Chapter 2
A few minutes after Novu vanished, Oliver heard the door to his hospital room open and he turned to see his mother standing there in the doorway.
"Mom." Oliver said tearfully as the pain of not only losing his mother, but also the more recent loss of her earth 2 counterpart made seeing her again even more emotional for him.
"Oliver. Oh, my beautiful boy." Moira said with a tearful smile as she rushed up and hugged her son tightly and he hugged her just as tightly.
"I missed you so much mom." Oliver said as he let his own tears fall at getting his mother back.
"We missed you more. I swear, I had to stop Thea from stowing away several times before I left for the airport." Moira said with a tearful smile.
"You should've let her come." Oliver said.
"I wasn't sure what you'd be like when I got here. I didn't want to risk you scaring her by accident." Moira explained and Oliver nodded in understanding.
"Can we go home soon?" Oliver asked and Moira nodded.
"Once the doctors have discharged you, we'll go home." Moira promised.
"Can you get me something in the meantime?" Oliver asked.
"Name it?" Moira asked.
"A real cheeseburger. I've been stuck on an island for five years, I need something greasy to eat." Oliver said and Moira chuckled.
"I'll see what I can do." Moira promised.
"Thank you." Oliver said with a smile.
A few days later, Oliver was once again sitting in a limo next to his mother as they drove through Star City (he found it a little interesting that the city's name wasn't Starling again, but then again, in the end, it didn't really matter) and smiled when the car finally pulled up to the mansion.
"Are you okay?" Moira asked.
"It's good to be home." Oliver said truthfully and Moira smiled they got out of the car and Oliver quickly grabbed the chest that contained his suit from the valet.
"I've got this one." Oliver said, eager to see his sister again as he headed inside and before he could even put the crate down, he felt Thea jump into his arms and hug him tightly.
"I knew it. I knew you were alive." Thea said as she hugged her brother tightly and Oliver hugged her back.
"Hey Speedy." Oliver said as Moira smiled at her children's reunion.
"I missed you so much." Thea said and Oliver smiled.
"You were with me the whole time." Oliver said and he felt Thea smile even wider into his chest before she finally pulled away as another familiar face joined them.
"Oliver, it's good to see you again." Walter said and Oliver smiled slightly.
"Thank you Walter." Oliver said.
"You remember me?" Walter asked.
"Of course and given the fact that you're here now suggests that you're more than just my father's vice president?" Oliver asked.
"Oliver, Walter is my husband now." Moira said nervous about how he'd react.
"Mom, it's fine, I never expected you to remain a widow forever. I just hope Walter has been minding his manners with you." Oliver said and Moira sighed in relief and Walter chuckled.
"Don't worry Oliver, I have taken good care of her and Thea." Walter said and Oliver smiled.
"Good." Oliver said as there was a knock on the door.
"Who's that?" Oliver asked.
"Probably Tommy coming to tell you he was right about yachts." Thea said and Oliver had to admit, it was almost as if Thea had known what Tommy's first words to him had been the last time he'd come home from Lian Yu.
However, all those thoughts were set aside when he turned to see that it was definitely not Tommy at the door.
"Laurel." Oliver said, surprised that she was here, since according to his memories of this reality, he'd still cheated on her with Sara.
"Hi Ollie." Laurel said and before Oliver could even begin to apologize to her for what happened, she rushed forward and kissed him.
Oliver was shocked for a minute before he began to kiss her back and he couldn't help but smile extra widely as he did, since it had been so long that he'd almost forgotten how good it felt to feel her lips up against his own. It felt more right than Felicity ever had.
"Okay, I was not expecting that." Thea said as she watched them pull apart.
"Yeah sorry, I don't know what came over me." Laurel said and Oliver could tell that she was hiding something and after seeing her exchange a quick look with Thea, it was pretty clear that his sister was in on it.
"Can I talk to Laurel and Thea in private for a minute?" Oliver asked and Moira and Walter both nodded as they walked away.
"Not that I'm complaining, but Laurel, I thought you'd still be mad at me for what happened to Sara?" Oliver asked and Laurel smiled.
"I'm not mad at you anymore. Especially since I know that it wasn't your fault and Sara's still alive." Laurel said, shocking Oliver.
"How do you know that?" Oliver asked.
"Does the name J'onn J'onzz ring any bells to you?" Thea asked and now it made sense.
"J'onn restored your memories of the old earth didn't he?" Oliver asked.
"He did. I told you you'd find a way to cheat death. Again." Thea said, clearly smug that she was right.
"Enough Speedy." Oliver said.
"We're not the only ones. J'onn also restored the memories of John, Roy and Felicity, though that last one might make things a bit awkward considering that reunion I just saw." Thea said.
"Yeah, I'm sorry about that, but since the last time I saw you, I told you I loved you, I couldn't resist." Laurel said.
"I didn't exactly object." Oliver reminded her.
"What about Felicity. Thea told me that on the old earth, you two got married and had a kid together? How do you know she won't expect that to happen again?" Laurel asked, since while it sounded like her feelings were reciprocated, she didn't want to have to sit by and watch Oliver be with Felicity again while knowing that he'd rather be with her.
"I'll talk to her, since honestly Laurel, the only reason I got back together with her is because you were dead. Felicity and I, we didn't exactly bring out the best in each other and our marriage, after the honeymoon phase was over, we sort of started drifting apart. A part of me will always care about her, but she isn't in my heart. At least, not the way you are." Oliver said.
"And here I thought you weren't a romantic." Laurel said with a smile.
"I'm not, but I've had a long time to think about what I'd say to you if you did come back like your sister did." Oliver said and Laurel nodded.
"So anyways, Team Arrow is back in business." Thea said.
"You sure you want to get back in the game? What about your League of heroes?" Oliver asked.
"I'm still in high school and the League of Assassins still exists. There's no need for my league to exist. Plus, on this earth, I have something that I didn't before." Thea said.
"Really, what?" Oliver asked, right as Thea held up her hand and produced a spout of water from it.
"I'm a meta." Thea said, shocking both Oliver and Laurel, since she hadn't known that either.
Nice twist bringing meta Thea back huh? Her water powers are a call back to one of my earlier arrow fanfiction stories, Arrow Rewritten on
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