𝟏𝟗: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲'𝐬 𝐎𝐧

A/N: The chapter title is borrowed from a song lyric in Hollywood Undead's song, Party by Myself, which goes: I'm fresh to death, I'm in the zone, I checked my head, but no one's home, The mood is right, the party's on, Looks like tonight, I'll be drinking alone.

Rory was on the phone when Thea got back home, holding some bags with hamburger patties.

Rory hung up, "The Gilmore house is partying like it's 1999."

"And here it's At Home with the 700 Club," Lorelai replied.

"Well, we didn't tell them to stop living their lives," Rory said.

"How could they bounce back so quickly?" asked Lorelai.

"What? Did you expect their world to stop turning after you gave them that check?" Thea said, disgusted, "They have lives outside of you, you know." She went to the freezer to stuff the hamburger patties in the freezer. Aiden and Sage ran out of room in their freezers, Todd took some and Georgia took some as well.

"What do you have there?" asked Rory, going over to look.

"Hamburger patties," replied Thea. "It's for our senior year prank."

"I thought the bra thing was your senior year prank," Rory said.

"This is also our senior year prank," Thea replied.

Rory asked, "What do hamburgers and bras have to do with pranking?"

"You'll see," Thea replied. She cringed, remembering that Rory went to Chilton. "I mean, sorry, you won't be seeing the prank."

"It's okay," Rory replied with a shrug. "I'll have Lane tell me all about it."

"I think we're all good for our senior year pranks," Georgia was saying to her friends (and Rory) who were all sitting at the counter.

"Yeah," Aiden said.

"Just need to wait for next week or so," Sage said.

Lorelai came in and sat down at the counter next to Rory. She had a digital camera with her, "Say cheese." She took a picture of Rory. "I love my little digital camera. I wanna marry it."

"Good," Georgia said. "Can you marry it somewhere else?"

Lorelai made an offended sound.

"Do you ever wanna put it away?" asked Rory.

"Oh, you'll hurt little DigitalDan's feelings," Lorelai said.

"Oh god, she even named it," Todd said, disgusted. He found it weird. And if Todd found something weird, then it was weird.

"Sorry, D.D.," Rory said.

"Yup, moving away now before it starts getting R-rated," Georgia said, moving to a different table. Thea, Todd, Sage, and Aiden all moved to Georgia's table.

Lorelai ended up taking a picture of a random customer.

Georgia rolled her eyes.

Eventually Luke came over to the table, "Why are you all sitting over here instead of in your usual spots?"

"Someone annoyed me into moving," Georgia said.

A flash went off because Lorelai took Luke's picture. Luke looked over, "Was that necessary?"

"Oh, man," Lorelai said, looking at the picture. "You do not photograph well."

Luke seemed slightly offended, "What?"

"You've been getting some sleep, brother?" Lorleai said, "'Cause that's forty miles bad running."

"I wasn't ready," Luke defended himself, "Plus, it was a bad angle. Plus, this is a harsh light. A soft light would help with the thing with the eyes."

Lorelai said, "Look who knows what light he looks best in."

Luke looked at the teens, "You ready to order?"

"I'm gonna take a picture of the menu and then order off the camera," Lorelai told him.

Georgia looked at Thea, "Your mother is completely insane."

"I know," Thea replied. "I come from a very strong line of lunatics. That's how I know I'll be okay."

"Yell when she's tired of the thing," Luke told Rory.

"Give it time," Rory replied.

Rory, Jess, Georgia, Sage, Aiden, and Liberty were in the garage watching Lane and Todd's band rehearse.

Thea walked in the garage when Rory asked, "It sounded great, guys. All of it. Didn't it?"

"Not too shabby," Jess replied.

Thea held out a plate of strawberry cookies with white chocolate chips, "I made these." She braced herself for the rush, which came.

Sage and Aiden both made gestures like they were about to grab Thea to pull her out of the crush.

Georgia yelled, "One at a time!" at the guys, who actually went to 'one at a time'. Georgia looked smug at how people follow orders.

Brian asked, "Hey, how come he gets the most cookies?"

"I discovered her first," Jess replied. Georgia, Liberty, Lane, Todd, Sage, and Aiden looked at him weirdly. "After them of course. But I discovered her before you people."

Zach asked Thea, "Are these strawberry?"

"Yes," Thea replied.

"They taste like strawberry," Zach told her.

"They're supposed to," Thea replied.

Liberty asked, "Are you all excited for your upcoming gig?"

"We are ready for it," Dave replied.

"We've got a gig," Lane said. "I just love the sound of that."

"Where is it?" asked Jess.

"Kyle from school," Lane replied. "His parents are going to Marriage Encounter for the weekend so he's throwing this mondo party."

Georgia asked, "Do you have enough songs?"

"We have enough for two half-hour sets," Dave replied. "What we need is a name."

"I made my suggestion," Brian said.

"Yes and we vetoed The Harry Potters," Zach said, "Next."

"So yours is better?" asked Brian.

"Follow Them to the Edge of the Desert is memorable and classy," Zach said.

"You trying to break a world record there?" asked Georgia, eyeballing Zach in a clear judgemental way.

"Yeah, I run out of breath every time I say it," Brian said.

"You've got asthma, dude," Zach retorted. "You run of breath saying your name. It's amazing how you don't run out of breath running to get Thea's cookies."

"Her cookies matter more than me breathing better," Brian defended himself.

"Not at the expense of you ending up in the hospital, it's not," Thea said.

"Yeah, Brian," Dave agreed. "We can't work our name around your respiratory illnesses."

"Hey, come on," Liberty said. "Don't be dicks. Follow Them to the Edge of the Desert is too long. You really want people to ask, 'hey, what are you listening to?' 'Oh, Follow Them to the – why are you walking away?'"

"Yeah, but when get famous, our fans will shorten it to FTTTEOFTD," Zach said.

"Just find a new band name," Georgia said.

"One that won't put people to sleep," Jess added.

Dave asked, "Since you're all opposed, do you have suggestions?"

"I was thinking Down With the Wicked, but that's just me," Thea said.

"I'll keep that on the backburner," Zach told her.

"Hey, Lane," Brian said. "How are you gonna play a party like this with your mom being so strict?"

"Easy." Lane explained, "They're gonna deliver my drums to Kyle's house for me, then my friend Young Chui is going to pick me up to take me to a fictional Seventh Day Adventist bowling party that will conveniently last the length of our gig."

"Nice going," Zach said.

"I've got my own ball and shoes," Brian said.

Zach told him, "Dude, don't tell people that."

"I think it's cool," Todd defended Brian. "How about we call ourselves Heist Society?"

"Not everyone's moms are cool enough to rob banks, Todd," Zach said.

"See you guys," Rory said, leaving.

"Bye," the band said.

"Yeah, I'll leave and let you sort the name out yourselves," Thea said, leaving.

When night fell, Thea seized her chance to hang up the bras in the trees outside of Stars Hollow High with Todd, while Jess hung the red-white-and-blue bras alongside the flag on the flag pole. Georgia and Liberty hung more tied together bras along the inside of the classroom, while Sage and Aiden worked on tying bras to the pillars outside the school.

After that was done, they helped Thea glue the pictures of past and current teachers to the ceiling of the high school.

Lane seemed amused by the sight in the morning.

Although the Slip N' Slide that was outside the school (complete with running water) was a new addition and okay, Thea decided to take a turn on the Slip N' Slide along with everyone else.

Before school started Georgia and Liberty made waffles, complete with paper plates and paper cups of apple juice to distribute, which Jess helped them with, as her senior prank. It was kind of weird, because there were a bunch of bras just dangling from trees.

However, for lunch Sookie, Ethan, and Luke had showed up with grills to have a barbecue with Sage. 

Jess and Liberty had convinced Luke to help grill burgers and to bring a deep fryer for fries. Luke grudgingly agreed to help. Rachel had came over to help distribute the fries and chips. 

Even Jackson came over with lettuce and tomatoes for the burgers, and helped pass out the drinks.

Rachel and Luke had put Billie in a Pack N' Play so she won't get lost in the crowd of high schoolers and so they can keep an eye on her. They had given her toys to play with so she wouldn't get bored.

Luke ended up letting Billie go a few times on the Slip N' Slide, although he didn't think that was healthy.

While the principal was outside, partaking in this barbecue, Todd snuck inside the school and played music over the speakers.

Jess saw his opportunity and wrapped bubble wrap around the principal's car while everyone was distracted and having a great time.

Even Luke seemed to be enjoying himself.

However, the school enjoyed it even more because their lunch break lasted an hour and a half because they were so distracted by the school-wide barbecue.

Although the school donated the bras to women's shelters.

"No, no, it's impossible," Lorelai said, coming into the living room.

"What?" asked Rory.

"I just counted the money in the cash box and I'm eighteen dollars short," Lorelai said.

"Weren't you supposed to deposit all that at the bank?" asked Rory.

Lorelai made the mistake of walking by River, who hissed at her. Lorelai glared down at the cat, "Stop giving me those judgemental hisses." She spoke to Rory, "Help me in my fiscal crisis here."

Thea rolled her eyes and started looking through the shoulder bag that Francine got her for getting accepted into Yale.

"Did you count the money when they gave it to you?" asked Rory.

"Ah, I glanced at it," Lorelai replied. Phoenix hissed at Lorelai when she nearly stepped on his tail. "I don't need your judgemental hisses either."

"I agree with Phoenix," Rory said. "You're a sucky treasurer."

Lorelai looked briefly offended, "The job was forced on me."

"Well, the cash box must've been short when you got it," Rory said.

"Or maybe a burglar broke in here," Lorelai defended herself. "That could've happened."

Rory said, "A burglar who bypassed our TV, our stereo, and our jewelry and went straight for the Booster Club cash box and took eighteen dollars and left the rest?"

"This is Stars Hollow. People do weird shit here all the time, " Thea said.

"Yeah, some burglars are less greedy than others," Lorelai said.

"Well, I'm out of answers," Rory said.

Thea threw twenty bucks at Lorelai, "There. Just give me two dollars back when you're done warding off suspicion."

"Let's go," Rory said to Thea.

"You're off to the party this early?" asked Lorelai.

"We're helping the band set up," Rory said. "I do the cymbals."

"You're not taking your purse," Lorelai said to Rory, taking her purse.

Rory was confused, "I'm not?"

"You don't need money, you don't need ID," Lorelai said.

Rory looked at Thea, "Well, I guess Thea can keep a hold of my house key then." She handed the house key to Thea, but Lorelai took it before Thea can grab it.

"You'll put your house key through the metal thingy of your belt. You'll only lose it if you take off your belt and if you're taking off your belt for any reason at the party, I'm not sure I want you coming home," Lorelai said.

"Sorry, Rory," Thea said looking at Rory. "Looks like you're wetting your pants tonight."

"You can take your belt off for that," Lorelai replied. "Just remember to put the key back on after you're done."

"Okay," replied Rory.

"Uh, your shoes okay?" Lorelai asked, "You got good traction?"

"Traction?" asked Rory.

"Well, there'll be liquids of various textures and disgustingness," Lorelai said. "You eating there?"

"Oh, if they have stuff," Rory replied.

"Do not eat chips out of a communal bowl," Lorelai said. "You might as well stick your hand in a toilet."

"Just let her have her money so she can pick something up to eat on her way there," Thea pointed out. "Or on her way back."

Rory nodded in agreement.

"How about this?" Lorelai suggested, "If you're desperate, offer to be the person who replenishes them with new bags and grab a handful out of the new bag and dump the rest in the communal bowl."

"Got it," Rory replied.

"And keep in mind that getting up on a table and performing a song of any kind will haunt you for the rest of your life. Trust me," Lorelai said. "Been there, done that."

Rory said, "I wasn't planning on doing that."

"Hm, those things are never planned," Lorelai said. "You going now?"

Rory replied, "Yup."

"I'm going, too," Lorelai said, "I'll lock it up."

"Otherwise I'd have to undo my belt," Rory said. "Enjoy your Booster Club meeting."

"I will," Lorelai said. "Hey, hon?"

"Yeah?" asked Rory.

"I promised myself I wasn't gonna ask you about Max anymore considering the history and that he's back teaching you and all...and I'm gonna keep my promise." Lorelai said, "Good, huh?"

"Very good," replied Rory.

"Okay, well, that's all I wanted to say," Lorelai said.

Rory said, "Okay."

They left the house together.

Dave asked, "Does this set up feel right to everybody?"

"Cool by me," Lane replied.

"Me too," Brian added.

Dave asked, "How's it look out there?"

Rory said, "Like you're gonna bullet straight to the top of the charts, with a bullet or a – a gun's gonna shoot a bullet, and I'm not, uh, familiar with the precise terminology, but it's working, right?"

"They look like a band to me," Jess replied.

Zach told Brian, "You need to move back more."

"Why?" asked Brian.

Zach said, "Because when I do my double jump kick off the amp with slashing windmills, I'm gonna need more room."

"That sounds like an accident waiting to happen," Georgia replied with distaste.

"Yeah," Lane said. "Don't do that then."

Dave agreed, "Yeah, sounds a little too Milli Vanilli, Zach."

Brian added, "And if I back up anymore, my extension cord might damage the miniature date palm."

Lane seemed confused, "the what?"

Brian motioned to the plant, "It's what that's called. My aunt's got one."

"Dude, don't call plants by their specific names," Zach said. "It's very not rock and roll."

"Who cares if he knows a plant by its name?" Todd said, "I like poetry, who gives a shit?"

"Maybe you shouldn't announce it to the world," Zach told him.

Georgia went up to Zach, glaring at him, "If you keep treating my friends like shit, I'll make sure they never find the body, because it's only a murder if they never find the body. Got it?"

Zach recoiled a little, "Noted."

"Good," Georgia replied and went back to Jess, who was looking so proud of her.

"Let's finalize the set list, guys," Dave said.

Rory walked over to Kyle, who was putting breakable objects away in a box. "Need any help hiding the valuables, Kyle?"

"Nope," Kyle replied. We stashed the snow globes, hid the Lladros, now we're just packing up the Hummels."

Marshall said, "Two to go."

"Marshall, watch it!" Kyle snapped, taking a figurine, "Boy with Toothache is mom's favorite."

"Sorry," Marshall replied.

Kyle asked, "Hey, did I hear the singer say something about a double jump kick?"

Rory said, "We'll talk him out of it." She added, "At least Georgia would."

Kyle nodded, "Good. Georgia's terrifying. She wouldn't let me help on a school project last year."

Marshall was looking at a figurine, "Zealous Xylophonist, that's sweet."

Dave said, "Starting off with a slow tune won't work, Brian."

Zach said, "Yeah, man, it's so emo, it makes me sick." Georgia narrowed her eyes at him, "I mean, it won't work."

Brian defended himself, "I was just playing devil's advocate."

Dave repeated, "Devil's advocate."

Zach said, "Not a bad name."

Two boys came into the house with a keg, yelling, "Keg!"

Thea looked at the keg.

Kyle said, "That's my cousin Rick. He just turned twenty-one. Pretty awesome."

"Twenty-one, yeah!" yelled Rick.

Lane asked, "What is that, beer?"

Zach replied sarcastically, "No, it's one of those milk kegs,"

"Good one," replied Brian.

"There's beer, is that legal?" asked Lane.

"Well, apparently Rick is twenty-one," Dave said.

Rick yelled, "Twenty-one, woo-hoo-hoo-hoo!"

Dave corrected himself, "Or just really into that particular integer."

"He's supplying alcohol to minors," Todd said. "That's actually illegal."

Lane said, "Beer."

"It's a party, Lane," Zach said. "What were you expecting, Tang?"

"No, I guess not," replied Lane.

Kyle said, "The carpet, guys. Lift it, lift it."

"Oh, we got it," Rick said.

Kyle said, "Marshall, go get towels to set it on. And not the good towels, the swim towels."

Young Chui walked up to the band, with Lindsay following him.

Young Chui put one arm around Lindsay's shoulders and asked, "Anything Linnie or I can help you with, guys?"

"Uh, we got it covered," Dave replied. "Thanks, Young Chui..and uh, Linnie?"

"Lindsay," she corrected him. Apparently Young Chui was the only one allowed to call her Linnie.

"How about you, Lane?" Lindsay asked, "Do you need me to get you some water or something?"

"No, I'm fine," Lane replied.

"Okay," replied Lindsay, "Thought I'd check in." She spoke to Young Chui, "Come on. We don't want to be late for the movie."

The both of them took off together.

"These are the good towels," Kyle was saying to Marshall.

"These are the swim towels," Marshall replied.

Kyle said, "The swim towels have stripes and they're oversized. Now, come on, hurry. We still have to put away my dad's military icon collector plates."

Jess said to Georgia, "We're here a little early, don't you think?"

Thea got up to find something to do. 

The party was off the hook.

Actually, it was boring.

The only fun thing was that Thea found a pack of cards and managed to get a group of teens to gather around to play poker (no, it wasn't strip poker.)

Georgia and Jess were walking around together. A girl was crying because her boyfriend was dancing with someone else and there was already a bathroom line.

Eventually Rory ended up announcing the band,"All right. Uh, now, who wants to hear some tunes?" The crowd cheered, "Okay, good, there's a consensus. Here they are, Stars Hollow's rockingest band. Although they're not all from Stars Hollow, but they, um, they practice there, so we kind of consider them our own. Here they are..." she spoke to them. Zach and Dave responded to her, and Rory mumbled something into the microphone before walking away.

Later, after the band finished up a song, and the party-goers cheered.

"I'm going to be honest," Georgia said to Thea, "the band, they're decent. I think maybe they should replace Zach though. They don't need his douchiness around."

"I think half the crowd is drunk, so anything goes at this point," Thea said. "Agreed with kicking Zach out though. They need a better singer."

"Definitely a better singer," Georgia agreed, nodding. "Zach's gotta go."

Thea nodded.

"Guys, that was amazing," Rory said, going up to them. "Really, it was awesome."

"Thanks," Dave said to her.

"Dude, you did good, you really did. But you got a little too close to me when you were singing into the mic," Zach said to Brian.

"I got as close as I had to," Brain replied.

"Your nose touched my cheek, man," Zach said. "That's too close."

"That's nothing," Sage told him. "Suck it up, dude."

"Yeah," Aiden agreed.

"Guys, come on, just be happy," Lane said. "We played and we didn't suck, right?"

"Yeah, it was good," Dave said.

"Come on, let's spread the word," Kyle was saying. "All drinks of coasters, please."

"Hey, the coasters are there to be used," Marshall said.

The party seemed to be in full swing.

Jess took off and Georgia found Thea currently making out with Aiden. Aiden's hand was trailing up Thea's dangerously short skirt.

God knows where Sage was at.

Georgia asked, "Hey, have you two seen Jess?"

They pulled apart, but Aiden decided that kissing Thea's neck was better than answering her question.

"I think he went upstairs," Thea said.

"Of course he did, even though Kyle said it was off limits," Georgia replied.

"Yeah," Thea replied. "Nothing is off limits with him."

Georgia decided to leave before it turned into something R-Rated. She went upstairs and found Jess in a room.

Georgia asked, "Hey, what are you doing up here?"

"Just got tired of everything down there," Jess replied.

Georgia said, "You got tired of Libby beating you at poker, huh?"

"No," Jess replied.

"Yeah, the party's not that great," Georgia replied. "Neither is the music. I mean, the band, they're decent, but they're not that great."

"That's Lane's and Todd's band you're talking about," Jess countered.

"Yeah but it's Zach that's the problem," Georgia said.

"He should try country," Jess replied.

Georgia tried again, "So, you're up here, because...?"

Jess kissed her and Georgia allowed it.

He maneuvered her onto the bed and then Jess went for the button on her jeans. Georgia had to pull away from Jess, "What? No." Jess kissed her and tried for the button on her jeans again.

Georgia grabbed him by the throat, with both hands. She leaned up to whisper in his ear, "Listen here. You may wear the pants in this relationship, but I? I control the button. When I say no, I mean no. When I say stop, I mean stop. You got it?" Georgia felt him nod. "Good boy." She kissed him on the cheek and left the room. 

Jess learned three important things that evening:

1. Georgia dominated the relationship.
2. It was possible to be turned on and terrified at the same time.
3. He was sure that he had a praise kink.

Lindsay and Young Chui returned to the party, so Young Chui can escort Lane home, but then two guys got into a fist fight over something. Maybe they had too much to drink.

While Young Chui and Lindsay were standing by the banister, Dave came over to say, "Have either of you seen Lane?"

The two guys went through a door, knocking Dave into Young Chui, sending them both flying into a chair.

Young Chui exclaimed, "Ah, get off me!"

"I'm trying," Dave replied, sounding like he was trying hard to laugh.

Lindsay went to help get Dave off of her boyfriend.

The party ended when a police car showed up and two other guys had to pry off the fighting boys. 

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