Chapter 5 - Episode 4: Wily Wars
(The episode begins looking up at the blue sky. The camera pans down to see Cream (Sonic the Hedgehog) holding a baseball with Cheese (Sonic theHedgehog) next to her. She is in a big field.)
Cream: Alright! Here it comes! (The camera turns to see Ness in the distance holding a baseball bat, ready to swing.)
Ness: (Nodding.) Okay. (The camera cuts back to Cream as she throws the baseball towards Ness. We see him hit it as it goes flying. Ness starts running.)
Cream: Oh! Get it, Cheese! (Cheese pulls out a small baseball mitt and runs back to catch the ball, but the ball flies far over him until it is mostly out of sight.) Oh no... the ball.
Ness: (Running up to her.) Don't worry. I'll get it. (Ness quickly chases after the ball. We cut to him finding the ball next to a bush. Suddenly, a truck drives by blaring Porky's theme.) Huh? (The camera pans to see the truck driving up a hill to a large laboratory-like building. Ness drops the baseball and runs after it.)
(We cut to Ness running up to the side of the laboratory as he hides behind the side of it. He looks out past the corner to see a group of pigmasks loading boxes out of the truck.)
Pigmask #1: What does this doctor guy want with all this junk anyway?
Pigmask #2: I dunno, but Master Porky says this guy is the real deal. Apparently, his skills are "essential" or something like that. (The two pigmasks enter the lab through an automatic door that stays open.)
Ness: (Whispering.) Porky? It can't be... (Ness looks back at the truck to see two pigmasks loading Samus off the truck. She is still unconscious and in her suit. They bring her inside. Ness comes out of hiding.) What is Porky doing with all these piggy people? (Another pigmask who was left behind suddenly jumps out of the back of the truck with another box.)
Pigmask #3: Hey guys, wait up... (Noticing Ness.) Hey! This area is off limits to snot-nosed kids! (He drops his box and pulls out a blaster. He shoots at Ness and the hit lands.) Heh. Stupid kid. (Ness then runs up to the pigmask and pulls out his yo-yo. He whips it into the pigmask's head as he squeals and falls back. Ness then pulls out his baseball bat and smashes into the pigmask with it. A SMAAAASH!! appears onscreen. The pigmask is out cold.)
Ness: That was close. (Ness looks down at the pigmask before he suddenly gets an idea. We cut a bit further in time as Ness, now disguised in the pigmask uniform, walks into the laboratory. Inside the laboratory are multiple R.O.B. blasters roaming around the place, most of them holding metal crates. There are also two conveyor belts going through the area. One is carrying egg pawns while the other carries mets (Mega Man).) What is this place? (Ness continues walking until he finds a hallway. Suddenly, pigmask voices are heard coming down the hallway.)
Pigmask #1: Another good day's work, boys! Let's go back to Master Porky and see what he needs next. (Ness stops in his tracks as he panics about what to do. He looks around for an exit before spotting a door to his right. He runs in as we see that the sign above the door reads "Defects". Ness presses himself against the door as the pigmasks walk by.)
Pigmask #2: That Dr. Wily is a nut job, I'll tell ya. (Ness calms down as they pass. He then looks at the defects room, which is covered in spare robot parts. Among those parts are Omega (Sonic the Hedgehog) and Robo (Chrono). Ness walks through a bit before stopping as he finds R.O.B.)
Ness: Isn't this one of those robots I saw at the entrance? What's it doing in here? (Ness fiddles with R.O.B. a bit before he suddenly turns on.) Oh! (R.O.B.'s eyes adjust a bit before he gets a good look at Ness. He then scoots away at Ness, seemingly afraid.) It's okay. I'm not one of the pig guys. (Ness takes off the pigmask uniform.) I'm Ness, what's your name? (R.O.B. slowly gets closer to Ness.) Here, I can do this. (Ness puts his hand up to R.O.B.'s head.)
(We cut back to the entrance to the laboratory where the truck is. We see Tails fly down upon it with Mega Man hanging onto his hands. Tails lowers near the ground and gently drops Mega Man.)
Tails: There's that truck. That means she has to be around here somewhere.
Mega Man: Yeah, let's go. (Mega Man runs towards the entrance before Tails yells at him.)
Tails: Wait! Let's not go in all willy-nilly.
Mega Man: Huh?
Tails: You saw what happened back when we fought those pig people. The whole building came down.
Mega Man: So what are we going to do? (Suddenly, the voices of the pigmasks are heard.)
Pigmask #1: Think we're gonna get a raise?
Tails: Hide! (Tails flies over to Mega Man and grabs him again. Tails flies him up to the roof. We cut to Tails looking down while the pigmasks file out. Quietly.) What do we do now?
Mega Man: (Quietly.) Over here. (The camera pans to see Mega Man next to a grate. He grabs hold of it and rips it off.)
Tails: Good idea. (Mega Man lowers himself in and Tails follows.)
(The camera cuts to a different part of the lab. We see Dr. Wily working on his Wily Capsule. A group of four R.O.B. blasters enter the room. Two are carrying boxes while the other two both carry Samus.)
Dr. Wily: New materials? Leave the boxes here, take that suit to the special examination room. (The R.O.B. blasters nod and take Samus away.)
(We cut to the R.O.B. blasters taking Samus into a new room. They wheel past multiple prison cells with laser cages. Inside the laser cages are Captain Astro (Astro Bot) who looks frightened and 'Splosion Man ('Splosion Man) who is running in circles in his cell. The camera pans to the other side of the room where we see Vectorman in his own cell. He eyes Samus.)
Vectorman: Huh? (The R.O.B. blasters carry Samus into the cell next to Vectorman. They close the cell and leave.) Hello? (There's no answer. Vectorman thinks for a second before transforming himself into a drill. He drills through the wall connecting his and Samus' cells. He leans down next to Samus and shakes her.) Hello? (We cut to the inside of Samus' helmet as her eyes open.)
Samus: Huh? Where am I? (She focuses on Vectorman and scoots back a bit. She points her arm cannon at him.) Who are you?
Vectorman: (Pointing at himself.) Vectorman.
Samus: (Pointing to herself.) Uh... Samus. (Vectorman nods.) How do we get out of here? (Vectorman gets up and inspects the laser cage. He points at a keypad on the wall next to it.)
Samus: Just gotta get to that thing. (To Vectorman.) I suggest you stand far away.
Vectorman: Okay. (Vectorman goes through the hole to his cell. Samus then goes into her morph ball form and lays down a super bomb. It quickly sets off a large explosion.)
(We cut to Tails and Mega Man in the air ducts. The explosion rocks the lab.)
Tails: Woah! (The shock jostles them around and knocks open a vent beneath Tails. He falls through.)
Mega Man: Tails! (Mega Man drops through too. The two look around in the pitch dark room around them.)
Tails: Uh oh...
(We cut again to Dr. Wily. The explosion shakes him and his Wily Capsule a bit.)
Dr. Wily: What was that?! Hmmm... Elec Man! (The camera turns to see Elec Man (Mega Man).) Go see what that commotion is. (Elec Man nods and runs off.)
(We cut to Ness and R.O.B. in the Defects room. The explosion rocks their room around.)
Ness: What's happening? (Ness slowly opens the door and he and R.O.B. start going down the hall. They stop in the middle of the hallway as they see Elec Man run by in the distance. To R.O.B.) Is that trouble? (R.O.B. nods.) C'mon we'll take care of it. (They run towards where Elec Man went.)
(We cut back to Samus' cell. We see the keypad next to the door fall off as the laser cage drops. Samus gets up as Vectorman joins her.)
Samus: It was a bit drastic, but we had to do it.
Vectorman: Yeah. (They exit the cell before Elec Man suddenly charges in. Samus and Vectorman are taken aback.)
Samus: Aren't you the kid who helped me at the lab? (Elec Man doesn't answer. Instead, he shoots a bolt of electricity out of his fingertips which hits Samus in the chest. She drops to one knee.) Gah! (Elec Man shoots another bolt of electricity at Vectorman who jumps out of the way. He starts running towards the other cells before Elec Man shoots a volt into each keypad.)
Vectorman: Huh? (He tries pushing on a keypad, but is shocked instead.) Ow! (He turns back to Elec Man and begins shooting projectiles out of his hand. Elec Man dodges the hits and sprints towards Vectorman. Once he is close enough, he shoots another bolt at him. Vectorman uses the boosters in his feet to fly a short distance away before taking aim again.) You're history! (He shoots more projectiles at Elec Man. Three of them hit as Elec Man drops to his knees.) Haha! (Just when Vectorman thinks it's over, Elec Man puts his hands on the ground and shoots two electric currents at Vectorman's feet. They both shock him and Vectorman falls over. Elec Man gets back up as suddenly a beam hits him in the back.)
Ness: You got him! (The camera pans to see Ness and R.O.B. now in the room. R.O.B.'s eyes are glowing red before turning back to black, the beam supposedly shot from his eyes. Elec Man gets up and shoots another bolt of electricity at Ness and R.O.B.) PSI Shield! (A small forcefield suddenly appears around Ness and R.O.B. which absorbs the bolt of electricity. Elec Man looks shocked before a missile suddenly hits him in the side and explodes. He falls to the ground before exploding into multiple bright lights, similar to the Mega Man games. We cut to Samus with her arm cannon still pointing where Elec Man stood. She lowers her defenses before going over to Ness and R.O.B.)
Samus: Are you alright, kid? (Ness lowers his shield.)
Ness: Yeah, and so is R.O.B. (R.O.B. nods. We cut to Vectorman getting up with his hand rubbing the back of his head. The moment he sees R.O.B., he points his hand at him defensively. Ness runs in front of R.O.B. to protect him.) No! Don't hurt him! (Vectorman approaches the other heroes.)
Samus: (To Vectorman.) What's wrong?
Vectorman: (Not taking his eyes off R.O.B.) Enemy.
Ness: Please! He's not an enemy! The evil doctor took control of him and his family. (Vectorman lowers his hand.)
Samus: What?
Ness: R.O.B. is one of a whole family of robots like him. Then some evil doctor came and took everyone away. He reprogrammed the others and started making duplicates of them. (R.O.B. looks down in sorrow.) He couldn't be reprogrammed, so they just locked him away.
Samus: How do you know all this?
Ness: I'm psychic. I was able to read his thoughts. (R.O.B. nods.)
Samus: (To R.O.B.) Don't worry, we'll help you. First, we need to find this doctor. I think we're tangled up in a big conspiracy.
(We cut to Tails and Mega Man in a dark room. They are cautiously trying to move through it.)
Tails: How do we get out of here?
Mega Man: We'll find a way. (As they are walking, Tails suddenly trips on a large screw.)
Tails: Woah! (Tails falls and hits something near the wall.) Ouch... what was that? (Tails gets up as the thing he bumped into eyes start glowing.)
Mega Man: What'd you hit?
Tails: I... I dunno. (Suddenly more pairs of eyes begin glowing as they are soon surrounded by the glow. The lights then come on to reveal that the walls are lined with R.O.B. blasters and R.O.B. launchers. An alarm starts blaring as a red light flashes on the wall. The R.O.B.s all start boxing in our heroes.)
(We cut back to the cell room with the rest of our heroes. The alarm and red light is flashing there too.)
Vectorman: Uh oh.
Ness: What's going on?!
Samus: Something's happening! Follow me! (She leaves while everyone else follows.)
(We cut to Dr. Wily as the alarm blares in his lab.)
Dr. Wily: An intruder! Someone is messing with my creations! (He eyes the Wily Capsule. He smiles and laughs to himself.)
(We cut back to Tails and Mega Man surrounded by R.O.B.s.)
Tails: We'll never be able to take them all!
Mega Man: We have to think of something! (Suddenly, the door leading into the room automatically opens as the rest of our heroes enter the fray. Samus is in the lead with the others standing around her.)
Samus: A robot army.
Ness: The duplicates! (R.O.B. beeps in agreement.)
Vectorman: Let's go. (Our heroes fan out as the fight begins. We see Samus roll into the middle in her morph ball form. She goes back to her regular form and begins shooting R.O.B.s in every direction. Mega Man joins her in shooting as Tails flies up. We cut to R.O.B. shooting a gyromite which sticks into the head of a R.O.B. blaster, deactivating it. In the background, Vectorman shoots three projectiles into a R.O.B. blaster before it is downed. He turns around and does the same to a R.O.B. launcher.) Oh yeah. ( We cut to Ness next to a R.O.B. launcher.)
Ness: PSI Flash! (Green sparkles appear next to the R.O.B. launcher's head as it begins to rotate around quickly. Ness takes the opportunity to hit it in the head with his bat. We cut to a group of R.O.B. launchers shooting missiles at Tails while he flies. Tails avoids them as he flies down and grabs a R.O.B. blaster who begins flailing his arms. Tails spins around before throwing it into the R.O.B. launchers.)
Tails: Catch ya later! (The R.O.B. blaster knocks the R.O.B. launchers down. We cut to Mega Man throwing a bomb into a small group of R.O.B.s. The bomb explodes, taking them all out. We cut to Samus grabbing a R.O.B. blaster with her grapple beam and slamming him onto the ground. A R.O.B. launcher comes up behind her but R.O.B. takes it out with a spin move where he spins his arms around fast in a circle. He looks up at Samus.)
Samus: Thanks. (The camera pans around our room to see our heroes looking at all the deactivated R.O.B.s.) I think that's all of them.
Tails: We did it! (Samus approaches Tails and Mega Man.)
Samus: You two. Did you come here to find me?
Tails: Of course.
Mega Man: You saved our lives.
Samus: Thank you.
Tails: Yeah! No man left behind!
???: Sorry to interrupt your tearful reunion. (Tails and Ness gasp as the roof begins to open up.) It's just that you've been meddling with my machines for too long. (As the roof opens up more, Dr. Wily in his Wily Capsule flies down to meet our heroes.)
Mega Man: Dr. Wily?! You're behind this!
Dr. Wily: If it isn't Mega Man, this time without Thomas controlling your every move. (He eyes R.O.B.) You even found one of my defects. How heroic of you.
Ness: He's not a defect! He's more human than you'll ever be, you balding geezer!
Dr. Wily: What is with the youth these days? Terrible!
Samus: (Aiming her arm cannon.) What do you want?
Dr. Wily: Isn't it obvious? I want you out of here! You've already seen too much, so I thought I'd call in a friend to help. (At this point, a large yellow ball comes down from above and lands in the room our heroes are in. It forms into the Yellow Devil (Mega Man).) I believe you are familiar with this creation of mine, Mega Man.
Mega Man: The Yellow Devil...
Dr. Wily: Now, prepare to perish! (The Yellow Devil begins shooting beams out of its eyes.)
Ness: PSI shield! (A shield appears around Ness and Vectorman. A few of the beams hit the shield, while a couple others hit Samus and Mega Man, knocking them over. Tails and R.O.B. both take flight and go over the Yellow Devil to fight against Dr. Wily. Tails flies up to the Wily Capsule when suddenly multiple fire and ice projectiles are shot out of it and circle around it.)
Dr. Wily: My technology is unmatched! (Three fire projectiles are shot at Tails. He dodges the first one, but the other two send him flying to the ground.)
Tails: Aaaah! (R.O.B flies towards Dr. Wily using his jet hover ability. Once he gets close enough, the three ice projectiles fly into him, freezing him solid.)
Dr. Wily: Haha! (We go back to the fight against the Yellow Devil. Samus and Vectorman are both firing at his lower body.)
Mega Man: Aim for the eye! That's his weak point! (Samus and Vectorman both nod.)
Vectorman: Okay. (Vectorman shoots the Yellow Devil in the eye. It immediately closes it as soon as it is shot. He then turns into multiple yellow balls as they move to the other side of the room. They hit Samus, Mega Man, and Vectorman as they move. We cut to Ness kneeling over R.O.B.)
Ness: PSI healing. (R.O.B. unfreezes. Ness helps him up.) Now, let's get him!
Dr. Wily: Not so fast! (The Wily Capsule suddenly appears out of thin air with the camouflage cloak covering it with a robotic hand. The hand whips the cloak away as the Wily Capsule shoots a fireball at Ness. It hits him and he falls back.) Haha! (R.O.B. then shoots an eye laser at the Wily Capsule. It flies back a bit.) Why you-! (The camouflage cloak covers him again as he disappears. We cut back to our heroes fighting the Yellow Devil. We see Samus charge up a shot before shooting it at the Yellow Devil. It hits him in the eye and he steps back a bit.)
Vectorman: Let's go. (Vectorman transforms into a rhino.)
Tails: Woah! (Vectorman goes up to ram the Yellow Devil. It stops him by putting his hands on it and trying to push Vectorman back. They are at a stalemate. R.O.B. suddenly approaches Tails.) Huh? (R.O.B gestures to Tails' tails with his head.) Oh, do you want me to fly you somewhere? (R.O.B. nods. Tails picks R.O.B. up and flies him towards the Yellow Devil. R.O.B. then transforms and uses his robo beam. His beam goes directly into the eye of the Yellow Devil. The Yellow Devil keels over and trips over Vectorman in rhino form.)
Mega Man: One last shot! (Mega Man fires a charged shot into the Yellow Devil's eye and it finally explodes.) Now for Dr. Wily. (We cut to Ness desperately running as the Wily Capsule chases him.)
Dr. Wily: You'll never get away. (Suddenly, Mega Man jumps in with his flame sword and knocks the Wily Capsule away.) Gah! (From the other side, Tails hits the Wily Capsule away with his tails.) I'm not a tennis ball! (Ness suddenly stops and concentrates.)
Ness: PSI rockin'! (A lot of colors and shapes fill the screen as the Wily Capsule is hit with a powerful PSI attack.)
Dr. Wily: Noooooo! (The Wily Capsule explodes and Dr. Wily drops out of it. He is immediately on his hands and knees begging for forgiveness. Our heroes approach him.) Please, Mega Man! Have mercy!
Mega Man: I'm taking you in, Dr. Wily.
Dr. Wily: No! You can't! Please Mega... Mega... Mega... (Dr. Wily suddenly explodes. His head lands on the ground in front of our heroes.) Mega... Mega... (It stops.)
Mega Man: What?!
Dr. Wily: Hahaha! Did you really think I would fight you head on? (The real Dr. Wily appears in the Wily Capsule above them.) You were fighting my robot double this whole time.
Tails: You coward!
Dr. Wily: Better safe than sorry. Now, I have much bigger things to attend to. (We see Dr. Wily fly towards what appears to be a large airship in the far distance.)
Ness: What are we gonna do?
Samus: We're going to follow him.
Mega Man: Yeah.
Tails: How are we gonna reach him?
Samus: I'll call my ship. (Samus walks away from the group.)
Mega Man: Dr. Wily is up to something. These aren't his usual schemes.
Ness: What could it be?
Mega Man: I don't know, but it isn't good. (Samus' gunship suddenly flies above our heroes and lands in the room they're standing in.)
Tails: Wow! Cool ride!
Samus: Everyone in! (We cut to Samus' gunship taking flight as it flies towards the airship in the distance.)
End of Episode
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