Plans are in action

A/N: Undertale and the au's don't belong to me! Only my oc's do! Spoliers for the game and au's!

Somewhere in undertale:

"Stupid nightmare, making me go on these missions." A glitched skeleton hissed under his breath as he walked through the undertale world.

Nightmare is the boss of this skeleton, who is called error. Error works with some other deranged skeletons named killer, horror and dust.

The others were in other au's, looking for kindness souls. The group needs a kindness soul for their plan to take over the multiverse. If it weren't for ink and his fucking "friends" they wouldn't need this soul.

"Wait up frisk! You know I have short legs!" A tiny, calming voice sounded from somewhere near him. He knew this must have been a walking trail but didn't expect anyone to be up so high, let alone a frisk and someone else.

Now being seen was out of the question, if he was he is ordered to kill them. But frisk of any au can't be killed just the once, their DETERMINATION is to strong.

He crept forward ever so quietly, trying to not be seen. After a few steps he stopped right behind a conveniently large tree, then carefully peeked around.

"Ack! Ow my soul." The girl voice spoke, which belonged to a 5'4 looking teenager. She has dyed dark green hair, light green eyes and wore a light purple jacket with short sleeves, pastel pink long skirt and yellow sneakers.

The girl is also wearing yellow and purple armbands and her hair is up in two small pigtails. Error can confidently say that he knew why her soul is getting so sore.

So that's the kindness soul holder he is after. He smirked evily then teleported away into the castle of nightmare.

Nightmare's p.o.v.

I sat on my throne, wating for the others to either let me know when they found something or teleport in with good news. Then error the destroyer teleported in, with quite the amused smirk.

He bowed then looked up waiting for permission to speak. I flicked a hand towards him, giving him that permission.

"King nightmare, I found a kindness soul holder in the undertale world. She seems young, so she won't be to strong and easy to grab." He finished his report with a respectful nod, seeming unbothered with his glitchy voice.

"Thank you error, you may leave now." I nodded to him and watched error teleport away. I stood up with a wide smirk, time to tell the others the great news.

Back in undertale:

"Are you sure your soul is okay my child?" Toriel asked with motherly worry in her voice. She looked down at her adopted daughter with confusion and worry. "Yep! Totally fine, well now anyway. But I'm still very confused why that happened." The young girl added, with a tilt of her head.

Frisk, the older sibling of Eden was just as confused and concerned. For the three years they knew Eden, her soul had never gotten so sore. Sure when things got a bit negative her soul would hurt, but not to the extent that she had to stop in her tracks.

They saw their sister start to feel better, since frisk was trying to be positive to help Eden's soul. "I'm okay, let's finish this walk!" Eden stood up with a comforting smile on her face.

Their mother nodded a reluctant nod and carried on, so did frisk. That's what so great about Eden, she never saw the bad in people, always had a smile and is always there for others. Oh and don't forget how generous she is.

Frisk looked down at their wrist, seeing the two dark green bracelets Eden made them. Not even a month after getting adopted, Eden wanted to make bracelets for frisk and herself, with the other having the others favourite colour.

They smiled and continued to keep pace with their younger sister, who was once again smiling from ear to ear spouting off all kinds of animal facts.

Back with Ink and Nyx:

"That's dream, one of my most trusted friends." Ink spoke a forced small smile, looking at Nyx. "Hello there, I'll be training you." Dream reached out a gloved hand, which Nyx took and shook.

Nyx already loved being around this skeleton, his energy, his smile just everything about him is super positive! She imagines it would be very hard to be sad around him.

Nyx is in the au called Dreamtale, which dream obviously lives in. She waved goodbye to ink then followed dream to where she was going to begin her training.

A few hours later: (sorry I'm lazy)

Man her whole body hurts and that was just the start of her training! Gosh this is going to be hard, yet rewarding. Dream is a great coach, patient and willing to go her at her own pace, which apparently is slow as a snail.

Nyx kept getting orders confused, stances confused, everything confused! But she smiled a soft smile and looked up at the many other au's surrounding her and ink.

One day, when she's ready, Nyx is going to help protect them, along with Ink, Dream and the other teammate she still needs to visit, Blue!

Dream had mentioned Blue once, apparently he is super hyper, a great talker and just a great skeleton to be around.

"When could I see one of the other au's? I'll love to see what they are like!" The girl smiled and turned her head towards ink, who was sitting legs crossed looking at the au's.

"When your ready to defend them, well even after that your ability to travel to them will be limited." Ink added bluntly, to bluntly for Nyx's liking.

She was about to ask why when she saw a piece of paper crumble away to nothing. "What just happened?! Is that world gone?" Nyx asked with new profound worry.

"Yes but that's just error doing his job, that's all!" Ink gave her the best reassuring smile he could muster, which seemed to relax her a little. She sat back down and looked at the seemingly endless worlds.

Then Nyx noticed ink grab a blank bit of paper, some paint and paint brushes. She has never seen him create a world before, this is going to be exciting!

The now focused face on his skull made her kinda back off, not wanting to disrupt that. She stood up carefully and continued to look at the au's. So many lives, so many humans, monsters and souls.

She so desperately wants to visit them all! But yet she isn't no where near strong enough to go by herself, plus like ink said even if she was strong enough she can't just go all willy nilly.

She heaved a huge longing sigh then layed down on the "ground." What was she supposed to do while ink is busy? Is she going to be this bored forever?

Nyx ran her hands over her face, then remembered her sore aching body. Dreamtale is a really nice place, she wished she could have stayed longer.

Yet rules are rules, Dream is only there to train her for now, not to show her around the au. Nyx let out a small frustrated sigh then sat up, debating if she should break the rules and go to an au.

Nyx then shook her head and mentally slapped herself. She hasn't learnt their names, what their themes are or who is in them! She could accidently choose an evil au and have to get herself saved then scolded.

Since she was only made yesterday she dosn't know what getting in trouble is like, yet she can imagine it isn't good at all. She closed her eyes, curled up in a ball and fell into a blissful sleep.

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