𝟏𝟖: 𝐊𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐌𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭
Lorelai had successfully annoyed Doose into picking the movie for Movie in the Square. Sure, no one wanted to watch The Yearling again, so Lorelai annoyed Doose into submission so she could pick the movie.
Normally Thea would've cheered for anyone who successfully got under Doose's skin, but since it was Lorelai who did it, Thea felt sympathy for Doose because he always picked the movie. She didn't see anyone stepping up to the plate.
Once, while Thea was in the kitchen, Rory asked Thea, "What do you want to see for the Movie in the Square?"
Thea looked at her and Rory looked back before they started laughing, because they both knew that Lorelai would ignore Thea's recommendations.
School went fine, until a bunch of kids decided to smoke weed in the restroom and proceeded to light the toilet paper. All everyone could see was a bunch of flaming toilet paper rolling down the hallway and down the stairs.
Sage had said, "I'm so glad I'm not friends with them."
According to Liberty, the principal had called in Luke to talk about something, probably had something to do with Jess stealing the baseballs, making the school use tennis balls.
Then at lunch, some girl came up to ask Thea, "Is it true that there's orgies in the woods during lunch?"
While Thea was in the cafeteria. During lunch. The girl must've realized her mistake because she took off looking embarassed.
After school, Thea and her friends went to the diner together, like always. While Jess and Liberty went upstairs together, and Sage, Aiden, and Todd were in a discussion about something; Luke looked at Georgia and Thea and asked, "What are you two going to do after being here?"
Georgia seemed confused by the question, "Maybe do homework when I get home."
"That's good," Luke said. "Doing homework with the books is very good." He looked at Thea, "How about you?"
"Probably the same and then go to someone's house like always," Thea replied. "Why do you want to know?"
"I want to ask you two a favor. Oh. Uh. I was wondering if you both could tutor Jess," Luke said.
Thea was confused, "Does he really need to be tutored? I thought he was pretty smart."
"He's not doing too well in school," Luke explained quietly so as to not draw attention to his nephew's poor grades. "The principal said he's not gonna let him move on unless something changes. I was wondering if you two could help."
"Can't help a guy who refuses to have help," Georgia said.
"It's the fact that he goes to classes, he just refuses to do work," Luke explained. "That's the problem."
Georgia asked, "So, what do you want us to do about it?"
"I don't expect you two to work miracles, and it doesn't have to be a full time everyday thing. I was hoping you two could get him through a couple of his next tests and Georgia could talk some sense into him, considering his massive crush on her." Georgia scoffed, "I'm not blind, Georgia. I can see the way he looks at you."
Thea asked, "So, what subjects does he need help on?"
"I'd say all of them, probably," Luke replied.
Thea asked, "Why not get Rory to do this? She goes to Chilton."
"He thinks of you as a friend and he'll listen to Georgia," Luke said.
"Okay, I'll do it," Thea replied.
"Same," Georgia said, "But only because you asked."
Luke said, "Great, tonight?"
Thea and Georgia looked at each other.
Will tonight work for you? Georgia seemed to ask.
Yeah, sure, Thea silently replied.
"Yeah, tonight works with the both of us," Georgia told Luke.
"I really appreciate this," Luke told them.
"Yeah, it's no problem," Thea said.
Georgia nodded.
Later that evening, Georgia and Thea went to the diner together. Rory and Lorelai were just leaving, which Thea felt somewhat good about.
Georgia secured them a table and Thea went to the counter where Jess was at.
Thea asked him, "Are you ready to start your tutoring session?"
"Yes, I am," Jess replied.
Thea looked at him. He didn't have his books with him. She rolled her eyes, "You can't study without your books."
Jess replied, "That's too bad. So, what now – movie?"
"Just go get your books," Thea said.
"The cat ate 'em," Jess lied.
"Luke doesn't like cats," Thea told him. "And I can always send Georgia home." She went over to her friend, "Hey, Georgia—"
Georgia looked at her curiously.
"Wait there," Jess told her. He grabbed something and showed it to them – a blue checkered cloth. He showed both sides, showing there was nothing there, then covered his hand with it, pulling it off, revealing that he was now holding an apple. He handed it to Georgia, who took it.
Georgia looked at him, "Neat trick, but do you think you can make your text books appear instead of fruit the next time you do it?"
Jess went to go get his school stuff.
Later, they sat at the table, but while Thea and Georgia were doing actual school work, Jess was messing with a deck of cards.
Thea said, "So, what were the political ramifications of the Marshall Plan?"
Jess held the cards out to Georgia, "Pick a card."
Thea expected Georgia to throw the cards down, but she picked a card out of the deck and looked at it.
Jess asked, "All right, did you—"
"Yes, I did memorize the stupid card and I know this trick," Georgia replied, taking the cards from Jess. "Here, let me show you a real magic trick." She shuffled the cards, "You pick a card."
Jess seemed amused but he took the card and looked at it. He put it in the deck and watched as Georgia shuffled the cards, before chucking the deck at the window. The queen of hearts card ended up sticking to the window outside the diner – a trick that she had learned in Vegas.
Georgia smiled at Jess, "Is that your card?"
Thea wasn't sure how it was possible, but Jess probably fell deeper in love with Georgia at that moment.
Jess asked, "Can you show me how you did that?"
Georgia gave him a cheeky smile, "I will." She stopped smiling, "after you tell me what the political ramifications were of the Marshall Plan."
Jess groaned, but he looked over Thea's notes because he didn't have anything written down, since he only went to school to hang out with Georgia – which was the only thing that mattered to him.
Jess asked Georgia, "So, your parents are divorced?"
"Dude," Thea said, wondering why he would ask that.
Georgia gave Thea a look, like because she didn't mind. She had made her peace with it. "Yes. They weren't a good fit if that's what you're wondering."
Jess asked, "So, let's say your mom remarries, does that mean you have two dads?"
"Dude," Thea said.
"No, I'm not trying to be homophobic," Jess defended himself. "I'm just saying, if you're out in public with your dad and step-dad, would you say 'these are my dads'?"
Georgia looked at Jess, "Do you want my dad and hypothetical step-dad to get beaten up by homophobes?"
"So how's Sage handling his new half-sister?" asked Jess, trying to change the subject.
"He's still a bit weirded out over it, but I think he's getting used to the idea of having a sister," Thea told him. "He still doesn't want anything to do with his biological dad, though." That was something that Mei understood.
Georgia asked, "Why won't you memorize the Marshall Plan?"
"Have you ever read Please Kill Me?" asked Jess.
"No, I haven't," Georgia replied.
"Oral history of the punk movement," Jess said.
"That book covers the New York scene," Thea said. "Have you read We Got the Neutron Bomb? That one covers the LA scene. Have you read Get in the Van? It's a memoir written by Henry Rollins."
"I haven't, but I'll borrow those two books if you have them," Jess told her.
"I have to get them from Lane because she borrowed them from Todd's sister," Thea told him.
"Hey, come on," Georgia said. "We're here to help you study. I can leave if you're hellbent on distracting me because I have no interest in repeating junior year like you. Understand?"
"I understand," Jess said.
After a few more minutes of working, Thea said, "All right, who wants Greek food?"
Jess asked, "Think we can get ice cream afterwards?"
"We can get it delivered and there's ice cream in the diner," Georgia said.
"But we don't have cones," Jess told her.
"Fine, we'll get food and then ice cream in cones," Georgia groaned.
Since Rory still owed Thea a favor from that Donna Reed fiasco last year, she allowed Thea to take the car that Dean built for Rory since Thea asked; as long as Thea brought her some gyros and grape leaves.
Thea invited Liberty to come along, so as not to feel a bit like a third wheel.
So Jess was driving a bit chaotically a few times since there weren't any police around. Georgia and Liberty yelled at him because death was not an option. So Jess finally decided to drive normally, stopping at red lights, and going on green.
When the stop light turned green, Jess started driving and then another car came flying at them, clearly blowing through a red light and T-boned them, going at least seventy miles per hour.
Thea couldn't exactly remember much of the accident or afterwards, but she remembered feeling like her blood was coming out of her at a steady stream.
She also knew that she had been loaded into an ambulance and paramedics were talking to her but she couldn't hear what they were saying.
Her body was starting to feel odd and she knew that for some reason her body was giving up on her.
Her fingers started going numb, like the pins and needles feeling that she usually got when a body part fell asleep. She touched her thumbs to her fingers, thinking that it felt weird. Her vision was blurring and she was fading in and out of darkness.
She was also sure that she managed a weak 'thank you' to the paramedics.
She closed her eyes.
She thought of Jess and hoped he didn't blame himself for the accident even though it wasn't fault. She also hoped that Sage and Aiden would move on, or that Rory didn't blame herself too much. She hoped that Rory didn't allow Lorelai, Christopher, and Emily at her funeral, because they would just make it all about themselves, especially Lorelai. Richard was fine, he could go, as long as Francine and Straub didn't make a scene.
She thought about Todd, Lane, Liberty, and Georgia and she wished she could've been a better friend to them. They deserved a lot more than what she gave them.
She could hear her heartbeat getting further and further away.
She was sure that she said "I'm sorry" as the world finally went dark.
The paramedics had lost her for one-hundred-and-thirteen seconds. They had to use a defibrillator and gave her four shots of epinephrine to get her heart beating again.
One paramedic was in tears because she apologized to him before dying.
Liberty had called Luke because of the accident and then she called Francine and Straub because they would like to know what happened.
Once Francine and Straub had come to the hospital, the doctor told them, "Her right leg is broken, and her right ankle is also broken, so we had to put a cast on them. It'll take about four to six months for her left leg to heal. However, the right ankle should be fine in about six to eight weeks so we can transfer her to crutches to get her out of the wheelchair."
Francine asked, "So, just the ankle and leg are broken?"
"Yes," the doctor told them.
Straub asked, "And everything else is fine?"
"Well, the paramedic team told me that she coded in the ambulance for one-hundred-and-thirteen seconds," the doctor told them.
A strange part of Thea had thought, "Ha! Now that's what a near-death experience actually is, Mother!"
That clearly didn't reassure them, because Francine had to go over and fuss over Thea to make sure everything was okay.
"Seems?" asked Straub, "Did you check everything out?"
"Well, we checked almost everything that could've been affected, yes," the doctor replied.
Francine patted Thea's hand, "Well, as long as our baby is okay."
The doctors discussed physical therapy treatment, which they would pay for.
However, the real question was: who the hell was going to tell her mother?
Luke ended up calling Lorelai, despite the fact that Thea was trying to go home with Francine and Straub.
Luke had come because Jess had a broken right leg, ("we're broken leg twins" Jess had joked to her. Thea was sure he hit his head.) and Liberty had a dislocated shoulder.
Georgia had a fractured right wrist since she had thrown her hands up to keep herself from hitting the seat in front of her after a car accidentally hit them head-on, Liberty just had a dislocated shoulder, bruises, and most likely PTSD.
So, Luke had called Lorelai because she was Thea's mother and had a right to know. And it was Rory's car that got totaled by a drunk driver (the guy that did the head-on was drunk. The guy who T-boned them was sober.)
But at least the Greek food was fine.
When Lorelai and Rory arrived, Lorelai wasn't freaking out like she would have if it was Rory, but Rory was concerned.
So, in the end Thea ended up going home with Lorelai. Rory had to help carry Thea up the porch while Lorelai took the wheelchair.
Rory helped Thea onto the couch, which was uncomfortable as hell, and made sure her leg and ankle were propped up like the doctor had instructed.
She also gave Thea a bell to ring to wake her up in case Thea needed anything.
But at least Lorelai made sure the TV remote was in reaching distance.
In the morning on the Movie in the Square festival thing, Thea put on a dress because it was easier to put on.
It turned out that Rory had called Paris to let her know of the accident, so she came down to sign their casts: Georgia's, Jess's, and Thea's because she was their friend and she was glad they were okay. She also stayed for Movie in the Square because Thea told Paris to stay for the movie, so that's what Paris is doing.
Sage, Aiden, Todd, Lane, Liberty, Sookie, Jackson, Rory, Georgia, and Jess had signed Thea's casts, because she signed Georgia's and Jess's too. Even Mei had signed it. Sookie had brought Thea homemade mac and cheese when she heard about the accident.
Jess had put 'To my broken leg twin – get well soon' because he was trying to make that a thing.
So when evening fell, Thea, Liberty, Georgia, Todd, Jess, and Paris went to the square together.
"You know, I have to sit on a chair in the shower stall," Jess said as he hobbled along on his crutches. "Nothing more awkward than sitting on a chair while showering because I can't stand."
"My own sister has to help me get in and out of the bathtub because I can't walk," Thea told him as she wheeled along.
Jess paused in his hobbling, "Ooh, yeah, that is awkward."
"Not as awkward as when Rory tells Dean what happened to his car," Thea replied.
"Yeah, he'll probably accuse me of t-boning myself into having a head-on collision with myself," Jess replied.
Thea nodded.
They finally made it to the square.
"At least you brought your own chair," Todd told Thea.
Sage and Aiden glared at him for that comment, but Thea laughed it off.
"At least I can run over Doose's feet and he can't yell at me because he'll look like a dick yelling at a teenage girl in a wheelchair," Thea said.
Paris asked Thea, "How worried was your mother when she got the news?"
"Rory was more worried than her," Thea told her. "But I guess she gets half a point for leaving the remote in reaching distance on the coffee table."
"A half point that she doesn't deserve for doing the bare minimum," Paris said.
On the screen, the words, 'a film by kirk' appeared.
"Oh no," Sage said.
In black-and-white Kirk and a woman walked up to a house.
Kirk said to the woman, "I can't wait to meet your family."
The woman replied, "I'm very close to my family."
Kirk told her, "I know this. That's why I can't wait to meet your family."
The woman said, "Remember, Daddy is quite protective. I'm his favorite daughter."
"He has good taste," Kirk told her, "I intend to tell him that."
The woman said, "I love you."
Kirk knocked on the door and a man answered it.
The woman said, "Daddy."
The man told Kirk, "You are with my favorite daughter."
"You have good taste," Kirk told the man.
"Come in the house," ordered the man.
The woman looked oddly in pain as she told Kirk, "I love you."
There was a cut to a clock that said it was at least seven o' one.
Inside the house, Kirk, the woman, and the parents sat on some chairs, looking at one another. There was a cut to the clock, then back to everyone staring, before showing a cut to a cat, dog, and a mouse, before going to the family and Kirk.
Kirk finally stood up, "I love your daughter."
The man said, "Who are you to love my daughter? What can you offer her?"
Kirk said, "Nothing. Only this." He got up to stand in the middle of the room before dancing to some music. Even a spotlight shined down on him.
"I have to admit that at least he can dance," Thea told her friends.
They nodded in agreement.
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