Snow Fall

This story takes place after a few years... 

 -At The House- 

 It is snowing outside and It's a few days before Christmas Knight, Conner, and Joltmin are eating breakfast 

 Conner: Hey... has anyone seen Sans? 

 Joltmin: ...I think he's sleeping 

 Knight: sighs I'll go get him... 

 Knight goes to Sans' room 

 Sans: snores mmm... ketchup... 

 Knight: ... 

 He throws a bottle of ketchup at Sans. Sans drinks the ketchup 

 Sans: yawns morning, big-bro 

 Knight: Hey Sans, we're having breakfast 

 Sans: neat 

 They both go to the dining table 

 Conner: Finally, you're such a sleepyhead, Sans 

 Sans: so? I just like sleeping 

 Joltmin: ...Good morning, big-bro 

 Sans: morning, lil bro 

 Knight: Oh, I need to go now, Sans, you are in charge when I'm gone 

 Sans: alrighty 

 Knight: whispers Joltmin, Conner, you two better take care of him when he does something dumb, alright? 

 Conner: Got it 

 Joltmin: ...Alright 

 Knight: Okay, see you guys later 

 Sans: see ya 

 Joltmin: ...Bye 

 Conner: Goodbye 

 Knight leaves Sans starts walking to his room. 

 Sans: if ya two need anything, just wake me up 

 Conner: Are you seriously going to sleep again? 

 Sans: yup, you two better behave while I'm sleeping, or else i'll give you two a PUNishment 

 Joltmin: ...Good one bro 

 Sans: heh, thanks. anyways see you two later 

 Sans walks to his room 

 Sans: ah... achoo! 

 Sans sneezes and opens his eyes 

 Sans: what...? what am i doing outside? 

 He then heard a voice nearby and hid in a bush 

 Trace: Stupid dad... Why can't I be a rescuer...? Just watch dad, I'll become a famous rescuer and prove you wrong! 

 Sans: huh... that's interesting... 

 He got out of the bush and accidentally stepped on a branch 

 Trace: Who's there? 

 Sans: um... no one 

 Trace: Oh alright... wait a second! You're a wild pokemon, aren't you? 

 Sans: is that a food?

Trace uses Thunderbolt 

 Sans: ah! He closes his eyes and when he opens them he is unharmed 

 Sans: huh... did you miss that? 

 Trace: How did you dodge like that!? 

 Sans: dodged it? i just closed my eyes 

 Trace: Well I won't let you dodge my attacks! 

 Trace uses Thunderbolt again Sans dodges it easily 

 Sans: well that was easy 

 Trace: Grrrrrr, how are you dodging them!? 

 Sans: i dunno i'm in as much SHOCK as you 

 Trace keeps attacking Sans dodges all of his attacks 

 Trace: pants How is this possible? 

 Sans: drinks some ketchup i dunno... i feel a bit tired after all that dodging though 

 He walks to Trace 

 Trace: Ah! Don't eat me! 

 Sans: ew, eat you? why would i eat you? 

 Trace: W-Well because you are a wild pokemon... 

 Sans: well i don't really eat other mons, i just drink ketchup 

 Trace: Wait, what? 

 Sans: what? it's delicious, you want some? 

 Trace: Um... no thank you 

 Sans: alright then drinks more ketchup 

 Trace: S-So... you're friendly...? 

 Sans: yup, unless you want me to attack you 

 Trace: Please don't! 

 Sans: geeze, calm down 

 Trace: Alright... I'm Trace by the way 

 Sans: name's Sans 

 Trace: Sans...? That's an odd name 

 Sans: well you're not making any SANS 

 Trace: chuckles You really like puns, don't you? 

 Sans: yup, they are pretty ELECTRIFYING 

 Trace: You know... you're pretty cute when you make puns 

 Sans: ...what? 

 Trace: What's wrong? Can't handle the truth? You are really beautiful you know 

 Sans: mentally face paws ...i'm a boy 

 Trace: Wait... really!? 

 Sans: sighs yup 

 Trace: Ah! I can't believe I tried to flirt with a boy! 

 Sans: my voice is deeper than a girl's how could you mess that up? 

 Trace: I don't know! 

 Sans: sighs anyways what was that about becoming a famous rescuer? 

 Trace: Wait... you heard all of that? 

Sans: yep 

Trace: Um... I don't want to talk about it...

Sans: alright, you can tell me if you're ready 

 Trace: Hey, how about we meet up at the town tomorrow? You have been there, right?

Sans: yeah i did, and sure 

 Trace: Alright, see you tomorrow

Sans: see ya- achoo! suddenly teleports away 

 Trace: Woah! 

 Sans appears back in his room

Sans: what... was that...? 

 He just looks at his paws and sits down on his bed

Sans: yawns i'll just... take a nap for now... 

 He goes to sleep 

 -Meanwhile with Knight- 

 He is buying presents for his siblings and exits the shop 

 Knight: Can't wait to see them open these 

 He then bumps into Demitra 

Demitra: O-Oh, I'm sorry

Knight: Demitra?

Demitra: O-Oh, hey Knight, what are you doing here? 

 Knight: Just buying some presents for my siblings

Demitra: That's nice, anyways I have to go now, see you later 

 Knight: Alright, see you later- 

 Demitra then kisses Knight on the cheek

Demitra: blushing W-Well... s-see you next time 

 She walks away leaving Knight blushing black 

 -At The House- 

 Conner is just wandering around the house until he finds a hole 

 Conner: Hm... I wonder where it leads too... 

 He looks around to see if Joltmin and Sans aren't seeing him and enters the hole. After a couple of minutes, he came out the other side and ended up at Sunny Town 

 Conner: ...How did I end up here? 

 He then saw a bunch of pokemon nosebleeding and walking past him 

 Conner: That's weird... 

 He walks into the direction where the nosebleeding pokemon came from and bumps into an Eevee 

Conner: Oh, sorry about that 

 ???: It's alright 

 The Eevee notices that Conner isn't blushing from her looks 

 ???: Can I have your name? 

 Conner: I'm Conner, yours? 

 Silvia: My name's Silvia, nice to meet you! 

 Conner: Nice to meet you too 

 Silvia: Are you here by yourself or with somebody else? 

 Conner: No, just me. I somehow came here through a hole in my house 

 Silvia: That's... weird 

 Conner: Yup 

 Silvia: Can I ask you something? 

 Conner: Sure, what is it? 

 Silvia: ...What do you think of me? 

 Conner: Well we only just met but I would say... You're pretty friendly and nice I guess 

 Silvia: Really? Do you mean that? 

 Conner: Mhm 

 Silvia then sees Gai looking at girls 

 Silvia: Oh that's my big brother, I need to stop him from doing... that 

 Conner: Alright then, I should go back home now 

 Silvia: It was nice meeting you Conner 

 Conner: smiles a bit It was nice meeting you too, Silvia 

 Silvia: Oh wait, one more thing 

 Conner: What is it?

Silvia gets closer to Conner. He looks at Silvia with a confused expression. Silvia then leaned in close and kisses Conner on the lips, making him blush 

 Conner: U-um... 

 Silvia: blushing a bit W-Well, h-how about we meet again tomorrow? 

 Conner: S-sure... 

 Silvia: Goodbye for now then! 

 Conner: Um... yeah see you tomorrow 

 Silvia then walks away to Gai Conner then turns around and sees Knight. Conner gets surprised and jumps in shock 

 Knight: still blushing black Who was that girl, Conner~? Is she your girlfriend~? 

 Conner: blushes more S-She is not my girlfriend! W-We just met today 

 Knight: Sureeee~ 

 Conner: What about you? Why are you blushing hmmmmm~? 

 Knight: blushes more T-That's none of your business... anyways let's just go home now 

 Conner: Alright. Hey, what's in that bag you're holding? 

 Knight: It's a surprise

Conner: When will we see the surprise? 

 Knight: Soon enough 

 Conner: Alright. Hey Big-brother can I come here tomorrow? 

 Knight: Why? Hehe, don't tell me it's because you want to see your girlfriend 

 Conner: For the last time, she is not my girlfriend! 

 Knight: mumbles She will soon enough... 

 Conner: What was that? 

 Knight: Nothing that should concern you 

 Conner: still blushing ...Okay then 

 They then walked home 



* Connor: Hey... has anyone Sans? 

 Knight: ... 

 Joltmin: ... 

 Connor: ...? 


 * Knight throws something at Sans Sans wakes up and drinks it but suddenly stops 

 Sans: wait a second... this is mayonnaise! 

 Knight: IMPOSSIBLE How did you know!? 

 Sans: ...i have a feeling this happened before... *

Knight: We're having breakfast 



 Trace: I know you're out there! And I know you're real! 

 Sans: echoing no i'm noooooot * 

 Trace attacks Sans but he dodges 

 Sans: d... didya miss...? 

 Trace: How could I miss? 

Sans: i dunno, how didya?Trace: I know I used Thunderbolt on you... Gosh this always happens when I try and perform under stress

Trace: How is this possible? 

 Sans: drinks gamer juice that's why * 

 Trace: S-so... You're friendly...? 

 Sans: nope 

 Trace: AHHHHH!!! 

 Sans: i'm Sans Badum-ching 


 Conner: What was that? 

 Knight: Nothing that should concern you spacemen * 

 Trace: You're a wild pokemon aren't you? 

 Sans: is that a food? 

 Trace: ...Yes, would you like to go to town to eat some? 

 Sans: sure! * 

 Sans go out of the bush and accidentally steps on a branch 

 Branch: My leg! 

 Sans: um... do branches have legs...? 

 Branch: ...My back! 

 Sans: i don't think branches have backs either 

 Branch: My... wood...? 

 Sans: ehh let's just go with that 

 Trace is just watching wondering why an Eevee is talking to a branch * 

 Conner: What about you? Why are you blushing hmmmmmmm~? 

 Knight: ...Nunya 

 Conner: What's nunya- 


 And that is all! the next chapter will be made by J-the-Jolteon! I'll see you guys in the next story, bye!

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