𝟏𝟒: 𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐃𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐑𝐞𝐞𝐝


That was Dean walking inside the house.

Thea would've gone to one of her friends' homes, but there was an awful flu that had gone around in school and almost all of her friends, except for Lane, had gotten hit by the flu, along with a few others.

It seemed awful, with throwing up and shitting.

So, Thea was stuck at home with these people.

After a small bit of back and forth between Dean and Lorelai, Dean finally came into the living room.

"Hey," Rory greeted him.

"Hey," Dean replied.

"Hi," Thea greeted.

"Hi," Dean replied awkwardly.

"Sit – you're missing it," Lorelai told Dean.

Dean made his way over to the other side of the coffee table, and he asked, "What are we watching?"

"The incomparable Donna Reed Show," Lorelai said.

Rory looked at the paper bag, "What's in there?"

"A salad for me and breadsticks for Thea," Dean said.

Rory seemed confused, "Salad?"

"Yeah, it's a quaint dish sometimes used to precede large quantities of pizza," Dean teased. Lorelai and Rory gave him weird looks. "It's for me."

"Clearly," Rory said.

Okay, sure, Liberty was a vegan due to Luke instilling 'red meat can kill you' and healthy living in her. And they had all their weird food quirks: Sage with his using a can opener to open a can of soda to irritate everyone, Georgia always ordered the same food no matter where, Liberty always poured milk in the bowl first then the cereal, Thea with the way she eats toast and how she doesn't like soup because she didn't like drinking food, and then there was the way that Aiden always press his mashed potatoes out, make rows in it, and put in corn. Then he'd mash it all together until it was shaped like a cake, then slice it up and eat it like that. Apparently that drove his aunt and uncle crazy seeing that and it was a thing that Aiden did when he was a kid.

So, Thea didn't judge Dean for wanting to eat salads. It was a strange hill for Lorelai and Rory to die on.

Dean handed Lorelai a box of pizza and asked, "So, who's Donna Reed?"

"What?" asked Rory.

Lorelai asked, "You don't know who Donna Reed is?"

"She's an actress from the 50s," Thea told him.

"Actually, she's the quintessential fifties mom with the perfect fifities family," Lorelai explained to Dean, who dug his salad out of the bag.

Thea rolled her eyes, but Dean handed her the breadsticks that he got her.

Rory added, "Never without a smile and high heels."

Lorelai added, "Hair that, if you hit it with a hammer, would crack?"

Dean asked, "So it's a show?"

"It's a lifestyle," Rory added.

"It's a religion," Lorelai finished.

It's my sanity slowly slipping away, Thea thought as she took a bite of a breadstick, tuning Rory and Lorelai out. She looked at Dean. Yeah, it was weird that Dean didn't have ranch in his salad, but whatever, weird food quirks.

"I don't know – it all seems kind of nice to me," Dean said.

Rory asked, "What does?"

"Well, you know, families hanging together," Dean said. "I mean, a wife cooking dinner for her husband. And look – she seems really happy."

"She's medicated," Lorelai stated.

"And acting from a script," Rory added.

"Written by a man," Lorelai finished.

"Well said, Sister Suffragette," Rory said.

"She was forced into that role because it was the fifties," Thea told him. "She couldn't even open up her own bank account during that time period."

Dean asked, "What if she likes making doughnuts and dinner for her family and keeping things nice for them and—"

Lorelai and Rory stared at him, both clearly offended by Dean's take on outdated housewifery.

"Okay, I feel very unpopular right now," Dean stated.

"It was the nineteen-freaking-fifties," Thea said. "Women were forced into the stay-at-home role. Sure, maybe some liked it, but most probably hated it. It's a TV show, showing how idyllic it was but in actuality, it wasn't."

"You know, dear, the first ten years we were married, I was upset when you came home late for dinner," Donna said.

Alex asked, "And you're not anymore?"

"Nope," Donna replied. "You are no longer late for dinner. You're just extremely early for breakfast."

"Hey, I'm not saying a word," Dean stated.

"Good decision," Thea told him, watching as River stole a slice of pizza and taking off with it without Lorelai or Rory noticing.

Thea asked Luke, "How's Libby doing?"

"She's still camping out in the bathroom," Luke told her.

Thea grimaced at the thought, "That's rough."

"It is," Luke said. "I have to go up and make sure she's not drowning in the toilet."

Thea nodded sympathetically, "Yeah. Aiden, Sage, Georgia, and Todd are still sick."

Lorelai and Rory came in discussing Rory's brain pinging. They sat at a table together.

Luke went to them.

Lorelai asked, "Hi, can you take a little constructive criticism?"

Luke shook his head, "No."

"Okay," Lorelai said. "This place could use a makeover."

"Hmm?" replied Luke, like he didn't hear Lorelai's statement.

"Yeah," Lorelai replied. "It just needs a sprucing up. Like a coat of paint."

"Libby and I don't spruce," Luke said.

Lorelai asked, "What do you mean you two don't spruce?"

"What he means is they won't spruce, that's what he means," Taylor said.

"Taylor, do not start," Luke warned.

Taylor didn't listen, because he plowed on anyway, "Me and the rest of the town beautification committee have been hounding him and Liberty for years to freshen up the place – maybe a couple of nice zinnia pots out front, some yellow awnings, a peppy little cardboard pig announcing the specials – but he's a mule. He won't talk, he won't reason, he won't spruce. You might as well forget it, Lorelai. I'm forgetting it too."

At least he didn't insult Liberty.

"Finally a Taylor Doose position I can get behind," Luke stated.

The world was ending if they agreed on somethin.

"Faded paint is a bad reflection on the whole town," Taylor added.

Never mind.

Luke asked, "Whatever happened to giving up?"

"When standards slip, families fleed and in comes the seedy crowd," Taylor said. "You got trouble, my friends."

Lorelai said, "Right here in River City!"

What the hell is she talking about? Thea wondered.

"This is not funny, Lorelai," Taylor said.

Luke asked Lorelai and Rory, "Does anyone want anything?"

"Uh, yes, I do," Lorelai said. "I want to know why you won't paint this place."

"Painting's a pain," Luke explained. "I'd have to close the place for a day – which I can't afford – or paint it in the middle of the night – which I don't want to do because I hate painting and Libby enjoys sleeping."

"That's fair," Thea said.

"Okay, how about this?" Lorelai said, "I'll help you. I love to paint."

Luke seemed to be in disbelief, "You do?"

"I want to marry it," Lorelai said.

"You have strange passions," Luke said.

"She likes washing dishes too," Rory said. "She's multi-faceted abnormal."

And Aiden loves cleaning. It's not that weird, Thea thought.

"Ah, come on," Lorelai pleaded. "We'll drink a couple beers, we'll sing painting songs."

"Painting songs?" asked Luke.

"Yeah, painting songs," Lorelai said. "Like, uh, you know the song that goes um..." She made up a song about painting as Thea packed up her things in her bag because she was going to the Bakery.

"Well, I guess maybe...if I had help," Luke said.

Thea shook her head slightly as she walked out, since Liberty had pointed out that Luke had a crush on Lorelai, it was kind of obvious now. It was pretty obvious then, but it was just blatant.

Fran smiled, "Hey, Thea."

"Hi, Fran," Thea replied. "Luke's going to paint the diner with my mom."

Fran seemed surprised, "Really?"

"Yeah," Thea said. "I think Taylor is going to sell tickets to people so they can watch it from across the street."

"Now, dear, don't give Doose any ideas," Fran said. "He might just do it. Even have a popcorn and hotdog vender passing out snacks and making people pay to lounge in bench chairs."

"Sell binoculars too," Thea added.

Fran nodded, "That too. He might even make a holiday out of it."

At the next Friday Night Dinner, Thea picked at her food.

Emily asked, "Something wrong with the food, Thea?"

"She's just upset that all her friends have caught the flu that's going around Stars Hollow High," Rory said. "According to my friend, Lane, it's a really bad case with them."

"Stuff that should not be mentioned while eating," Thea muttered.

Emily asked, "Anything interesting happen at school?"

"We went on lockdown because an aggressive goose made its way in and could apparently open unlocked doors," Thea said.

"Is adding 'aggressive' really necessary? We all know geese are evil," Lorelai said.

"I would've loved to hear that announcement over the PA system," Rory said.

"'There's a goose in the building. Lock your doors because it can open doors. Carry on teaching and learning,'" Thea said.

Lorelai drank her wine, "Mmm. Kick-ass wine."

"How poetic," Emily told her.

"It's got a nice smell: earth, vibrant," Lorelai said. "I can taste the Italians' feet."

"It's a Bordeaux," Richard corrected. "It's French."

"Ah," Lorelai replied. "What's an Italian foot doing in a French wine?"

"So when do you guys leave for Martha's Vineyard?" asked Rory, to avoid an argument breaking out.

"Ah, we're not going to Martha's Vineyard this year," Richard explained.

Thea was confused, "Why?"

"Our usual rental wasn't available when we inquired – late," Richard explained.

"We should have just bought a place years ago like I wanted," Emily said.

"It wouldn't have been prudent," Richard told Emily.

"Now we have no place to go next week," Emily said.

Rory asked, "Well you could always go somewhere else, couldn't you?"

"We always go to the Vineyard at this time of year," Richard said.

"Well, you know, you could break the chain, Dad," Lorelai said. "Go to Paris."

Rory said, "Yes, Paris!"

"Impressionism, poodles," Lorelai ticked off.

"Crème brûlée," Rory added.

"Oh, that's great!" Lorelai said.

"Impossible," Richard said.

Lorelai said, "Porquoi?" To Rory, she said, "French."

As if Rory needed the French lesson, since Rory was taking French and that was something a five-year-old would instantly know was French if spoken to.

"We only go to Europe in the fall," Emily said.

"You know, Mom, I heard a rumor Europe's still there in the spring," Lorelai said.

"I heard that too," Rory added.

"We know that it's there in the spring but we never go in the spring because we always go in the fall," Emily stated.

"It's getting a little too Lewis Carroll for me," Lorelai stated.

Richard asked, "Well, what is so interesting about Europe in the spring?"

"Spring vegetables," Lorelai stated.

"I hear Spain is a good place to visit in the spring," Thea cut in.

"You want us to go to Europe to eat a vegetable?" asked Emily, as if she didn't hear Thea's suggestion.

"No, Mom. I don't know," Lorelai said. "There's all kind of stuff. There's festivals and, you know, Europe."

"There's Spain," Thea tried again. "My chemistry teacher told me about how he and his wife went to Barcelona, Seville, and Granada for spring break when they were in college."

"It costs a fortune to travel first class in Europe," Richard said. "We only do it every two years."

"In the fall," Emily added.

And Thea was done trying to talk to them. Why did she even try?"

"It's just not in the budget this year," Richard said.

"You don't have to fly first class," Lorelai said.

Emily and Richard looked stunned at that, like they never even heard of such an outrageous statement.

Thea almost laughed at their reaction.

"'Cause there's always coach," Lorelai stated.

Richard looked horrified at the mention of the lesser flight.

"Or business class is slightly less," Lorelai added. "There's deals on the internet." She didn't get a reply. "Hmm." She spoke to Rory, "Pass the potatoes."

"You got it," Rory said, passing the potatoes over.

Thea was in the kitchen while Rory looked over note cards and Lorelai sewed a button on Rory's blazer. Someone knocked on the back door and Thea opened it. Babette walked in, greeting, "Oh, hiya, baby doll."

"Hi," Thea replied back.

"Hi, Babette," Rory greeted.

"Hey!" called Lorelai, getting up and going to the cupboard to get a mug. "Do you want some coffee?"

"Oh, no thanks," Babette said. "I just came over to ask Thea a great big favor."

"Ask away," Lorelai said as she poured a mug of coffee anyway.

"Well, see, Morey just got a call to play a gig at the Village Vanguard tonight so we got to go to New York," Babette explained.

"Oh, wow!" Lorelai asked, "Cream?" She handed Babette the mug.

"And sugar," Babette said, taking the mug. "Thanks. Anyway, yesterday Morey and I finally broke down and we got ourselves a new baby, you know?"

"Oh, honey, you got a kitten!" Lorelai said, "Good for you."

Rory asked, "What's its name?"

"Apricot," Babette said. "He's just the cutest thing. But he's so teeny. There's no way he can go with us and I would hate for him to stay all alone in the house so I was thinking that Thea and River could come over and house-sit for the evening. I think Apricot would appreciate having a friend."

"Thanks, that would be nice," Thea said.

"Oh great! We've got a kitchen full of food and Morey just got cable so you can watch those four girls talking dirty if you want to," Babette said.

"Thanks," Thea replied.

"You're an angel," Babette said, "The three of you – angels. You have a key, right?"

"We got it covered," Lorelai told her.

"Oh, great," Babette said. "All right, I'll leave ya the number where we're staying. Have a good time. We'll be back tomorrow morning. I love you crazy girls." She started to leave the house with the mug.

"Bye," Thea said and went to grab her backpack and leave.

She went to Sage's house first, but spotted two books on the lawn, like he threw them out his bedroom window, but it was closed. She picked up the books: The Wizard's First Rule and Stone of Tears.

She knocked on the door and waited for him to answer. Eventually he did, but he seemed to be doing better, but he was still sweaty, pale, and ill looking.

"Hey, babe, I think your books somehow phased through your bedroom window," Thea said, holding out the two books.

"Those aren't my books," Sage said as he let her inside the house.

Thea seemed confused, "Oh." They went to sit on the couch.

"Yeah," Sage said. "It started off in a typical fashion, but it got really weird."

Thea looked at the books, curious, "How so?"

"The main character is strong, tall, smart, good-looking, able to use all kinds of magic that no one else can use, use it innately, magically able to master super tough esoteric things just by accident," Sage explained, rubbing his face.

"Yeah, Wizard's First Rule does sound bad," Thea replied, stuffing the books in her backpack. She'll turn them into a thrift store after school before she goes to the bakery.

"It gets weirder," Sage told her, pulling a blanket on to cover himself. He seemed to be shivering. "He gets captured by these bondage ninja assassins that are into this weird sadomasochistic shit and then he's tortured raped all the way to the villain's palace where he overcomes these ninjas with the power of loving his rapists and then uses the love magic to save his romance."

Thea was baffled, "Oh god."

Sage asked, "You want to know what the second book is about?"

"No, but yes," Thea said.

"Satan nuns run a wizard fuckmill," Sage told her. He rubbed his eyes. "It has a lot of non-consensual bondage rape scenes; a very uncomfortable large amount, actually. So I just chucked both of them out my window. I'm never unreading those books."

Thea asked, "How are you feeling?"

Somehow he fell asleep. Thea got up, pulled the blanket further up to cover Sage and kissed him on the forehead before locking the front door and leaving to head to Georgia's house since it was closer to Sage's, then she'll go to Aiden's, then Todd's, and lastly Luke's.

Georgia was getting better, but was still sick.

"Babette wanted me to cat sit for the night," Thea told Georiga, who nodded.

"That's nice," Georgia told her. "If I was feeling better, I would stay with you."

Thea smiled, "That would've been nice."

"Now, hand over my homework," Georgia said.

Thea did as she was told.

Aiden was still sick too, but just like the other two, he was getting better and she stopped at Todd's home, however his sister, Tara, had opened the door to give Thea an update and left in a rush because there was some place she needed to go to. Todd seemed to be doing a lot better than Georgia, Sage, and Aiden, so he probably hadn't been hit by the flu as badly as the others. After that was done, she went to Luke's. Liberty was still sick, but she hadn't thrown up in a couple of days, so that was good.

"I don't want you to get mad at me," Lane said when she walked up to Thea.

Thea was confused, "Why would I be mad at you?"

"Because your sister would," Lane said.

"Rory and I are two separate people," Thea replied.

"I was thinking of joining the cheerleading squad," Lane said.

Thea shrugged, "Okay."

Lane seemed confused, "Okay?"

"Yeah," Thea said. "If you want to try out, go ahead."

Lane started, "I mean, what if Rory—?"

"Lane, if Rory stops being your friend over something as stupid as you becoming a cheerleader, then she was never your friend," Thea said. "You've been friends since kindergarten; you're more of her sister than I am."

"Come on, Thea," Lane said. "You know that's not true."

Thea arched an eyebrow at her, "Really?"

"She stands up for you more than you think," Lane told her, before walking away.

Thea went to Babette's house after the bakery, taking River with her so she and Apricot can play together. She was getting through math homework when there was a knock on the door, "It's unlocked?"

Rory came in, with a bag of stuff, "Thea. I need your help."

Thea asked, "With what?"

"I got into an argument with Dean," Rory said. "And I need your help on making food." She went into the kitchen.

Thea was even more confused, but followed anyway, "Why?"

"And I told him that we were house-sitting and I said I wanted him to come over and keep me company," Rory explained, unloading her bags of groceries. "And since he wants a fifties housewife, I'll give him. And I need your help on making food since I know you're a perfectionist at cooking and baking."

Thea said, "Okay..."

"Please do this one thing for me," Rory said. "I'll even repay the favor."

"Fine," Thea replied.

Rory looked grateful, "Thank you. You're the best."

"I should probably feed Apricot first," Thea told Rory.

Thea rang the doorbell to her grandparents' house, but Emily didn't answer the door like normal.

Lorelai rang the doorbell, and then one more time. "She normally answers it after the first ring."

Lorelai rang the doorbell and then started knocking on the door.

Emily opened the door, "Rory, Lorelai, Thea."

"Hey, we thought that maybe the doorbell wasn't working," Lorelai said.

"Come in," Emily said waving them in.

Lorelai started explaining, "We were ringing it and ringing it and nobody—" Emily took off, "I guess we'll just come in."

They went into the living room.

Emily was asking, "And that would be the same as were paying for our old place?"

"Exactly the same," a man said on the phone.

"Except for the grounds fee," Richard said.

"Well the grounds fee is higher," replied the man.

"But the grounds are larger, Richard," said Emily.

Thea looked at her mother and sister as she took off her coat.

They were probably trying to get a rental to go to Martha's Vineyard.

"I'm just trying to get all the information, Emily," Richard stated.

"All the information is that this is our last chance to go to Martha's Vineyard for the season," said Emily. "That's all the information."

"Emily, Richard," the man on the phone said.

"I realize the position we are in, but this is a business transaction," replied Richard.

"Oh for heaven's sake!" replied Emily.

"Richard, Emily," the man started.

Richard said, "As a business transaction – one in which money goes out and we receive certain goods and services—"

"And he's patronizing me, how lovely," said Emily.

"Emily, Richard," the man started again.

"I must treat this conversation with the care and devotion to detail I would any conversation that would be considered a business transaction," Richard said. "Kindly allow me to do so!"

Honestly? Thea would've taken the deal.

'Richard, Emily, please!" exclaimed the man on the phone.

"Goodness, you startled me," said Emily.

"I'm sorry," the man said. "I just wanted to say that I'm sure we can negotiate the grounds fee."

"Well, that'll be fine," replied Richard.

Lorelai gave her father a thumb's up.

"Good, I'll get into this right now and I'll get back to you," the guy said.

"Thank you, John," Emily replied.

"Yes, we'll talk to you later," Richard said.

"Bye," John said, hanging up.

Thea imagined John heaving a sigh, rubbing his forehead, and asking his secretary for some aspirin.

Richard was grinning rather smugly.

"Careful, Richard," Emily told him. "That canary you ate is going to spoil your dinner."

Lorelai asked, "What's going on?"

"Your mother and I have just secured a spot on Martha's Vineyard," Richard explained.

Rory said, "Really? That's great!"

"I thought you lost your old place," Lorelai replied.

"We did, but this afternoon we found that Arthur Roundtree had died," Emily explained.

"He had been drinking," clarified Richard.

"So we got on the phone and snatched that place up," Emily explained.

"Ah, it's a fine piece of property," Richard said wistfully.

"Much better view than our other place," Emily added.

"The both of you are going directly to hell, I hope you know that," Lorelai said to them.

"Well, at least we'll be well rested," Richard said, before he and Emily laughed.

"Touché," Lorelai said.

"Well played," Thea stated.

"I am so thrilled about this," Emily said.

"I'm glad," replied Richard.

"The three of you must come up for the weekend, it is so lovely," Emily said. "Rory would just love it."

Rory looked at Lorelai, "Can we go for the weekend?"

Lorelai patted Rory's knee, "We'll see how much valium Auntie Sookie can lend mommy, okay?"

Thea felt weird at the 'Auntie Sookie' remark, since she was dating Sage.

"The only draw-back of course is that we had to rent the place furnished and Arthur had dreadful taste," Emily added. To Richard she spoke, "Remember the library, Richard?"

"Oh," replied Richard with a laugh, "Pink and green! Horrible, it's just horrible!" He and Emily laughed about it.

"Well he's dead now, so he got his," Lorelai joked.

"Lorelai, you're being morbid," Emily chided her.

"I'm being morbid?" asked Lorelai.

"New subject please," Rory cut in.

"Joan and Melissa Rivers here think I'm being morbid," Lorelai told Rory.

"Rory, Thea, what's new in your life?" Emily asked the two teens.

"Nothing," replied Rory. "Just school...homework."

"Aprons," Lorelai teased.

"Do not go there," Rory said, looking like she was having a traumatic flashback to the dress and apron she wore for Dean.

"What does she mean aprons?" asked Emily confused.

"Nothing," replied Lorelai. "I was just teasing her."

Emily looked like she didn't get it, "About aprons?"

"Yeah," replied Lorelai.

"I-I don't understand," Emily said.

"It's not important," Lorelai countered.

"Then humor me," Emily challenged.

"Nothing," replied Lorelai. "Rory dressed up in Thea's work apron and I was just teasing her about it."

Richard asked Rory, "Why did you get dressed up in an apron?"

"She was helping me, Fran, and Marjorie at the bakery," Thea lied. "There was a wedding and they wanted three-hundred cupcakes so Rory offered to lend a helping hand since we were getting overwhelmed."

"And I wore one of Thea's spare aprons," Rory said, "Since Fran didn't have a spare."

Emily asked, "Whose Fran and Marjorie?"

"Fran owns the bakery and Marjorie works there," Thea explained.

Lorelai said to Rory, "Why don't you tell them about your bird? That seems like a good subject."

Richard asked, "Your bird?" asked Richard.

"Yeah, it's for school," replied Rory. "Each of us have to follow a chick through its entire growth process – everything has to be logged: eating habits, sleeping habits..."

"Houdini habits," Lorelai added.

"She got out," Rory explained.

"She ran far," Lorelai said.

"But she lived," Rory added.

"She's a better bird for it," Lorelai finished.

"Thank God Luke found her," Rory said.

"Luke found her?" asked Emily.

Lorelai asked, "What?"

"Rory said that Luke found her," said Emily.

"Getting me back for the apron thing?" Lorelai whispered to Rory.

"Sorry," replied Rory.

Emily seemed suspicious, "Did the bird get loose in Luke's diner?"

"No, it was at home," Thea said. "I wasn't there for it since I was house-sitting for our neighbor."

Emily needed clarification, "Your home?"

"Yes," said Lorelai.

"Ah," replied Emily. Lorelai went to get herself a drink.

Emily asked Thea, "And what were you doing when this bird was on the loose?"

"I was house-sitting next door and doing homework," Thea replied.

Emily nodded.

"So, Grandpa, when's your next trip?" Rory asked Richard.

"Uh, Madrid – the twelfth," replied Richard.

"Wow," Rory said.

"I think there's a nice edition of Cervantes in it for you," Richard said.

"Gracias," Rory replied.

Emily asked Lorelai, "What was Luke doing at your house?"

Thea didn't understand why Emily was borrowed by the idea of Luke being at Lorelai's house. They were adults. They could have sex if they wanted.

"Oh, look, there's no ice, I'll get some," said Lorelai. She took the ice tray and started leaving.

"I asked you a question," Emily said, getting up to follow her.

"He was helping me find the bird, Mom," Lorelai replied.

"Really?" asked Emily.

"Yes, really," replied Lorelai as they left.

"And how did he know that the bird was missing?" Thea heard Emily ask.

Rory and Richard continued talking while Lorelai and Emily bickered about Luke. 

Thea's friends seemed to have gotten over the flu, so they were hanging out together at the gazebo, though her friends still looked a little ill, but they seemed to have gotten better. Sage had one arm around Thea's waist while Aiden had one arm around Thea's shoulders.

"I feel like I lost five pounds," Aiden said. "Do you know how long that will take for me to gain those pounds back?" They looked at him weirdly. "I'm kidding."

Someone on a motorcycle drove by and they turned to watch him drive by. Thea arched an eyebrow at that.

"Cool motorcycle," Todd said, impressed.

Georgia scoffed, "More like 'cool deathtrap.'" She never really got the appeal of 'bad boys'. Sure, she knew that it was the thrill of danger and teenage rebellion, but Georgia said that if she wanted thrills, she would go whitewater rafting – blindfolded. Again.

"Oh, hey," Liberty started. "My dad signed up for that softball thing. Are you all coming to support him?"

"Yeah, duh," Georgia replied.

"Obviously," Thea replied.

Todd asked Sage, "Hey, have you read Wizard's First Rule yet?"

"I'm pretending the books were a fever dream I had," Sage said. "Don't push your luck."

"I told you it was awful," Todd replied.

"I'm sorry, I must've missed that part while I was violently throwing up in Mr. Loughty's math class while he was probably checking out my ass while at it," Sage replied.


Quick question: Anyone interested in a possible Jess/Georgia relationship?

Like, Jess finds Georgia attractive and tries to win her over with this whole 'bad-boy' persona because good girls are into that, right? And Liberty smirks and goes 'oh you poor bastard' because she knows that Georgia will not date Jess until he fixes himself.

 So with every attempt Jess makes to win Georgia over, she just laughs in his face and mocks him and Jess realizes that to win this stubborn girl's heart, he needs to be kinder and stuff like that and actually tries to fix himself and wins Georgia over that way? 

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