Chapter 2 - Episode 5: Stones Unturned

(The episode begins at night outside of a hotel. We see a shadow move on the roof of a building across from the front of the hotel. The camera zooms into a window as the scene shifts to a hotel room. We see a shard of the Shadow Crystal lying on a bedside table as the camera turns to see Professor Layton sitting on the hotel bed. We hear a monologue running through his head.)

Layton: My name is Professor Hershel Layton. I appeared in this new city not too long ago, far away from everyone and everything I know. (He looks over at the shard and picks it up.) However, I believe that this mysterious shard that I found may be a key to what's occurred. Its strange aura is like nothing I’ve ever seen, so I have decided to take a train in the morning to find someone who can help me. (Layton puts the shard back down as well as his hat. He turns off the bedside lamp and lays down.) But for now, I need sleep. (Layton closes his eyes.)

(We cut to a POV shot through binoculars looking into Layton’s window. The binoculars are focused on the Shadow Crystal shard.)

???: So, looks like that old guy is hiding some loot. Shouldn’t be too much trouble. (We cut to see a figure putting down their binoculars. The camera pans up to reveal the figure of Rouge the bat.)

Rouge: That color is absolutely darling. Looks like only a small piece of a bigger jewel, but I’m not picky. Diamonds are a girl's best friend. (Rouge turns her back to the hotel.) Looks like I have plans for tomorrow. (She laughs to herself.)

(We cut to daytime outside the hotel. We see Layton walk out and start down the street. He passes by Rafael (Rhythm Thief) and Ashley Graham (Resident Evil).)

Layton: (To Ashley.) Good day, young lady. (He tips his hat.)

Ashley: Thank you. (We cut to the skies as we see Rouge flying in the air, watching Layton.)

Rouge: This’ll be too easy. (She starts flying forward.)

(We cut to a bar with patrons sitting at tables around the room. We see Sniper (Team Fortress) drinking from a mug talking to Chloe Frazier (Uncharted). Sniper slams down his mug.)

Sniper: Another!

Chloe: (Under her breath.) Drunk b*stard. (The camera continues to pan until it gets to the bar. Brewster (Animal Crossing) is manning the bar. We see Michael de Santa (Grand Theft Auto) as the camera zooms out, revealing Kazuma Kiryu drinking from a bottle. We cut to outside the building as a number of people in trench coats approach the front door and head inside. We cut back to Kiryu as we hear a voice behind him.)

???: So, we finally found you. (Kiryu turns around to see Vito Scaletta surrounded by Mafia members (Mafia) as well as some normal members of the Mafia.)

Kiryu: Nandeshou?

Vito: In English. (Vito approaches Kiryu as he pauses for a moment.)

Kiryu: What do you want?

Vito: I’ve been hearing a lot about you lately. Some kind of Dragon of Dojima. You're Yakuza.

Kiryu: And what if I am?

Vito: (Starts pacing.) Ya see, we don’t need no low-lifes like you running around my city.

Kiryu: (Stands up.) Your city? You are vain. What makes this your city?

Vito: Me and my men are everywhere. Mafia runs the place here.

Kiryu: Let me guess, you want me to leave. You are a coward.

Vito: Don’t call me no f*cking coward! (Two Mafia members on either side of Kiryu pull out tommy guns as everyone in the bar gasps.) Making you leave is too easy, you b*stard. We gotta send a message to anyone who may wanna go against us. (Vito snaps his fingers.) Bye bye. (The Mafia members start shooting, but Kiryu quickly jumps behind the bar and takes cover. We see Brewster cowering behind it.) Hiding ain’t gonna do you no good.

Kiryu: (To Brewster.) Do not worry, bird.

Brewster: O-Okay… (Kiryu grabs a glass as a member comes behind the counter with a gun. Kiryu throws a glass into his face as Kiryu then runs up and punches the member in the stomach, slamming him into the wall. Kiryu then dives underneath a nearby table and flips it over to act as a shield as more members shoot at him.)

Kiryu: Your guns do not scare me. (Kiryu picks up the table and slams it onto a member’s back. Patrons are seen running out of the bar in the background. Kiryu then spins around and throws the table into another member, knocking him down. Kiryu then reaches to a table behind him to continuously throw glasses set on it towards the Mafia members.)

Mafia Members: Augh! (The shield their faces as the glass causes them to bleed. Seeing his chance, Kiryu rushes out of the bar.)

Vito: Follow him! (We see Kiryu burst out of the doorway as he turns to his left and begins running. We see the doorway again as Vito and the rest of the Mafia burst out. Vito spots Kiryu.) There he is! (They begin running after him. We see Kiryu running down the sidewalk as Irresponsible Dad (Happy Wheels) rides past on a bike. Kiryu grabs the bike which stops it and flings Irresponsible Dad off of it.)

Irresponsible Dad: Aaaah! (Kiryu spins back towards the Mafia and throws the bike at them. It hits them and knocks them over.)

Mafia Members: Agh! (We cut to Layton on the street as he walks through town holding the shard.)

Layton: Now, what kind of gem will you turn out to be? (We pan to an overhead shot of Layton as a shadow with bat wings appears right behind him. Layton reaches the train station as he gives his train ticket to Porter (Animal Crossing). The shard is now in Layton’s pocket.)

Porter: Have a good trip, sir!

Layton: Thank you! (He smiles. We see Layton board the train as he suddenly bumps into Rouge.)

Rouge: Oh, I’m so sorry.

Layton: (Tips his top hat.) Not a problem, young lady. (Layton walks away as Rouge reveals the shard in her hand.)

Rouge: Like taking candy from a baby. (Rouge walks to a different part of the train.)

(We cut back to where Layton gave his ticket as Kiryu runs right past the ticket check. Porter and a regular ticket taker look on in shock. They see Vito and the rest of the Mafia running towards the train and rush out to stop them. Vito and the others stop. We cut to Kiryu boarding the train as he looks back and smirks at Vito. We cut back to Vito.)

Vito: (To other members.) C’mon, let’s go. (They leave the ticket takers.)

(We cut to the inside of the train as Kiryu walks through. He opens up a door to reveal Layton sitting in a roomette.)

Layton: Hello there. Are we sharing this roomette? (Kiryu nods and sits next to Layton.) My name is Professor Hershel Layton. What’s yours?

Kiryu: I am Kazuma Kiryu.

Layton: It’s very nice to meet you. I’m on this train to do business. Yourself?

Kiryu: (Pauses.) Also business.

Layton: Splendid. Perhaps you could help me with a puzzle that I’ve been working on. I’ve found this strange jewel and haven’t been able to identify it. (He reaches into his pocket.) If you’d be so kind, could you… (He stops.) Strange. I can’t seem to find it.

Kiryu: Huh?

Layton: It’s disappeared. I must find it at once. Maybe it’s still on the train. (We see the train start off as the scenery outside the window moves.)

Kiryu: I hope so. For your sake. (Layton begins to leave the roomette.) I can help you.

Layton: Really? Thank you. (Kiryu nods as they leave the roomette.)

(We cut to the very back of the train as Vito and the other Mafia members come in through the back. They look around.)

Vito: That Yakuza member is somewhere on this train.

Mafia Member: Do we still need to take care of him? (Vito grabs him by the coat.)

Vito: What the f*ck do you think? No one gets away from us alive. (He lets go.) F*ckface.

(We cut to Rouge in a train car as she palms the shard. A shelf full of luggage and some crates line the walls.)

Rouge: Absolutely stunning. (Two Mafia members enter the train car and see Rouge with the shard.)

Mafia Member #1: Well, what do we have here?

Rouge: Beat it, creep.

Mafia Member #2: Lotta talk from someone with your looks. What even are you?

Rouge: Ever seen a bat before? I guess someone like you wouldn’t get out much anyways.

Mafia Member #1: Alright, I was tryna be nice to ya. Hand over that jewel there and we won’t turn you into a fur coat. (They take out pistols.)

Rouge: You both make me sick.

Mafia Member #1: (Holds out hand.) Jewel.

(We cut to Layton and Kiryu roaming through the train, continuously looking at the ground.)

Layton: It must be around here somewhere. (Kiryu reaches a door that says storage above it.)

Kiryu: Do you think it could be in here?

Layton: Yes, maybe they found it and are keeping it back here. (Kiryu opens the door as they enter and see Rouge being held up by the Mafia.)

Rouge: Hello, boys. About time you got here. (Layton and Kiryu cautiously walk to Rouge.)

Kiryu: I thought I left you punks behind.

Mafia Member #2: You ain’t gonna escape the Mafia that easily, pal.

Kiryu: Leave the lady alone. A gentleman never hurts a woman. Even thugs like you should know this.

Mafia Member #1: You can tell that to Satan’s boys when you arrive in Hell. (Both members raise their guns as Layton quickly turns to the storage shelf where an emergency life raft is stored. Layton pulls the cord on it as it quickly expands into a full raft, knocking both Mafia members over.) Sh*t!

Layton: Run! (Our heroes turn around to escape out of the train car. Vito and the other Mafia members enter the area. Vito sees the two members on the ground.)

Vito: What the f*ck are you two doing?!

Mafia Member #1: We found him! He’s got two other people working with him!

Mafia Member #2: They’re heading towards the front of the train!

Vito: Grab them! (Vito and the rest of the Mafia give chase. We cut to our heroes making their way through the train.)

Layton: (To Rouge.) So you stole my gem?

Rouge: Yeah, yeah, save it for later.

Layton: (To Kiryu.) And you?

Kiryu: Member of the Yakuza.

Layton: Oh dear. (We see Vito and the Mafia catching up behind them.)

Vito: You’re not gettin’ away! (They start pulling out guns. Our heroes pass a stewardess cart with drinks placed on it. Kiryu pushes it fast towards Vito. It slams into him and the rest of the Mafia as drinks spill and glass breaks. Passengers begin looking out of their roomettes.)

Layton: (To Kiryu and Rouge.) We must keep going. (Layton drags the others to the next train cart.)

Vito: Nothin’ to see here, folks. (They continue their pursuit. We cut to our heroes in a new train car.)

Layton: We’re going to run out of train if we keep running. We need to figure out how to deal with those thugs.

Kiryu: (Cracking knuckles.) We could take them all out.

Layton: That’ll put the patrons at risk

Rouge: Oh, boooooys. (They turn to Rouge in front of an open train car door.) How about we take this to the roof? (Kiryu nods and goes to Rouge. Layton follows. We cut to Vito and the Mafia running through as they reach the door our heroes just went through. We see Layton’s foot go past the door window.)

Vito: They’re heading to the roof! (Other Mafia members run past Vito as they open the door and start up the ladder. As the first member reaches the top. Rouge approaches him.)

Rouge: Have a safe trip. (Rouge kicks the member in the face as he’s flung off the train. The train is currently running on the side of the mountain with a forest below. The next member comes up with a knife and swings at Rouge. She backs up to Kiryu and Layton. Mafia members get to the roof and start charging towards our heroes. Kiryu punches one in the chest twice before grabbing him by the collar and throwing him off the roof. We then see Rouge perform a leg sweep as a Mafia member falls over and slips off the train. We then cut to Layton running across the train car as he suddenly trips over. Two Mafia member stand over him.)

Mafia Member #3: End of the line, Sherlock.

Kiryu: Maybe for you. (The Mafia members turn around to see Kiryu. Kiryu grabs a member by the neck and performs a pile drive on him. The member is then thrown off the train. The other member pulls out a gun, but is then pinched on the neck by Layton. He slumps over.) How did you…?

Layton: Every puzzle has its answer. Even a puzzle such as this. (We cut to Vito and the other Mafia members shooting at the edge of the train car. We see a bullet skin Rouge as she pulls out one of her bombs.)

Rouge: Let’s try this. (Rouge throws the bomb.)

Vito: Duck! (Vito and two other members dive forward as the bomb hits a different member. All of the Mafia except for Vito and the two other divers are thrown from the train. Vito and the others get up with their guns and begin shooting. They hit Kiryu in the arm as he falls over. Layton grabs onto him as Rouge jumps over to them.)

Layton: Are you okay?

Vito: Enough playing around. I’m putting an end to this.

Mafia Member #1: But first we want the gem from that broad over there.

Rouge: Broad?! How dare you!

Vito: Don’t get too excited now. You’re in no position for that. (Vito holds out his hands.) Hand it over, and I'll promise a quick death. (We see a cavern in the background that the train is heading towards. The Mafia don’t see it because it’s behind them. The roof is too low for them to fit. Layton suddenly gets a look as if he has an idea. He turns to Rouge.)

Layton: I’ll do it. (Layton whispers to her.) The bomb. (Rouge understands.)

Rouge: Well, if you must. (Rouge puts a bomb in Layton’s hands, with Vito thinking it’s the shard.)

Layton: The gem as you requested. (Layton throws the bomb at them. Vito shoots it in midair and it explodes. To Rouge.) Fly us out! (Rouge grabs onto Kiryu and Layton and they jump off the train.)

Vito: Liars! (They shoot at our heroes as they descend into the forest.) No!

Mafia Member #2: Boss!

Vito: What?! (He turns to see the cavern.) Agh! (The camera zooms in on Vito’s face as the screen goes black.)

(We cut to Rouge landing in the forest.)

Kiryu: Thank you two for helping me. Not many people would jump in to save a member of the Yakuza.

Layton: I can tell you’re no common thug. (To Rouge.) Now, my jewel please.

Rouge: I guess it’s only fair. You did save our butts. (Rouge hands it over.) What’s so special about it anyways?

Layton: I’ve never seen anything like it before. It emits a strange aura. And maybe… (He pauses.)

Kiryu: Maybe?

Layton: Maybe it can help us return home.

(The camera zooms in on the Shadow Crystal shard as the screen goes black. A train whistle is heard in the background.)

End of Episode

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