Chapter 3 - Episode 4: Tragic Reconstruction

(The episode begins in the depths of space. Suddenly, the Tornado flies by with Tails in the cockpit. Tails is holding a strange remote controller with a screen on it.)

Tails: I'm finally getting a signal! There's chaos emeralds somewhere down on that planet. That means that Sonic is somewhere down there! Alright! (Suddenly, a loud sound is heard and Tails looks up. A Wolfen is careening through space and heading towards the Tornado.) What?! (The Wolfen hits the wing, sending them both down to Earth.)

(We cut to a gunship sitting in space. The Tornado and the Wolfen fly down past it towards Earth. We cut inside, and a woman gasps. The woman is revealed to be Samus Aran, wearing her zero suit. She's looking at a computer monitor showing multiple dots falling towards Earth. Two of them are close together. All dots are blinking.)

Samus: What kinds of ships are those? There's still life in them. (Samus turns around to see her power suit. She stares at it for a few seconds before turning back around to the gunship controls. We see the gunship fly towards Earth.)

(It's late at night on Earth. The gunship slowly lands on the ground. Samus comes out the top wearing her power suit. She jumps down and looks around until something catches her eye. She walks over to the wreckage of the Tornado and the Wolfen. She pries open the hatch to the Wolfen and takes out the dead body of Wolf O'Donnell.)

Samus: What happened? (She then walks over to the Tornado, but nothing is found inside.) Nobody in this one...(Suddenly, pig noises are heard along with a scream. Samus runs toward the direction of the scream. Past the treeline are two pigmasks (EarthBound) and Mog (Final Fantasy). Both pigmasks have blasters.)

Pigmask 1: Heehee, what on Earth is this thing?

Pigmask 2: I dunno, but it looks pretty funny.

Mog: Please don't hurt me! Kupo!

Pigmask 1: Oh, we won't hurt you. We'll just use you for experiments.

Pigmask 2: (Hits pigmask 1. Whispering.) Dude, don't tell him that.

Pigmask 1: (Whispering.) Sorry. (Samus suddenly jumps out and points her arm cannon at the pigmasks.)

Samus: Stand down, I heard everything.

Pigmask 2: (To pigmask 1.) Now look what've you done! (Samus fires a shot at them, but they both dodge and start firing at Samus. Samus goes into morph ball form, rolls towards the pigmasks, and drops a bomb. It blows up and sends the pigmasks back a bit, Mog has moved back a bit and is not hit by the blast. Samus turns back into her regular form and is hit by shots from the pigmasks. Samus retaliates by firing a missile at a pigmask. He's dead. Samus runs up to the other one and hits him with her arm cannon, knocking him out.)

Mog: Oh, thank you! Thank you! Kupo!

Samus: Do you know who those men were?

Mog: Nope. Sorry. (Screams are suddenly heard from a long distance away. Samus runs to check it out. In the distance, she finds a large facility with many trucks lined up beside it. More pigmasks are marching in and out.)

(We cut to inside the facility. Lots of pig squeals and footsteps are heard. Suddenly, Mega Man bursts out from behind a corner and runs into a nearby room to hide. Multiple pigmasks also come out from the corner, looking for Mega Man. They continue running past the room where Mega Man hid.)

Mega Man: Finally. (He begins to walk back into the hallway, when a pigmask that fell behind sees him. The pigmask squeals and pulls out his blaster.) Woah! (Mega Man transforms his arm into the mega buster and shoots the pigmask three times. Mega Man grabs the pigmask with his super arm and throws him against the wall, knocking him out.) You guys aren't so tough.

Pigmask 3: I heard something! Quick, back to where we were! (Mega Man gasps and runs out of a different exit to the room. We cut to the pigmasks coming back. To the passed out Pigmask.) Frank?! Frank, no! That escapee robo-punk got him! We better keep looking.

(The pigmasks leave, and we see Mega Man hiding behind the doorframe. A loud roar is suddenly heard, and Mega Man turns towards the noise. The camera pans to see the stairs going into the basement.)

(We cut to a semi-big closet area with a vent in it. The vent is blown open and hits the wall. Samus rolls out in morph ball form and then goes back into her normal form.)

Samus: What in the world is this place? (She walks through a door into a laboratory. The camera pans to see three pigmasks observing Yacker (Sonic the Hedgehog) stuck in a glass tube. The camera pans again to see more pigmasks observing a ditto. The ditto uses transform to take the shape of a pigmask. Samus walks up to a very large glass tube with an unidentifiable creature inside.) Strange creatures... (Mega Man is seen walking through the lab. A few pigmasks pass him as he ducks behind a table. A voice comes out of an intercom.)

Intercom: All pigmasks report upstairs! We need all of our men to find that robot! Go go go! (All of the pigmasks run up the stairs and out of the laboratory. Mega Man continues to sneak around the laboratory and stumbles upon a large cage. He starts looking inside. We cut to the perspective of whatever is in the cage as it lunges at the bars. Mega Man falls back in shock and yells. This alerts Samus to Mega Man and she walks over to see him on the ground.)

Samus: Hey! (She quickly shoots at Mega Man but he jumps backwards and gets into an attack position. Mega Man charges his mega buster and fires a charged shot at Samus, which hits her into a wall. Mega Man attempts to escape until we see Samus fire an ice missile and freeze him. Samus then runs up to him and hits him with the end of her arm cannon, releasing him from the ice.)

Samus: (Walking up to Mega Man.) Sorry, robot. You put up a good fight. (When she gets close enough, Mega Man uses hard knuckle and hits her in the helmet with it. Then he uses crash bomber and fires a gooey bomb at Samus.) What is this? (It explodes and Samus is blown back, as it looks like Mega Man is about to deal the final blow. Suddenly, Samus uppercuts him and he lands onto the floor. Samus points her arm cannon at him.) Stand down. It's over for you and these pigs.

Mega Man: What? You're with the pigs! All of these experiments on me need to end! (He raises his mega buster.)

Samus: Stop! (She puts her hands up as Mega Man keeps his mega buster pointed at her.) Are you with the pigs?

Mega Man: Not a chance. They've been holding me hostage for days. (Samus lowers her hand and arm cannon and Mega Man lowers his mega buster.)

Samus: I'm not one of the bad guys. These pig men seem to be experimenting on strange creatures, and I think they've taken other people hostage. What do you know about these guys?

Mega Man: (Thinks for a second.) I don't know much about them, but they keep talking about someone named Porky. I think he might be the leader. He's the one I'm looking for.

Samus: I'll come with you. We have to put a stop to this.

(We cut to Samus and Mega Man leaning beside a doorway. A pigmask captain is seen with four other pigmasks.)

Pigmask Captain: Move out, porkers! That robot could spell trouble if we're not careful! Let's go! (They move out.)

Samus: Coast is clear. (They start sprinting down the hallway. Suddenly, Mega Man trips on something.) Are you okay?

Mega Man: (Gets up and picks up Tails' remote control that he used earlier in the episode. It was laying next to a nearby door.) What is this thing?

Samus: I can't really tell.

Pigmask 4: I hear something, boys! Follow me!

Mega Man: (Quietly.) They're coming! (They run through the nearby door. The room inside is dark. Finally, an unfamiliar voice speaks.)

???: So you're the robots that my men have been running after. You finally decided to stop by. (The room lights come on.) Took you long enough. Heh! (We see Porky Minch descend down in the Bad Mecha.) What? You think you're the only ones with awesome gadgets? Well come and fight me, losers! Spankety spankety spankety!

Samus: What's happening here?

Porky: Can't you see? These pigmasks of mine have been making these weirdo creatures super cool. As a matter of fact, we finished up a nice prototype today. Introducing... (Tails flies down in his Robo Tails form.) the Flying Fox! This is the first soldier in Master Mind's new robotic army! (He begins to laugh but soon begins coughing.)

Tails: What do you wish of me, Master Porky?

Porky: Knock 'em down! Hit 'em hard! Spit in their faces! Destroy them! (Tails flies into the air and begins to shoot at our heroes. They run off into opposite directions. Samus shoots wildly at Tails and gets a hit on him. Tails seems unfazed however, as he flies down and tail whips Samus down. Mega Man begins to run towards Tails until he is shot down by a laser.) You didn't think he'd be fighting alone, did you? (An onslaught of Mecha-Porkys are released from the Bad Mecha and begin to run towards our heroes. Mega Man shoots one twice and then hits another one in the head with his metal blade. A third one comes up behind him but he quickly turns and uppercuts it.)

(Samus continues to fight Tails as they both rapidly shoot at one another. Tails flies close to Samus and uses a spin dash to knock her down. Tails then grabs a Mecha-Porky and performs a thunder shoot by launching it at Samus while it is being electrified. Samus has taken serious damage. Meanwhile, Porky flies up and starts dropping explosive Mecha-Porkys at Mega Man. Mega Man uses leaf shield as the Mecha-Porkys merely plink off of it.)

Porky: Aw, you're no fun. (Tails starts approaching Samus, ready to blast her, but just as he's about to, Samus jumps up and uses her screw attack on him. Tails falls back to the ground as his prototype circuitry fries itself. The robotic body parts fall off of him.)

Tails: Huh? Where am I?

Porky: No! You losers broke my robot! Now you'll pay!

Tails: You! You're the last thing I remember! What did you do to me?! (Porky begins charging another laser and starts shooting multiple shots at the heroes. Tails flies up and throws a bomb at Porky. Porky falls to the ground but easily gets back up.)

Porky: You think that did anything? (He laughs again but starts coughing shortly after.)

Tails: I don't know how to beat this thing. It looks unstoppable.

Samus: My suit is running low on energy.

Mega Man: (Struck with a sudden thought.) I'll be right back, keep up the fight! (Samus and Tails look at each other confused. We see Mega Man run out the door through the halls. He runs by a group of pigmasks.)

Pigmask 5: There's the bot! Grab him, boys! (The pigmasks give chase. We cut down to the laboratory. Mega Man runs over to the cage that he was afraid of earlier. The pigmasks stop cold. Scared.) Don't open that door. Don't let that thing out! (Mega Man opens the cage and a roar is heard.)

(We cut back to Porky shooting at Tails and Samus. They're backed up against a wall. Porky starts charging a big laser.)

Porky: Looks like it's the end of the line for you! (A roar is heard.) Huh? (Mega Man storms in.) Where've you been? Crying to your mama? (The roar sounds again and Mega Man goes to hide with Samus and Tails by the wall. Suddenly, the Ultimate Chimera (EarthBound) charges in.) That thing?! (The Ultimate Chimera eyes Porky and charges at him. He lunges at the glass casing surrounding him and pushes him to the ground.) No! No! Nooooooo! (Porky starts shooting everywhere. Parts of the roof begin to fall in.)

Tails: The room is caving in! We have to get out of here! (Our heroes run for the door, but it begins to fall from above them.) Oh no! (Samus catches the falling debris, but can't move forward.)

Samus: Go! I'll hold this! Just get out of here!

Mega Man: It'll crush you!

Tails: (To Mega Man.) Come on! (Tails and Mega Man run out the door into the treeline. A large thud is heard from inside.)

Mega Man: She's gone...

Tails: Hey, what's that? (Two pigmasks are seen carrying an unconscious Samus out of the building and loading her into a truck.)

Pigmask 6: That everything that needs to be loaded?

Pigmask 7: Yep. Take it on over to the lab, bud. (The pigmask climbs into the truck and drives away.)

Mega Man: They took her. What's our plan now?

Tails: We should follow the truck. Maybe it could be a clue to what's going on here.

Mega Man: How're we gonna catch up? (Tails grabs Mega Man's hand and begins to fly.) Oh. This'll work. (Tails flies towards the truck as the sun rises.)

(We cut back into the destroyed lab. Pigmasks are strewn all over the floor. The camera pans to the large glass tube that Samus investigated. It's too dark to see inside. A pair of purple eyes open up.)

End of Episode

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