A Break In The Timeline

There was running and slashing... You can see a Jolteon with a mask killing some creatures... These were the creatures of Hallownest... The one he killed was called a Furious Vengefly. He quickly jumped away before it could explode. He was in the Infected Crossroads... It was filled with these orange things which they called The Infection... He was walking around, looking for enemies to kill and collect some geo while he was at that... While walking, he came across an object which he had never seen before... He stared at it for awhile... It had a glowing white stone in the middle while the surrounding was made of metal which he haven't seen before... It wasn't there a few minutes ago when he was there. Thinking that it wasn't much big of a deal, he picked up the he picked up the item out of curiosity... It then begin to shake and then everything went white

-Location: Treehouse- 

 It was basically just another day... A Jolteon just got up from sleeping and went to go get breakfast. He was greeted by a Flareon when got to the kitchen .

 Flareon: Oh good morning big bro! 

 Jolteon: yawns Morning Flare... 

 The Flareon now named Flare spoke up again Flare: I've made spaghetti for breakfast 

 Jolteon: Cool... 

He takes the spaghetti and pulls out a bottle of ketchup 

 Flare: Brother, can't you stop with your ketchup habits? 

 Jolteon: Heh, nope

 He just pours the ketchup on the spaghetti 

 Jolteon: Heh, BONE-appetit 

 Flare: NYEH! It's 6 in the morning! Don't start it with puns! 

 Jolteon: Alright alright... 

 He just eats the spaghetti and walks away after he was done eating, he went outside to get some fresh air but he saw something that he was curious about... It had a glowing white pearl in the middle while it was surrounded by metal which looked unknown He stared at it for awhile until he heard a voice 

 ???: That's interesting. A stone that randomly appears out of nowhere 

 Jolteon: It's pretty strange huh, Gaster? 

 The figure known as Gaster than spoke 

 Gaster: Should we check it out, Speed 

 The Jolteon finally named Speed spoke 

 Speed: Sure 

 He went to pick up the object until it started shaking and everything went white...

-Location: Museum- 

 A special object that they found, was placed in a museum... It had a- you've already heard it two times now but anyways, it was being highly protected so that no one would steal it. But it was soon to be stolen by a certain Jolteon


 Someone spoke... It was a Glaceon... It looked like as if it were a ghost 

 ???: That's um... Actually that could work 

 Jolteon:... Withster, you ready...? 

 The Glaceon now named Withster spoke 

 Withster: Ready as I'll ever be Speed! C'mon! Let's do this! 

 The Jolteon named Speed just nodded... He used to be a really confident Jolteon but... After awhile, he kinda became nervous of things... He was also nervous about this mission 

Magic Shield



He quickly chose the Magic Shields option and jumped down. The guards saw him and started shooting him but the magic barrier seems to not budge. He quickly ran and knocked all of them out. He broke the glass where the item was placed and touched it... It began to shake and everything went white

-Location: Sunny Town-

A certain Jolteon and a Glaceon were on a crime seen made by a Deviant  

Glaceon: Hm... I wonder if they left any other trace 

Jolteon: Don't worry Lieutenant Lazuli. I believe that they are around here... Somewhere 

The Glaceon named Lazuli spoke 

Lazuli: I do hope they are... Say Speed, have you find any other clue?

The Jolteon named Speed spoke 

Speed: Hm... Maybe... I did find that... Strange rock though... 

Lazuli: Hm... What strange rock? 

She turned to look at it. It had a white glowi- okay, you already know. But it was kinda intriguing 

Speed: I'm gonna go examine it 

Lazuli: Be careful, this could be a trap 

Speed: Of course Lieutenant 

He went over and grabbed it... But then, it started shaking and everything went white 

???:Soon... You guys will meet each other again... You were never meant to be separated but alas, you did... Let's see how things turns out... You're memories might even be completely wiped but... Who knows? The four of you together will make things... Interesting!

-Location: Broken Treehouse- 

 There was an attack which led the treehouse to fall... But inside, there were four eggs that barely survived from a fallen roof as it barely missed the spot they were on... Then, the third one began hatching... It was a small creature, it had brown fur with a white fluffy tail. It's mane was also white and fluffy... This was an Eevee but... It didn't seem to be normal as it wore a strange white mask, and it had a type of sword behind its back... It looked confused at the weird sword and decides to keep it down for awhile... It looked around for awhile... 

 ???: Mommy...? Daddy...?

Poor thing, it had no mother and father... It looked around for awhile and saw a big box type of thing, it had black and white tiles and he pressed it out of curiosity... It made a noise and he was surprised... He quickly tried to do something with it but the sound it made was kinda horrible... He wanted to learn it but decided to do it later. He saw the three egg that looked like own and thought of one thing... Siblings... He knew for a fact that they were going to be family... He doesn't know when they will hatch but decides to wait... After awhile, he got a bit bored and decided to go out and explore 

  -Location: Unknown- 

 He just looked around the woods. He walked around and found some beautiful flowers. He decided to pick them up until the ground he was standing on, started to collapse and he fell... He got up and... He saw houses (which he didn't know much about as he was a new born) He quickly decided to explore the town

-Location: Town-

He looked around saw many different kinds of Pokemons while some gave him an odd look... While walking around he saw a sign which he doesn't know what it says as he couldn't read... Due to this, he decides to learn how to read but it might take some time as he was gonna learn it himself. He walked around, in hopes of finding his way back home... He walked around for quite a bit until he noticed a forest in the distance, he immediately recognize the trees and ran towards it. He got in the forest and started looking for a way back home 

 -After a few minutes-

He didn't walk that far from the town and he found his home... He knows it was his as it looked the same and the two eggs were inside. He remembered that there was a small bookshelf and he took a book from there, he picked up a basic looking book and opened it... He saw a huge letter which was an "A" He knew how to pronounce it for some reason and started learning

-After a few days of learning- The Eevee finally learned how to read! He was really happy! He got up and decided to go on a walk for a while... He thought that he should go back to the town and actually explore. So, he got up and started walking towards the town 

  -Location: Sunny Town- 

 The Eevee walked around town to see if something would peak his interest, he saw something called a library and decides to go inside it. He saw a Gardevoir at the counter and lots of different Pokemons reading. He decided that this could be a place where he could learn about the history of this town and such... He walked to the Gardevoir 

 Eevee: Hey mam 

 Gardevoir: Yes? Do you need help with anything? 

 Eevee: Yes um... Could you tell me where the history section is? 

 Gardevoir: Oh, just turn left and keep on walking straight until you see a sign saying "History" 

 Eevee: Thank you very much!

 Gardevoir: A pleasure 

 The Eevee walks away 

 Gardevoir: Hm... That kid sure is interesting... I wonder why he wears that mask?

-With The Eevee- He was learning about the history of this town... Which was called Sunny Town. He quickly learns about the war against Outsiders, about the civilized Pokemons and about the explorers and rescuers... He learned about the warriors and knights as well for some reason... But what appealed to him was the name knight... He thought, since he doesn't have a name, he would be called Knight. He quickly read a few more and decided to leave 

Knight: Hey mam 

Gardevoir: Yes? 

 Knight: Thank you for helping me 

 Gardevoir: Oh... It is very much okay 

 Knight: I hope you have a good day 

 Gardevoir: You too, kid

 After that, he left 

 Gardevoir: No matter how weird he looks for an Eevee, he is a nice kid. I wonder if he has a family or not 

  -With Knight-

Knight learned many things that day and he even learned the thing he played back at his house... It was called a piano and he was more interested in learning it... But he decided to go home for now and wait for his siblings...

-Time skip to 4 years- 

 Knight basically trained with his sword which he called a nail as it resembled it. He also trained physically which was kinda hard for him for some reason but he still kept on going... After a few more days, he joined the rescuers and worked solo. The others didn't know much about him except that he was too young to join but his skills made up for it so they let him in. He kept on working solo until... He was given a partner one day... It was a girl and she was also an Eevee... Although she didn't have that weird mask he wore... He thought that all Eevee would've had it since he did but he just guessed that he was born different. Anyways, she was basically the same age as him although she wasn't allowed to join as well, her skills payed up for it... She asked if he could help her find a lost item and agreed to help her, besides it was the Eevee's first mission... They walked in silence, not even talking once until the Eevee spoke 

 Dimetra: So... How about we introduce ourselves? Name's Dimetra 

 Knight:... Knight 

 Dimetra: So Knight, why did you become a rescuer? 

 Knight: Because I like exploring and helping other Pokémons 

 Dimetra: Huh? You and i are on the same mind 

 Knight: Heh, okay 

 Dimetra: I heard that you do missions on your own... Why is that? 

 Knight: Well... Apart from the Pokemons thinking I look weird, they think I'm not that highly capable sometimes... Even though they have seen me being capable 

 Dimetra: Ah okay 

 Knight: Also, this means that this is my first time not doing a solo mission 

 Dimetra: Oh. That's interesting 

 Knight nodded 

 Knight: We have to get a lost item from Mt. Silver right?

 Dimetra: As the task paper says it... Yes 

 Knight: Good, cause we're here 

 Dimetra: Oh...

Both went inside to see and started exploring. They encountered many different wild Pokemons along the way and had to fight. But nevertheless, they were a great team. They managed to beat most of the ones they had encountered as some ran away due to being scared. They soon reached the 5ft Floor and that's where the item was 

 Dimetra: I'm wondering... How do Pokemons even lose their items here? I mean, if they're too afraid to even get back their item, how did they have the bravery to come here? 

 Knight: Well I- 

 They then heard a sound coming from their left. They quickly turned to see a Pikachu using Volt Tackle on them, they quickly dodged and Knight used Shadow Ball (yes, he did learn the move) and knocks him a few feets back. Then Dimetra attacked using Quick Attack which the Pikachu managed to dodge but didn't see Knight using one at him as well. Knight hit him hard but the Pikachu didn't seem to give up. It used Thunderbolt on Knight but as Knight dodged the attack, he was hit by an Iron Tail and got knocked back. Then Dimetra uses Tackle from behind, then used Double Slap, she signalled Knight to use Shadow Ball which he did and jumped away from the Pikachu before she got hit with the attack. The Pikachu was knocked into a wall and he didn't seem to move for quite a while. Both stared at it for a while before turning around to look for the item but they heard the Pikachu cough and turn to see him get up

Pikachu: You coughs guys sure coughs do put up a great fight... Also, this is what you are looking for, right? 

 It was the item they were looking for. It was a precious stone called a ruby. They both stared in shock 

 Pikachu: Heh, I may be a wild Pokemon but I do know how things work around you civilians. You Points at Knight Are a really hard hitter and a really powerful mon... And you Points at Dimetra You don't seem like much but you know how to act out things and are good at forming plans... I'm impressed by your teamwork... Most of the rescuers I have encountered doesn't have that... Coughs You two are something special, I tell ya... Here, take your item 

 Both stared in shock for quite a while until Knight went to take the item 

 Knight: Thank you... 

 Pikachu: Nah, no need to say thanks. I just want to see how Pokemons fight, that's all. Anyways I'm gonna be waiting for the next rescuer to come. I know a quick way out, just go to the side over there and move the small boulder away. It should lead you to a ladder which you could use to escape 

 Dimetra: Thank you very much sir 

 Pikachu: It's okay... Now go before the other outlaws come 

 Both: Right

They did as they were told and went to the small boulder which they moved away and climbed down on the ladder. They reached the first floor and got out 

Dimetra: That was... Certainly interesting 

 Knight: I agree... But I believe that this isn't the last time we are going to see that Pikachu 

 Dimetra: Yeah... Say, that Pikachu was quite weird for an Outsider... 

 Knight: True... Maybe, they have some secrets they don't want to share 

 Dimetra: Yeah... 

 Knight: Anyways, let's head back 

 Both head back and gave the item to the owner. He was really happy as the ruby was a gift for his wife. He gave them 1500 Pokécoins and some other items. Both were really grateful... 

  -After 1 Year-

Another year passed. Knight and Dimetra worked together as a team now since they encountered that Pikachu. They called themselves, Team Hollow. Both shared awkward moments and happy moments One day, while Knight was learning how to play the piano again, he stopped to look at the three eggs... He wished that, one would hatch and... One suddenly did! It started cracking until it hatched an Eevee... It didn't have a mask though... He now knew for a fact now that he was just born different. Both stared at each other for a while

Knight: Hello there!

 Eevee: H-hi... 

 Knight: Oh, do not be afraid. I'm your older brother, it is nice to meet you 

 The Eevee looked at him for awhile and then gave him a hug 

 Eevee: Big bro! 

 Knight: Haha! It is nice to meet you too... Now, what would be your name? 

 Eevee: Name? 

 Knight: Yes, name... Hm... 

 He went and grabbed a book... He started looking at it for awhile until he discovered the word sans from Comic-Sans 

 Knight: Hm... I think I might have a perfect name for you? 

 Eevee: And what's that? 

 Knight: You are going to be named Sans! Do you like it?

 Sans: Yes I do! Both shared another hug... Until they heard a sound from Sans stomach 

 Knight: Um... 

 Sans: I'm hungry... Do we have food? 

 Knight: I don't think so... I somehow can't get hungry but stay here, I'll go fine some 

 Sans: 'kay 

 Knight left and got some berries. He went back and gave it to him 

 Knight: There you go!

 Sans: Thanks 

 Knight: No problem 

 Sans then starts eating (I'm just going to do another time skip as I don't have much planned right now. Their powers aren't discovered yet here)

-Time skip to another year-

Another year has passed, both repaired their home and Knight showed Sans around Sunny Town. He learned how to both read and write from his brother and also accidentally drank this thing called ketchup... Nevertheless, he seems to love it and made it his favourite condiment... One day, he discovered the trombone and while Knight played the piano. He played the trombone. It wasn't that hard to learn but he still did learn it... Once they were talking, they heard a crack from somewhere. Both quickly followed the noise and found an Eevee peeking out from an egg... It looked around and then saw them, it got scared for a bit 

 Knight: Oh, do not be afraid 

 Sans: We're your older siblings, kid. Nice to meet ya 

 The Eevee then hugs both of them 

 Eevee: Yay! Big brothers! 

 Sans: I feel blessed... Is this how you felt when I was born? Knight: Very much 

 Eevee: Huh? 

 Sans: Don't worry bud, it's nothing 

 Eevee: Okay 

 Knight: Now... What do we name him? 

 Sans: Dunno 

 Eevee: Name? 

 Knight: Yes... Hm... 

 Sans: Why don't go read a book again? 

 Knight: I um... Am trying to do it without a book this time 

 Sans: 'kay 

 Knight: Hm... Okay fine 

 He went to go pick up a random book... He read it for awhile again until he discovered a particular name... It was a really weird word called joltmin but he decided to name him that as that was all he could think of 

 Knight: Sighs This might be weird but... Your name is called Joltmin... We can call you Jolts for short... Do you like it? 

 Joltmin: Yeah! 

 Knight: Good Joltmin's stomach began rumbling 

 Knight: Seems like I'm the only one who can't get hungry... Hm... Let me go get the food, and you are going to teach him how to read and write, okay Sans? 

 Sans: Gotcha 

 Knight left and came back with food. Sans was teaching Joltmin and stopped to eat some food (Don't mind me, just doing another time skip)

-Time skip to another year-

Sans and Knight basically did what Knight did to Sans... Showed him around town. Joltmin took interest in music and tried to learn different instruments. It's going to take some time but it will be worth it... While trying to learn an instrument call a Violin. He heard a loud crack, along with his brothers. They quickly went to go see it. It was another Eevee being born but... This Eevee had a LED on his right temple... He didn't seem scared but just looked around 

 Knight: Huh? First time ever not being scared 

 Eevee: Huh? 

 Knight: Don't mind it 

 Eevee: Okay 

 Sans: Surprised you didn't give us a hug 

 Joltmin: That's the first thing both of us did 

 But then, he walked out and gave them a hug

 Joltmin: I think we jinxed it 

 Sans: Yup 

 Knight: Haha, at least he isn't hyperactive like you two when you were born 

 Both: Hey! 

 Knight: Sorry sorry 

 Sans: Anyways, what're ya gonna name him? 

 Knight: Hm... I actually thought for this one and his name is going to be Connor 

 Sans: Neat 

 Joltmin: Welcome to the family Connor! 

 Connor: Okay 

 Knight: Are you hungry? 

 Connor: No 

 Knight: Alright then... Since I don't have anything to do today, I'll teach you how to read 

 Connor: Okay 

 Both left and started while Sans just slept and Joltmin watched them... They were surprised as Connor was a quick learner, and he was really smart depending on how fast he learned... Knight could only think of one thing 

Knight: (This family is going to be interesting)


Hello guys! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of this book! AquaJet773, Withster and J-the-Jolteon are going to publish it in their own acc so yeah, make sure to check them out... Also, here's the schedule of sorts for this book 

 Chapter 1: Withster

 Chapter 2: Me  

Chapter 3: Jeth 

 Chapter 4: J 

 I hope you enjoyed this and see you in the next chapter. Bye! 

 Word count: 3490

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