Chapter 5 - Episode 1: Mirror's Edge

(The episode begins looking at a bustling cityscape. The camera focuses on a small city convenience store with people walking about. We see a figure walk into the store as we cut inside. The cashier pays them no mind as the figure walks into one of the aisles. The figure crouches down as we see that they are Faith Connors. Faith opens up her runner bag and begins stuffing it with food that’s on the shelf. The cashier suddenly takes notice.)

Cashier: Hey! What the f*ck do you think you’re doing?

Faith: Sh*t. (Faith stuffs her bag with a few more things before closing it. The cashier gets up and approaches her.)

Cashier: Put that food back right now or I swear to God. (He gets closer to Faith as she suddenly puts her leg up on one of the shelves and vaults over the parallel shelf close to the exit. She sprints out the door as the cashier chases her. We cut to Faith running past two officers on the sidewalk.)

Officer #1: Woah! (The camera pans to see the cashier exit the convenience store as he shouts at the officers.)

Cashier: Thief! Stop her! (The officers give chase after Faith as we see them run through the streets. We cut to Faith crossing a busy intersection. A taxi screeches to a halt as Faith seamlessly slides across the front. Axel (Crazy Taxi) leans out the window.)

Axel: Watch where you’re going! (The cops follow while avoiding traffic as cars honk. The chase continues as Faith turns into an alleyway. A large fence blocks her path as the two cops catch up.)

Officer #2: Ride ends here. Turn yourself in. (Faith looks up to see a fixed ladder on the side of the building. Faith then runs up the adjacent wall and leaps onto the ladder. She pulls herself up as the officers run underneath her. We see Faith run up stairs on the side of the building before she climbs up to the roof.)

Officer #1: The roof! Get to the roof! (We cut to the officers reaching the roof as Faith is nowhere to be seen.) D*mmit.

Officer #2: The f*ck did she go? (The camera shifts upwards and pans to a different area of the city as we see Faith jumping from roof to roof. We cut to her landing on a rooftop and rolling. She startles a flock of birds on the roof.)

Faith: That was a close one. (Faith approaches a shed on top of the building and goes inside. She locks the door and sets her bag down.) Getting harder to survive out here. (She opens her bag and takes out a bag of chips.) This should last me another few days. (She opens the chips and begins eating.)

(We cut to that night. We see Faith asleep in the shed with the bag of chips, now empty, on the ground. The sound of helicopter blades is suddenly heard, which wakes Faith.)

Faith: Huh? (She gets up and looks outside the shed window to see a helicopter has landed on the building. We see Wesker and Dark Matter exit the helicopter.) Who’s that guy? (We cut outside to Wesker and Dark Matter as they look towards the sky.)

Wesker: (To Dark Matter.) How about we call some of your friends? (Dark Matter nods as the camera zooms out, watching the city.)

(We cut to the city during the daytime. Cars drive through the streets as we cut to Captain Falcon holding three chili dogs. He walks to an outdoors table where Sonic and Duke Nukem are sitting and sits the food down.)

Sonic: Thanks. (He holds up the chili dog.) I could use a good chili dog after everything that’s happened. (Sonic looks over the lively city.) Funny, you wouldn’t be able to tell the world is in trouble by looking at it. (We cut to a building with a large window where Wii Fit Trainer (Wii Fit) is seen leading people in yoga. We cut again to see Roboy (Jet Set Radio) skating down the street as people look at him strangely. We cut once again to see Jelonzo (Splatoon) selling shirts on the street.)

Falcon: Trouble has been happening everywhere else. Other than that alien, things have been pretty quiet here.

Duke: Word still gets around though. Some people are too afraid to leave their house.

Sonic: But not everyone.

Falcon: People like us put them at ease. Whenever trouble happens, there’s always sightings of someone with a sword or some kind of superhero saving the day.

Sonic: (Sadly.) Not every time…

Duke: We’ll find your friends, kid. Don’t get your panties in a twist. (He takes a bite of his chili dog.)

Sonic: If we don’t stop Master Mind soon, something terrible will happen. (He takes a bite out of his chili dog.)

(We cut to an art studio somewhere in the city. Vince (Art Academy) is leading some kind of art class, with people painting behind easels. He passes by Woody (Wild Woody) using his head to draw a mermaid on his canvas.)

Vince: Excellent painting, Woody! Very inspired. (He then passes by Adeline (Kirby) who is painting a picture of Kirby.) Beautiful, Adeline!

Adeline: (She smiles.) Thanks, sir! (Vince then reaches Maxwell who is drawing on his canvas. The camera angle changes so we cannot see what he’s drawing.)

Vince: And what is this you are painting, Maxwell?

Maxwell: Oh, well… (He steps to the side so that we can clearly see the picture. It’s a colored drawing of Maxwell and his sister, Lily, on a farm.) It’s me and my sister on my brother’s farm.

Vince: Fantastic work! (Vince continues on as Maxwell gazes at the picture, a look of sadness crossing his face.)

Maxwell: Where are you, Lily? (We cut to a little further in time as Maxwell leaves the art studio. He waves to Vince.) Bye, Mr. Vince.

Vince: Goodbye, my dear boy! (Vince waves goodbye. We then cut back to Adeline as she packs up her stuff. She looks back at her painting of Kirby to see that his face has disappeared.)

Adeline: Huh? (She studies the painting, trying to figure out where Kirby’s face went. Suddenly, a single large eye opens on Kirby’s face.) Waaaah! (Adeline falls backwards. Vince looks over.)

Vince: Adeline? (A Dark Matter suddenly flies out of the painting and makes its way out of the building, all the while Adeline and Vince are panicking. We cut to the outside as we see several Dark Matters flying through the city. We hear scared murmurs from the people in the city. We see Maxwell look up to see them flying through the air.)

Maxwell: What’s happening? (We cut back to Sonic, Falcon, and Duke as they get up from eating. They watch the Dark Matter fly around.)

Sonic: What are these things? (A large shadow suddenly looms over the city. Duke notices.)

Duke: Now that is one big son of a b*tch. (Sonic and Falcon look up as their jaws drop. The camera cuts to see 02 (Kirby) floating above the city with Dark Matter flying around it. 02 sends projectiles out from its eyes that explode into a building. We hear screaming as the camera changes to see people running from the Dark Matter.)

Sonic: What’re we gonna do? (Captain Falcon taps on something on his wrist and holds a hand up to his helmet.)

Falcon: I've called for some assistance. (A Dark Matter flies by as he kicks it. Duke pulls out two pistols.)

Duke: Let’s kick some *ss until then. (Duke starts shooting into the air.)

(We cut to Faith as she watches Dark Matter flying outside of her shed window. We see Wesker and his Dark Matter outside the window as he watches the chaos. Faith picks a handgun up off the floor as she watches a man run onto the roof from the stairwell and find Wesker. We cut to Wesker and the man.)

Man: Wh-who are you? What’s going on?! (Wesker grabs the man by his throat.)

Wesker: I am your savior! (Wesker squeezes the man’s throat, strangling him. Before he can die, Faith exits the shed and points her gun at Wesker.)

Faith: Put him down! (Wesker looks over at Faith and proceeds to throw the man off of the building. Faith looks horrified.)

Wesker: How touching of you to try and save him. (Wesker uses his super speed to stand right in front of Faith.) How would you like to join him? (Faith hits Wekser in the face with her gun before kicking him in the stomach. She goes for another punch as Wesker catches her arm. Faith leverages his weight and uses it to throw Wesker over her onto the ground.)

Faith: You’re weak for a savior.

Wesker: (Angrily.) I will show you strength! (Wesker raises his arms as multiple Dark Matter begin to fly into him and fuse with him. Dark energy shines from him as he transforms into a form similar to his Uroboros Wesker form. He shoots tendrils out at Faith as she falls out of the way. The tendrils tear into the helicopter, tearing pieces of it into Dark Wesker’s tendrils. He lifts the helicopter and slams it onto Faith.)

Dark Wesker: You whimpering fool! (We cut to Faith, who crashed through the windshield of the helicopter. She crawls through an opening and begins running away. Dark Wesker notices.) Still alive, eh? (We see Faith jump off of the roof onto another roof nearby, rolling when she lands. Dark Wesker gives chase. He jumps off the roof and hooks onto the other roof using the metal in his tendrils. We cut back to Sonic, Falcon, and Duke fighting Dark Matter as Sonic notices something.)

Sonic: What’s that? (The camera pans as we see Dark Wesker chasing Faith.) Looks like more trouble! (Sonic speeds off, leaving Falcon and Duke. Something suddenly gets Duke’s attention.)

Duke: Here they come! (We see a large swarm of Dark Matter flying towards Falcon and Duke. A missile suddenly flies into the swarm and explodes, killing the Dark Matter.) That’s some heavy firepower. (The camera pans over to see Maxwell holding a missile launcher. He throws it to the ground and picks up his notebook before running over to Falcon and Duke.)

Maxwell: Need some help?

Falcon: Got any more missiles?

Maxwell: I’ve got more than that! (He begins writing in his notebook. We see the word “vacuum” spell out over his head. The words then disappear as a vacuum appears in front of Maxwell. He grabs it and begins sucking up Dark Matter.) Woohoo! (Once he sucks five up, he fires them out and launches them into the stratosphere. At the same time, we see the Falcon Flyer fly into the city and land next to our heroes.)

Falcon: Here’s our ride!

Duke: Hell yeah!

(We cut back to Faith as she runs across a large roof. Dark Wesker’s tendril suddenly shoots forward and blocks her path. She turns around to see Dark Wesker.)

Dark Wesker: There’s no point in running. This world will be mine all the same. (We cut to Sonic running up the side of the building. As he reaches the top, he flies into the air and dives downward, kicking Dark Wesker. He then runs up to join Faith.)

Sonic: Man, what happened to that guy?

Dark Wesker: How dare you defy a God! (Dark Wesker slams his tendril down as Sonic and Faith dive out of the way.)

Faith: (To Sonic.) C’mon! (Faith jumps off the roof and grabs onto an adjacent roof. She pulls herself up as Sonic jumps over to join her. They continue to run as Dark Wesker lands heavily onto the roof, cracking the ground beneath him.)

Dark Wesker: Get back here!

(We cut to the Falcon Flyer flying through the city. Duke and Maxwell are on the roof. Duke fires around with his machine gun as Maxwell wields a flamethrower. Any Dark Matter that fly near them are either shot or scorched. We hear Falcon’s voice from within the Falcon Flyer.)

Falcon: I’ll get you guys close to that monster. Find a way to get rid of it!

Duke: Don’t have to tell me twice. (The Falcon Flyer flies towards 02 as it takes notice. 02 shoots explosive projectiles that Falcon barely avoids. We see Duke shoot more at 02 as the word “magic wand” appears over Maxwell. He summons a magic wand and begins shooting magic at 02.)

Maxwell: Taste my wand!

(We cut back to Sonic and Faith running across a building. Dark Wesker’s tendril suddenly shoots forward and creates a hole in front of them that Faith falls into and Sonic jumps over.)

Faith: Agh! (She lands on a desk underneath her and breaks it. Sonic attempts to turn back, but Dark Wesker jumps in front of him.)

Dark Wesker: Let’s finish this! (Dark Wesker grabs Sonic with his non-tendril hand. He begins to strangle him as we hear a gunshot. Dark Wesker drops to his knees.) Gah! (The camera pans to see Faith holding her gun and shooting from inside the hole. She then jumps up and grabs hold of the roof as she pulls herself up out of the hole. She and Sonic continue to run as we see the Falcon Flyer fly past them.)

(The Falcon Flyer moves through the wings of 02 as it shoots more projectiles. A few hit the Falcon Flyer which shakes Duke and Maxwell.)

Duke: How the hell are we supposed to kill a giant eye?

Maxwell: (Thinking.) Giant eye… (As he looks up, he squints because of the sun’s glare. He then gets an idea.) Aha! (We see him write in his notebook as the words “giant flashlight” appear over his head. A giant flashlight then appears on the Falcon Flyer as he picks it up.) Let’s shed some light on this! (He turns on the flashlight which sends a beam right into 02’s eye. 02 begins flying backwards as its eye closes.)

(We cut back to Sonic and Faith as they jump onto a new building. Dark Wesker lands behind them as our heroes turn to face him.)

Dark Wesker: Running can only get you so far! No matter where you go, this world is mine. (We see 02 moving backwards towards Dark Wesker in the background. 02 is heading right for the building they’re standing on.)

Faith: You’re a mad man blinded by your own ambitions.

Dark Wesker: With this new power, I am blind to nothing!

Sonic: Wanna bet? (Dark Wesker sneers as 02 suddenly crashes into the building they’re all on. Dark Wesker is crushed by 02 as Sonic and Faith run while the building crumbles. They reach the edge.)

Faith: Jump! (They both jump, but Sonic trips. Faith grabs onto the ledge of a nearby building as Sonic looks like he won’t make it. At the last second, Faith grabs his arm.) I’ve got you! (Faith and Sonic look as the building crashes to the ground, with Dark Wesker crushed by 02, now with debris sticking through it. The Falcon Flyer flies up next to Faith and Sonic.)

Maxwell: Need a lift? (Sonic smiles up at Faith.)

(We cut to our five heroes on the ground as emergency vehicles surround the destroyed building. Our heroes are around the Falcon Flyer.)

Maxwell: What were those things?

Sonic: I’m not sure. Something tells me Master Mind is behind this, but I can’t be certain.

Duke: Looks like we nipped it in the bud. That f*cker didn’t stand a chance.

Falcon: We need to put a stop to this now. No one else can get hurt.

Faith: The longer we wait, the more maniacs try to rule the world, and the more people like us suffer outside of our home. (Falcon jumps onto the Falcon Flyer.)

Falcon: Then let’s get going. (Sonic looks over at Duke, Faith, and Maxwell and gives a nod.)

Sonic: Yeah, we don’t have any time to waste. (We cut to the Falcon Flyer flying into the air before speeding off.)

End of Episode

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