𝟏𝟗: 𝐃𝐢𝐛𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐝 𝐇𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫
At another Friday Night Dinner, Rory said, "Grandma, can I have some baby pictures of you and Grandpa?"
Emily asked, "Any particular reason?"
"Yeah, we're doing this visual family history project for school," Rory said.
"Oh," Emily replied. "Well, if it's for school, I suppose I could dig something up."
"And I need some of Mom too," Rory said.
"I thought we already had this conversation," Lorelai said.
"Yeah, but I don't believe you," Rory said.
"Mom, tell her," Lorelai said.
"I don't have any baby pictures of your mother," Emily said.
"Thank you," Lorelai said.
Rory asked, "How could you not have any baby pictures of Mom?"
"Because when your mother was seven, I came downstairs and found her burning all of her baby pictures," Emily explained.
Rory asked, "Why would you do that? I'm sure you were a cute baby."
"She was," Emily said. "She was very cute."
"Four three two one," Lorelai counted down.
"In most respects," Emily added.
"Then we have lift off," Lorelai said.
Rory asked, "What does that mean?"
"Nothing," Lorelai replied.
"I don't see what the problem is," Emily said. "You certainly grew into it."
"Grown into what?" asked Rory.
"As a child, your mother had an unusually large head," Emily stated.
"The best thing about it was that she would tell me constantly," Lorelai explained. "My first complete sentence was 'Big Head want dolly'."
"Now that's just messed up," Thea muttered. Yeah, she would burn those pictures too.
"I can't imagine it being that bad," Rory said.
"It wasn't," Emily said. "It just affected her balance a little, so..."
Lorelai asked, "Okay, can we please talk about something besides my formerly huge head?"
Emily asked, "Thea, what horror story is going on in your school?"
"Uh, we had an assembly because people were carrying screwdrivers and were unscrewing almost every screw that they can find. The principal yelled at us because people were having trouble opening doors because the handles kept coming off and desks were falling apart among other stuff," Thea said. "And the girl who got stabbed in the eye now wears an eye patch and dresses like a pirate. She tried to bring a parrot to class but it got confiscated and we could hear it shrieking profanities from the office. The girl claimed it was an emotional support parrot."
"I was thinking that something awful had happened when you started off with 'screwdrivers,'" Lorelai said.
"That's probably the most normal thing ever that happened there," Rory pointed out.
"I guess," Thea muttered.
Rory asked, "Are these new chairs, Grandma?"
"Why, yes, Rory, they are," Emily said.
Lorelai asked, "They are?"
Thea agreed. She didn't even notice the difference.
"I got them from a dealer up in Maine last summer," Emily said. "He just finished restoring them."
"They look exactly like the old ones," Lorelai said.
"They're nice," Rory said.
Thea agreed. Now that she actually looked at the chairs, they were different and looked nice.
Lorelai asked, "Are you sure they're new?"
"They are," Thea said. "The arch in the back is higher."
"And they have a completely different leg," Emily said.
"Hmm," Lorelai said. "No difference."
"Of course I could only get ten of these, so I'm two chairs short of a set," Emily asked.
"You're telling me," Lorelai said.
Emily asked, "Lorelai, do you realize how rare these chairs are?"
"No," Lorelai replied.
And Thea tuned out in favor of stabbing some artichokes.
Thea was with her friend group in Luke's diner (sans Craig because his dad had something he needed to build), and Luke went to deliver plates to Lorelai and Rory.
"Yeah, I need the eggs put on the side," Lorelai said.
"You want a brand new plate," Luke said.
"Yes," Lorelai replied.
"...causing their bodies to gradually calcify from the inside out," Todd finished saying.
Thea was confused, "What?"
"I'm not repeating myself," Todd said.
Rachel came over, "What's the problem here?"
"Nothing, Todd's just being a dick by not repeating himself," Thea said.
"I hate repetition," Todd stated.
"You and me both," Thea told him.
Rachel went over to Lorelai before going back to get the pictures she had and looked through them, "Here's your picture, Thea." Thea looked at the picture of her, Aiden, and Sage on a hay bale. She looked down at Sage and Aiden, "Do either of you want this?"
"I'll take it," Aiden said and Thea passed it to him. Aiden took it.
Lorelai asked, "What is that?"
"It's an old abandoned inn I ran across when I was exploring the other day," Rachel said.
"This is Dragonfly," Lorelai said. "I totally forgot about this place."
"Well, it doesn't look like it's been operationally in years," Rachel said. "I saw signs that somebody hasn't forgotten about it."
Thea shifted uncomfortably. The only consolation she got was that Fran just wouldn't give it away.
"I can't believe that brick was thrown through the window like that," Liberty was saying.
"It almost hit me," Georgia said. "God, the school is turning into a horror story."
Aiden looked at Thea, "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine," Thea replied.
"See, that is one really not annoying kid," Rachel said. "Well, Thea isn't really annoying either."
"Yes, they really are not," Lorelai said.
"See, I might consider doing the whole mom thing if I could be guaranteed that I could get kids just like Libby, Thea, and Rory," Rachel said.
"No, I was thinking more along the line of a cult," Sage was saying.
Thea was confused, "What?"
Sage smiled, "I'm not repeating myself."
"You're an ass," Thea told him.
"Love you too," Sage replied with a grin.
Thea had gone to Weston's Bakery to work because it was better than showing Emily around Stars Hollow because it was an Emily and Rory thing.
Craig and his older sister came into the bakery. Craig looked a little similar to her, but she had black hair.
Craig's sister, Cynthia, asked, "What kind of cake is that?" She pointed at one.
Thea looked at it, "That's raspberry."
"Oh," Cynthia replied. She pointed at a different one, "How about that one?"
"That's Neapolitan," Thea replied.
Cynthia looked at him, "What do you think, Craig? You want the Neapolitan?"
Craig shrugged, "Sure."
"Okay, I'll take that," Cynthia said.
Thea went to get the cake out to wrap it.
"Hold on, I'll be right back," Cynthia told Craig.
"Sure thing, Mom," Craig said and Thea almost dropped the cake because what?
"My parents were eleven when they had me," Craig said.
"Technically I was ten and he was conceived in a restroom stall during school by another kid," Cynthia said. "We had that puberty talk in the fifth grade and I just went for it."
Thea felt like her brain has turned off, because, again, what?
She shouldn't judge, "My mom was sixteen when she had me and my sister. She got pregnant on the balcony of her parents' home."
Cynthia nodded and paid for the cake before leaving with Craig trailing behind her.
That would've been an uncomfortable story, knowing that you were conceived in a disgusting restroom during school. Or remembering your parents' high school graduation because you attended it.
After another hour of working, Fran told Thea, "Hey, you can go to lunch. Marjorie and I can handle the rest."
Thea nodded, put aside her apron and threw away the hairnet that she was wearing and went outside.
She spotted Aiden coming down the sidewalk and ran over to hug him. She kissed him, not even seeing Emily and Rory.
"Hey, I'm going to the Inn and get Sage, and we'll meet you at the diner," Thea told him.
"Okay," Aiden said, kissing her one more time. "I'll get the others."
Thea nodded and went onto the inn. She went to the front desk where Michel was.
Michel asked, "What do you want, Other Offspring?"
Thea shrugged, "Is Sage here?"
"I don't know," Michel said.
Rory and Emily came over to the desk. Rory asked, "Michel where's Mom?"
"Off with her boyfriend," Michel said.
"What boyfriend?" asked Rory.
"Small, dark, wanted in four states," Michel replied.
"Okay," Rory replied. "Well, do you know when she's coming back because my grandmother's here and we want to say hi," Rory said.
It looked like Michel's curiosity was piqued, "Your grandmother?"
"Emily Gilmore," Emily said.
"Michel Gerard," Michel replied as they shook hands. Michel kissed the back of Emily's hand and Thea felt awkward as they spoke in French. To drive in the awkwardness it sounded like they were flirting.
"Okay, well, we better go find Mom," Rory said.
"It's been a pleasure meeting you," Emily said to Michel.
"The pleasure is all mine," Michel replied.
Rory and Emily walked towards the center of the lobby, having a conversation.
"Was it just me or did they ignore me?" asked Thea.
"It wasn't just you, I noticed too," Michel said, going back to looking at his papers.
Thea asked, "Do you think it's fair?"
"How your mother doesn't raise you is none of my business," Michel said. "You have two more years before you can leave and never look back."
"Thanks," Thea said, moving away from the desk. She went away from the desk to leave, but someone hugged her from behind.
"Hey, babe," Sage greeted, giving her a kiss on the cheek.
"Hey," Thea greeted back. She turned around and put one arm around his neck and kissing him. "We're meeting the others at Luke's."
Sage nodded and they took off.
"Oh, she's dating him and Aiden, and they know about it and are okay with it," Rory explained to Emily.
When evening fell, Thea and her friends had a nice time watching Final Destination.
"I think he might have anxiety if that board thing is setting him off," Sage said. "I have anxiety. Especially watching my mom in the kitchen and worrying that something might catch her eyebrow on fire. Again."
Thea could understand; growing up with an accident-prone mother like Sookie, where he had to drive his mother to the hospital to get stitches, one would probably end up developing anxiety.
They watched as some couple made out on an airplane bench.
"It's the Mile High Club, but it's on the ground," Todd said, looking disgusted.
After an awkward moment of watching two guys pooping together, an airline ticket agent ripped a ticket.
"Do you think he's okay mentally? She just ripped the ticket," Georgia said.
Thea asked, "Should they be flying the airplane in a storm? I always thought they would delay flights for the storm to pass?"
"They can fly in thunderstorms, but they avoid them for safety reasons," Craig said.
"They also refurbish the airplanes," Aiden said with a laugh. "What kind of airport is this?"
"The Final Destination Airport," Liberty said, "Your Death? Guaranteed."
"I wish I thought of that one," Lane said. Lorelai and Rory went to the Black, White, & Read Bookstore to watch a movie together, so it left Lane to hang out with her other friends.
"Oh god, a crying baby," Aiden said. "I'll leave and catch the next flight."
"And that guy just insulted the mentally ill guy," Todd said. "I hope he dies in a fiery crash just for that comment."
"This guy is overreacting just a little," Sage said. "Maybe he watched Alive too. And I would freak out if I saw that on the wing. Why didn't they fix the wing?"
"I can't escape Stuart Little if I tried," Craig said. "What movie is the worst movie to watch on a airplane?"
"Alive," Sage said automatically. "An airplane falls apart and strands a rugby team on the Andes? And they reluctantly resorts to cannibalism to survive?"
"Why would they play that on an airplane?" asked Liberty.
"He asked," Sage said.
The passengers on the plane cheered as it took off and it was a rocky start.
"The plane is not up to standard," Aiden said with a laugh as all hell was breaking loose on the plane. "Who greenlit this?"
The masks fell down.
"That's so stupid," Craig said, "If the plane crashes, chances are, you're gonna die anyway. What's one extra breath?"
A hole opened and an entire section of seats fell out.
"Oh, shit, it's Alive all over again," Sage said. Thea needed to see that movie since it clearly traumatized Sage and she wanted to be traumatized with him.
"That's why you don't sit in economy," Aiden added.
A woman tried grabbing another woman's arm for help, but she fell to her death.
"That's what you get for taking on the extra luggage, Susan," Lane said.
Then a fire came down the plane and the main character opened his eyes.
"Oh, fuck off with that dreaming crap," Georgia stated.
Lane asked, "If a guy started freaking out over the plane exploding; are they obligated to get everyone off and actually check out the plane?"
After watching for a moment, a guy asked, "You been on a lot of planes that blew up?"
Liberty cackled, "Yeah, five."
"I was the one who planted the bombs," Craig added in a creepy whisper.
"How often do planes normally crash?" Georgia said, "Usually once."
After watching a bit longer, there a shot of the plane taking off, Sage said, "He's probably overreacting. The plane looks fine to me."
The plane promptly exploded and the windows in the airport shattered.
After ringing the doorbell, Emily answered the door. She was smiling widely, "Hello, hello, hello."
"Wow, Mom, hi," Lorelai said. To Rory, she spoke, "Uh, check the rubbing alcohol."
Thea wondered what that meant.
"How was the drive?" asked Emily. She didn't move aside.
"The drive was fine," Lorelai said.
"Good," Emily replied. She still hadn't moved.
"The foyer looks great," Lorelai said.
"I have a surprise for you," Emily said.
Lorelai asked, "The rest of the house ran away?"
"No," replied Emily.
"No," Lorelai said.
"Rory, Thea, come with me," Emily replied, grabbing Rory's arm and pulling her inside, and up a side staircase.
"Okay, so, I'll – I'll follow you then." Lorelai said, "Great."
Thea followed after the two, curious to what this 'surprise' is. It'll probably be more Rory-centric so she shouldn't complain because Thea was included in the 'surprise' even if it just for Rory.
Emily led them into a bedroom and one she turned on the light once she said, "Voilà."
"Oh my," Rory said, looking at the room.
It was a nice room, Thea will admit. The bed looked comfortable.
Rory asked, "Um, Grandma, what is this?"
"This is your room," Emily told her. She went to the room across the hall and opened the door to reveal another room. "And this one is Thea's."
Thea admittedly thought it was a nicer room than Rory's, even if it was sparsely decorated.
Rory asked, "Why?"
"Since you two have been spending so much time here lately, I thought you both should have a special place all your own," Emily explained.
"Thank you," Thea said.
"But you didn't have to do this," Rory added.
Emily asked, "Do you like it?"
"Yeah, it's beautiful," Rory said. Lorelai whispered something to Rory.
"I like it too," Thea said.
"Thank you, Grandma," Rory said, hugging Emily.
"You're welcome sweetheart," Emily said. "Now come on, lets go downstairs and see if dinner's ready."
Rory and Thea went to the dining room.
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