𝟎𝟒: 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐁𝐨𝐲 𝐢𝐧 𝐓𝐨𝐰𝐧
A/N: I had this idea for Chapter 4 where it was just Thea and her friends enjoying summer, but I honestly couldn't write the chapter out, so I'm just skipping that chapter entirely. So, here's this chapter.
The summer seemed to have passed in a blur. Thea had gone to see as few plays with Francine, Francine and Straub had met Sage and Aiden (they didn't understand how Thea could date two boys at the same time, but they liked both boys), Thea had celebrated her one year anniversary with Sage and Aiden by going to the lake where she got together with them.
Thea had marveled at how her relationship had lasted longer than her mother's and sister's. While Lorelai ran away from her own fiancé and Rory and Dean broke up because Dean rushed into the 'I love you' portion after three months of dating, Thea had managed to keep her relationship in tact.
So, when Thea woke up on the first day of school, she knew why roosters scream to start their day.
She got out of bed, made it, took a shower, and got dressed.
She grabbed her bag, one that she saw in the store and got for the first day of school and was on her way to school to meet up with her friends at Luke's, like always.
Lorelai and Rory were already in the diner, eating, lost in their own little world that consisted of only them two.
Thea went to the counter where her friends, Todd, Liberty, and Georgia were at.
"I hope this year the school will be normal," Todd said. "No more weird shit."
"Don't jinx it," Liberty told him.
"Yeah, don't," Thea told him.
"If everything goes to shit, we'll blame Todd," Georgia said.
"Agreed," Thea said.
"What are we agreeing on?" asked Aiden, coming into the diner. He kissed the back of Thea's head before going to sit down.
"If we say it, we'll end up jinxing it," Georgia told him.
Lane came in and went straight on over to Rory, because Lane wanted some new CDs.
"I'm so ready for the end of the school year, already," Aiden said.
Liberty nodded, "Me too."
The door opened and Taylor came in leading some Boy Scouts.
Thea felt like part of her innocence had shriveled up and died upon seeing Taylor wearing that uniform. She looked at Georgia who looked like the sight of Taylor in the uniform was going to haunt her nightmare too.
"Everybody, listen up," Taylor told the Boy Scots. "Decide what you want, place your order, and then proceed to the end of the line."
"I want a burger," one boy said.
"I want grilled cheese," another boy said.
"Me too," a third one said.
"And I want fries," the second boy said. "And make them really really crispy."
"I want mine crispy too," the hamburger boy said.
"You didn't order fries," the second boy pointed out.
Hamburger boy said, "So?"
"So you can't order crispy fries without first ordering fries," Luke said.
The first boy asked, "Why not?"
Liberty asked, "Because how can we make something crispy if it doesn't exist?"
"Why not?" asked the boy.
"Get him away from me and Libby, Taylor," Luke told the man.
"Have some respect, you two," Taylor said. "These boys have just completed the first leg of their outdoor survival training."
"Meaning you had them sit under a tree and glue rocks together for two hours," Luke pointed out.
"Yeah, that doesn't sound like survival training," Liberty said. "I'm expecting something like hunting down a pig and gutting it to eat as survival."
"That's a horror movie," Aiden said.
"I was thinking Lord of the Flies," Thea said.
"You and Liberty are very jaded people," Taylor said. "What happened to you two as children?"
"Some creepy guy in shorts and knee socks tried to sit me under a tree and glue rocks together for two hours," Luke said.
"My mom died and someone who was like my mother split town," Liberty told Taylor. "Hey, put that lid down."
A fourth boy asked, "Why?"
"Because I spat on the lid," Liberty said.
"And you'll be going under the lid," Luke added.
"I won't fit," the fourth boy said.
"I'll make you fit," Liberty warned.
"Hey, doughnuts please," Lorelai called.
"We were here first," the boy who wanted the hamburger said.
Lorelai asked, "On the planet?"
"Huh?" asked the hamburger boy.
"You lose," Lorelai said. To Liberty and Luke, she said, "Chocolate, cinnamon, and sprinkles."
The phone rang and Luke went to answer it.
Liberty said, "So, hamburger, two grilled cheeses, and one really crispy fries?" She was writing it down.
"I want really crispy fries," the hamburger said.
"Yeah, I'm working," Luke said. "What do you think I'm doing? Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Oh, man, what did you do? Excuse me? Are you serious? Just like that, huh?"
Lorelai went behind the counter while Liberty glared.
"Hey, Mr. Doose," a boy said. "She's not supposed to do that."
That's because she thinks she's entitled, Thea thought.
Liberty snapped at Lorelai, "You will wait for me to finish."
"This is unbelievable!" Luke said while still on the phone, "You won't ever change, will you?"
Thea looked at Liberty who finished taking the Boy Scouts' orders.
"Okay, fine," Luke continued, "Do what you want, make the arrangements. Now I'm working, we'll finish this later."
Thea asked, "That was Liz, wasn't it?"
Liberty had made off-hand comments about her cousin, Jess, and how she sometimes visited him during school breaks every now and then. Liberty didn't like the guys that her aunt dated.
Lorelai asked, "Everything okay?"
Luke asked, "Do you have a sister?"
"Um, no," Lorelai said.
"I do," the hamburger boy and Todd said.
"You, you, and you have my sympathies," Luke said to Thea, Todd, and the boy.
"Thanks," the boy said. "I appreciate that."
"My older sister is pretty chill, actually," Todd replied.
School seemed to go normally, but maybe that was the abnormal thing about it. The teachers went over the class syllabus, going over what they'll cover throughout the school year. It went like that for the rest of the day.
At lunch, there was a club fair, with tables out where they can pick what club to do. Thea of course went for the archery club.
"I think I want to join the cheerleading squad," Lane told Thea.
"Go right ahead," Thea told her.
"But Rory will be mad," Lane added.
"She would, but she'll get over it," Thea told her. "If she was truly your friend, she'll accept it. Try out for it."
Lane nodded and giggled, "Yeah, it's like I won't make the squad anyway."
"You never know until you try," Thea said. "And if you do make the squad, you know we'll be there cheering you on."
"Thanks, Thea," Lane said, "For being a very good friend."
"It's fine," Thea said. "I'm glad to be here for you. Just think of me as a second Rory."
"You're not a second Rory," Lane said. "You're Thea, and I prefer that over you being a second Rory."
Lane went over to sign up for cheerleading.
Day two of school went like normal, which Thea found abnormal because nothing happened.
During lunch, Liberty said, "Jess moved in with us. I guess Aunt Liz got tired of taking care of him because he was going down a 'bad road'."
"That sucks," Sage said.
"And Lorelai wanted us to come over for dinner to show him that there's no abnormal townspeople," Liberty added.
"Which means that she'll have my mom make the food," Sage said. "And Jackson would probably tag along with her. And he'll think that they're weird." He shrugged, "All right."
"We should probably join that," Aiden said. "Then he can meet the two freaks who share a girl."
Thea snickered, "Should invite Todd and Georgia too. Really make it a party."
"Yes," Liberty replied with a grin.
When evening arrived, Thea put on some nice clothes.
She wanted to make a good impression, but not show that she was interested in a guy she didn't know.
Sookie and Jackson had come over to prepare for this dinner. Sage had gone upstairs to Thea's room and sat on the edge of Thea's bed.
Thea went to sit across from him and asked "Does it bother you how my mom usually has your mom make food for us?"
"I mean, she's always happy to make food for you guys," Sage told her and put one hand on Thea's knee. "Don't worry too much about it."
"It kind of doesn't seem right to me, though," Thea said.
Sage moved his hand up a little higher on Thea's leg, "Don't worry about it. She likes making food for you." He kissed her.
"Hey, you two, stop sucking face and get downstairs," Lorelai told them.
Thea had to pull away from Sage, who looked irritated, "Okay."
They went downstairs and Sage sat down on the couch. He pulled at Thea to get her to sit on his lap. He kissed her, again.
"Hey, come on you two," Lorelai told them.
There was a knock on the door, so Thea went over to answer it. It was just Aiden, who happily kissed Thea in greeting and went inside.
After some time, there was another knock on the door.
"Coming!" yelled Lorelai. She went over to open the door.
"Hey, perfect timing," Lorelai said. "Sookie's about to break her own record for the most food served outside the Roman Empire."
"Hilarious," Liberty deadpanned.
"It sounds great," Luke replied, nudging Liberty.
"Sure does," Jess replied, not sounding happy in the slightest.
"So, come on in," Lorelei said, waving them in.
They walked inside and Liberty led Jess to the living room.
"This is Jess," Liberty said. "Where's Georgia and Todd?"
"Todd said that his sister needed help with something and Georgia went to help but they're on their way over right now," Aiden said.
"That's Sage and Aiden, Thea's boyfriends," Liberty said pointing at the boys.
Jess seemed confused, "Boyfriends?"
"We're dating Thea," Aiden explained, motioning to him and Sage. Sage nodded.
Jess seemed confused and looked at Thea, "More power to you." He picked up a picture frame. "Who is this girl in the picture?"
"That's my twin, Rory," Thea said.
Jess put the picture down, "How come there's only one photo of you with your sister?"
Lorelai came into the living room, "Hey, Jess, wanna come on in the kitchen?"
They made their way into the kitchen.
"Sookie, Jackson, I want you to meet Luke's nephew and Liberty's cousin," Lorelai said. "This is Jess."
"Do you eat cheese?" asked Sookie.
"Jesus Christ, Mom," Sage said.
"Sookie is Sage's mother," Aiden told Jess.
Jackson tried a lemon slice and said, "Oh my god, this is the greatest lemon I have ever grown. I mean, this is a great lemon. Sookie, Sage, you gotta try this lemon." He tossed a lemon slice to Sage while he had Sookie try a lemon. "Isn't it a great lemon?"
"That's my mom's boyfriend," Sage explained to Jess. "He grows his own fruit. Sometimes he even tries to play mad scientist and mutates them."
Jess looked like he would rather be anywhere than here with a bunch of freaks. Little did he know, two more were coming over.
"Rory, they're here," Lorelai said in Rory's bedroom.
"Coming," Rory said. Jess and Luke looked in the room. "Hey."
"Hey," Jess replied, walking in Rory's room.
Thea rolled her eyes. The guy's been here for five minutes and he suddenly had a crush on Rory.
There was a knock on the door and Thea turned and ran to let Todd and Georgia in.
"Hey," Todd greeted, walking in the living room.
"He's in Rory's room right now," Thea said. "He developed a crush on her after one word."
"That's a shock," Georgia said as Thea led them to Rory's room.
Jess looked at them, getting a strange look on his face, probably thinking, 'Oh, great, more freaks.'
Georgia took one look at Jess and clearly wasn't impressed.
"This is Georgia and Todd," Thea said.
"Oh, so that's Todd," Jess replied. "Belle told me a lot about him."
Rory asked, "Whose Belle?"
"Liberty," Jess said.
"Every since he found out what the Liberty Bell is, that's all he ever calls me," Liberty said.
"I called her Statue once," Jess said. He looked like he was remembering something. "Never again."
"And I'll do it again," Liberty warned.
"Okay, we really need to get Jackson away from the lemons now, so we're moving the feast in the living room," Lorelai said from the doorway, holding some bowls.
"Be right there," Rory said.
Jess went to the window and pushed the curtains aside, "So, do these open?"
"You need to unlatch them first," Thea replied, "And then push them open."
"Great," Jess replied, unlatching the window to open it, "Shall we?"
Rory asked, "Shall we what?"
"Bail," replied Jess.
"No," Rory replied.
"Why?" asked Jess.
"There is nothing to do during Tuesday nights," Georgia replied. "Haven't you noticed that we're stuck in the asscrack of nowhere?"
"So, we can walk around or sit on a bench and stare at our shoes," Jess replied.
"Sookie made a whole bunch of food," Georgia said, looking like she had enough with this guy. "Can you stick your Me Vs the World mentality aside for one whole hour and eat the goddamn food that she happily made for you? That'll be great, thanks." She turned and left.
For a moment there, Jess looked like Georgia hauled off and slapped him.
It kind of looked like he actually enjoyed it.
Thea and Liberty looked at each other. They knew that Georgia had no patience or love for bad boys.
"Okay, fine," Jess replied and they walked in the kitchen.
Rory asked, "You want a soda?"
"Oh, I'll get it," Jess said.
"Okay," Rory replied and they, minus Jess, went into the living room.
Georgia looked at them, "Where did the wannabe go?"
"He went to get a soda," Rory said.
Sookie asked, "You know ham was originally made out of rice?"
"What?" asked Jackson.
Sookie hummed an agreement.
"Sookie," Lorelai warned.
Luke asked, "Hey, Rory, where's Jess?"
"He's getting a soda," Rory said.
Thea had a funny feeling that Jess was not getting a soda. She turned and went into the kitchen. Jess wasn't there. She spotted him through the back door. She went outside and took the bottle of beer from him; noticing that it wasn't opened.
"I don't call this a soda," Thea said.
Jess rolled his eyes, "What are you going to do? Lecture me?"
"Nah," Thea replied. "Not my place." Things were oddly silent. "I once got stabbed in the back with sewing needles at school, you know."
Jess looked at her, "What?"
"Yeah," Thea said. "My mom didn't do anything about it. She claimed that she set up a meeting with the principal, but didn't go to it."
"And here I thought she was the cool and fun mom," Jess said sarcastically.
"Only to Rory," Thea replied. "I'm the grave mistake she made. Whereas she expected one child, she got a second child for free."
Jess asked, "What about your dad?"
"Virtually non-existent in my life," Thea said. "He visited a few months ago. Said one sentence to me and then I got fuck-all."
"That's what I got too," Jess replied.
"Yeah, just because your parents don't love you, doesn't mean you can't create your own," Thea said. "I created my own family. You're always welcome with me and my family. And if you don't want us, it's fine too."
"Not that that sounds appealing..." Jess started.
"The only thing that Sage knows about his is what his signature looks like on a child support check," Thea started. "Aiden's dad was in jail for eight years after murdering his wife. Aiden's mom wasn't a prize either, but you should talk to him about it. Georgia's parents are divorced, her mom has custody over Georgia, and she visits her dad during school holidays. Todd's parents are fine, but apparently his mom was in jail during her twenties for robbing banks."
Jess looked confused, "Robbing banks?"
"I know," Thea said. "My other friend, Craig, his parents had him when they were ten."
"Okay, now you're lying," Jess accused.
"I wish I was," Thea replied. "And Liberty's mom..."
"I never knew Tala," Jess replied. "I heard of Rachel, because Belle called me and ranted at me for over an hour about how she left again."
"So, let's just say that you're not the only one with parental issues," Thea told him. "I get that you're in a new town and don't know anyone besides Libby and Luke, but my friends and I are in there. You don't have to talk to us if you don't want to." She handed him the beer back, and went inside.
Lorelai went outside and Thea went into the living room.
Liberty said, "Where's Jess? I made him a plate."
"He's out back," Thea said.
"Oh," Liberty replied. "I should give him this food."
"I'll wait until my mom comes back in," Thea told her.
"You know, I'll give him the plate of food," Luke said, taking the plate from Liberty.
"Okay," Liberty said.
Luke went into the kitchen and it sounded like an argument erupted in there.
The teens that were in the living room just looked towards the kitchen, surprised. Sookie and Jackson just looked awkwardly at each other.
Luke said, "Oh, you have two kids, so you know everything, right?"
"I have two kids, so yeah, I know a little more than you do," Lorelai replied.
"You know, you ever think maybe you just got lucky with Rory, especially with Thea? I mean, you I wouldn't even say that raised Thea at all. God knows that Annette was the one that tried to take care of her," Luke said.
Liberty smirked at Thea, because her dad essentially burned Lorelai on her "parenting."
Thea had no problem going into Luke's, while Lorelai did and it was Danish Day, so Thea needed a front row seat to the Danishes.
"Hey, sorry about whatever my mom said that pissed you off," Thea said.
"It's not your fault, Teddy," Luke told her. "I blame the woman that tried to act condescending towards me because she had an extra kid. And one that she didn't even raise at that."
"I need four Danishes, two cherries and two raspberries," Thea said. Luke gave her a look. "It's Danish Day, Luke. I need the Danishes."
Luke got her some Danishes.
Todd came in and sat next to Thea, "I need five Danishes." Luke gave him a look. "It's Danish Day."
"I think your seat is somewhere down there," Luke said, pointing.
"It's a new school year, we can mix things up a little," Todd said.
The door opened and—
"Your seat is somewhere down there," Aiden said, giving Todd a strange look.
"New school year, new seating," Todd defended himself.
Aiden asked, "You couldn't have done that like three days ago?"
"Just sit down somewhere, Aiden," Todd told him.
Aiden went to sit down, "Three cherry Danishes, Luke."
Georgia walked in and sat down on Todd's lap.
"Hey!" exclaimed Todd.
"Shut up, put up, or move it," Georgia replied.
One of those were not like the others, Thea thought.
"Lap sitting is not allowed in here," Luke told Georgia and Todd, giving them an odd look.
"Yeah," Georgia said, getting up and pushing Todd off the stool. "His lap is not comfortable at all."
Todd went to sit down on a different stool.
Luke shook his head at their antics.
"I'll take one cherry and one raspberry Danish," Georgia told Luke. "It's Danish Day."
Sage walked in and stopped to look at the counter, "Either I'm high, which isn't possible, but something is really wrong here."
"Todd wanted new seats," Thea told him.
Sage seemed confused, "Okay?" He went to sit down.
Luke asked, "What Danishes do you want?"
Sage said, "I wanted eggs Benedict." Luke gave him a look, "With a cherry Danish on the side."
"There it is," Luke said, as went to give them the Danishes they ordered.
Rory came in, "Hey, Luke."
"Rory," Luke replied.
"Um, I'll have two coffees and two cherry Danishes to go, please," Rory said.
"Two coffees and two cherry Danishes," Luke repeated.
"Oh, and some napkins," Rory said.
Luke asked, "One of these is for her isn't it?"
Rory said, "Who?" Luke gave her a look, "Oh, no no no. They're all for me. I am super hungry today. I was debating ordering three, but I'll tell you how I feel after two."
"Tell you what, I'll give you one Danish and one cup of coffee, you can sit over there and eat, and when you're finished them...right over there where I can see you, then I'll bring you a second one."
Rory seemed confused and a little disgusted, "You're really just gonna stand there and watch me eat a Danish?"
"Cable's out," Luke said. "I'm starved for entertainment."
Rory said, "Okay, this is insane. So you guys had a fight, big deal. You know you're gonna make up anyway and what better day to make up than Danish Day, the happiest of all days. The day when we all say, 'hey, let's forgive and forget over a nice Danish and a cup of coffee.'"
"One Danish, one cup of coffee, take it or leave it," Luke said.
"I'll take it," Rory said, clearly rolling her eyes. "I still think you're being silly."
Luke handed her a bag and a cup of coffee, "Thank you for sharing. Come back soon."
After a few minutes of eating, the phone rang.
Thea and Georgia pointed at the sign, "Phone. Phone."
Luke rolled his eyes at them and answered the phone, "Luke's...what is it, Taylor? Slow down, you're babbling. Well, how do you know it was Jess?" There was a reply, "Okay, Taylor, I'll talk to him, but if he tells me he didn't do it and nobody saw him do it, then he is off the hook, understand?" He hung up.
"Maybe you should make Jess work here," Georgia said. "Make him learn responsibility."
It seemed like the school was buzzing over the new boy. Liberty was happy to show Jess around. He looked like he didn't even want to be there at school. During lunch, he especially looked like he didn't want to hang out with his younger cousin and her friends. He just took out a book and started reading it, clearly ignoring them, while he picked at his lunch.
Aiden asked, "So, what's going on after school?"
"I got archery practice and I have to go the bakery," Thea said.
"My mom wants me to go to the Inn," Sage said.
"I have to work at the diner," Liberty said.
Georgia looked at Jess, "What about you? What are you doing after school?"
Jess shrugged in reply.
Georgia rolled her eyes.
"Someone set the table on fire," Aiden said, staring at something behind Sage.
Thea turned around. The table was on fire and everyone was acting like it was normal.
A teacher ran over and sprayed the table with a fire extinguisher.
Jess seemed confused, "Does shit like that happen here?"
"Yes," everyone at the table said.
In the evening, Thea was leaving the bakery when Jess came up to her, "Hey."
Thea was confused. She could smell cigarette smoke on Jess. It was disgusting. She replied, "Hi?"
They started walking down the sidewalk.
Jess asked, "So, what brings you out here?"
"I work part-time at the bakery," Thea said. He would know that if he paid attention. "I worked here since I was thirteen."
Jess nodded, "Saving up to move out of this Podunk town?"
"That and to go to college," Thea replied.
Jess asked, "So, you, Sage, and Aiden? How did that happen?" He had spotted Thea kissing both boys after school let out before the three of them split up to go do homework or something.
"Uh, my mom wanted Rory and Sage to be childhood friends when were younger," Thea explained.
Jess said, "Childhood friends turned lovers?"
"I guess, but Sage wanted his own friends so he rejected Rory and me and made his own friends," Thea said.
Jess asked, "And how did he end up with you?"
"Uh, freshman year, he used to do drugs with this group of guys," Thea started. Jess made a face, "He doesn't do them anymore. He stopped when they were pretty nonchalant with crystal meth and tried to trick him into smoking it. So, he ditched them and started hanging out with me and my friends." She shrugged. "I started flirting with him and Aiden, and during the summer, before sophomore year, we got into a water fight with them and I kissed them. Pretty boring, right?"
"No," Jess replied.
Thea asked, "What brings you out here?"
Jess shook his head and spotted Rory and went after her.
Thea rolled her eyes, because yeah, no surprise.
"Hey," Jess greeted her.
"Hey yourself," Rory said.
Jess asked, "What are you doing out here?"
"I needed something for school," Rory explained. "What about you?"
"Oh, just having a conversation with Thea," Jess said.
Rory asked, "Oh is it interesting?"
"Riveting," Jess replied and Thea wasn't sure if he was being sarcastic or not. He was the one that wanted to know how she got together with Aiden and Sage.
"Uh-huh," Rory said. "So, that was quite a disappearing act you pulled the other night."
"Potlucks and Tupperware parties aren't really my thing," Jess said, taking a coin out of his pocket.
Rory asked, "Too cool for school, huh?"
"Yes, that is me," Jess said, messing with the coin.
Rory asked, "What are you doing?"
They stopped walking, "Oh this?" He did an illusion, "Just another little disappearing act."
Rory started, "Little tip?"
Jess asked, "Yeah?"
"If you ever want to speak to me again, don't pull that out of my ear," Rory said.
Jess asked, "So I assume the nose is off limits too?"
"Any place you wouldn't naturally find a coin, let's leave it that way," Rory said.
Jess nodded, "So what are you doing now?" They started walking again.
"I have some homework to finish," Rory said.
"Okay, then I'll leave you his little trick," Jess said, handing a book to Rory.
"You bought a copy? I told I'd lend you mine," Rory said.
"It is yours," Jess replied.
"You stole my book," Rory accused.
Jess said, "Nope, borrowed it."
"Okay, that's not called a trick, that's called a felony," Rory told him.
"I just wanted to put some notes in the margins for you," Jess said.
"What?" Rory took the book and looked through it, "You've read this before."
"About forty times," Jess said.
"I thought you said you didn't read much," Rory said.
"Well, what is much?" Jess said, "Goodnight Rory and Thea." He started walking away.
"Goodnight Dodger," Rory called after him.
Jess stopped and asked, "Dodger?"
"Figure it out," Rory told him, walking away.
"Oliver Twist," Jess called after her.
Rory smiled and nodded, looking in the book that Jess marked up.
Thea was honestly kind of curious to know what kind of drama was going to go down between them and Dean.
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