𝟎𝟔: 𝐏𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲

After another Friday night dinner, this time Emily had asked Thea, "Why can't you be more like Rory?" Thea felt like dying inside, but Emily had said that they can go around picking things out that they would like for Emily and Richard to leave in their wills.

Thea put a post-it on Richard's Georgian desk, Richard had given her a smile, and Thea knew that he would've preferred it if Rory had gotten to it first.

Then after that, they were loaded in the car and headed back to Stars Hollow.

Lorelai asked, "So, how would you like two parties this year?"

"You couldn't get her to cave," Rory accused.

"No, but she did agree to make the string quartet learn Like a Virgin," Lorelai said.

"Well, you tried," Rory replied.

"Sweetie, I promise, Saturday night we'll do it up right at home." Lorelai said, "A Stars Hollow extravaganza."

And Thea will be out of the house, pretending that she doesn't exist to them.

Rory asked, "So, is this party Grandma's having going to be a big deal?"

Knowing Emily, yes, yes it would be, because it's Rory.

"Not really," responded Lorelai. "The government will close that day. Flags will fly at half-mast. Barbra Streisand will give her final concert...again."

"Uh-huh," Rory replied.

"Now, the Pope has previous plans, but he's trying to get out of them," Lorelai continued. "However, Elvis and Jim Morrison are coming and they're bringing chips."

"You ask a simple question..." Rory muttered.

"I can't make it to our planned birthday on Friday because my grandmother has planned on giving Rory a party that day," Thea stated. She knew that it was Rory's party, not hers.

Once, Lorelai handed Thea some money and told her to go take Rory to see a movie while Lorelai set up for Rory's party.

"Well, afterwards then," Georgia said with a shrug. "After that head over to Aiden's house because his aunt and uncle will be gone that night. My mom has to work early in the morning and I don't want us to keep her up."

In a way, Thea wondered what lavish present that Rory was getting and what second-hand present she was going to get, because her grandparents, mother, and sister didn't know her.

"Okay," Thea replied, "Sounds good. Although on Saturday, my mom is throwing Rory a second birthday."

Sage groaned, "Great. I'll be forced to attend that."

Thea asked, "How do you think I feel? I have to watch it."

"Good, we'll be miserable together," Sage stated, kissing Thea on the cheek.

Georgia started, "So what snacks do you want for your party after your obligatory Friday night dinner?"

Aiden said, "I can make those blue cheese potato chips that always seem to disappear within three minutes."

"Make like four pans of those," Thea told him.

Apparently that was something that Aiden's dad would make for football games before he got arrested for murder. Aiden would help his dad make it.

Aiden seemed incredulous, "Four?"

"Three, because Libby is vegan," Georgia clarified.

"Right," Aiden replied.

"I'll bring the cheesy onion bread," Liberty said. That was her mother's recipe that Luke would make for Liberty when she had bad days, but it turned into a treat that she thoroughly enjoyed. So, Liberty learned how to make it herself. It turned out that Thea and her friends enjoyed it too.

"I can make that layered Mediterranean dip with pita chips," Sage said. He did learn some things from Sookie after all.

"And I'll bring the cilantro tomato bruschetta," Georgia stated with a smile.

Aiden asked, "Should I bring the boiler S'mores?"

"No," Thea told him.

"Okay," Aiden replied.

Georgia asked, "We all know what we're going to bring?"

"Yeah," Sage replied.

Liberty asked Thea, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just dreading the party at my grandmother's," Thea said.

"Just think about the one at my house, and I think you'll do fine," Aiden told her.

Thea nodded, "I know. That's the only thing that'll get me through that awful dinner."

"You can call me and I'll pick you up," Georgia told her.

"If things go south, I will," Thea replied.

Thea was rudely awoken to a tapping on the window at 11:30 on Thursday, the night before her sixteenth birthday. She got up and went to the window and opened the blind. She almost shrieked at the sight of Georgia and Liberty there.

"Hurry up and get dressed in something warm," Liberty told her. "Take a flashlight."

Thea didn't ask questions and got dressed. She even put on her silver dollar necklace.

Liberty ended up digging around for a flashlight. Thea left through the window, and closed it, leaving an inch or so open, so she can crawl back in after getting done with whatever it was that Georgia and Liberty had planned.

Aiden and Sage were on the ground, holding picnic baskets.

They were going to have a midnight picnic on her birthday...

She had remembered off-handedly saying that she always wanted to have a midnight picnic sometime last week. She knew that Lorelai and Rory wouldn't have had one with her. She smiled and hugged Georgia and Liberty. "Thank you for doing this for me."

"It's no problem," Liberty said.

"We better get out of here before someone freaks out seeing a bunch of teens idling outside the golden girl's home," Thea said, releasing her friends.

"Yeah," Sage agreed and they hurried down the sidewalk.

"I heard Mr. Mathias snorted cocaine off a toilet seat during lunch," Sage said.

"I thought he was a heroin addict and shot up during break," Liberty said.

Aiden asked, "Can he be both?"

"I heard that Joanna's older sister was caught with the janitor," Thea said.

Liberty asked, "Leslie or Billie?"

"Billie," Thea said.

"Thank god she's college aged," Sage said. "I'm tired of hearing about creeps with underage students."

"We better hurry if we want to get to the Dragonfly if we want to have this picnic at midnight," Georgia said.

They ran for it, talking and laughing.

Aiden tossed some bread to the ducks and they had to make a run for safety. Aiden and Sage set out some blankets and they sat down on the blankets. Georgia and Liberty got out plates and utensils from the picnic baskets.

Thea found some wine and wineglasses in a basket and poured some glasses.

"You know my mom told me that she went to a wine tasting event and saw her high school math teacher there already drunk," Georgia said as she took a wineglass.

Thea laughed. It felt good in a way, like she was free, like she had a weight lifted off of her. She didn't have to worry about creepy gym teachers, or Rory's parties, or anything. She was just Thea who was surrounded by friends.

While Lorelai had her ritual of waking Rory up right on the time that Rory was born, Thea didn't get the same treatment. So Thea hoped that midnight picnics were going to be turned into a ritual for all of her friends on their birthdays. This was just for her and her alone.

Liberty handed Thea a plate with food, "Thanks, Libby."

After the food was eaten, they played a game of flashlight tag, before Sage said, "Is it just me? Or does anyone want to play hide and seek in the dark in the inn?"

"Let's do it," Georgia said.

They put up the leftovers and everything, before heading into the inn.

Thea was 'It' and counted while her friends hid. She found Liberty first, then Sage, Aiden, and last Georgia.

Georgia went next and ended up chasing Aiden up the stairs, "I'm not going to hurt you. Aiden, I'm not going to hurt you. I'm just going to bash your brains in. I'm going to bash them right the fuck in." She laughed.

That was when they started reenacting movie scenes.

"Oh my god, I tripped over a boot," Thea said, holding up a really old looking boot.

Liberty said with mock concern, "Where's the foot?" She looked around the hallway.

Liberty pretended to stab Sage in one of the bathrooms.

They spent the rest of the night running around the Dragonfly Inn laughing.

Thea was exhausted as she walked into the diner with her friends.

Luke demanded, "Where have you been? You've been gone all night."

Thea was confused, "Huh?"

"Not you, Thea." Luke said, "Liberty."

He used the full name, which meant that Liberty was in deep shit.

"Sorry, Dad," Liberty replied. "I went out to have a midnight picnic with them and we got carried away. I'm going to—"

"You were up all night so you'll wear those clothes you were out all night in. You'll go straight to school and come and work here. No naps," Luke told her. "Now you'll go sit over there." He pointed at a table.

Thea asked, "Since we do we have a seating chart?"

"Since I set up that table for you, Teddy," Luke said in a softer voice for her.

Thea looked to see that there were six balloons taped to a table and had a plate of something sitting on it. There was even a small box too. Thea looked at Luke, "You shouldn't have."

"I count to three your present and everything else will be gone," Luke warned.

"Thanks," Thea said. She and her friends went to the table. She opened the small box to find a charm bracelet that almost matched her coffee one, but this one had baking stuff on it.

She looked at Luke, "Thanks, Luke."

Lorelai and Sookie came in. It looked like Sookie was in a bit of a panic, "I don't know where he could be."

"He's sitting right over there," Lorelai said. "See, I told you he was fine." She went to the counter to get coffee.

Sookie came over, nearly running into the table, "Where were you?"

"Libby, Georgia, Aiden, and I wanted to surprise Thea with a midnight picnic," Sage said. "We spent all night talking and playing hide and seek in the dark. We lost track of time."

At least it was most of the truth, Thea realized. She felt a little sick at the thought that Sage was lying for her. Sure it was mostly the truth, but he shouldn't have to lie for her.

"Oh," Sookie replied. "At least leave a note next time. I thought something bad happened."

"Nope, just too much good food," Sage replied.

"Happy birthday, Thea," Sookie told her and took off with Lorelai.

Not even a happy birthday from Thea's own mother...

Rory and Lane came in a bit later.

"Okay, I think after school we can cram in a power nap so we can prepare for Thea's party tonight," Georgia said.

She was always the one who had planned things.

"I hope so," Aiden said.

"Hey, wrong table," Luke told Rory.

Rory asked, "Since when is there a right table?"

"Since the coffee cake I baked for you and the stupid balloons I blew up are at that table over there," Luke said.

Thea risked a glance. Thankfully she had more balloons than Rory. She felt a bit smug at that. It also looked like she was the only one that had gotten a present from Luke too.

Rory and Lane went over to the table.

After eating an overly large cookie for breakfast, Dean walked in and went to the counter. He looked at Rory.

"I haven't even talked to that guy since I flipped him off in math class for getting me in trouble," Thea told them.

Sage said, "Who cares?" He hooked a foot around Thea's for comfort.

"Yeah," Thea replied. She was dreading the party in Hartford.

In art class, there was a teacher that was an extremely frail and old looking woman. For some reason, none of Thea's classmates respected her, except for a small portion that included Thea and Emiko. They were making collages so it involved cutting.

"I heard that Lucas's parents came back to the school and threatened to sue if they didn't reinstate Mr. Hammond," Emiko whispered to them.

Yesterday, Mr. Hammond had picked up and thrown an obnoxious boy named Lucas out an open window. Lucas snapped a girl's bra strap and when Mr. Hammond had tried to give him detention for that, Lucas had started cussing at him and called him names. Mr. Hammond had snapped and thrown the teen out the window.

A guy asked, "How much of a shit-head does your son have to be to want to reinstate a teacher that assaulted your son?"

"Would you just fuck off, Brittany?" a guy snapped.

Thea turned to look and a brown-haired girl straight up punched the boy in the eye.

The guy got out of his seat and stormed off to the other side of the classroom.

Brittany taunted the guy, "What's the matter, you little bitch? Are you that much of a coward that you fight me, you fucking pussy?"

The guy made a throwing gesture and Brittany flinched before going on over and shoving the guy, who started pushing her back, causing Thea's classmates to abandon their tables to avoid the shoving match. The guy had knocked Brittany to the floor and stormed towards the door.

The teacher demanded, "What is going on? Where are you going?"

The guy left the classroom and Thea looked at Brittany who got up from the ground, had blood dripping down the left side of her face. It was like an ocean and kind of looked like Two-Face from Batman. It took a moment for it to dawn on Thea that the guy had thrown scissors at Brittany.

Brittany cackled like a hyena and in a creepy sing-songy voice said, "Oh, I'm going to fucking kill that bitch!" She ran out the classroom door, and Thea noticed a bloody handprint on the door and handle.

To make it worse, the teacher started yelling at them for not listening to her and how they were all going to murder each other.

It was maybe three minutes, before the bell rang and they scrambled to leave the classroom. There were many bloody hand prints and smears of blood all over the hallway walls and drops of blood on the floor. Students were looking baffled at the sight.

At lunch, Thea told her friends about what happened in the art classroom. She wondered why the school turned exciting after Rory left it.

Mr. Conn had given Thea a leather bound book with the complete Grimm's fairy tales for her birthday, though.

After getting home, she managed to take an hour-long nap, which Rory interrupted, which meant that Thea had to get up and get dressed for Rory's birthday party. She took a shower and used a hair dryer, before curling her hair. She got dressed in last year's dance marathon dress, which she had attended with Liberty as her dance partner.

Emily had picked out dresses for Lorelai and Rory, which Lorelai had adjusted. Thea had spotted Lorelai making last minute adjustments to the dresses.

Thea applied some lip gloss and eyeliner and put on the baking charm bracelet that Luke had gotten her and she was ready to go.

A maid let them in when they got to the Gilmore house and Thea spotted a bunch of caterers setting up Rory's party.

Lorelai said, "Jeez, Mom. Leave some servants for the rest of the neighborhood."

"There they are." Emily said with a smile, "The birthday girls."

She acknowledged Thea so she can solely focus on Rory so Thea can't complain about it later. It sucked, but it is what it is.

Rory greeted, "Hi Grandma."

Lorelai asked, "Wow, you really went all out, huh?"

"Well, I wanted everything to be perfect," Emily said. "What do you think?"

"I think Edith Wharton would have been proud and busy taking notes," Lorelai told Emily. She handed Rory a garment bag, "Here, babe, go change."

Thea couldn't remember the last time her mother used a term of endearment on her.

"Okay," Rory said, taking the garment bag, and turning to change.

"Hurry," Emily said.

Thea took off her pea coat and a man came up to her and took it from her, before he took Lorelai's coat, after she took it off.

Emily asked Lorelai, "What is that?"

"Oh, that's my dress," Lorelai said.

Emily asked, "Where's the one I bought you?"

"This is it," Lorelai replied.

"I thought there was more of it," Emily replied.

"Gee, Mom, the place looks great," Lorelai replied.

Emily asked, "Did you turn Rory's into a hat?"

"Nice candles." Lorelai stated, "Six inches apart?"

Thea went to go sit down on the couch, wishing she had brought a book with her. She wondered if Lorelai would've let her stay home if she pretended to be sick. She could've gone over to Aiden's house and had a real party, but no, she went to Rory's party, because apparently she liked self-inflected emotional harm. She absent-mindedly ran a finger along an old scar from when she used to self-harm. Strange how no one noticed it.

Apparently she wasn't worth remembering or noticing.

Rory ended up sitting next to Thea on a bench which was awkward as hell for Thea.

"Excuse me, I'm going to sit over there with my daughter," Lorelai said. She walked over and sat next to Rory. "Here." She passed Rory a glass.

Rory asked, "What is it?"

"Shirley Temple," Lorelai told her.

Rory asked, "What are you drinking?"

Lorelai took a drink and answered, "A Shirley Temple Black." She held out the glass to let Rory have a sniff.

"Wow," Rory replied.

Thea got up and went to find something to eat to curb her appetite until her party at Aiden's. She got to a bar where the food was at and sat on a stool.

The woman that was sitting next to her looked at her, "I heard that the Chilton students are in the library."

"I don't go to Chilton," Thea told her, taking a caprese skewer. "I'm here to celebrate my twin sister's birthday." She ate the caprese and set the toothpick aside.

The woman looked sympathetic, "Its rough not being the favorite, isn't it?"

Thea asked, "Is it that obvious?"

"I see myself in you," the woman said. "You sounded bitter when you mentioned it. I was the unfavorite myself."

Thea looked at her, "Really?"

"Yeah," the woman replied. "I'm Jocelyn. You see, my father took off, so I was stuck with my mom, but she dropped me off with my grandmother and never picked me up. So I was raised by her, but she had trouble with making ends meet. You see, she was a maid and struggled to raise me. She didn't get paid enough and then I got dumped on her when I was eight. However, she tried. She had a surprise heart attack, so I ended up getting dumped on my mother and step-father. I didn't even know she had other kids or got remarried. My mom, step-father, and half-siblings didn't like me. I slept in the living room, despite them having a big fancy house and I could've had a room to myself. I didn't go to the fancy private school that my half-siblings did. I went to the public school. I wasn't allowed to use the pool and I wasn't allowed to bring my friends home."

"I'm sorry," Thea said. And she thought her situation was rough?

"Yeah, so when I turned thirteen, I started doing odd jobs here and there. I did extra-curriculars so I can stay out of the house and return at night. I'd eat leftovers, but here's the thing," Jocelyn continued. "I got a scholarship and got into a university because of all my extra-curriculars and jobs while my half-siblings had trouble getting into colleges. So, while my step-father's business failed and they became dirt poor, the company I worked for did extremely well. I got well-paid and I got a modest house. They showed up, asking for help. And do you want to know what I did?"

Thea asked, "You helped them out?"

"Fuck no," Jocelyn said. "I didn't owe them shit. I told them as much and I closed the door in their faces. They treated me like shit so I don't owe them anything."

Thea wondered why Jocelyn was telling her this.

Jocelyn took a shot of something and turned to face her fully. "I'm just saying this; sometimes being the favorite comes at a price. Being treated like the sun shines out of your ass isn't all that good. Being treated the way I did, made me strive to excel and it worked. I'm not saying that everyone should treat a child like crap, but I'm just saying, you might succeed whereas your sister might fail because of that pedestal your mom put her on. And if that happens, you don't owe them anything. They treated you like dirt, so why should you repay them with kindness when they didn't show you the same?"

Thea nodded, "Okay."

"When I closed the door in their faces, man I felt good to get rid of them. I don't know where they're all at and I don't lose sleep over it. I got my three kids, my girlfriend, and my friends who became my family, and that's all I need," Jocelyn told her.

Thea nodded, "All right."

"Try it and keep that in mind," Jocelyn told her.

"I will," Thea told her. "Thanks for the advice." She ate a few more caprese skewers when Emily came over to them.

"Hello, Jocelyn," Emily said.

"Hi, Emily," Jocelyn greeted back with a forced smile.

Emily said, "Come on, Thea, there's a whole group of kids your age in the library."

Thea followed after Emily who took Rory into her arms and led them to the library.

When she got in the library, there were people in the library that Thea didn't know. All these people were here for Rory, not Thea. This party wasn't for Thea, it was for Rory. She knew that when Emily said she was hosting a birthday party, she knew that when Lorelai asked how they would like having two birthday parties this year, she knew that when she put on her dress, she knew that when she stepped in the house, she knew that when Emily said that Rory's friends from Chilton were there, and she knew that now.

She always knew who the favorite twin was.

It just didn't mean that it didn't hurt any less.

Thea had to blink back tears, because she didn't want to cry in front of these people.

"Who's that?" a boy asked.

"It's one of their parties," another boy said.

Rory said, "Paris?"

"My parents made me come," a blonde girl said.

Rory exclaimed, "Oh, god!"

"Otherwise I wouldn't be here," the blonde girl, presumably Paris, said. "You believe me, don't you?"

A girl asked, "Who are you? I don't think I ever saw you at Chilton."

"I'm Theodosia, Rory's twin sister," Thea told her. "I'm sorry you were forced to come here to Rory's party."

The girl seemed confused and asked, "Rory has a twin sister?"

Thea apologized to the party-goers for being forced to come to Rory's party, before leaving the library and going to the nearest bathroom.

She closed and locked the door, before bursting into tears. She sank down onto the floor. She hated herself for crying, she hated herself for being second best, she hated herself for never adding up, she hated herself for being mediocre, she hated herself for being worthless, and she hated herself for being born.

Thea called Georgia who agreed to come pick her up. Thea told Lorelai that she was leaving even though Thea was sure that Lorelai wouldn't even give a damn, but she thought it would be nice for her to know.

When she got in the car and they took off for Stars Hollow, Thea suddenly felt a hell of a lot better getting out of that house.

They went to Aiden's house, which was decorated for a party inside, with paper chains on the wall and a tablecloth on the table. There was a cake, Dutch apple pie tartlets that had to have come from the bakery, and the food that her friends had promised to make for her.

"Aiden and I went to the bakery and Fran made these Dutch apple pie tartlets for you because she knows you love them," Sage told Thea.

"Come on, let's party," Liberty said, she went to cut the cake and passed out the tartlets.

Thea may not have grandparents, parents, or a sister, but she had this. She had friends who became family, like what Jocelyn said.

"I really love you guys," Thea told them, almost tearfully, but at least this time it was from happy tears. "Thanks for doing this for me."

"You deserve a party," Liberty said, handing a plate to Thea.

Georgia went to play some music.

The party wound down with a movie marathon of Thea's choosing, before Liberty and Georgia took off. 

Liberty had gotten Thea some knee-high socks that had the days of the week on them, while Georgia had gotten her a book. Aiden and Sage had gotten her a black ring with blue engravings of crescent moons and stars around it. Sage had a matching one but his was bronze and blue, while Aiden a matching one with silver and bronze. It'll be like their couple rings.

"I like to think the dots are a sun, so it'll be a sun, star, and moon," Aiden admitted.

"That's cute," Thea admitted.

Thea and Sage stayed behind to help Aiden clean up the mess that they had left behind.

Well, Sage was supposed to be helping but he was sitting on the counter, while Thea washed dishes and Aiden put leftovers in the fridge.

"You can help instead of watching," Aiden told him.

"I'm not watching," Aiden said. "I'm supervising you two."

Thea splashed water on Sage, who seemed caught off guard by that and splashed her back with a soaked through sponge. Aiden took a wet washcloth and wrung it out on Thea.

Thea said, "Hey, come on my dress..."

"Well maybe you have to take it off," Sage challenged. He paused, "Only if you want to. Sorry that was creepy."

Thea shrugged and unzipped her dress to let it hit the ground, leaving her in only dark blue lingerie.

Long story short, the party ended up moving to Aiden's bedroom.

Rory's party was in full swing. Sookie had made Thea a strawberry cake with buttercream icing. However, Rory had a cake that had a picture of her face on it. Thea knew that it was because Lorelai didn't have any recent pictures of Thea that Sookie can use.

Rory had gotten an iBook and Thea had gotten a very ugly sweater that wasn't even Christmas themed. She wouldn't even wear that thing if she was dead. Thea was sure that the sweater had been made from someone's grandmother's couch and she decided that she'll throw it in the trash when no one was looking. Of course Emily and Richard showed up as well.

She had to tell herself that in two years, she'll be out of there and not look back.

Georgia asked, "What are you thinking about?"

"In two years, I'll be done with this shit and out of here, without looking back," Thea said.

"That's my girl," Georgia said.

"Hey," Aiden said, using a mock offended tone.

"You can share," Georgia teased.

"He already does," Liberty said.

Thea almost groaned, but she smiled, "Hey. My heart is big enough for all of you. No need to fight over me."

Aiden joked, "Can I be Greg who just beats the shit out of Cindy for no reason?"

"I'll be Cindy," Liberty said with a smirk.

Aiden pretended to strangle her, "If you tell anyone, I'll kill you myself." Thea started patting him on the back.

"Ooh, I'll be Brenda," Georgia stated.

Thea asked, "Does that make me Buffy?"

"Your last name is Gilmore," Liberty pointed out.

Thea guessed she had a point there.

Lane came up to them, "I saw Tyler this morning since he lives a few houses down."

Thea was confused, "Tyler?"

"The kid who threw the scissors at Brittany," Lane explained. "Apparently he didn't go to jail. Brittany was harassing him about his friend cheating on her best friend, but that didn't happen. It could've been considered self-defense since she was hitting him first. Just an inch and a half lower, he could've taken out her eye though. It wasn't deep, but she got a few stitches."

"Lane, you've got to meet my grandfather," Rory said, coming up to Lane, and taking off with her.

"Damn," Georgia said. "He didn't even spend a night in jail."

"She did start it though," Thea told her. "And she went at him when he took off to get away from her."

Sage came up to them, looking a little pale.

Liberty asked, "Who would he be from Scary Movie?"

"I have to tell you something," Sage said. He took Thea aside, "I told my mom about us. I mean everything, including the threesome. I told her about how Aiden and I are dating you."

"Which means that she's going to end up telling my mom about it," Thea finished and sighed. "It was bound to get out. I'm not mad about it. My mom's probably not going to give a damn." Sage nodded. "How did your mom take it?"

"She wished I told her sooner, but she understands," Sage said. "She said as long as we're careful, she's fine with it."

Thea nodded, "Good, good." She wondered if her mother really wouldn't care about it. Then again, she wasn't Rory...

"If Sookie knows, and your mother knows, word would spread about us," Sage started.

"Yeah," Thea replied. "We can be open about it, just not in front of Rory's grandparents." She knew that they wouldn't care, but they didn't deserve to know.

Sage asked, "Since when did they become Rory's grandparents?"

"Since I decided that they're not family," Thea replied. "You, Aiden, Georgia, Libby, Fran, Marjorie, and Luke are my family since you care about me."

Sage smiled at that.

After Lorelai and Rory had their food fight that Thea wasn't invited in, she threw out the sweater burying it under garbage, and went to get something to drink from the fridge. She took a can of soda out and closed the fridge door. She turned around and jumped when she spotted Lorelai standing behind her. Lorelai must've been in Rory's room watching her play on Rory's new iBook.

Thea asked, "God, why are you lurking on me like Norman Bates lurking on Marion Crane?"

"Hey, let's talk," Lorelai said. "We haven't talked in a while."

Thea got angry because this is what Lorelai chose to care about all of a sudden? "What do you want to talk about?"

Lorelai asked, "Why didn't you tell me about you, Sage, and that other guy?"

"'That other guy' has a name and it's Aiden," Thea replied. "Why can't you remember my friend's names?"

"I know your friends' names," Lorelai replied. "There's Sage, Liberty, Aiden, and that other girl—"

"Her name is Georgia," Thea snapped. "You don't even know my best friend's name. This is why I don't tell you shit. You don't care enough to talk to me."

"I am talking to you right now," Lorelai said.

Thea asked, "What's my favorite color?" Lorelai seemed caught off-guard by that. "What career do I want? Where do I want to go to university? What's my favorite number? What's my favorite book genre? I'll give you a hint: It's not romance."

Lorelai struggled to think of the answer for those questions Thea gave her.

"You don't even have pictures of me aside from two when Rory and I were babies," Thea continued. "The only thing that you know about me is that I do archery. You can't remember my friends' names and you know shit about me. You have your head so far up Rory's ass that you're practically the same person. That's the reason why I never came to you for anything!"

She turned and stormed out of the house and went to Georgia's house.

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