Chapter 4 - Episode 4: Dragonborn

(The episode begins inside of a building. There are soldiers (Fat Princess) walking around. Fat Princess is sitting on a throne on the far side of the room, holding two slices of cake. She puts one of the slices in her mouth and eats it.)

Fat Princess: Delicious!

Soldier: Princess! (Fat Princess looks up to see two of her soldiers escorting the Dovakhiin towards her throne. Dovahkiin is holding a long sword and shield.) We have found somebody who may be of assistance.

Fat Princess: Oh, goodie! (Fat Princess eats the other slice of cake whole and gets out of her throne to talk to Dovahkiin.)

Dovahkiin: Who are you? What do you want?

Fat Princess: You seem like a tough rapscallion. Many of my soldiers have been going missing in this wild tundra. I need you to find them and make sure they return.

Dovahkiin: Why should I help you?

Fat Princess: As a princess, I am incredibly wealthy. Perhaps I can send some riches your way.

Dovahkiin: (Thinks it over.) That should do nicely. I will go find your soldiers, your highness. (Dovahkiin turns and leaves.)

Fat Princess: Now, I could use more cake. (Fat Princess walks back towards her throne. We see Dovahkiin exit the small building into a snowy wasteland. He seems to be on a mountain with snow quickly falling down. Avion (Shadow of the Colossus) flies overhead as Dovahkiin looks up at it. Dovahkiin then sets out on his mission.)

(We cut to a different part of the mountain. Three pairs of feet are seen walking through the snow. The camera cuts to see two templars (Assassin's Creed) escorting Sub-Zero through the snow. Both of Sub-Zero's hands are tied behind his back, and both of the templars have a hand on one of his arms. They approach a third templar.)

Templar 1: This man has been using witchcraft. He must be executed at once, lest he be a menace to those everywhere.

Templar 3: (Unsheathing sword.) Then it shall be done. (We cut to behind Sub-Zero as the ropes on his arms begin to freeze. As the templar is about to strike, Sub-Zero suddenly breaks free from his bonds and uppercuts the templar as he is about to strike. The two other templars step back and prepare their weapons.)

Sub-Zero: You were foolish to come against me. (He throws a freeze ball at the templar to his right, which encases him in ice. As the other templar comes forward, Sub-Zero pulls out his poleaxe, and blocks the templar's sword with it. He shoves his poleaxe into the templar's stomach and swipes it up, cutting straight through him. The third templar gets back up and runs toward Sub-Zero. Sub-Zero does a jump kick into the templar's head and knocks him over. He then forms an icicle in his hand and stabs him in the heart. The frozen templar then unfreezes.)

Templar 1: What sort of demon are you?

Sub-Zero: I am no demon, I am just a warrior. (Sub-Zero plunges his poleaxe into the heart of the templar.) Feel the cold release of death. (Sub-Zero looks behind him to see a small town in the distance. We cut to Sub-Zero walking into town. He walks past Kilik (SoulCalibur). In the background we see Jeff (EarthBound) and Lucca (Chrono) fixing up E-102 (Sonic the Hedgehog). Sub-Zero continues walking through town until he hears a noise coming from a nearby house. He looks inside to see Fat Princess' soldiers being watched over by a robotic Sniper.)

Sub-Zero: Could that be... Lin Kuei? (Suddenly, the robotic Sniper turns around to the same window Sub-Zero is looking through. However, he is nowhere to be found. We cut to Sub-Zero ducking underneath the window. He backs up from the window and stands up straight.) That was no Lin Kuei. That was something different entirely. (He begins walking away from the building as the camera pans to a flying egg robo watching him.)

(The camera cuts to a different part of the mountain with a cave in the distance. We cut to a cliffside as the Ice Climbers, Popo and Nana, climb up holding their mallets.)

Nana: Finally! We made it up.

Popo: Wow, this place is huge. And look! (He points offscreen.) There's a cave! (The camera pans once again towards the cave in the distance.)

Nana: What do you think is in there?

Popo: No idea, but maybe it's something good! (Grabs Nana's hand.) C'mon, let's go! (They race off towards the cave. We cut to Dovahkiin walking through the snow. He suddenly stops.)

Dovahkiin: Huh? (The camera pans to see the Ice Climbers running into the cave.) Strange, perhaps those two know something about the missing soldiers. (Dovahkiin follows into the cave. The camera cuts to the Ice Climbers carefully making their way through the cave. As they pass by a rock, Jack Frost (Shin Megami Tensei) pops out from behind it.)

Jack Frost: You're not read-hee for what's in here, ho!

Nana: (Startled.) Wha-What?

Popo: Nana, look! (Popo points as the camera pans to see a large eggplant on the ground.) An eggplant!

Nana: Ooh, yummy yummy!

Popo: C'mon! (The Ice Climbers approach the eggplant until suddenly, an eggplant wizard jumps out from behind a collection of boulders ready to attack the Ice Climbers.) Gah! (The eggplant wizard then shoots a magic projectile at Nana from his staff. Popo tackles Nana out of the way of it.)

Jack Frost: Shouldn't have been greed-hee, ho! (The magic then hits Jack Frost and he turns into an eggplant from the legs up.)

Popo: An eggplant?! He's an eggplant?! (We cut to Dovahkiin walking into the cave as he suddenly hears the screams of the Ice Climbers. He rushes off towards the sound. We cut to the eggplant wizard slowly approaching our heroes. Suddenly, Dovahkiin storms in and strikes the eggplant wizard with his longsword. This angers the eggplant wizard as he turns his attention towards Dovahkiin. He shoots another magic projectile as Dovahkiin ducks out of the way from it. As the eggplant wizard gets closer, he is hit in the face by a rock. The rocks continue coming at an even pace as the camera pans to see Nana tossing Popo rocks that he hits with his hammer at the eggplant wizard, much like hitting baseballs. This distracts the eggplant wizard and allows Dovahkiin to behead him with his longsword.)

Dovahkiin: Finally...

Nana: Thank you, sir.

Dovahkiin: A thank you isn't necessary. Now, it would be best if we got out of here. (Our heroes turn around and are met face to face with a group of three polar bears (Ice Climber). They roar angrily at our heroes.)

Popo: Polar bears! (The Ice Climbers wear worried expressions as Dovahkiin remains in a battle position. A polar bear walks up to him and Dovahkiin begins to strike. However, before he can, the polar bear swipes at him and sends him flying backwards into a wall. Dovahkiin tries to get up but collapses onto the ground.)

Nana: Oh no! (Popo then gets an angry expression as he runs up to the polar bear, jumps up, and hits him on the head with his hammer. The polar bear begins to retaliate until Nana uses her ice shot move to hit a block of ice at the polar bear. This makes it stagger a bit but doesn't accomplish much else. All three polar bears begin to slowly approach the Ice Climbers.)

Popo: Please leave us alone.

Nana: I don't wanna be polar bear food. (The polar bears all make loud growling noises. The camera cuts to deeper in the cave. We see Articuno roosting as the growls echo off the walls. Articuno wakes up with an angry expression. We cut back to the Ice Climbers fending off the polar bears. Suddenly, Articuno flies in and hovers in the middle of them all. Everyone looks in awe at Articuno.)

Articuno: Articuno! (Articuno uses ice beam on the polar bear that attacked the Ice Climbers. It freezes solid. This scares the other polar bears as they scramble out of the cave. Articuno then turns its attention to Popo and uses ice beam again.)

Popo: Aaah! (Popo is hit and frozen solid.)

Nana: Popo! (Dovahkiin hears this and uses his strength to get up. He sheathes his longsword. He runs and picks up the frozen Popo.)

Dovahkiin: (To Nana.) Run! (Dovahkiin and Nana take off with Articuno after them. They escape from the cave and Articuno stops its chase and lands on the ground. Dovahkiin and Nana stop running after they're a safe distance away, and Dovahkiin sets Popo down.)

Nana: Popo... is he gonna be...

Dovahkiin: I believe I may be able to save him.

Nana: You... you can? (Dovahkiin starts creating fire in his hand using the flames spell. We cut to Sub-Zero as he notices the light coming from where Dovahkiin and the Ice Climbers are. He begins to walk towards them. We cut back to Dovahkiin as the flames slowly melt Popo. Finally, he is completely thawed out.)

Popo: Huh? What happened?

Nana: Popo! (Nana tackles Popo in a hug.) I thought I lost you.

Sub-Zero: (To Dovahkiin.) That was quite impressive magic.

Dovahkiin: And who are you?

Sub-Zero: I am referred to as Sub-Zero.

Dovahkiin: An interesting title. Now tell me... (He stands up to confront Sub-Zero.) Do you know anything about missing soldiers?

Sub-Zero: (Ponders for a moment.) I believe I did see a group of soldiers. (Turns towards the town he came from.) They were being kept in that town, being watched over by a cybernetic soldier.

Dovahkiin: You must lead me there. I sincerely hope that the soldiers are safe.

Sub-Zero: Follow me. (Sub-Zero and Dovahkiin start off.)

Popo: Hey! Wait a second! (Sub-Zero and Dovahkiin stop.) Can we come too?

Nana: Please? It's the least we can do after you saved us.

Sub-Zero: Perhaps we would be stronger in numbers.

Dovahkiin: Very well. (To Ice Climbers.) Just keep close. (The Ice Climbers nod and our heroes set off.)

(We cut to our heroes entering back into the town with Sub-Zero in front. As they turn a corner into town, Sub-Zero spots a group of egg robos and Mann Co. machines pointing their weapons at Kilik, Jeff, and Lucca.)

Sub-Zero: (To the others.) Stay back. The soldiers have taken hostages. (Suddenly, a voice comes over a loudspeaker.)

Dr. Eggman: Ha ha ha! Surrender yourselves to the Master Mind empire! We mean no harm, unless you fight back that is. (The Egg Emperor flies down above the town. Dr. Eggman is controlling it from the inside.) But it appears that we are missing someone. That snooping ninja is still around here somewhere. (The camera pans to our heroes looking at Sub-Zero.) I want every available robot to track him down and bring him here. (Sub-Zero then motions for everyone to start going back to from where they came. They turn around and suddenly get surprised expressions.)

Ice Climbers: Wagh! (The camera turns to see a group of egg robos and Mann Co machines blocking their path.)

Dr. Eggman: It seems that a group of rats have stuck their noses where they don't belong.

Sub-Zero: Stop this at once. I will not let you pillage this realm for your selfish deeds.

Dr. Eggman: Do you see what's around you? You can't stop this now.

Sub-Zero: (Taking battle position.) Hell will freeze over before I give up this fight.

Dr. Eggman: Very well then. (To robots.) Get them! (The robots start towards our heroes. Sub-Zero throws multiple ice balls and Dovahkiin uses lightning bolt, which hits a robotic Heavy. We cut to Popo jumping up and hitting an egg robo in the head with his hammer. A robotic Scout comes up behind him, but is taken out with Nana's hammer.) I'll show you what real evil is! (Dr. Eggman swipes at our heroes with the Egg Emperor's lance. Our heroes are swiped away and Eggman begins a lance strike from up above. Before he can strike, Sub-Zero gets up and throws a barrage of ice balls at the arm of the Egg Emperor.)

Sub-Zero: That arm will stay put. (The arm of the Egg Emperor freezes. Dovahkiin uses lighting bolt again and it strikes the Egg Emperor. The ice around it breaks and it lowers slightly from the blow.)

Dr. Eggman: Wagh! All machines in the area, get these magic miscreants! (A large group of robots start towards our heroes.)

Dovahkiin: There's too many. We don't stand much of a chance.

Sub-Zero: (Thinks a moment.) I believe I know something that can aid our fight. I will be back shortly. (Sub-Zero runs off.)

Nana: Will we be okay until he gets back?

Popo: We have to be.

Dovahkiin: Ready your weapons and fight until you fall. (Our heroes run towards the incoming robots. The Ice Climbers do a spin with their hammers which knock many of the robots away. Dovahkiin also runs forward with a hand axe and chops at multiple robots.)

(We cut to Sub-Zero walking back to the building where he saw Fat Princess' soldiers. He kicks the door in and is met with a robot Sniper and robot Demoman. He throws an ice ball into the robot Sniper. He then grabs the robot Demoman and throws it into the robot Sniper, which shatters it. Sub-Zero then walks up to the robot Demoman and plunges his poleaxe into its head and pulls it out, beheading it. He turns to the soldiers, who are very scared.)

Sub-Zero: Are you soldiers? (The soldiers meekly nod their heads.) I require your assistance.

(We cut back to the fight. Dovahkiin blocks a shot from an egg robo with his shield and then strikes it in the head with his hand axe. We cut to the Ice Climbers huddled in fear at a group of robots coming in from all sides. Suddenly, the soldiers run in and begin fighting the robots. The Ice Climbers look at them in awe.)

Dr. Eggman: What? No no no! (The camera pans around to see the soldiers fighting robots as well as standing over defeated one. We only see about four robots still active, which the soldiers take down.) Charge! (Dr. Eggman charges at our heroes with the shield of the Egg Emperor. It pushes our heroes and the soldiers down.)

Nana: How're we gonna take that thing down? (Suddenly, the sound of flapping wings fills the air. We once again see Avion flying down below the cliffline of the town.)

Dovahkiin: I have an idea. (Dovahkiin runs off towards the cliff. Once he gets to the edge he jumps off and lands on top of Avion, who yells in protest. Dovahkiin grabs the feathers near the head of Avion and pulls back on them, which makes Avion fly upwards. We cut back to see Dr. Eggman hitting the soldiers away with the Egg Emperor's lance. Sub-Zero looks towards the distance.)

Sub-Zero: What is that creature? (The camera pans to see Dovahkiin riding Avion towards the Egg Emperor.)

Dr. Eggman: What is that?! (Avion latches its claws onto the Egg Emperor.) No! Let go! (Avion grabs hold and shakes it around, it then starts flying towards the cliff. Once it gets there, it shakes around and drops the Egg Emperor. It hits the side of the cliff and starts tumbling down. The shake also causes Dovahkiin to fall off and start heading down the cliff. He begins screaming. Suddenly, we zoom in on his hand as it is grabbed by a gloved hand. We zoom out to see that Dovahkiin has been grabbed by Popo, who is attached to a belay)

Popo: Hello! We almost lost you there. (We cut to the top of the cliff to see Nana holding the belay which Popo is attached to. We cut to all of our heroes back in town with the soldiers and formally kidnapped people.)

Soldier: Thank you for saving us. Now, we must return to our dear princess.

Dovahkiin: I was sent to escort you back. Let us all return.

Ice Climbers: Hooray! (They high five.)

(We cut back to the building which Fat Princess was in. As our heroes enter, we see the dead bodies of soldiers strewn about and no sign of Fat Princess.)

Dovahkiin: What has happened here?

Popo: This is terrible!

Sub-Zero: You said a princess was here?

Dovahkiin: Yes... but now... where is she?

(We cut to the bottom of the cliff. Dr. Eggman is seen crawling out of his destroyed Egg Emperor.)

Dr. Eggman: How could this have happened? My creation...

???: Ah, Eggman is it? Have you been met with failure? (We see Ganondorf approach Dr. Eggman with the body of Fat Princess dragging behind him. She's not dead, but is wrapped in the glowing string.)

Dr. Eggman: You're not one to talk. You have yet to return any piece of the Shadow Crystal.

Ganondorf: Silence, Eggman. Those warriors who opposed me will pay with their lives. And very soon, I will reign supreme on this miserable world at the side of Master Mind. Now, we must get back. (Dr. Eggman gets up as the camera slowly zooms out to see the frozen tundra.)

End of Episode

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