Chapter 1
The Lee household was never boring, not even from the beginning. Since starting a family, Lee and Aceso decide it was best to live separately from the pharmacy. Rock Lee and Aceso had triplets, two boys and one girl. Metal, Dino, and Pia. The kids were now four years old; they were being watched by Tenten, Naruto, and Hinata, Aceso had a night shift at the hospital and Lee was still on his way home from a mission. The Kage summit was going on, and it was running late. A little girl with bright red hair, and black eyes, with Lee's ears and nose, was running through the house crying with a fake arm. Naruto was chasing after her with tears in his eyes as well.
"Keep running. Pai!" Tenten encouraged. "Don't let your uncle have it!"
"Give the arm to me, Pia!" Boruto exclaimed. Boruto was Naruto and Hinata's firstborn, the same age as the triplets.
"Pia, I'm sorry! Just give me back my arm!" Naruto cried out as he continued to chase the two. Himawari was watching it and laughing as she sat on Hinata's lap.
"Give it here!" Boruto shouted appearing next to her. Pia gave Boruto the arm, and Boruto bolted out of the house.
"Boruto, come back here!" Hinata called out as Naruto followed. "It's dark out!" They quickly heard screaming, they all stood at the door to find Boruto trying to dodge Naruto as best as possible. Pia got scared and started to think that if Boruto got majorly hurt it would be her fault. She then remembered Daddy's words. 'protecting something precious.' Naruto began to corner Boruto, his hands were up ready to tickle Boruto, but Pia thought differently. She bolted out of the house in a hurry with her arms crossed.
"L-Leave—" Pia began as she jumped up, uncrossing her arms. Green started to go around her body, her pigtails rose up. "Leave Boruto alone!"
Tenten didn't seem happy. "I'm going to kill, Lee."
"Huh?" Naruto asked turning around, Pia used Leaf Hurricane slamming her leg into Naruto's remaining arm. Boruto ducked as Naruto went flying through the air, landing on his front with his eyes wide.
"That was amazing Pia!" Boruto exclaimed getting on his feet. "It was totally cool!"
"My leg hurts," Pia said as she lay on the ground, tears flooded out of her eyes rapidly.
"Mom!" Boruto shouted.
Over at the hospital, Aceso was checking up on patients, she got to the front desk to see her kids, and Naruto's family all entering the hospital. Tenten was holding Pia, the little girl was crying and Naruto's arm was bending funny while Boruto held the prosthetic one.
"What happened?" Aceso asked walking up to them calmly.
"I'm pretty sure Pia bean opened a gate," Tenten answered. "She struck Naruto, breaking her leg and Naruto's arm in the same blow."
"Pia doesn't know the eight gates, she's only four," Aceso said.
"Well, my arm says differently," Naruto grumbled. Aceso took in Naruto and Pia as patients, they now lay in beds next to each other.
"Pia, sweetheart," Aceso breathed kneeling beside her. "Who taught you that technique?"
"We both know that answer," Tenten said as she tapped Aceso's shoulder. "I mean who else would be that crazy to teach a four-year-old the eight gates?"
"I thought Uncle Naruto was going to harm Boruto badly!" Pia exclaimed. "I just wanted to protect him." Tears were rolling down her cheeks.
"It was awesome," Boruto laughed as he sat on Naruto's bed.
"Boruto," Hinata said swiftly.
"Sorry, mom," Boruto smiled warily.
"Pia, it's all right," Aceso said. "Just tell me who taught--." The door busted open revealing a big bundle of flowers.
"Where is she?" Lee demanded from behind the flowers. "Pia bean!?"
"Papa!" Metal cheered, Metal had bowl-cut black hair like Lee and black eyes like him. They looked so alike as if Lee produced a clone. Then it clicked.
"Pia got hurt," Dino added. Dino's had the same face structure and black eyes as Lee, and red hair like Aceso. He and Metal were sitting in a chair together.
"You taught it to her, didn't you?" Aceso asked crossing her arms. Lee poked around the flowers nervously. "She's four Lee."
"Who am I to deny a youthful request?" Lee smiled in hope as he set the flowers down. He went over to Pia, he kissed the top of her head. "How are you feeling sweetheart?"
"Better," Pia sniffed. "Mommy said my leg will be better in a few days."
"Papa, What's the eight gates?" Dino asked, everyone, looked at him.
"It's a very powerful taijutsu technique," Hinata answered. "Only a few people know it, one of them being your sister."
"Lee, she's four, she has no business knowing a double sworded technique," Aceso said.
"It's in her youth to want to learn it," Lee argued looking back. "She saw me use during training and wished to learn, I wasn't going to stand in the way of her dreams."
"That doesn't mean you teach it to her, you nitwit!" Tenten shouted at him.
"She's very lucky that only her leg was broken," Aceso said. "So much worse could have happened."
"Red Rose," Lee said sharply.
"Lee," Aceso said in the same tone, they both stared at each other angrily. "You did this behind my back."
"Because you didn't want them to learn it," Lee argued.
"Not at an age this young," Aceso argued back. Lee blinked, as his eyes went wide.
"So, in older years they are allowed to learn it?" Lee asked.
"Only if they want to," Aceso said. Lee looked back to see Pia, her leg was wrapped up.
"I'm sorry for putting you through this," Lee apologized taking his daughter's hand.
"Say sorry to mommy for raising your voice at her," Pia stated as she looked away. Lee looked back at Aceso; she was staring at Pia with concern.
"My love, next time I will come to you," Lee said. "I have broken your trust, but I will never do it again." He was now on his hands and knees in front of Aceso bowing his head. "If you can find it in you to forgive and love me."
"Lee," Aceso said squatting next to her. "Just because I'm mad at you, doesn't mean I stopped loving you."
"You still love me?" Lee asked looking up with tears in his eyes.
"I always will," Aceso smiled at him. Lee cried out and took her into a hug.
"If I were you, I would plummet him," Naruto grumbled in the bed over.
"Kick him to the couch for a couple of days," Tenten suggested as she raised a fist. "That'll teach him for sure."
"Can I still continue training in it?" Pia asked.
"When you become a genin," Lee said going back to his daughter. "Mom's right, all of you are a bit too young."
"I don't want to learn it," Dino shook his head.
"I do," Metal said. "Can I learn it, Papa?"
"When you are a genin and I determine you can," Lee answered looking at his oldest.
"Are Naruto and Pia okay?" Gaara asked poking his head in. They looked back to see him in the doorway with a bundle of flowers.
"Gates," Himawari answered as she sat on her mom's lap. Gaara squinted his eyes at Lee.
The triplets were now all five years old, Aceso was sitting at the kitchen table with Pia. She wanted to stay up till Lee got home, he was out partying with the boys, for Naruto would become Hokage the next day. Aceso was showing Pia a simple string trick.
"Do it again," PIra demanded. "This time I want to see it up close." Pia climbed onto Aceso's lap. Aceso set up the string as Pia watched. She then trapped Pia's wrist inside it. "I'm doing exactly what you are doing, but I keep getting it wrong."
"All it takes is some practice and I'm sure you will get it down," Aceso said. Pia grabbed the string, and she made her way over to the couch where Gaara was passed out, and Dino was fast asleep, leaning against his uncle. Aceso watched Pia climb onto Gaara's lap, his eyes opened as she watched the small redhead start to tie his wrists together with the simple string trick.
"Mommy?" a voice asked softly, Aceso looked over to see Metal. "Is daddy home, yet?"
"Not yet," Aceso answered as she held out her arms. "Come here little bug." Metal's face lit up and flew in her arms. "He should be home soon, Pia wanted to stay up and wait for him."
"I will stay up too," Metal yawned.
"I did it!" Pia squeaked, they looked over to that Pia had successfully tied Gaara's wrists together.
"Amazing," Aceso complimented. Metal snuggled more into Aceso before going back to sleep, he was snoring lightly.
"You have captured the Kazekage, what are you going to do now?" Gaara asked.
"I'm not sure how much longer I can stay up, so tell me a story," Pia requested as she looked back at him. "And not another war one."
"Not another war one," Gaara repeated with a smile as he stood up, Dino fell into the now empty spot. Gaara headed into the kid's bedroom. The front door opened; Aceso looked over to see Lee entering the house. He looked confused at what he was seeing. Lee's style had changed slightly, he ripped the sleeves off the green jumpsuit and now wore an orange scarf. He believed being a father meant he didn't need sleeves. The jumpsuit also now had pockets.
"You're still up?" Lee asked after kissing her lips. He went over to the couch.
"Well, Pia and Dino all wanted to stay up till you got home," Aceso explained. "Metal woke up a few minutes ago and wanted to join, he quickly fell asleep."
"Where's Pia?" Lee asked as he picked up Dino.
"Gaara took her to their room," Aceso answered. "Having him tell her a story."
"Well, no need to keep the little princess waiting," Lee smiled. They went into the kids' bedroom; it was a triple bunk bed thing, the beds were built into the wall. Gaara sat in a chair with Pia on his lap, he had a book open. Pia looked at the door, her face lit up.
"Daddy!" Pia exclaimed.
"What took you so long?" Gaara asked looking over at them.
"Getting Naruto home was a mission," Lee answered. "A formidable one."
"Was he drunk?" Aceso asked as she put Metal down on the bottom bunk
"Completely," Lee smiled as he put Dino on the middle bunk.
The next morning Aceso was putting the inauguration shirt on Dino, Gaara had already left due to Kazekage's responsibilities.
"Be good for daddy, and Grandpa G," Aceso said. "I will be up to with Lord 6th."
"Yes, mama," Dino nodded. After helping the children, Aceso went to the Hokage and stood on top, they were waiting for Naruto. Hinata soon ran up to them in a hurry with the 7th Hokage's cloak.
"Sorry to keep you waiting," Hinata apologized.
"Hey, Hinata," Aceso greeted.
"Where's Naruto?" Kakashi asked. "It's almost time to start."
"What? My husband isn't here yet?" Hinata asked.
"None of us has seen him," Aceso informed.
"Did he—uh—celebrate a little too much last night?" Shikamaru asked.
"No," Hinata denied. "No, no, nothing like that. "Can you take this please?"
"Sure," Konohamaru said taking the cloak.
"I'll go check on him," Hinata said running off to her house.
"This is not looking good," Konohamaru said.
"No kidding," Aceso agreed.
"Yep," Kakashi agreed. Minutes passed and Naruto still hasn't shown up. Aceso looked over the edge she immediately spotted her other Dad, husband, and kids. They were with Tenten and Mirai. Down below Dino and Metal were playing rock paper scissors.
"Best 2 our 3," Dino said.
"You only keep saying that because you keep losing," Metal stated. "Face it, you can't beat me. Nobody can beat me, not even mommy."
"Momma goes easy on you," Pia said. "That's the only reason you win."
"Not true," Metal argued.
"Is true," Dino backed up Pia. Back up on the Hokage building, Aceso walked back over to the others.
"Any sign of Naruto?" Konohamaru asked.
"No," Aceso denied.
"What in the world is holding Naruto up?" Kakashi asked. "This is bad, he won't make it in time."
"Well, then we have no other choice," Shikamaru said. "Hey, Konohamaru." They faced him.
"Huh?" He asked. They had him use a transformation jutsu, fireworks started to go off. Kakashi walked to the center, presenting himself.
"We will now begin the inauguration of the 7th Hokage," Kakashi announced. "I Kakashi Hatake, the 6th Hokage will be the one preceding over the ceremony today." He let out a quiet sigh; glanced over at Shikamaru and Aceso. They both nodded for him to continue, he looked back at everyone else. "All right then, let's bring up the man of the hour himself." Kakashi gestured for 'Naruto' to walk up. "The man's that's about to become the 7th Hokage." Naruto stepped up for all to see. "The man you all know, Naruto Uzumaki." Everyone started cheering. 'Naruto' gave a smile and waved down to everyone.
"Thank you!" 'Naruto' mustered out. Sweat was very easy to see. "Thank you! Thank you! Oh—uh—I mean ya know!" His eyes twitched.
Years later the Lee children were getting ready to do some training with their dad.
"Come on, we are going to be late," Pia insisted as she stepped out the door. "If we are late, dad is going to make us do 500 push-ups."
"You worry too much Pia," Metal said holding a four-month-old baby. The baby was the newest member of the family, a happy accident. The baby had shiny black hair, and green eyes named Ren. "Do you know where Dino went?"
In the village, Boruto, Shikadai, and Dino ran through, jumping all over the place.
"Wait up Boruto!" Shikadai shouted as they appeared beside Boruto.
"Is it really that bad?" Dino asked.
"Yeah, it's bad," Boruto confirmed. "It's really bad."
Back over in the forest, Lee was doing pushups with his children.
"Where's Dino?" Lee asked as he looked up. Ren was strapped to his back, he was staring up at the sky, watching everything pass by.
"He left the house," Metal answered.
"He said he would train today," Lee frowned.
"He's probably with Boruto," Pia said. Lee frowned even more.
"We are here Daddy," Pia said. "Ren as well."
"Youth!" Lee shouted as he started to go faster with his pushups.
"Youth!" the two responded ad they picked up the pace on their pushups as well.
Boruto, Shikadai, and Dino all sat on top of a train with a burger and a drink.
"We barely made it," Boruto said, he held out the burger. "It's the limited edition, green chili burger! It's the last day they are selling it."
"Why do I keep hanging out with you," Shikadai groaned.
"If Dad finds out I skipped training for this, I'm going to be doing a thousand laps around the village," Dino groaned.
"You two don't want yours?" Boruto asked looking at them.
"We didn't say that," Shikadai and Dino denied. They all took a bite, fell in love with the taste, then bent over.
"Spicy!" they all shrieked.
"What is this?" Shikadai asked.
"I know right," Boruto agreed.
"Though this is nothing compared to spicy curry night at my house," Dino said taking another bite.
"Remind me to avoid your house on those nights," Boruto said as he sweated a bit.
"I don't believe this," Shikadai said, sipping on his drink. "You know, you're impossible." Boruto let out a sigh of relief from cooling down his mouth with his drink.
"This train is really convenient," Boruto said, looking at the village below. "I hardly have to walk at all., now that we go this." He laughed.
"Yeah, the Hidden Leaf Village is getting more and more modern," Shikadai pointed out. "But of course, starting tomorrow we still have to attend that old fashion-ninja academy."
"What!?" Boruto exclaimed looking at them. "That's tomorrow?"
"There's a lot of stuff to get ready," Dino brought up. "Didn't you do any of it? "Boruto looked clueless. "I mean didn't your dad, tell you about it?" A sour look grew on Boruto's face, he sipped his drink.
"Maybe," Boruto said,
"Boruto, listen, don't go doing that anything that's going to embarrass your dad, okay?" Shikadai advised. "Because it will make us look bad too."
"Serious- "Boruto began. Shikadai put his burger in front of Boruto from getting any closer.
"You may not know this, but your mom always tells me to watch out for you," Shikadai said, He shoved his burger in Boruto's mouth.
"She does?" Boruto asked.
"See it's like this train," Shikadai said getting to his feet. "If it stays on its tracks, it gets to its destination easily, so just tight till you get there."
"What are you talking about?" Boruto asked.
"I'm telling you this, so you'd behave," Shikadai said. "See ya." He grabbed onto a post, getting off the train. "Don't be late on the first day."
"You don't either," Dino said.
"Ah, shut up," Boruto groaned.
"So how come you forgot?" Dino asked standing up.
"This isn't even about dad," Boruto said standing up. "You'll see! I'll show you one day!"
"Where are your parents?!" a train guy asked, they looked down at him. "That's dangerous!"
"Sorry, man," Boruto apologized.
"Our bad," Dino apologized.
"Goodbye!" They shouted they jumped over to a telephone pole.
"I sense trouble," Dino frowned. They looked over to see a group of guys, picking on a boy. They kicked him into a dark alley. "Let's teach them a lesson."
"You got me convinced!" Boruto laughed as they jumped over. Boruto poured his drink all over a guy's head.
"What the?" the head bully demanded as he looked up at the two, they stood on wires between the two buildings.
"Sorry," Boruto apologized. "I guess my hand must have slipped."
"What did you say?" a guy in a vest asked.
"You crazy?" the head bully asked. "You want to get hurt?"
"Tell you what, give him back his wallet and we'll let this slide," Dino proposed crossing his arms.
"Come that and say that!" the head bully demanded. The two looked at each other, they smirked, they flipped back landing on their feet. Boruto produced a ton of shadow clones, as the ropes across Dino's chest shot out.
"Ninjas?" the beanie guy asked.
"Ah!" the vest guy cried out as he got kicked.
"Ah" another guy cried out as the rope slipped around his found and jolted him up, he hung from the wires, swinging back and forth.
"What the?" the boy asked. "Are you kidding?"
"Who gives a crap about ninja?" Boruto asked shoving the burger in the guy's mouth. The guy's face grew red as he flew back, Dino tied up the other two in the alley as Boruto snatched the wallet. "Here." He threw the kid his wallet.
"Thank you," the boy said. "The both of you."
"Look kid, don't be so uncool," Boruto said.
"Hey, aren't you guys done messing with that kid yet?" another guy asked as three more appeared at the end of the alley. They paused to see two guys tied to together upsides down, spinning rapidly, Dino kept making sure the spin got faster with each push as Borutos took on the main guy. "What do you think you're doing?"
"Come on, we'd better get out of here," Dino said as he released the ropes, letting the guys fall to the group, dust rose up.
"Ok," the boy said as they ran down another dark alley into the open village. They ran out, and jumped to an upper level of the village, they hid behind the concrete and fence.
"Hey, you doing okay over there?" Boruto asked the panting kid.
"No," the boy denied. "I'm not okay. Now, more of them will just come after me tomorrow. That money was just spare change for me."
"Whoa, hold on, are you kidding me?" Boruto asked. "Doesn't it piss you off, you Gotta teach them a lesson." Boruto held up a fist.
"I can't," the boy denied. "I'm not strong like the two of you."
"Then get stronger," Dino said.
"It's not that simple," the boy said.
"Huh?" the two asked.
"I saw what you both did back there," the boy pointed out. "You both know ninjutsu right? You go to the ninja academy?"
"Uh, no," Boruto denied.
"We start tomorrow," Dino corrected.
"What tomorrow?" the boy asked. "That's when I start too."
"Huh, really?" Dino asked.
"Cool, nice to meet ya," Boruto said, he and Dino held out their hands, the other boy grabbed their hands. They went down to a vending machine and grabbed a drink.
"It's what my father wants," the boy said. "To inherit his company, I got to learn academics and ninjutsu."
"Aw, man, that sucks," Boruto said.
"So, what's the name of your business?" Dino asked.
"The Kaminnarion Company," the boy asked, Boruto did a spit take.
"That's the biggest company in the whole village!" Boruto exclaimed as they faced the boy. "Can I put in a preorder for when the next release comes out?"
"Sure," Denki answered hesitantly. They continued their way through the village.
"I don't get it," Dino said. "Why is he so hung up on you learning ninjutsu?"
"My father was a shinobi in the fourth great ninja war," Denki answered. "He believes that his success in battles led to his achievements in business. So, he has great faith in ninja." Boruto made a basket with a soda can.
"But do you want to become a ninja?" Boruto asked.
"Not really," Denki answered. The sun started to set; it was a pretty sunset. Dino was sure Akina was sitting on the front steps with Dad drinking tea at the moment.
"Then don't pay any attention to him," Boruto said.
"I could never do that," Denki said. "I've never disobeyed him."
"Ah, give me a break, at least you get to see him at home," Boruto said. "My stupid old man only thinks about work and ignores his own family.
"Oh, really?" Denki asked.
"So, whenever I disobey my dad, he isn't around to punish me," Boruto smirked.
"What's it like with your dad?" Denki asked the red hair boy.
"My papa always makes us run a daily marathon every morning," Dino said. "If we get in trouble, it's 500 laps around the village. He runs with us shouting about youth. Other than that, he's really cool."
"Remind me to not come around when you get in trouble," Boruto said. "I would not want to be roped into that." They heard a sigh, the two jumped off the railing, stopping Denki." Look seriously, who cares what your dad says. Just do what you want and teach him a lesson."
"Teach him a lesson," Denki repeated.
"Yeah, that's what I always do," Boruto said. "You see I have a secret plan. But keeping it from my mom is really hard." Boruto's face filled with fear. "What time is it?"
"It's about 7 o'clock," Denki answered. Dino's face was now filled with fear.
"Ahh!!" Boruto squealed jumping onto the railing. "My mom's going to kill me!"
"I thought you didn't get punished for disobeying," Denki recalled.
"Mom's a different story," Boruto said. "She's really scary when she's mad."
"Goodbye!" Dino shouted as he went to go the other direction. "Oh, and Denki, don't let anyone pick on you."
"Teach them a lesson," Boruto added.
"Okay, Denki nodded, and the other two boys took off towards home, Dino didn't get very far. He skidded to a stop, in front of him was a woman with two long red braids, green eyes, a scar on her eye, and a fake left leg, with a purple leg warmer on it. From what he could see, mom must have worked at the hospital today.
"Hey, mom," Dino greeted.
"Dino," Aceso smiled down at him. "What are you doing out so late?"
"Getting in extra training," Dino answered with a smile.
"Did you train by yourself?" Aceso asked as they began their walk home.
" I trained with Boruto and Shikadai," Dino answered. "How was work?"
"Very good," Aceso smiled. "Thank you for asking."
"Hey, mom," Dino began.
"Hm?" She looked down at him.
"Hypothetically, what would you say if I didn't want to become a ninja?" Dino asked nervously, ninja is all dad ever preached up, being a good ninja, following the rules of being a shinobi.
"If it's not a path you desire there is no harm in not going down it," Aceso answered. "As long as you follow your heart and do what makes you happy."
"You wouldn't be mad?" Dino asked as he grabbed her hand.
"Not at all," Aceso answered as she squeezed his hand. "No matter what you choose, I am always going to love and support you." She observed him. "What brought this up?"
"I met someone today," Dino brought up. "During our training, we ran into this kid named Denki and his dad is making him go to the academy, saying he needs to learn academics as well as ninjutsu to take over the business."
"That's a silly way to learn how to run a business," Aceso disagreed. "But I am glad you are concerned about your new friend. Watch out for him at the academy."
"He's probably not going once he stands up to his dad," Dino said. They stopped in front of their house. "Are you hungry?" Aceso asked. "Dad said he wanted to try a new recipe."
"Dad's cooking?" Dino stifled a laugh. "You know we are just going to have to clean up the kitchen after he breaks the microwave again." They heard an explosion; seconds later the windows opened letting out soot, Pia and Metal all coughed waving out the smoke. "Just as I predicted."
"Let's go inside," Aceso laughed. She opened the door, letting Dino go in first. "Hey, we're home!"
"My love," Lee said poking his head into the hallway. "I may have broken the microwave again...but everything else is ready."
"Can we please get dad to stop cooking?" Pia requested as she poked her head into the hallway.
"Dino, I see that you are home as well," Metal said as he poked his head into the hallway. "How's Boruto? Was it an emergency?"
"Emergency?" Aceso asked as Lee walked over handing her Ren. The baby was smiling happy, kicking his legs as he was handed to his mom.
"Well, it started off as an emergency, but we got some training in," Dino answered.
"Dino," Aceso breathed.
"Fine I skipped training today," Dino folded his arms; Lee fell into despair. "But meeting Denki is the absolute truth."
"Who is this Denki guy?" Pia asked as she grabbed towels.
"Me and Boruto saw him getting picked on by some bullies, so we stepped in," Denki answered as they all began to help clean up the kitchen.
"That was very kind of you," Aceso said.
That night Pia laid on her bunk staring at the ceiling, she wasn't so sure about going to the academy, she wasn't sure if she wanted to be a ninja herself. She rolled to the side, she stared at the picture of her dad, she was in the picture as well. She was sitting on his shoulders, and both had big smiles, from the background it was easy to see that they were at a festival.
Pia was known as the taijutsu princess, daughter of the top taijutsu ninja in all the five great countries, and the granddaughter of a taijutsu specialist, the greatest ever lived, and the 6th Hokage. Her godfather was the Kazekage over in the sand village. Plus, the daughter of a world-class medical ninja. It felt like a ton of pressure. Just as she was about to fall asleep, Ren started to cry, Pia hopped out of bed, she went across the room to the baby's room. Pia immediately started to calm down the baby she sat in the rocking chair, rubbing his back.
"Pia bean?" a voice asked. She looked over to see Dad. "You should be in bed."
"I couldn't sleep, Daddy," Pia answered. "Might as well give it a go-to calm down Ren."
"What is on your mind?" Lee asked as he closed the door. "Are you nervous about the academy?"
"Uh, yeah," Pia admitted. "I'm not entirely sure this is the right path, but all you talk about is ninja." She looked away.
"Pia," Lee breathed as he sat on the footstool. "Your path is yours to choose, don't do something because you want to make me or mom, or even Uncle Gaara happy." She looked at him. "What do you want to do?"
"Well, I certainly want to give it a try, but I also like making tea," Pia admitted. She got up putting Ren back in his crib.
"There is nothing wrong with doing both," Lee said as he pulled Pia close to him. "It's okay to have hobbies as a ninja. I opened a dojo with mom when I was a ninja."
"But you did it for your training," Pia pointed out.
"Because I like it," Lee said. "We can call your tea shop Hot-Blood Cup!"
"Hold up, I never said anything about a shop," Pia said as she looked up.
"Pia, just do whatever makes your heart happy, whatever makes you dip more into the pools of your youth is a good path," Lee said. "Now, get to bed." He kissed the top of her head.
"Thanks, Daddy," Pia smiled. "By the way, what are you doing up?"
"Ren," Lee answered with a big smile. "It's my turn!"
"Your turn?" Pia asked as she tilted her head.
"Of course! When you three were babies, we fought over who would care for you at night, we had to make a schedule," Lee explained this got Pia to laugh.
The next morning, Dino was running late for his first day of school due to the fact Dad had him do 200 laps around the village for lying. Dino collided with Boruto on the path to school.
"Running late as well?" Dino asked.
"We are so dead!" Boruto panicked grabbing Dino by the ropes and running. "Let's take a shortcut!"
"What shortcut?" Dino asked as Boruto jumped them up from light post to light post.
"Ninja academy, this is going to be so easy!" Boruto cheered as he jumped around. "And here comes our ride." They stopped at where one of the stops of the train.
"Hey, hold up," Dino said looking down. "Isn't that Denki?"
"Hm?" Boruto asked looking down. "What's that?"
"Hm?" Dino asked.
"Don't you see a weird purple glob coming off of Denki?" Boruto asked.
"No," Dino frowned. "But he seems off." Boruto rubbed his eye as Denki suddenly disappeared. "Where'd he go?"
"He must be taking the train too," Boruto smirked. "I think the three of us are going to get along." They hopped down, then onto the moving train cart with the bullies from yesterday. They saw part of a cart ripped off, they went over to see the bullies and Denki. "Hey, knock it off."
"What are you two doing here?" Denki asked as the two jumped inside.
"We just happened to see you," Dino answered.
"Aren't you going to the entrance ceremony?" Boruto asked.
"Who cares about all that?" Denki asked. "I need to show father my power and prove that I'm strong."
"I think you made your point," Boruto said.
"No, not yet," Denki denied. "I must prove that I'm strong beyond any doubt," Boruto grunted grabbing his eye.
"Denki, just stop this," Boruto demanded.
"You are going to have to make me stop," Denki threatened. "Oh, the first railroad switch is about to pass by. It's all yours." Boruto ran over, opening the window, he threw a shuriken missing and let out a groan.
"Too bad," Denki said.
"What on earth happened to you, Denki?" Dino demanded.
"My father's word is absolute," Denki answered.
"What's that?" Boruto asked walking forward.
"I have to his approval," Denki said. "Or else I—"
"Forget about that," Boruto ordered grabbing Denki and pulling him by his collar. "You don't need approval. Can't you do anything without worrying what other people will think? Make your own decisions!" Denki fell forward, he seemed to be snapping out of a daze.
"Hey, what's the matter?" Dino asked.
"Hey, what are you doing?" the main bully asked. "Look ahead."
"It's coming, man," another said.
"The other train!" the other one shouted. They looked forward to seeing a red training coming their way. Boruto and Dino started to figure out a way to rescue everyone.
"Why?" Denki asked grabbing their sleeves. "Why did I do this?"
"We'll take care of it," Dino gave a thumbs up and sparkly smile. He and Boruto jumped on top of the train.
"Shadow Clone Jutsu!" Boruto shouted. Two other ones appeared. "Let's do this!"
"Right!" they all agreed, the Boruto climbed on top of each other, forming a rope, Boruto then slipped. "Denki!" Denki launched forward, grabbing onto Boruto before he fell into the tracks.
"Boruto!" Denki shouted. Boruto swung his clones around, grabbed onto the rail switch, and pulled it, the rails switched at the last minute, the trains soared past each other.
"Wow!" Dino complimented as he had a rope wrap and around Boruto, he started to pull him up. "Nice one Denki!" The train rocked, and Dino lost his grip on Boruto and fell forward.
"Ahh!" Denki and Boruto shouted as they went forward as well. The bullies then caught all three of them at the last moment. They pulled them inside the train and put them on the ground.
"We're okay now, guys," Boruto said staring up at the ceiling.
"Wh-Speak for yourself," a guy trembled.
"It was kind of fun though," Dino admitted.
"Uh, no it wasn't," the main bully and Denki said at the same time. They looked at each other.
"Relax," Dino laughed. "I was just kidding."
"It's not funny," a kid said. Denki and the main bully both laughed. Suddenly the cart behind them broke off, crashing into the rail behind them.
"What do we do now?" the vest guy asked. "It's falling apart."
"Let's jump to the other one," Denki suggested. "Let's go."
"You're right," Boruto agreed. "Come on go!" They rushed to the first cart; it was pulling away.
"Hurry!" a guy shouted; Dino gave his rope jutsu another try. It wrapped around the door handles on the other cart, he started to pull the cart back a little. The three bullies jumped to the other side.
"Whoa, Dino, I didn't know you were that strong," Boruto admired.
"Less talking, more to the other side," Dino said as slid to the opened part, Boruto grabbed onto him, as Dino put his feet on the wall to keep him from going onto the tracks.
"Let go!" Denki said.
"Huh?" they all asked as Dino released the ropes. The two fell back.
"Sorry, but there's somewhere we need to go," Denki apologized as Boruto scrambled to the train driver part.
"Yeah, Denki's right," Boruto agreed, grabbing the handle. "But we are never going to get there if we just stay on these tracks."
At the school, the Lee siblings stood in a line at the back as Lord 7th looked among all of them.
"What's keeping Dino?" Pia asked.
"Those 200 laps should have been done in an hour," Metal said. "He should be here."
"Cho-Cho Akimichi," Shikamaru called.
"Here," Cho-Cho said.
"Wasabi Izuno," Shino said.
"Here," She said.
"Boruto Uzumaki," Shino said. He looked up from his clipboard. "Boruto Uzumaki? Are you here?"
"Did he say Uzumaki?" Wasabi asked.
"Boruto isn't here and neither is Dino," Naruto whispered to Shikamaru.
"You just stay put, alright," Shikamaru advised. "You have a nice warm welcoming speech to give and it's just about time." They heard harsh sounds from above, they all looked up to see a single train cart flying through the air, smashing into the side of Naruto's stone face.
"We made it," Boruto smiled patting the debris off his shoulder. Dino and Boruto stepped out, looking at their class down below.
"Boruto Uzumaki has arrived at the scene you know!" Boruto greeted.
"Along with Dino Lee!" Dino greeted them, he gave a thumbs up and a sparkly smile. The school staff was in complete shock, as all the students were amazed.
"Damnit, what a way to embarrass your dad," Shikadai groaned.
"And siblings," Pia groaned.
"All right, don't just stand there," Shikamaru said. "Clear these students out." Boruto and Naruto stared at each other as Dino stared down at his siblings. Konohamaru appeared behind them. Boruto started to attack him, Konohamaru easily blocked every attack, he put Boruto in a lock.
"Time out!" Boruto shouted. "I'm sorry big brother Konohamaru."
"Funny, but you don't even look a little bit sorry," Konohamaru said. "And starting today, you'll both call me sensei."
"That just sounds weird," Dino said as Denki climbed out of the cart.
"What do you mean weird?" Konohamaru demanded.
"Oh, hey," Boruto greeted looking at the boy. "Denki, you doing okay? We made the entrance ceremony."
"What?" Konohamaru demanded shaking Boruto. "You two got another kid involved in this madness of yours?"
"So, what," Dino said. "We're fine."
"What's fine about all this?" Konohamaru demanded.
"Yeah, yeah," Boruto said.
"Boruto Uzumaki! Dino Lee!" Konohamaru yelled. Eventually, they got the train out of Naruto's head, and the kids safely down from the statues.
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