Part 29
The drawing room of the Gupta house was vibrating! Forgive me for this metaphor, but that's the vibe of the room. Everyone silent, scowling, frowning! Riddhiman finally broke the silence, "I can't believe you work in the police department!"
Dhritiman glared at him. But before he could speak, his brother continued, "What?? You told Tiya about your dinner, you had no idea that she could go there! You were in relationship with her for so many years, but you had no clue about what sort of a girl she is! She tried to make a scene at the restaurant. Wow!"
"Ridhhi.. its okay. You don't need to be so harsh on him." Minerva interrupted, patting his shoulder. But Riddhi was too worked up to hear anything. "No Minu. Don't stop me. He needs to hear this. There were so many warning bells we all heard, but this idiot was just deaf, and blind. Basically dumb. You know, ma always invited her for the wedding shopping, she always denied, and then she would find faults and pass nasty comments about everything ma baba bought! I so wanted to shut her down, but since I am the youngest child of the house, I must not interfere in 'adult matters'! That's what ma, baba, dada everyone in the house used to tell me. It really doesn't matter that I am doing a post doc, I am old and mature enough to see through things and say. And of course, since it's dada's wedding, I can't have a say!"
Their parents turned to Ridhhiman as if he struck them! They had ignored his words every time he said, 'I am not liking it' or 'something is wrong' or ' Tiya di is not what we are thinking'! He was always shut down with 'concentrate on your work, what doyou understand of marriage?' Suddenly they felt so sorry!
Dhritiman felt so ashamed of himself. He was the responsible one, the matured one, the reliable one! And what brought himself and his family into? And now, Minu who should have faced anything at all is into this mess too. All because of him! He clearly remembers his brother calling him briefing about the situation, and he used to quiet him down saying these were womanly things, and he ( Riddhi) must not think about it. He was just so busy trying to build a comfortable future life he hardly heard what he didn't want to! And look what his ignorance has brought his family into!
Minerva looked Dhritiman apologetically. She felt so sorry. Had she not told ma what transpired today, this would not take place.
"What led you to slit your wrist dada? Did you not think of us? What would happen to ma baba, if we couldn't save you? What were you thinking?"
Dhritiman's face went red.
This time their mother spoke, "Calm down Riddhi. This is not the time."
"When is the time ma? We can't speak of the matter when its so needed. You always praise about Minu in those kitty parties, and all they understand is you are covering for your son!"
"And how do you know that?" Asked their father.
Ridhhi looked at him and smirked. "You people forget what I research about! My job is to talk to people and understand their psychology. Yes, I admit I failed about Tiya di. But for the crowd, I am not wrong."
Everyone kept staring at him, and he continued...
"What? Why do you think I keep coming back here every now and then? Of course I love you guys and miss you but this is my research, my work! The people I have lived with all my life, how they have changed with time gradually. And yes, in case of Tiya di, I lay the blame partly at another door, because they didn't live in this neighbourhood previously. They shifted here around six-seven years back." Ridhhi took a pause.
"I am sorry. I didn't want to burst like this, but... It makes me so damn angry. Ma always tried to ignore her ( Tiya's) comments thinking it was not right to interfere. May be once you both are married, she will to live with you alone and you people would be fine. I used to phone you so many times trying to put some sense into your thick head, but no! 'Stop gossiping like a girl' that's what you told me. And now, not any girl, but the whole neighbouring is gossiping about you two. No, about you three, about our families. 'Hira took too much pity on the boy, who marries off their daughter in such a situation? Why is Shalini (Mrs. Gupta) praising Minerva this much? We all know how stubborn that girl was whne she went to Kolkata.. God save them! Yes yes.. don't look at me like that, I am not making it up. Only Savita Auntie, her family and the Khans are the good in the lot, who actually don't get themselves involved in these conversations. Nor is this situation an entertainment to them. The day before you guys arrived here, there was this little conversation going in the tea stall, how will dada react once he sees Tiya di again. And how will Minu react? Everyone is actually expecting a drama. And everything because you chose to ignore when I was seeing red and tried to warn you people. I am so fed up."
Dhritiman looked at his father nodding as if agreeing with his brother. Well, the tea stall incident had just happened in front of him (father). Those people had stopped once they saw him.
Tears rolled down Mrs. Gupta's eyes. It had taken so long to make a good reputation and good relation in this strange neighbourhood. Right from the time her husband had brought her here after marriage. Founding that community club, organising the little society.. everything. And now they were just a joke, a pity for others!
This has gone enough for now. Decided Minerva. "Ridhhi, sit down." Holding him by his shoulders she pushed him back on the sofa. He obliged. Dhritiman's heart felt a pinch at the scene, though the parents had hardly noticed.
"You sit down too." But for Dhriti it was just a gesture with her finger. Though it doesn't make sense for anyone to walk five feet, just to make someone sit, but still that was what Dhriti subconsciously wanted! Then she turned around and went to the divan where the parents were sitting.
"Ma, baba.. please relax. The situation is totally in control. See, this is the nature of society. Anywhere, round the globe. People get curious or unhealthy curious about others. You know, yesterday when we went to the bazaar, so many of them were giving us side looks. But good people are with us right? Like Savita Auntie.. and the Khans, Riddhi is speaking of. Are they new here? Didn't hear about them previously. Sounds like a smart nice family who don't care about gossips."
Mrs. Roy nodded. "They are a quiet family. Not exactly new but yes, not as old others."
Minerva smiled. Good. Already distracted. Further, sitting on her knees, she held her mother-in-law's hand. "Ma, be proud of Dhriti. Be proud of Ridhhi. That's all you should do. I never knew of Riddhi'd subject of research. Its damn interesting dude. Someday I will sit with you and hear all about it. You got to tell me everything." She looked at him.
Riddhi chipped a thanks.
And my work is not interesting! As if I work with the most boring people. As if I can't tell her... ugh! Dhritiman berated himself. What a irrelevant thought right now!
"This is too late. Please everyone go to sleep. Just hear me out before that. Please, this topic must not be forbidden here. We don't have to tread around the topic. You can see the good side of it. The Facebook thing. We all should learn our lessons from it." She paused to drink some water.
The other four people stared at her. What was there to learn?
She looked at each one's faces and smiled again.
"Firstly, ma baba... I know you believe in not interfering in your children's life. That's very forward thinking of you. But when you feel something is wrong, please do open up. You have every right to think and if necessary correct your children. You didn't once speak of nuisance Tiya was creating to Dhriti. He got to know this from Riddhi, and he chose to ignore it. Had it been you, I bet he would have atleast given a second thought, or asked Tiya directly why she was behaving like this."
The parents nodded.
She dropped the next bomb.
"Ma, I know you never accepted Tiya. She wasn't your first choice of bride for your elder son. That was more the driving reason for you to not to be speaking about the problem to Dhriti. You thought, something like, Dhriti has made his choice, he will deal will it. Am I right ma?"
Mrs. Gupta gaped! How come the child was so right! This was something she herself denied to accept. But that's true. Subconsciously it had really played in her mind, that if Dhriti chose this girl, he will have to deal with it. I am not going to make a difference. And look what her little grudge had brought!
"I am sorry babu.." She was in tears.
"Ma.." Dhriti went to assure her, "Its me who should be sorry. About everything. To each one of you. Who knows, may be like Ridhdi, I would have ignored your thoughts too."
Minerva turned to her father-in-law. "Baba, I know its not easy to ignore what others say, but you have to strong. Right?
Mr. Gupta nodded. This was all too much for him. He had seen a complete different side of his younger son. Where was the happy go lucky lad? When did he grow up so much! Had he been a ignorant father to his younger son?
"I have to say something here." Suddenly Riddhi said. And before anyone could respond, he continued, "I know a few things about Tiya, which I don't want to bitch about. You both better find out by yourselves before you leave for Kolkata."
Suddenly the air changed. Everyone had forgotten they had come home for just four days.
"So soon!" The parents exclaimed! Seeing the digression, Minerva brought everyone's attention back to the topic.
"And lastly, from now on, none of you will ever ignore what Riddhi has to say. I am not saying to obey blindly, but yes, it is evident to all that he is far more observant than any of us. Ignoring his beliefs just because he is the youngest is not really done. That's completely unfair. Not after this."
"Oh! I so love you Minu." Riddhi jumped from the sofa to divan, to hug her warmly.
Dhritiman wished he had fangs to bit off his brother.
N.B: Helloo... So, how is the chapter? Is Riddhi's side of story irrelevant? I thought of putting his views too. Actually I could not find any other way to write this up. That took up the time, also that, work has started full fledged, I am not able to give enough time as I should. Am I writing unnecessary things? What do you think? Please do tell me what do you feel about it.
And please please share your vies in the comment box. I am all ears. Also give the chapter your very precious votes.
Thank you
All my love <3
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