
"Uh, Dad?" Boruto gasped, getting onto his feet. "Uh, what are you doing here?"
"Thank you for rescuing the class rep and the others," Shikadai thanked him; he bowed.
"You're hunting for the ghost too, aren't you dad?" Boruto asked. "If you know something, please let us in on it."
"It did affect my brother, please let us in," Dino added. Naruto grunted, he grabbed the two by the ears and dragged them away.
"Ow!" Dino stated. "C'mon!"
"Now's not the time, to be pulling on our ears!" Boruto added.
"Just come with me," Naruto ordered as he took them all to a room.
"C'mon! Ow! Let go! That really hurts you know!" Boruto pleaded. Naruto finally let go as they walked up to the window, both boys rubbed their ears. "Just what the hell was that all about?" They looked through the window to see numerous medic ninja surrounding the man from yesterday. Dino instantly recognized his mom amongst the group.
"Take a good look," Naruto ordered as he stepped up to the glass.
"Hold on that's--" Dino began.
"Yeah, the person who attacked your classmates," Naruto confirmed. "The chakra in his body has almost been completely depleted. Listen, the only reason you've been safe during these incidents is sheer luck and nothing more than that. This is no longer a matter for kids playing detective."
"Yeah! I know that, alright!" Boruto snapped.
"You don't," Naruto denied. "You don't understand, the true horrors of battle till you've seen them for yourself." He looked back at the window. "First, graduate from the academy, and then we'll be able to talk."
"What?! Come on, Dad! That isn't fair!" Boruto complained.
"Boruto and the others were just getting workplace experience," Shino said, they looked back to see he was at the door. "As I assigned them too, correct Boruto?" Boruto looked away.
"Look Shino, you know he's only a kid," Naruto pointed out as the door closed. "He's too young to really understand."
"You may well be right," Shino stated as he walked over. "But still there are times that a child is able to show he can do more than an adult. If he is treated like an adult."
"Shino-sensei," Boruto breathed.
"Once more as his academy teacher, I have a precise idea of Boruto's abilities. That is what he can and cannot do." Naruto looked down with a smile.
"Well, since you are so convinced, I'll leave it in your hands now," Naruto said looking up, he puffed, it was just a shadow clone.
"Sensei," Shikadai breathed as they all ran up to Shino.
"Don't worry, we'll solve this case no matter what happens," Boruto assured.
"Don't get the wrong idea I don't recall telling you boys to solve anything at all," Shino stated. They looked down. "But the four out of five of you were the ones that saved me, so I won't treat you like mere children anymore. Hm." He smiled; the boys all gasped with smiles. "I also acknowledge that it's a personal matter for you Dino, this incident did affect you brother, I can't simply let you ignore the problem."
"Thanks! Sensei!" Dino smiled. They all started to leave, Dino stopped; he looked back at the window.
"Dino?" Shikadai asked as they all stopped. "Are you coming?"
"You all go on without me," Dino stated as he walked back over to the window. He saw a green glob go all around the man's body.
"Dino, I'll let the staff know, so they can tell your mom that you are here," Shino stated.
"Thank you, Shino-sensei," Dino breathed as the door closed. Dino wanted to watch his mom work a bit more. She always seemed to amaze him, no matter how many times he's sat behind the window to watch. This is how Dino got his inspiration to be like his mother, Dad took him a couple of times when he was younger.
Dino was four years old, Pia and Metal were in the sand village, they were visiting Gaara, Kankuro, and the other sand family members. Dino couldn't go due to coming down with the flu, he was feeling better now. Aceso wasn't home; he couldn't sleep. Dad was staying up with him. Dino sat in the middle of Lee's lap as Lee folded clothes.
"Papa?" Dino asked. "What is Mama's job?"
"She's a medical ninja," Lee answered. "Tonight she's working at the hospital."
"Can we visit her?" Dino asked. "I want to see what she does?"
"Don't you think it's a bit late?" Lee asked.
"Please, Papa?" Dino asked, his eyes pleaded heavily.
"Go get your shoes on, Little Bear," Lee gave in, he couldn't say no to that face.
"Yay!" Din cheered jumping out of Lee's lap, he ran to the front door putting on his shoes, and Lee laughed as he followed to the front door. Together, hand-in-hand, they walked to the hospital, and went into a secret room, Lee held up Dino, his hands pressed up against the window to Aceso at work. Dino's eyes went wide, he was amazed. "Mama is really cool."
"I can't disagree with you," Lee smiled as he looked in. "If it wasn't for your mom, I wouldn't be the ninja I am today."
"Really?" Dino gasped, looking at Lee. "But you are so strong, Papa."
"It was a long time ago," Lee stated, ruffling Dino's hair. "That's a story for another time." Dino looked back at the window, he saw a green glob go over the patient, his eyes went wide.
***Flashback over***
Dino snapped out of his flashback from the sound of the door opening, he looked back to see who was entering the room.
"Papa?" Dino asked in surprise. He had Ren with him.
"Mom forgot to grab food, so I was dropping some off for her," Lee answered as he walked into the room. "They told me you were in here, are you alright?"
"Yeah," Dino asked looking back through the window. "Sumire is going to be okay, thanks to Lord Seventh."
"Of course! Naruto treats the village like his family and will do his very best to protect them!" Lee stated, pumping a fist, he now stared into the room.
"Can you tell me about the time you were extremely injured?" Dino asked. "I'm older now."
"You want to know!?" Lee asked in alarm, looking at his redhead son, Ren took notice of this.
"Please, Papa," Dino requested. "If I ever want to be strong enough to save people in this village, I must know what surgery she did to get you back on your feet." Lee narrowed his eyes. "Lord Seventh protects the village and Mama heals them. She always heals other people in other villages."
Lee bowed his head. "Very well," He let out a sigh and told his son everything.
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