Plans for the brothers and a "hang out"
This chapter was made by @J-the-Jolteon.The chapter starts with Connor opening his eyes to a beautiful place called the Zen Garden. The place was in Connor's mind and it was filled with multiple trees, grass, bushes, plants and flowers, white stone paths, large gardens, and a lake that has white bridges over it. The bridges also led to a little island in the middle of the bridges and lake. And there were also other types of stuff in the Zen Garden as well. Connor was holding a bouquet of roses, but right next to the other roses was one pink flower, that Connor didn't noticed. He started walking around the Zen Garden for a little bit until he saw a strange looking blue stone that has a paw shaped interface attached to it. Connor remembered that the blue stone made him freak out whenever he touched the paw interface. But over time, he became used to touching the blue stone that he didn't freak out anymore. He stopped looking at the blue stone and went to the middle island by walking on a white bridge. When he got to the small island, he saw a female Flareon watering and tendering a rose garden. She has a LED just like Connor, and she made her hair into a ponytail. She was wearing white shoes, white pants, and a white robe with a blue sleeve on her left arm. Connor walked up to her and she noticed his presence and smiled.
Flareon: Connor, it's good to see you.
He smiled by this.
Connor: Hello, Mrs. Mollie.
The Flareon named Mollie continued to water and tender the rose garden while talking to Connor.
Mollie: Good job, Connor. You manage to gain the trust of your brothers without them knowing about our plans for them. And the way you faked your emotions was very clever.
She turns to him.
Mollie: Nicely done, Connor.
Connor: Thank you, Mrs. Mollie.
He offers the bouquet of roses to her, and she thanks him. When she grabbed the bouquet, she noticed the pink flower that was right next to the roses.
Mollie: Connor, why is there a pink flower on the roses?
He looks at the bouquet of roses and finds the pink flower.
Connor: I'm not sure, Mrs. Mollie. I'm sorry, I didn't noticed that the flower was there.
Mollie: No it's okay, Connor. And you know what, we'll keep the pink flower. It seems, "unique".
She walks back to the rose garden.
Mollie: I tried to figure out why you were born without me or your dad and uncle. And it's weird that in this world, you have three brothers. While in our original world, you our my only son... Did you tell anyone about our plans? And do your brothers know why we're in this world?
Connor: No one knows about the plans, especially my brothers. And they don't seem to know why we're in this world as well.
Mollie: Hmm, alright then... What did you learn about your brothers recently?
Connor: I learned that my brothers our a lot more different than me than I thought. Knight is the oldest, Sans and Joltmin are in the middle, and I'm the youngest in the family. Me and Knight don't need to eat food. Except for Joltmin and Sans, but Sans mostly just drinks ketchup for some reason.
Mollie: Interesting...
Connor: I haven't heard or seen that much of what they can do but, It's only a matter of time before they reach their potential. And when I get the chance, I'll start making my brothers into obedient outsiders.
Mollie: Alright then... Connor, can I ask you a question?
Connor: Sure, Mrs. Mollie.
Mollie: This, Eevee girl that you met yesterday. What do you make of her?
Connor: Well, I never met a lot of new Pokémon for over a few years now but. I find her intriguing, by her cheery personality and how we first met. And she seems nice.
Mollie: This girl may help us with our plans later on.
Connor: Really? How?
Mollie: If you befriend this civilian. Some other civilians like her family and friends might except you and your brothers as one of them. And if you and your brothers help the civilians out with they're problems. We can gain they're trust and we will be able to make Sunny Town as it once was in our world. And make all outsiders obedient.
She stops tendering and watering the plants and she walks up to Connor.
Mollie: Remember the plan, Connor. Don't let anyone get in the way of our plan. Do you understand?
Connor didn't seem to like the plan for some reason, but didn't show it to Mollie.
Connor: I understand...
Mollie: Good, now go meet up with that Eevee girl and try to gain her trust some more.
She then started to leave, but stops walking and turns to Connor.
Mollie: Also, don't catch any feelings towards her. You just need to get her trust and that's it. Understood?
Connor: Understood, Mrs. Mollie...
She then left the small island and Connor closed his eyes and comes back to reality. The scene then shows the inside of the treehouse, and Connor, Joltmin, and Sans were in the same room together. Joltmin and Sans were sleeping on a makeshift bed, while Connor was standing up close to a wall with his eyes closed. Connor then opens his eyes and looks around the room to see his two brothers sleeping. He gets out of the room slowly to not wake up his two brothers and he goes to the kitchen. When he got there, he saw Knight cooking something, And he noticed Connor's presence.
Knight: Hey Connor, did you have a goodnight sleep?
Connor: I don't know if closing my eyes is counted as sleeping but, I guess you can say that... Hey, Knight. Can you do me a favor?
Knight: Sure, what is it?
Connor: Remember that Eevee I met yesterday?
Knight: Oh, you mean your little girlfriend~
Connor: She's not my girlfriend, okay. She just kissed me out of nowhere.
Knight: Sure she did.
Connor: Anyway, she told me if I wanted to meet with her again tomorrow. I agreed with her offer and I wanted to ask if you can give me some poke coins and also tell Sans and Joltmin that I'm going out.
Knight: Wait, you want to go by yourself?
Connor: Yeah, but if you don't want me to go. I'll just stay here.
Knight: No, no, you can go. I'm just worried that something might happen to you if you go out by yourself.
Connor: I'll be fine, I may be young and small. But I can handle myself.
Knight: Hmm... Alright, I trust you. But be back when your done hanging out with that Eevee girl. And may I ask, What's her name?
Connor: Her name is Silvia, and thanks Knight. I really appreciate it.
Knight: No problem Connor, that's what brothers do.
Knight gives Connor some poke coins and Connor puts on a fake smile at Knight before walking to the front door of the treehouse. Before Connor opened the front door, Knight tried to read Connor's mind but it didn't seem to work. He was surprised by this, but he didn't try to read Connor's mind again and decided to just leave him alone for now. Connor then got out of the treehouse by going through the front door and he started heading to Sunny Town. When he got there, he started to look around for Silvia. After sometime of him looking around, he suddenly got hugged by Silvia. And she was blushing when she hugged him.
Silvia: Connie!
He was confused by the nickname.
Connor: Connie?
Silvia: Yeah, I thought it was a good name for you~
Connor: Okay then? Anyway, what do you want to do?
She stops hugging him.
Silvia: I was thinking of going to a gift shop together or going somewhere to eat.
Connor: Should we go to the gift shop first? You seem to like going there.
Silvia: Yep! I like collecting dolls whenever I have the chance.
Connor: Interesting... Well, let's get going then.
Silvia: Alright!
Silvia then lead Connor to a nearby gift shop. Meanwhile with the other brothers, Knight had made food for Sans, Joltmin, and himself. And they were now eating the food. While eating, Joltmin noticed that Connor was gone, and he questions Knight.
Joltmin: Hey big bro, where's Connor?
Knight: He is with his little Eevee girlfriend right now. He'll be back once he stops hanging out with Silvia, the Eevee girl.
Joltmin: Wait, you let him out of the house by himself? And also, he has a girlfriend?
Knight: Well, he said that he wasn't his girlfriend. I just wanted to tease him. And he said that he'll be fine and will come back home soon. He also said that he can handle himself somehow, but he didn't fully tell me why.
Joltmin: I feel like he's in some kind of trouble or something. Can I look for him just to make sure.
Knight: Sure, but be back or bring Connor back soon. If I think that you and Connor may be endangered, I'll come look for you guys.
Joltmin: Alright, thanks big bro.
Knight: Don't mention it.
Sans: Aww, I want to come.
Knight: Maybe next time, Sans.
After Joltmin was done eating his food, he got out of the treehouse by using the front door and he started going to Sunny Town to look for Connor. Meanwhile with Connor and Silvia. They were at a gift shop and Silvia was looking at the doll Pokémon.
Silvia: Wow, they're adorable!
Connor: I have enough poke coins to buy one doll and some food for us. So, what doll would you like to get?
Silvia: Hmm... I would like...
She starts looking at the dolls for a little bit, and she points at a Sylveon doll.
Silvia: That one!
Connor: You want a Sylveon doll?
Silvia: Yep!
Connor: You know, I heard that Sylveons are one of the most powerful Eeveelution in the world.
Silvia: Really?
Connor: Yeah, I thought of evolving into a Sylveon one day. But I decided to just choose a different Eeveelution that I want to evolve into. Like a Jolteon, since it makes you faster than a normal Pokémon's speed. But, all Eeveelutions have unique abilities that have different pros and cons from other Eeveelutions. So, all Eeveelutions are powerful in they're own right.
Silvia: Wow, I didn't even know that. Now I really want to evolve into a Sylveon one day.
Connor: You want to be a Sylveon?
Silvia: Yep!
Connor: Well, I hope you evolve into a Sylveon sometime in the future. And if you don't evolve into one, you still look cute either way.Software Instability ^
He then realized what he just said and made Silvia blush.
Connor: Forget I said that.
Silvia: O-oh, okay.
He then picked up the doll and payed for it, and gave it to Silvia.
Connor: Here you go.
Silvia: Thank you!
She then hugged the doll.
Silvia: Hehe, I wish you were my boyfriend.
Connor was shocked by what she just said.
Connor: Boyfriend?
Silvia: Yeah! Unless if you don't want me to be your girlfriend...
Connor: ... I'll think about it.
Software Instability ^
Silvia: Alright~
Connor didn't know why he said that, but he ignored it for now and they both started leaving the gift shop. Before they left, Connor saw a bouquet of pink flowers in the flower section. He thought that this might make Silvia trust him more so, he decided to surprised her.
Connor: Hey Silvia, I got something for you.
She turns around to see Connor holding the bouquet of pink flowers, and he offers it to her. She blushes by this and grabs the bouquet.
Connor: I thought it will be nice to give you something else than just a doll.
She was still surprised by this, but smiles at Connor.
Silvia: Thank you, I really appreciate it.
He puts on a fake smile and pays for the flowers. They then got out of the gift shop and started going to a place to eat. After sometime of them walking, They went to a diner and Connor payed for Silvia's meal but didn't pay for his own. She questions him on why he didn't let her pay for the food and also asked him why he doesn't want to eat. He tells her that he doesn't need to eat food and also says that he doesn't want her to waste her poke. He also tells her that most male Pokémon pay for the food when they're "hanging out" with a female Pokémon, and that made Silvia blush. When they sat on a table, they started talking to each other more and learned about they're interest, what they do, they're friends and family, etc. They're talk also seemed to have gain each others trust, but Connor didn't tell her some things, like him and Mollie's plan. When Silvia was done eating her meal, they got out of the diner and started heading to Silvia's home while still talking to each other. Sometime later, they made it to her home and she turns to Connor.
Silvia: I had a really fun time hanging out with you, Connie~
Connor felt weirded out whenever she called him that, but he decided to play along.
Connor: And I had a fun time hanging out with you too, Sil.
She blushed a little by the simple nickname and she seemed to enjoyed it.
Silvia: Do you want to hang out again someday?
Connor: Sure, that will be nice. As long as I'm not busy, I'll hang out with you again.
Silvia: *Smiles* Okay, I'll see you later then. But before I do.
She gets closer to Conner and kisses him on the cheek, making him and her blush.
Silvia: Bye, Connie~
He blushed a little more when she said that.
Connor: By, Sil...
They both waved each other goodbye before parting ways. When Connor started walking back to the treehouse, someone calls out to him. He turns around to see Joltmin walking up to him.
Connor: Joltmin? Why are you doing here?
Joltmin: I wanted to check on you to see if you were endangered or not. Luckily, you were not.
Connor: Oh, okay then.
Joltmin: Are you ready to go home?
Conner nodded at him and they both started walking back to the treehouse.
Joltmin: So, how was hanging out with Silvia like?
Connor: It was good, and may I say, interesting. We got to know each other better and I think I'm gaining her trust even more.
Joltmin: Gain her trust? I thought you already gain her trust.
Connor: I already did but, I want to gain her trust even more so she could respect you and our other brothers as Pokémon when she meets you guys one day. And if we gain more civilians to trust us, they will respect us as one of them.
Joltmin: That's really interesting to know, Connor. I didn't even thought of that idea. But I feel like your planning something else than just gaining the trust of the civilians.
Connor: Why do you think that?
Joltmin: Well, I-
Before he could answer, Joltmin and Connor heard a Pokémon calling out for help. They were hesitant to check it out at first, but after a moment of them deciding. They went to where the screaming was coming from to see three Pokémon bullying a female Eevee by throwing what seems to be the Eevee's bag back and forth to the other bullies while insulting and laughing at her. The Eevee was wearing a light blue scarf with two light blue ribbons on her ears.The bullies were a male Houndour, a male Meowth, and a male Sneasel. And all three of them were wearing black scarfs. Connor and Joltmin went to a nearby hiding spot to get a better view on what was going on, and also not to get seen by the Pokémon. The Eevee that was getting bullied started to cry and the Meowth throwed her bag to the Sneasel.
Eevee: Give it back!
She tries to grab her bag from the Sneasel, but he grabs her head with one of his hands while using his other hand to move the bag away from her.
Sneasel: Why are you gonna do about it? Cry some more? Tch, pathetic.
He throws her down to the ground and the other bullies started to laugh at her even more. Connor and Joltmin but mostly Joltmin were shocked by what they were seeing, and they were whispering to each other on what to do in this situation.
Connor: What do we do?
Joltmin: I'm not sure, I never been in this situation before.
Connor: Should we go help her or just go back to the treehouse? I'm thinking of just going back to the treehouse since we won't have a chance to get beaten up by them and also they won't try to do something to us or our other brothers in the future. But, it's your choose...
Joltmin was scared and guilty by the choice he needed to make, but after looking back at the Eevee getting bullied. His face turns into a serious expression and he made his decision.
Joltmin: I'm gonna try to stop them, you can either watch or go back to the treehouse.
Connor: Huh? Why? I won't be able to help you-
Joltmin: I know but I don't want you to get hurt. If you go to the treehouse, warn Knight and make him come here. But don't try to help me, got it?
He gave Connor a order and Connor's instruction to protect Joltmin changed into "don't intervene". Connor nodded at him and Joltmin got out of they're hiding spot and went to the Pokémon.
Houndour: I can't believe that you separated from your sister.
Meowth: This made it to easy for us to ambush you.
Sneasel: Your sisters may be tough, but your the weakest one out of the two. And you will always be weak.
He grabs her ear and pulls her up off the ground.
Sneasel: This is what happens when you and your sisters mess with us.
He raises his other hand and was about to scratch her with his claws, until Joltmin yelled out to them.
Joltmin: Hey! Leave her alone!
This got the attention of the three bullies and Eevee. The Sneasel lowers the Eevee down to the ground and they turn to Joltmin's direction to see him.
Sneasel: Why you little brat, go mind your own business!
While the Sneasel was looking at Joltmin, he thought he looked weird for a civilian, so he questions him.
Sneasel: Hey brat, are you a civilian or a outsider?
Joltmin: I'm a outsider, why do you want to know that?
Sneasel: I know it, and didn't you know? Outsiders don't belong in Sunny Town or any other civilian place. So you better get lost before me and my boys start beating you down.
Joltmin: I don't care what you guys do to me. But what your doing to this Eevee bugs me, so I won't mind my own business!
The Sneasel for some reason smirks and pulls the Eevee up again.
Sneasel: Oh I get it. Is she your girlfriend or something?
Joltmin was confused by this.
Joltmin: Why do you think that?
Sneasel: This "civilian" is to weak and shy to talk to anyone else but her family. And her family are so overprotective of her that not a lot of Pokémon come near her. It's surprising that a outsider tries to defend her instead of a civilian Pokémon, that's why I thought you were her boyfriend?
Joltmin was shocked to learn this.
Sneasel: So what's the matter? Aren't you gonna play hero and save her?
Joltmin: First, she's not my girlfriend. Second, I hate when scumbags like you mess with defenseless Pokémon because they think they're superior to them. I may not be a hero, but you guys better leave her alone or I'll stop you!
The Sneasel and the other bullies looked at each other and started laughing. And the Sneasel smirked.
Sneasel: Big talk, no action. Let's see what you can do.
The Sneasel let's go of the Eevee and Joltmin continued to look at them angrily, until suddenly. He felt something inside him. Like, he needed to pick and decide on what to do to stop the bullies. He closed his eyes and felt like he was going somewhere. When he opened his eyes, he saw that he was in a black room.
Joltmin: Where I'm I?
???: So you finally figured it out...
Joltmin turns around to see a male Glaceon wearing a hoodie and goggles.
Joltmin: Who the heck are you!?
Glaceon: Don't you remember me?
Joltmin: Of course not, I just met you.
Glaceon: Oh, well I guess I'll introduce myself. My name is Withster, and the reason why you are here is because I wanted to give you this power again.
Joltmin: Power, what do you mean?
Withster: Since you don't remember about the power I gave you, I'll tell you what it is again. You proved your worth when you had the courage to step up to those bullies and try to help that Eevee, even through that you can't beat them on your own. So, this power will help you stop those bullies. And the power I'm giving you is called, "The Henry Stickmin Pack!".
He said proudly.
Joltmin: The power name sounds kind of basic.
Withster: *Sigh* I know, I need to find another name for that power in the future... Anyway, that power can make you choose options that might be able to help you in different situations. But some options might lead you to failure, or death... But don't worry, every time you fail you come back to where you once were when you made that choice. Also, in some occasions you need to choose a option before the time runs out. It might lead to success if you don't pick any options, but it'll most likely lead to failure if you don't pick anything before the time runs out.
Joltmin: Interesting... But how can I get the option to use that power?
Withster: You'll get to use it in some scenarios. But most of the time you'll get the power when you are endangered or on a mission.
Joltmin: Well that's good to know. And I have one more question. Can Pokémon know about my power if I fail a scenario?
Withster: No, but they can know about your power if you tell them. And they might know how you failed a scenario if you already told them about your power.
Joltmin: Hmm, okay then. What happens now?
Withster: Now, you will come back to where you were before. And you will be given four choices to stop the bullies, but it'll be a time limit, so pick a option fast.
Joltmin nodded at him.
Withster: Two more things I need to tell you before you go back to reality. Your little brother, Connor... Don't tell him about your power.
Joltmin: Huh? Why?
Withster: I think he's planning something for you and your brothers, I don't know what it is but it seems really suspicious. Just promise that you won't tell him about your power.
Joltmin: ... I'll think about it.
Withster: *Sigh* Okay then, but keep that warning in mind. The second thing I want to tell you is that you don't need to talk to get my attention.
Joltmin: Really?
Withster: Yep, you can just talk to me in your mind without being suspected by others. And if you want, I can teach you paw signals so you can communicate with someone without talking.
Joltmin: Hmm, that might be useful in the future... Alright, sure. I'll like to learn paw signals.
Withster: Alright, I'll teach you later then. And Good luck on stopping those bullies. I'll talk to you again whenever you come back to the real world.
The black room suddenly flashed white and Joltmin came back to reality. He looks around to find that he was still in the same position that he was in, and the bullies were confused on why he was looking around.
Houndour: So, aren't you gonna attack us or something?
Joltmin then looks back at them.
Joltmin: Oh, sorry. I was just thinking.
Sneasel: Well, your thinking better turn into acting. Because if you don't try to stop us, we'll just beat you down.
Joltmin then heard Withster in his mind.
Withster: Alright, here is your options. Now hurry before they beat you up.
Plasma Sword
Sleeping Gas
Dance Off
Joltmin choices the plasma sword and it suddenly appeared in his paws. The bullies were scared that he had a sword suddenly, but they still kept they're positions. Joltmin charges at them with the plasma sword to try to scare them away, but they were to scared to move out of the way.Joltmin didn't want to hurt them that badly or possibly kill them so he slams the plasma sword to the ground, and it was stuck. He tried to pull the sword up but it was no use, and he looks back at the bullies to see that they were looking at him angrily. Joltmin puts on a nervous smiling, before the bullies started beating him up.
A swing and a miss. I guess some "worthy" Pokémon can't pull a sword off the ground.
Joltmin was annoyed by this and Withster suddenly appeared.
Withster: Hey, it's okay. You did the right thing not to use that sword to hurt them. Just pick a different option.
Joltmin sighed and nodded at him. But then he remembered about a option named "gun" and he asked Withster about it.
Joltmin: Hey Withster, what's a gun?
Withster: A gun is a weapon that fires bullets from a shell or clip, which means ammo. It can either wound or kill a Pokémon when they get hit by a bullet, and it can also set stuff off like explosives and other things.
Joltmin: Wait, it can kill Pokémon? I don't want to kill anyone.
Withster: Oh, well. Give a warning shot to the bullies. Just shoot at the ground near them and they might get scared and run away.
Joltmin: Alright, I guess I'll do that.
Plasma Sword
Sleeping Gas
Dance Off
He picks the gun option and a gun appeared in Joltmin's paws. And the bullies were confused by what Joltmin was holding.
Meowth: What is that thing?
Sneasel: I'm not sure... Hey outsider! What are you holding?
Joltmin didn't answered them and he aimed the gun at the ground right next to the bullies and fired the gun. A bullet came out of the gun and hit the ground right next to the bullies. The bullies were scared by this and they started to run away. Joltmin smiled when the bullies ran away, but he realized that the bullet didn't stop there, and it kept on reflecting into stuff. It gotten to the point where it started heading to Joltmin's direction, and he freaked out by this and was able to duck just in time to dodge the bullet. Suddenly, he heard the bullet hitting something, and it stopped reflecting into stuff. Joltmin turns around to see blood coming from his hiding spot, and after a moment of him thinking. He realized what the bullet had hit.
Joltmin: CONNOR!!!
Withster: I, ugh... I'm sorry that happened to Connor, let's try again. And maybe this time, we'll succeed!
Joltmin didn't say anything, he put his head down and just continued without picking a option.
Withster: Wait, what are you doing! They're gonna beat you up if you don't do anything.
Joltmin continued to stand still with his head down until the timer ran out, and the bullies saw Joltmin's sad expression and they started laughing at him.
Houndour: What's wrong, outsider? You gave up on trying to stop us already?
Meowth: And here I thought you were about to show us how "tough" your race can be. I guess I was wrong all along.
Sneasel: Even if you don't want to stop us anymore, you still choose to step in. So, we will have to beat you up to teach you a lesson. Come on guys, let's get him.
The bullies started walking towards Joltmin and he was still looking down at the ground without even moving. When they were about to get close and hit him, a swift attack suddenly hit the Houndour and he fell to the ground fainted. Everyone who saw this were surprised by how a attack was able to one hit the Houndour. And they turn to where they saw the attack to see Connor jumping up in the air and pinning down the Meowth.
Software Instability ^
Connor then started charging another swift attack on the Meowth, but heard someone yelling out to him. He turned to the direction of the voice to see the Sneasel holding the female Eevee's ear up again while having his hand claws close to her face.
Sneasel: Hold it right there, kid. If you attack my friend. I'll have to scratch her face off, and you wouldn't want to be responsible for that do you?Connor continued to look at him with a serious face.
Sneasel: So what's it gonna be, kid? Her face, or you sparing him?
Connor face expression softened a little when he needed to decide on what to do. After a moment of deciding, he stops charging his attack and gets off the Meowth.Software Instability ^
When the Sneasel saw this, he started to laugh which surprised everyone expect for the unconscious Houndour.
Sneasel: You idiot, I can't believe you fell for that. Even if you deciding not attack him, I would have still scratched her face.
Connor expression turned into a angry one, and the Sneasel smirked.
Sneasel: Well, I'm glad you spared my friend, but your kindness led you to this. I will finally have my revenge on those stupid sisters! Say goodbye to your precious face, Cream!
He put his claws on her face and was about to scratch her, until Joltmin suddenly hit him in the head with a chop paw, causing him to get knocked him. Before he fell unconscious, he said one last thing to them.
Sneasel: B-bastards...
He fell down to the ground unconscious and Joltmin realized what he had done. He looks around to see a surprised Meowth, and a fainted Houndour. He then looks at Connor with a awkward expression.
Joltmin: Um... Great, great teamwork.
He smiles nervously and gives a thumbs up to Connor. Connor couldn't help but smile and gives Joltmin a thumbs up as well. They both then looked at the Meowth with serious expressions on they're faces, and the Meowth was scared by this.
Connor: You, get these two outta here, and don't you or your friends mess with me or my family again. Got it!
The Meowth was even more scared by Connor's threat.
Meowth: O-of course, me and my friends won't mess with you or your family again. I promise!
The Meowth quickly grabbed his two friends and started running away from Connor and Joltmin until all three of them were out of sight.
???: How did you guys beat all three of them?
Joltmin and Connor turn around to see the Eevee named Cream on the ground.
Joltmin: Oh, well. I'm not sure, I guess we were lucky?
Connor: They let they're guard down, and that Meowth was to scared to fight us on his own.
Cream: Oh.
Joltmin looks around the ground to find Cream's bag. He picks it up and goes back to Cream.
Joltmin: Here, I think this is yours.
Cream: *Smiles* Thank you.
He helps her get up off the ground and gives her bag back.
Cream: I can't thank you guys enough for helping me.
Joltmin: You don't need to thank us, this guys were bullying you and we couldn't just do nothing about it.
Cream: If I may ask, what are your names?
Joltmin: My name is Joltmin, and this is Connor.
He points at Connor and he waves at Joltmin and Cream with a blank expression.
Cream: You may already heard my name but, my name is Cream. And can I ask one more question to you guys?
Joltmin: Sure.
Connor: I guess I'm fine with that.
Cream: Why are you guys in Sunny Town? I'm not saying that to be mean, I'm just curious.
Joltmin: My brother here wanted to hang out with a Eevee girl named Silvia on Sunny Town. And I thought he was endangered so I came to Sunny Town to look for him.
Cream: Oh, that make sense... Um, can we meet again someday? I would like to get to know you and your family more.
Joltmin: Sure! We don't really know a lot of Pokémon instead of our other brothers, so it would be nice to get to know you and also your relatives as well.
Before they could continue to talk more, Connor senses that some Pokémon were coming they're way.
Connor: Joltmin, I think we need to go. Some Pokémon are coming this way. If they are rescuers or civilians that know we're outsiders. We'll be in big trouble.
Joltmin: Oh, alright then. Sorry Cream, we need to go. I'll try to meet you again if I can.
Cream: Alright, I'll try to meet you again as well.
Joltmin and Connor then started running back to the treehouse, and they were now out of sight of Cream. When they were out of sight, Cream started to smile while blushing a little. She then heard two other female Eevees calling out her name.
Eevee 1 and 2: Cream!
Meanwhile with Connor and Joltmin, they stopped running when they got to the forest, and they were now close to the treehouse.
Joltmin: Before we go inside the treehouse, I want to ask you some questions. And that question is, how are you so strong!? And how did you learn that move?
Connor: I trained.
Joltmin: Trained?
Connor: Yeah, I train whenever I'm by myself. And the reason why I train is because I want to protect you guys from Pokémon like those bullies.
Joltmin: Oh.
Connor: And I want to ask you some questions as well. Why were you so sad all of a sudden? You were so determined to stop those bullies, but after a moment of you just staring at them. You suddenly just gave up. Why is that?
Joltmin: Um... Well, I uh... *Sigh* Okay, how about this. I won't tell our brothers about your secret, as long as you don't tell them about mine. Deal?
He gives out his paw to Connor, and he looked at it for a moment until grabbing his paw.
Connor: Deal.
They shook paws and they both started heading to the treehouse. Joltmin knocked on the front door of the treehouse, and they were greeted by Knight and Sans. They then got inside and told Knight and Sans about what they did in Sunny Town, but they didn't tell them about the bully situation.
Bonus scenes:
Plasma Sword
Sleeping Gas
Dance Off
Joltmin chooses dance off and he started dancing with some kind of beat playing in the background. Almost everyone who looked at him were confused by what he was doing, but the Meowth started to dance as well and the Houndour and Sneasel just decided to follow along and they both danced. In the hiding spot, Connor danced as well and Cream who was still at the ground looked at them with confusion. But, when she got up off the ground, she shrugged and started dancing with them.
What was your plan there?
Joltmin just shrugged and Withster seemed intrigued.
Withster: I feel like I remembered this option from somewhere. Hmm...
Joltmin was confused on what he was talking about, but he ignored it for now and chooses the last option.
Plasma Sword
Sleeping Gas
Dance Off
Joltmin picks the sleeping gas option and some sort of grenade was in Joltmin's paws. He pulls out the safety pin and was about to throw the grenade at the bullies, until the grenade suddenly exploded into blue smoke. When the blue smoke cleared, Joltmin was on the ground asleep.Fail
I guess you either used the grenade a little early or late... Or maybe that grenade was just busted, who knows.
J-the-Jolteon: Well, I finally made a chapter of Never Separated. I can't wait for me and my friends to make more chapters of this story, and I hope I can keep up making chapters in general. Also, I kind of rushed the chapter a little bit, so if you see any mistakes I made. Tell me in the comments and I'll fix it. If you enjoyed this chapter, make sure to leave a vote if you want and comment what you thought about the chapter.
The next chapter will be made by @Withster_05, and I wish him the best on making the next chapter of this story.
Word count: 5968
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