An Encounter, Sibling band and Meeting

-A winter at night-

Knight was playing a soothing song to make his siblings fall asleep while the snow fell from the sky. He wasn't scared to fall asleep because he Physically can't sleep. He really enjoyed spending time with his siblings because for sometime he didn't have anyone except the Gardevoir in the library. He saw Joltmin using a violin and a triangle, Sans using a trumbone and Conner a flute. He sighed and put them on the bed.

Knight- Sleep tight...

Sans and Joltmin- Goodnight!/ Goodnight...

Knight- Goodnight...

Connor- I won't sleep.

Knight- *Sighs* fine

Knight went to the living room and thought about his life, his goals, his dreams and his future.

Knight- (Okay, what do I think about other people... I love my lil bros, I like that the Gardevoir that treated me nicely and Dimetra...)

Knight's mask got a little grey tint.

Knight- (Well anyways, wonder what will happen tomorro-)

???- Hello there!

Knight looked where the sound was coming from. He saw a black and dripping Jolteon that had the same mask as him.

Knight- Who are you?!

???- I am you but stronger.

Knight- What do you mean by that!?

???- I am you but from another dimension.

Knight- Huh?

???- Let's just say I can help you

Knight- How?

???- Giving you information how to get new powers.

Knight- I am interested.

???- I can make you dream a new place where you can pick up magnificent things.

Knight- Ok, but one question, how will I sleep if I can't really?

???- Just try

Knight- Fine *tries to sleep but is unsuccessful*

???- Didn't want to do this but *Shots Knight with a sleeping dart*

Knight- Wh- *Sleeps*

???- Sorry...


Knight was falling down until he was stopped by the floor in an instant, causing him to recoil. Then Knight went to the left and broke a rock, dropping 15 geo, then turned right. He broke some doors until he reached a crawlid. He killed it, it dropped 2 geo and continued to break doors until he reached a gap and another crawlid. He jumped over the gap and killed the crawlid. Then platformed until he reached a tablet that read:

'Higher beings, these words are for you alone.

Your great strength marks you amongst us. Focus your soul and you shall achieve feats of witch others could only dream.

Collect SOUL by striking enemies.

Once enough SOUL is collected

sit still to focus SOUL and HEAL.'

 Knight- (Why does this feel so familiar?)

 After reading that Knignt went on and saw a vengefly that flew over him and then dropped to hurt him, which was successful. Knight then struck him two times, which killed it and then dropped three geo, then used focus to heal a mask of damage. He continued to platform up until he saw a blue cocoon. He struck it with hopes of getting something. It opened reveling two harmless Lifeseeds which he hit to kill them. When he did, he gained two Lifeblood masks two tank two attacks without taking damage. Then he went right to kill a crawlid and continue towards his goal. He tried to continue but the ground started to fall on to a platform which saved Knight from a spike pit. At the end of the room the was something strange below there. When he reached it he saw another two pit of spikes and a geo rock in front of it. he broke the rock to grab the geo and nail bounced of it until he reached a hole which he just jumped into it. He read another tablet which stated:

 'Higher beings, these words are for you alone.

 Within these lands do not hide your true in your me form. Let all bask in your majesty,

 for only this kingdom could produce such as you.'

 After reading that he saw a chest. He opened it and saw a round piece jumping out of it. He collected it. On the back it read:

 'Collected a charm

Fury of the fallen

Embodies the fury and heroism that comes upon those who are about to die.

When close to death, the bearer's strength will increase.'

 After reading that he made his way up to a large and slightly broken door with a tablet next to it which read:

 'Higher beings, these words are for you alone.

  Beyond this point you enter the land of King and Creator.

 Step across this threshold and obey our laws.

 Bear witness to the last and only civilization, the eternal kingdom.


 Knight then broke the wall to reach Dirtmouth.

 Knight- (I feel like I've done this before)


 Knight woke up and then heard a voice in his head

 ???- (Welcome back to the real world!)

 Knight- (Why are you in my mind?)

 ???- (So no one could know I exist.)

 Knight- (Ok?)

 ???- (Also now you can heal.)

 Knight- (You mean FOCUS.)

 ???- (Yeah, anyways call me Ghost)

 Knight- (Ok?)

 Connor- Am here

 Knight- Oh hi Connor

 Connor- Hello

 Knight- How are the others?

 Connor- Sans is sleeping and Joltmin is looking at the ceiling

 Knight- I'm going to serve breakfast, and you are going to eat to even you and I don't need to.

 Connor- Fine...

 Knight cut up some berries and accidently cut his own finger. It hurt but he remembered about his dream. He stood still and focused. After a few seconds the cut has gone.

 Knight- (I guess Ghost was right)

 Ghost- (You doubted me?)

 Knight- (Yes)

 Ghost- (Ouch)

 Knight- Breakfast is done!

 Joltmin- ...Coming...

 Sans- Is that food I smell!?

 Knight- Yes!

 Sans walks instead of crawling like a lazy person

 Sans- Gimme the food and ketchup!

 Knight- Here

 Knight passes a plate of oran berries and pecha and ketchup for Sans.

 Knight- Joltmin, this is your plate.

 Knight passes a plate of leppa and persim berries.

 Joltmin- Thanks...

 Knight- And finally, Conner, here's yours

 Knight passes a plate of oran and leppa berries

 Connor- Thanks.

 Knight- Now, let us eat!

 All- Yeah!

 Knight, Sans, Joltmin and Connor starts eating. They finish and then...

 Knight- Now time to practice our song

 They head to a room filled with intruments. Knight heads to the piano, Sans the trumbone, Joltmin the violin and triangle, and Connor the flute

 Knight- Are you ready?

 All: Yes.

 Sans- 3

 Joltmin- 2

 Connor- 1

 Knight- go!


 They continued practicing that song until lunch.

 -10 days later- 

 Knight has been in his dreams and has collected the vengeful spirit. Also, Team Hollow has been working hard to get a more peaceful town. Knight noticed Dimetra has been acting shy around him but he dismissed that. Knight invited her to his house and she agreed. This was the day they arranged to her to come to the house. Knight was resting in his house when he heard a knock. He opened it to see Dimetra.

 Knight- Hi!

 Dimetra- H-hi.

 Knight- Welcome to our house!

 Dimetra- O-our?

 Knight- Yes our *moves out of the doorway*

 Dimetra sees a Eevee drinking ketchup, a Eevee shaking and a Eevee with a chip on his head.

 Dimetra- A-are those your-

 Knight- Siblings, yes, they are.

 Dimetra- Y-you didn't tell me you had siblings!!

 Knight- You didn't ask.

 Dimetra- ...I-idiot

 Knight- Ouch

 Sans- So your my big bro's best friend

 Dimetra- Y-yes!

 Sans- My names Sans

 Joltmin-... Joltmin...

 Connor- Connor is my name

 Dimetra- M-my names Dimetra

 Sans- (So my brother finally got a girlfriend, huh? Noice, now where is the ketchup?)

 Joltmin- (...Big Brother and her would make a nice couple...)

 Connor- (Big bro has a friend?)

 Dimetra- (Okay Dimetra, calm down, it's just a meeting with his siblings)

 Knight- (What's everyone thinking?)

 Knight- Want some lunch everyone?

 Sans- Yeah

 Joltmin- ...Sure...

 Connor- I'm going to skip this one

 Dimetra- W-why?

 Knight- He doesn't need to eat

 Dimetra- L-like you?

 Knight- Like me

 Dimetra- O-ok. I also want t-to eat.

 Knight- Well I'll get cutting berries and making curry.

 Knight went to the kitchen, got a cook book and went to the page where they put the curry.

 Knight- There! now to get cooking!

 Knight began cooking while Joltmin and Connor began playing checkers. Sans was sleeping and Dimetra was thinking of something. Knight burned himself multiple times but focused every time when he got burned 3 times. Sans was still sleeping but was also sipping on ketchup. Joltmin lost most games, mostly because he wasn't thinking ahead. Connor was disappointed in Joltmin because of that. Dimetra was reading comics while sitting on the couch. Knight was focused on cooking to noticed the berries where still not out. He finished the curry and then he wanted to cook the berries so he grabbed oran, leppa and pinap berries, then put then on the pan. He waited until the color got dark to put them on the plates on top of the rice from the curry. Then he put a special sweet sauce on the berries. He went to the living room to set the table. Then he called everyone to eat.

 Knight- Lunch is ready!

 Sans crawled while Joltmin slowly walked in defeat and Dimetra walked normally. Then they sat down and began eating. They said their goodbyes and Dimetra left.


 Next one for making a chapter  is AquaJeth

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