𝟐𝟎: 𝐀 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧

Thea was at Sage's house, because Sookie made breakfast. Since Sookie made a bit too much food, it let Thea know that Lorelai and Rory were arriving.

Since Lane had started to practice her drumming, she had taken to using their pots and pans for practice.

River and Phoenix did not like that development and hid every time Lane did that.

So, Lorelai and Rory had arrived, something that Sookie clearly enjoyed.

While Sookie made scrambled eggs, Rory said, "Sookie, you do not have to do this."

"What do you mean? Feeding my girls, my son, making them happy, I love doing this," Sookie said, scooping scrambled eggs onto Rory's plate and then Thea's.

"Thank you," Thea told her.

"Yeah, so feel the love and pass the salt," Lorelai said.

Sage was closest to the salt shaker and elected to ignore Lorelai's command, more because she didn't even say 'please.'

Rory took the salt shaker and passed it to Lorelai.

"It makes me feel guilty," Rory said.

"Maybe say thank you. It'll lessen the guilt," Sage told her.

Rory seemed to consider it, "Thanks, Sookie."

"No problem, Rory, eat, eat." Sookie told her. "I'm gonna eat." She went to join them at the table.

Sage had pulled Thea's chair (she sat in a regular chair to make room) closer to him.

Rory joked, "Gee, can the help sit at the table too?"

"As long as they don't sing folk songs or tell bawdy stories," Lorelai replied. She looked at Jackson who was sitting at the counter, looking half-asleep because he wasn't a morning person. "Hey, what's with Narcoleptic Nate over there?"

"He's not much of a morning person," Sookie replied.

Jackson moaned.

"I don't get it either, considering he's a farmer," Thea said, noticing how confused Rory seemed.

Lorelai told Jackson, "Now say 'I can't believe I ate the whole thing'."

"I once tried to get him to say 'brains'," Sage told Thea. "It didn't work."

"It takes him about an hour to become Jackson," Sookie told Lorelai and Rory.

"Maybe two if he's having an off day," Sage said.

Jackson moaned again.

"Ooh, hey, I had a good idea for the wedding," Lorelai said.

"Cool," Sookie said.

"Instead of those little wrapped things with Jordan Almonds at every place setting, what if we wrap up a few aspirin?"

Sage was confused, "Why do you want to wrap up aspirin?"

"For the morning after hangovers," Lorelai said.

Sookie chuckled, "That's funny."

"'Cause Jordan Almonds are so done," Lorelai said. To Jackson, she said, "Huh, Jackson what do you think – aspirin over almonds?" Jackson moaned. To Sookie, she asked, "Can we take that as a yes?"

"No," Sookie said.

Sage explained, "I managed to get him to agree that the fruits and vegetables that Doose sells are better than his. He realized what he agreed to and wouldn't talk to me for a few days because I offended him, even when I tried to tell him that it was a joke."

"Now that is just mean," Lorelai told Sage.

Sage looked at her like, 'If I wanted your opinion, I would've asked for it.'

Lorelai clearly didn't understand what his facial expression said.

"Sometimes it takes a few days for everything to register," Thea said.

"Days?" asked Rory.

"Days," Sookie agreed.

"Hey, is Jackson in the house?" Lorelai said, "Let me hear you say 'unh'."

"Unh," Jackson repeated.

Lorelai grinned, "A new toy."

"Shameless," Rory told her.

Thea was wheeling down the sidewalk while Sage and Aiden walked.

Aiden looked in a store window, "Do you ever get those weird psycho moments?"

Sage asked, "What?"

"You know those moments. Like early I saw a bird on the sidewalk and I was thinking, 'what a pretty bird.' So I stared at it and then my brain just went straight to 'kick it' so I had to move away from it," Aiden explained.

"Yeah, I have those moments when I see a guy on a ladder and I just want to go over there and shake it just to see what happens," Thea admitted.

"I have those moments when driving," Sage said. "I would be driving calmly, see some people on the sidewalk and my brain goes, 'if I drive a little more to the right, I'll end up on the news.' I probably should not drive anymore."

"Wait here," Aiden told Thea and went into the shop.

Sage went after him.

Jess came up to her, "What was that all about?"

"I don't know, they left me out here," Thea said.

"That is rude," Jess replied.

"They told me to wait here," Thea replied.

"Ah," Jess replied.

Thea asked, "Have you ever had a psycho moment? Like seeing a person on a ladder and wanting to violently shake it just to see what happens?"

"Once I went on a date with some girl and she straight up said to me 'you know what your problem is' and I just wanted to smash her face in the soup and watch the air bubble up in her soup," Jess told Thea.

"Wow," Thea replied.

Jess nodded, "Yeah."

Sage and Aiden finally left the store together.

"Hey, we got you something," Aiden told Thea.

"Close your eyes," Sage added.

Thea was confused, but did as she was told. Someone held her hair up while another put, what was obvious, a necklace around her neck.

Thea opened her eyes and looked at the necklace that they gave her.

If she could, she would've launched out of her wheelchair to kiss the hell out of the both of them, but she couldn't. She wished her legs weren't in casts so she could show them how much she really loved them.

So, she had to settle for Sage and Aiden leaning down to kiss her.

Jess made a gagging sound, "You three are disgusting." The three of them turned to glare at him, "But you're all fucking adorable though."

After school on Thursday, Thea found Lane in Sophie's Music Store, at the drums that she seemed to like.

Of course, Thea had a little trouble getting through the door and Sophie took pity on her so she held the door open for Thea to get through.

"Thanks," Thea had said over her shoulder as she went to Lane. "You keep lurking over those drums, people are going to start thinking that you live with them."

Lane chuckled, "I wish I lived with them." She motioned to the drums. "Have you found a graduation gift for your mother yet?" She started to pretend to play the drums.

Thea, of course, had no need or desire to find Lorelai a gift, but she knew that Rory would make her find one, even if it was a cheap bracelet. Rory was struggling to find a present for Lorelai too.

Thea also knew that Lorelai wouldn't buy her a high school graduation gift and she knew Lorelai wouldn't attend.

"Just find her a beaded bracelet," Lane told her with a shrug. "Or a CD or even a record." She motioned to the records and CDs.

Thea went over to the records and started looking through them.

Lane asked, "Hey, did anyone tell Christopher about the car accident? Rory never said."

"Rory did call him, but all Sherry did was send a 'get well soon' card with fifty dollars in it. He did sign it but Rory and I both know that Sherry was the one that made him sign it and she was the one that gave me money," Thea replied. She found a record that was signed by Belinda Carlise, "Hey, Lane. Check this out."

Lane went over to Thea, "Wow, that's a great find. Lorelai would really enjoy that record. Especially since it's the Go-Gos too."

"I found Rory's gift for her," Thea said. Now she just had to wait for Rory to get back from Hartford to give to her. Now she had to find Lorelai something.

Lane asked, "So, what are you going to Lorelai?"

"A novelty alarm clock," Thea replied. "She really likes those weird ass novelty clocks."

Lane nodded, "That she does."

Thea went to a thrift shop to look around and found a Raggedy Anne and Andy alarm clock that she was sure that Lorelai might like.

Although Todd happened to come across her and looked at the alarm clock. He said, "Thea?"

"Yeah?" replied Thea.

"Why the hell is Raggedy Andy giving us dirty alleyway eyes?" asked Todd.

"I don't know," replied Thea. "Although it looks like Raggedy Anne is giving him the bedroom eyes."

"We're so going to hell," Todd stated.

"At least all our friends will be there," Thea said.

"True," Todd replied, nodding.

Thea really didn't want to go to Lorelai's graduation because she knew that Lorelai wouldn't attend her high school graduation – or college graduation for that matter.

However, since Sage was going because Sookie and Jackson were going, Thea had to go as well, so Sage wasn't alone in his boredom.

Rory had been ecstatic when Thea showed her the signed record, but disappointed because she didn't find it, but Thea had shown her the slightly creepy Raggedy Anne and Andy alarm clock, which was going to be Thea's gift to Lorelai. 

So, while Thea got dressed, Rory switched the gifts for Lorelai because she couldn't take credit for Thea's great find.

Meanwhile, Lorelai had taken off to the college a few hours earlier, maybe out of nerves or she just wanted to get the graduation over with.

Thea wished she could get her leg and ankle to heal faster because she was tired of her wheelchair and broken bones already.

Then Sage arrived so he could carry Thea to the jeep. When he put Thea in the seat, he kissed her and Rory had to clear her throat because they needed to get the show on the road and not arrive late, which Sage was probably hoping for.

And then Rory refused to let Sage pick the music because in her words, "Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole" which was a rule that she totally made up just now because she really didn't want to hear his death metal music.

Lorelai was waiting by the desk in the graduate check-in room when they regrouped.

"There's our little graduate," Sookie said as they went to Lorelai. "Oh, my god, look at that gown. You look just like the Statue of Liberty."

"Ah, all big and stony?" asked Lorelai.

"No, you look great," Rory told Lorelai.

"Hmm," Lorelai said. She looked at Jackson, "You look very G.Q."

"Oh, thanks to my new best friend Ermenegildo Zegna," Jackson replied.

Sookie rubbed Jackson's shoulder adoringly, and said, "Don't you love how he can pronounce it and all?"

"Real sexy," Sage deadpanned.

"A real turn-on," Thea added.

"Very Cosmopolitan," Lorelai agreed.

"He got it for the rehearsal dinner," Sookie said. "It's his first real suit."

Jackson said, "And not my last. I look hot!"

Thea pinched Sage's arm to keep him from making a comment at his future step-dad's expense.

Lorelai hummed.

Sookie pointed out, "So, you know that Emily's out there, right?"

Thea looked at Rory, knowing that she was the one who invited Emily and Richard.

"Oh, shh," Lorelai said.

Thea was confused, "Why are you shushing us?"

"It's a long story," Lorelai said. "Just do me a favor?"

"Sure," replied Sookie.

"Keep an eye on my parents," Lorelai said. "Make sure they don't disrupt anything, my mother doesn't behead anyone, my father doesn't snore too loudly when he falls asleep."

"Bodyslam the grandpa when he starts to snore, got it," Sage replied. Sookie flicked him on the ear for that comment.

"Yeah, bodyslam Grandpa the way Aiden bodylammed Thea through the porch railing that one day," Rory joked. She asked Sage, "Why is violence your first option, anyway?"

"You're wrong," Sage told her. "Murder is always my first option."

Some guy said, "Hey, you guys are not gonna believe this."

"You're Mr. Announcement Guy today," a girl replied.

"What? Are you going to pipe in every time I talk?" the guy replied.

"Can it!" the woman replied.

"Stuff it!" the guy replied.

"They're in love," Lorelai pointed out.

"Clearly," Sookie said.

"Very unhealthily," Thea added, because she couldn't imagine Aiden and Sage talking to her like that.

"So, Mrs. Got Bucks out there not only has a cameraman, she's got a sound guy, too," the guy said. "It's like a Baz Luhrmann movie out there."

"Rich people feel so entitled," the woman said.

Lorelai said, "Yeah, damn them!"

"I swear, I saw her wipe her face with a hundred dollar bill," the guy said.

Thea wondered if these guys were college graduates, because they were acting a little immature over wealthy people. Sure, some probably thought that about the wealthy, but it was just weird seeing them get all heated up against a person wanting to videotape a graduation.

She looked at Sage, who was looking at her.

A woman came in and asked for Lorelai Gilmore. Then proceeded to show Lorelai a box of corsages.

Rory looked in the box, "Ooh, Mom, this one is pretty."

"Wow," replied Lorelai.

"Pretty," Sookie agreed.

"Look them over and take your pick," the corsage woman said.

"What for?" asked Lorelai.

"To wear," the corsage woman replied.

"Are they for sale?" asked Lorelai.

"No, they're paid for," the corsage woman replied. "These are from your mother, Emily Gilmore."

"Wow, ritzy," the woman, Liza, said looking over the corsages.

Lorelai and the corsage woman went back and forth, before Lorelai finally picked one.

The guy came over, "So you're the rich girl."

"Maybe," Lorelai replied. "I'm not rich but...my parents have money, but I'm totally self-sufficient. I taken nothing from them, except this corsage...and my daughter's tuition. So, you gonna stone me?"

"I should have guessed," the guy said. "Look at her friends, they're wearing suits that drip money."

Jackson seemed offended, "Hey pal, this was thirty percent off!"

"So, that's why you didn't want to get pizza," Liza said. "'Cause it's below you?"

"My mom, sister, and I were going out to eat after this," Rory piped up. "We eat pizza all the time."

"Too much that the place we get our pizza from probably has our phone number in their contacts," Thea added. "And if my mother was rich, do you think she would be attending an Ivy League college instead of a community college?"

"They're probably going to get champagne and caviar at the Ritz then," the guy said, chosing not to argue with a girl in a wheelchair. She could run over his feet with it.

"The hell's caviar?" asked Thea, confused.

"It's essentially fish eggs," Sage told her.

Liza and her boyfriend wandered off together.

"I am not rich!" Lorelai called after them and groaned.

"Maybe the suit was a little much," Jackson said.

"You're a fox," Sookie said. "Now don't start."

"Yeah, I'm not going home after this," Sage whispered to Thea, who nodded.

And later, Sage didn't go home but went to Aiden's place. He did help Thea out of the car and up the porch to the couch, while Rory helped with the wheelchair.

He did pet Phoenix, because the cat purred at the sight of him.

After he left, Lorelai opened her graduation presents from Rory and Thea. Predictably, Lorelai was happy over the record, even giving Thea a hug over it and went to go play the record. 

When Thea looked at Rory confused, all Rory had to say was, "I couldn't take credit for your find and I just wanted her to be proud of something that you've done for once."

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