Chapter 5 - Episode 1: Monster Hunter
(The episode begins in a stormy forest at night. The trees are being blown by a strong wind as a Gyarados sticks his neck out of a lake before diving back in. The camera pans back to see Ori trying to sleep in a small cave. He is curled up in a ball and wincing as the storm howls. A loud roar is heard as Ori looks up. A dark figure is flying above the clouds. Brief flashes of light come from it. We go back to Ori as he curls up more.)
(We cut to the next morning. We see a small building as the door opens. Marth, the Prince of Persia, and Ezio walk out, closely followed by Professor Oak (Pokemon).)
Marth: Thank you for your hospitality, professor.
Oak: My pleasure. I needed the help studying these new breeds of Pokemon. (The camera cuts to inside Oak's lab. Inside, we see Mike (Kirby), Klaptrap (Donkey Kong), and Pommy (Bomberman).) Although, to be completely honest, I'm not sure if these are Pokemon.
Ezio: Strange creatures. (The camera pans to the side of the building as we see a blue dragon (Panzer Dragoon).)
Prince: What is that beast?
Oak: Oh, I'm not really sure. It came here injured a couple days ago. It should be ready to leave pretty soon. (The blue dragon looks happy in the sun.) Well, I guess this is goodbye. I hope you boys have a safe journey. (Our heroes leave Oak's lab as he waves them goodbye. We cut to them going deeper into the forest.)
Prince: Do you really think we'll find that sorcerer in this forest?
Marth: I'm not sure, but it's the only lead we have so far.
Ezio: Destiny is incredibly strange, but we must trust in it. I feel like we will find exactly what we're looking for soon.
Prince: I hope so.
(We cut to a different part of the forest as Crono strolls through carrying his saber with him. He stops to rest on a log, when we see bushes rustling in the background. Three SharpClaw Tribe members (Star Fox) poke their heads out and spy at Crono.)
SharpClaw #1: Look at the sword that boy has. We must have it.
SharpClaw #2: Ambush him. Now! (The SharpClaws exit their hiding place and run towards Crono.)
Crono: Huh? (The SharpClaws near Crono and hit him off the log with their clubs. They laugh at him as he gets up and into a battle position. He lunges at the SharpClaw that hit him and slashes him with his sword. The SharpClaw flies to the ground as the other two look up in shock.) Leave now, Reptites.
SharpClaw #1: You're determined. (To other SharpClaw.) Bash him! (The SharpClaws maneuver to either side of Crono.)
Crono: You'll regret that. (Crono begins using his cyclone tech as he spins around with his sword out. The SharpClaws are caught in his cyclone. Crono kneels down with his sword as the two SharpClaws fall to the ground. Crono stands back up and looks down at the three SharpClaws.) So if there are Reptites here, I must be in prehistoric times. Maybe Ayla is around here.
(We cut to Crono continuing through the forest as he reaches the cave that Ori is in. We see Ori slowly wake up and rub his eyes. He looks up to see Crono standing outside the cave looking around. He starts approaching Crono until his foot hits a rock and it skitters through the cave.)
Crono: (Readying sword.) Who's there? (Ori sheepishly hides behind a rock in the cave, his ears still visible. Crono notices.) Are you a monster? Show yourself. (Ori nervously comes out of hiding. His ears droop as he stares at Crono. Crono lowers his weapon.) Hey, you're not a monster, are you? (Ori shakes his head no.) I'm not gonna hurt you. Are you lost? (Ori comes closer to Crono, looking nervous and scared.) I'm lost too. Maybe we can help each other out. I'll help you find your family if you help me find mine. (Ori's ears perk up at this. Crono sticks out his hand.) Deal? (Ori, overcome with the feeling of help, hugs Crono.) Uh… I'll take that as a yes.
(Suddenly, the sound of helicopter blades fill the air. Crono and Ori look around, but see nothing.)
Crono: Hide! (Crono and Ori hide in the nearby cave. The camera cuts to see the Koopa Cruiser descend on the forest. Bowser and Bowser Jr. are both on board, surveying the land.)
Bowser Jr.: We made it, papa! What's the next step of our plan?
Bowser: We need to find those hunters who are after our new pet. We don't want anything happening to him just yet, right Jr.?
Bowser Jr.: Right!
Bowser: Boom Boom! Pom Pom! (Boom Boom and Pom Pom come up behind Bowser and Bowser Jr.) Scout out the warriors who have been searching for our new project. You know what to do once you've found them. (Boom Boom and Pom Pom both grunt and nod.) Good, now go find them! (Boom Boom and Pom Pom jump off the Koopa Cruiser. They both walk off in different directions as the Koopa Cruiser flies off. We see Ori and Crono with shocked expressions watching from the cave.)
(We cut back to Marth's group walking through the forest. Suddenly, we hear someone speak to them.)
???: Excuse me! (Our heroes turn around to see the Monster Hunter. On either side of her are the Prince of Sable (For the Frog the Bell Tolls) and Gilius Thunderhead (Golden Axe).) I'm sorry to bother you, but me and my fellow warriors are looking for a beast. Have you seen a large red dragon around here?
Marth: Large red dragon?
Monster Hunter: A Rathalos, I don't suppose you folk know exactly what that is.
Ezio: We have seen nothing of that sort, but we will keep an eye out.
Monster Hunter: Thank you. (The Monster Hunter and her friends leave.)
Prince: This is getting incredibly dangerous.
Marth: Yes, keep your eyes open. We don't need anymore trouble than we already have.
(The camera cuts to an angle watching our heroes. Suddenly, Pom Pom sticks her head up out of the brush and eyes our heroes. She pulls out her shuriken. We cut to our heroes walking again as they suddenly stop. A strange pink mist blows in and materializes into Pom Pom.)
Pom Pom: Pom Pom! (She holds out her shuriken. Our heroes all draw swords in preparation.)
Ezio: Oddio! What is that thing?
Marth: I don't know… (Pom Pom smirks as she disappears into pink mist again. This time, the mist separates into five different clouds. They surround our heroes before turning into five separate Pom Poms.)
Prince: What?!
Ezio: Witchcraft! (The Pom Poms all throw their shurikens at our heroes with all of them hitting. Our heroes double down in pain.)
Marth: Augh! (Marth runs up to attack a Pom Pom, but it disappears at the hit of his sword.) Huh?! (The real Pom Pom comes up behind him and smacks him in the back of the head before disappearing into mist again.)
Prince: Are they fakes?
Ezio: No, I believe one is real. (Five Pom Poms appear again and throw their shurikens. Ezio parries one with his sword while the Prince simply ducks out of the way.)
(We cut to Ori and Crono running towards the commotion.)
Crono: One of those things is over there! (As they approach, Boom Boom jumps in and swings at both of them with his fists. They both fall to the ground.) Huh?
Boom Boom: Boom Boom! (Boom Boom retracts into his shell and charges up. He suddenly starts speeding towards Ori and Crono, but they both jump out of the way. Crono slashes at Boom Boom while he's in his shell, but it does nothing. Boom Boom then comes out of his shell and punches Crono away. Behind Boom Boom, Ori runs and jumps up to bash Boom Boom in the head. He lands and takes a fighting pose in front of Crono. This angers Boom Boom who stomps on the ground and screams with rage.)
(We cut back to Prince fighting Pom Pom. He hits one with his sword before it disappears, revealing itself to be a fake. The real Pom Pom then comes up and hits him with her shuriken. The Prince then uses his dagger of time to reverse time to before he hit the fake. He hits the fake again before turning around and parrying Pom Pom's shuriken with his sword. He slashes her against her head.)
Prince: Your tricks won't work on me. (Pom Pom gets angry. She disappears into mist again before forming a line of five Pom Poms who all throw their shurikens at the same time. Marth parries them all with his blade. Ezio then shoots his crossbow into the line. It hits a fake who disappears. He then uses his pistol located in his hidden blade to shoot again. This hits the real Pom Pom and knocks her over.)
(We cut back to Boom Boom spinning with his fists in a circle and jumping around. He lands near Ori, who throws a spear of light at his head. It connects and he falls over. Boom Boom gets up and smashes Ori down with his fists. He then picks Ori up by the neck.)
Crono: Put him down! (We pan to Crono levitating slightly. Suddenly, a bolt of lightning hits Boom Boom and sends him flying. We cut to Pom Pom as Boom Boom lands on top of her. They are both knocked out.)
Ezio: What is this? (Ori and Crono run in to join the rest of our heroes.)
Crono: Are you all okay?
Marth: Did you do this?
Crono: Yes, we defeated that orange Reptite. There are more coming. They're on a giant ship.
Prince: Giant ship? (Propeller noises fill the air again as the Koopa Cruiser flies in. We hear Bowser laughing.)
Bowser: Looks like my troops were defeated a little too easily. I bet you're all wondering who I am.
Bowser Jr.: Tell them, papa!
Bowser: I'm the biggest, baddest brute around, the king that reigns supreme: King Bowser Koopa!
Ezio: King? You are no king. You are more akin to a tyrant.
Bowser: Now that's a title I can get behind.
Crono: What do you want?
Bowser: I want you all to stop meddling in my plans, and to do that, I have a little surprise for you. (Bowser suddenly roars into the air. From the sky, Rathalos (Monster Hunter) flies down.) Meet the newest member of the Koopa Troop: Rathalos!
Marth: The red dragon!
Bowser: Now… it's showtime! (Rathalos shoots a fireball at our heroes and they all fall backwards. Fire plumes up from the grass as Bowser laughs. We cut to Ori slowly getting up as the blue dragon from earlier flies down near our heroes. It roars up at Rathalos. Ori suddenly has a plan and quickly gets up. He runs over to the blue dragon and mounts it. The blue dragon looks up at Ori before getting a determined look. It begins its ascent and shoots projectiles from its mouth at Rathalos. Rathalos notices and begins charging at the blue dragon. Ori pilots it away and the chase begins. We cut back to Bowser in the Koopa Cruiser.)
Bowser: You may have gotten rid of my monster, but you still have me to deal with. C'mon, Jr. (Bowser hops down from the Koopa Cruiser. He is quickly followed by Bowser Jr. in his Clown Car, which has robotic arms with boxing gloves.)
Bowser Jr.: Let's beat 'em up, papa! (Bowser jumps in front of Marth. Marth slashes at him, but Bowser sidesteps him and breathes fire. Marth's cape catches on fire as he dodges out of the way. Ezio jumps in and slashes at Bowser’s neck. Bowser retaliates by grabbing Ezio and body slamming him onto the ground.)
Bowser: That all you got, pipsqueaks? (We cut to Crono jumping up and slashing at the Clown Car. Bowser Jr. catches him with his Clown Car's hands and throws him to the ground.)
Bowser Jr.: Ha ha! (The Prince then jumps onto a tree branch and leaps at Bowser Jr. Bowser Jr. flies out of the way before the Prince can get him.)
(We cut to Ori and the blue dragon flying away from Rathalos. Rathalos is shooting fireballs at them. Ori then commands the blue dragon to do a backwards somersault, and suddenly Rathalos is the one being chased. The blue dragon shoots projectiles at its back.)
(We cut to Bowser swinging a chain chomp around his head. He throws it and it hits Marth, which knocks him down.)
Bowser: Yeah! (A bolt suddenly hits Bowser in the back of the head and the camera pans to see Ezio holding his crossbow. Bowser turns around to face him, but he is knocked back by Marth slashing at him. We go back to Bowser Jr. shooting a cannonball out of the Clown Car. The Prince and Crono both jump out of the way.)
Prince: Take this! (The Prince lunges forward with his sword to strike, but Bowser Jr. dodges. Then, Crono takes a slash and hits the Clown Car into a tree. Bowser Jr. hits his head on it.)
Bowser Jr.: Owowowowow! (We go back to Ori chasing Rathalos as the blue dragon keeps shooting projectiles. Ori then goes up to the blue dragon's head and gets its attention. Ori points at the Rathalos' wings, and the blue dragon understands. It begins shooting at the wings. Rathalos cries out in pain before we see a projectile hit the center of the wing. Rathalos goes down into the forest. We cut back to Bowser.)
Bowser: No! My monster! (Bowser is then hit far back by a critical hit from Marth.)
Marth: Your reign is over!
Bowser Jr.: Papa? (We cut to Crono as he uses wind slash on Bowser Jr. He falls out of his Clown Car.) Ouch! (Ori flies down on the blue dragon and joins the others.)
Bowser: (Getting up.) You haven't seen the last of us! C'mon, son! (Bowser Jr. gets back in his clown car and uses the arms to grab Bowser.)
Bowser Jr.: Nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah! (The two board the Koopa Cruiser and it begins to take off.)
Marth: We can't let them get away like that!
Crono: We need to follow them! (Ori nods.)
Ezio: I believe they know something we do not. A monster that powerful can't be controlled by a simple roar.
Prince: Then we should go. (He looks at Ori and Crono.) Are you both coming?
Crono: (Nods.) They're planning something. It's our duty to put a stop to it.
Marth: Then let’s go. Together, we ride! (Our heroes run in pursuit of the Koopa Cruiser.)
End of Episode
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