𝟎𝟐: 𝐓𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐇𝐚𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐬
When Thea got home from the bakery, Lorelai was wearing a paper veil, which probably wasn't the weirdest thing she had ever seen when she came home.
"I am trying to figure out veil lengths here," Lorelai told Rory.
"Oh, well, sure," Rory said, clearly not paying attention because she was reading the newspaper.
"See, I kind of like this shoulder length kind of semi-poofy thing like this," Lorelai started.
"Mm hmm," replied Rory.
"But there's also a longer one that might be interesting," Lorelai continued.
"Longer, sure," replied Rory.
"And then there's the full-on Diana," Lorelai finished.
"Right, right," replied Rory.
"Which is nice but it just might be a little – you're reading me," Lorelai said.
"Wait, don't move," Rory said.
Thea went upstairs.
"My mom told your grandmother about the engagement," Sage told Thea.
Aiden asked, "Why did she do that?"
"Because Lorelai's not going to do it," Sage said.
Thea can kind of understand why Lorelai didn't want to tell Emily; they didn't have a good relationship. And as far as she knew, Max never met Emily and Richard. She was still sure that Lorelai won't marry the guy. It was awful to think that, but there was a feeling that she would leave before or after the wedding.
"'Mom, tomorrow I'm going to build a house,'" Lorelai said, teasing Rory over the extracurricular activity that she had picked.
"Help build a house," Rory corrected.
Lorelai asked, "Did you tell them that there's a light bulb in your closet that burned out in '97 that you still haven't changed?"
"It's for charity," Rory said.
Lorelai asked, "Wow, don't those people have enough problems without having you as a contractor?" She got out of the jeep with Rory and Thea getting out as well.
"I'm sure there will be real construction workers there," Rory stated.
"Oh," Lorelai replied.
"I will be assisting, I will be helping out those less fortunate than myself, I will be getting college credit, and this is the end of this particular conversation," Rory stated as they walked to the door.
"I still can't believe that you didn't know that colleges want extra-curricular activities on applications," Thea said.
"It's a good thing," Lorelai spoke to Rory. "Nice, keeps your halo shiny." She realized something as Rory went to ring the doorbell. "Oh wait, wait." She took off her engagement ring.
"When are you going to tell them?" Rory asked.
"Soon," Lorelai replied.
Rory asked, "When's soon?"
"Probably after the wedding," Thea stated.
"When the big hand hits the S and the little hand hits the OON," Lorelai replied.
"You're getting married in three months," Rory told her.
"Ring the bell," Lorelai said.
"I think you should tell them now," Rory replied.
"Ring the bell," Lorelai repeated.
"The longer you wait, the harder it's going to be," Rory continued.
Lorelai said, "For the love of God—"
Thea rang the doorbell, "For god's sake. Will the both of you shut up?" She just wanted to get this night over with.
"You're in a really foul mood," Lorelai told Thea.
Emily answered the door, "We're going to have to eat quickly, your father has a very early flight tomorrow morning." She walked away.
"Oh, I'm good," Lorelai replied. "Yeah, and Rory's going to build a house tomorrow. I know, I thought it was a little weird too."
"Walk as you babble please," Emily called from the other room.
"Somebody must have scratched the silver," Lorelai whispered to the two teens as they walked to the dining room.
Emily was speaking to the maid, "Bring the bread out too. And pour the wine please." To her family, "Come on, hurry up."
"Yeah, 'cause we don't want our salad to get cold," Lorelai said.
Emily called out, "Richard, dinner!"
"Mom," Lorelai started.
"Eat, eat," Emily ordered them.
"Shouldn't we wait for Dad?" Lorelai asked as she took her seat at the table. Thea and Rory took some seats on the other side.
"Don't worry about him," Emily told her because she really was in a rush.
"He's the one with the early plane. We don't have to go anywhere tomorrow. We can stay all night. Have a party, do some Jell-O shots, play light as a feather, stiff as a board." Lorelai saw Emily eating food. "Okay, pass the bread."
Rory started, "Grandma, would you like some..."
"Yes please," Emily said.
Richard walked in, "You started."
"You have a six o'clock flight," Emily told him.
Richard asked "Six o'clock? Are you sure?"
Emily said, "What do you mean, am I sure? Of course I'm sure. I double-checked it three times with your secretary because I know she's an idiot and all three times she told me six o'clock. I wrote it down, I have your ticket right out on the...You're teasing me."
Richard replied, "Very possible."
Emily said, "I don't find that amusing, Richard."
Richard said, "Exactly the point of teasing, Emily." He looked at Lorelai, "Hello Lorelai."
LoreIai replied, "Hello Father."
Richard looked at Thea, "Thea."
Thea's mouth was full so she just grunted a reply and nodded at him in acknowledgement.
Richard said, "Rory."
Rory replied, "Grandpa."
Richard asked, "May I speak with you for a moment, please?"
Rory nodded, "Okay."
Lorelai looked at Thea, "Hmm, I wonder what that's all about. I guess we'll find out later, right?" To her mother, she asked, "Hey, whatever happened to Shusha?"
Thea was sure that Lorelai was referring to a maid. She looked at her salad and took a bite. "Does the dressing contain lemon?"
"Yes," Emily said curtly.
"Oh," Thea replied.
Rory and Richard walked by after a few minutes of them being gone.
Lorelai asked, "Hey, where you guys going?"
"We'll be right there," Richard told her.
Lorelai said, "Well, hurry, 'cause you're missing one hell of a conversation." She looked at Emily, "You know, Mom, I'm really loving this salad dressing."
Emily replied, "I'm glad."
Lorelai said, "Like Thea said, lemony."
Emily said, "Yes."
Lorelai continued, "There's nothing like a nice salad of lemony goodness." She paused, "Mom?" Emily hummed at her. "I have something to tell you."
Emily said, "Yes?"
Lorelai seemed to fumble, "Well it's like this. Um...could you put down your fork for a second?" Emily did, "Thank you. Okay, um, you know Max?"
Emily said, "No, I don't."
Lorelai continued, "Okay, I know you don't know him, but you know of him, right?"
Emily replied, "I've heard rumblings."
Lorelai continued, "Okay, well, um, the...Max and I have been serious for quite awhile now, and he asked me to marry him, and I said yes. I'm getting married." She showed Emily the engagement ring.
Emily looked at the ring, "Well, I think that's very nice." She looked at Lorelai's face, "I certainly hope we'll be in town for it, but if not, I promise we'll send a nice gift. Now excuse me, I'm going to check on the roast."
Lorelai looked shocked.
Thea looked at her, "It could've gone so much worse and resulted in you storming out of the house."
Thea was in the living room when she noticed Lorelai going upstairs.
"I know, but I made you something really cool," Lorelai said.
Rory called after her, "Can't it wait 'til tonight?"
"It won't be cool tonight," Lorelai said.
Rory asked, "What do you mean it won't be cool tonight? What loses its cool factor in twelve hours?"
"This," Lorelai said, holding up something that was pink and had what looked like pink fuzz balls on both ends.
Thea went to go look at it, "What on earth is that?" It had to be the ugliest and tackiest thing she had ever seen. She couldn't help but start to laugh at the thing.
"A hammer," Lorelai replied.
"It has feathers on it," Rory said.
"Yes," Lorelai said.
"Why?" asked Rory.
"So the rhinestones and bows won't feel lonely," Lorelai replied.
Rory asked, "What do you want me to do with it?"
"Build a really pretty house," Lorelai replied.
Rory asked, "How long is it going to take me to talk you out of giving that to me?"
"Forty minutes, an hour tops," Lorelai replied.
"Hand it over," Rory said.
"Call me when you get home, and please be careful," Lorelai said.
"I will," Rory replied.
"I mean it, Timmy, no falling down the well," Lorelai told her.
"Bye," Rory said.
"Bye," Thea said.
"Bye," Lorelai said.
Rory opened the front door, but Lane was standing there with several boxes.
Rory said, "Oh, geez, you scared me."
"Sorry," Lane replied. "Where you going?"
"I'm doing that Rebuilding Together thing today," Rory said.
"Right," Lane said. "I'll use Thea instead, if you really need to go fast."
Rory seemed to hesitate but took off.
Thea went over to Lane, "What's going on?"
Lane moved boxes inside as she spoke, "Okay. Here's my CDs, my 'zines, my posters, my books, three of Rory's sweaters, and one Diva Glam lipstick. I need to leave them here while I'm in Korea because my mother's bound to search my room and if she finds them, she'll throw them out. And then spend the rest of the summer praying for my soul." She closed the door behind her, so they were standing in the entrance hall.
"I'll make sure Rory treats them like her own," Thea joked.
"Okay, now," Lane started, "This—" She picked up a manila envelope. "This is the Lane Kim retrieval kit. It contains the phone number of my cousins in Korea, a map of the house I'll be staying at, a picture of me now, and a mock-up of me in six months." She handed over papers and pictures to Thea.
Thea looked at the mock-up picture in confusion, "How did you lose weight in six months? Did they not feed you?"
"Funny, our friends asked me the same thing," Lane replied. "Make sure that Rory sees this as well."
"I will," Thea said, sure that Lane may actually like South Korea. It wasn't like she was visiting North Korea.
Lane handed another paper over to Thea, "Now this is that name of that guy at the American Consulate and several important Korean phrases written out phonetically, you know, 'Help', 'Have you seen this girl', 'Comes from money', et cetera."
"Sounds like you still haven't received return information from your parents," Thea said.
"Yeah, they bought me a winter coat," Lane replied.
Thea asked, "So when are you supposed to go so I can tell Rory?"
Lane started, "Right after your mom's engagement part—"
Thea shushed her, "Don't say those two words around her."
Lane whispered, "Do you think she heard me?"
"No. If she did, she'll grill me like how she grills me over my menstrual cycles," Thea replied.
Lane made a face, "She wouldn't have pretended not to have heard so she wouldn't kill the surprise?"
"She wouldn't risk clasing with the decor," Thea replied.
"Right," Lane said. "Okay, I gotta go."
Thea asked, "Wait, you said you gave our friends retrieval kits as well?"
"Yeah, in case something happens to one, there's others, and if there's plenty of people inquiring about my safe return, I might come off as more important," Lane replied.
"Have a safe trip," Thea told her. "Try not to think of Final Destination on your journey."
"You're not funny," Lane replied.
"You're damn right I'm not," Thea said. "I'm hilarious."
Thea found Rory sitting at the kitchen table. Thea went to the fridge and looked for some leftover Chinese food.
"Okay, I'm officially way too tired to go out tonight, so I'm not trusting my accessorizing instincts," Lorelai said, coming into the kitchen. "Tell me what you think."
"I have no wilderness skills," Rory snapped at her..
Lorelai held up a small blue purse, "So, you hate the purse?"
"It doesn't match the outfit. I think a dark blue one would look good with it," Thea told her.
Rory asked, "How am I supposed to get into Harvard if I have no wilderness skills?"
"I don't know honey. Maybe you'll have to give up your dream of majoring in logging," Lorelai quipped.
Rory said, "I called the Fireflies. Do they need troop leaders? Yes. Good, I'll be a troop leader. Great. The only catch is, it's summer. Camping season. I need wilderness skills. Why did you never take us camping?"
"Camping? Are you kidding? I couldn't get you to step on wet grass until you were three," Lorelai said.
"If you had taken us camping, we'd have wilderness skills," Rory said.
"You don't need wilderness skills to go into Harvard," Thea pointed out. "You don't need a long list of extracurricular activities, because if you have fifty of them, it'll just make you look like you aren't committed to one thing. Maybe join the book club, or take on journalism, or even start a club. That'll help you get into Harvard more than wilderness skills or building a house, especially since you want to be a journalist. The thing that'll be more impressive is having a fundraiser for charity. What sounds more impressive? 'I raised fifty thousand dollars for cancer research' or 'oh, I learned how to tie five different knots'?"
Lorelai looked pointedly at Rory, "See? You're worrying over nothing."
"Think about it," Thea told Rory. She took a container of leftover food and went to watch TV.
The engagement party seemed to be going great at the engagement party, so Thea was manning the snack table with Majorie.
Fran had decided that it would do well for Thea to get some experience in watching a food stall.
Sage came over and took some cheesecake bites. He glowered at Kirk, "I think Kirk is really enjoying that bullhorn a little too much."
"I know," Thea said. She had heard Kirk saying something in the distance, "That's because he thinks it giving him power."
"I just want to shove that bullhorn up his ass," Sage stated, taking a fifth cheesecake bite.
"Only three treats per person. No hogging of the treats. If caught with more than three treats on a plate, you will be faced with possible expulsion from said party," Kirk said into the bullhorn.
Sage glared, because he knew that sounded like it was directed at him.
"I'll be right back," Sage told Thea.
Thea nodded and kissed him before he took off to possibly beat Kirk with the bullhorn 'til Kirk or the bullhorn bleeds. In actuality, he'll probably hide the bullhorn somewhere or throw it into a lake.
"Hey, Kirk! Let me see that bullhorn for a minute!" Sage yelled after him.
Kirk seemed to realize what Sage wanted to do with that bullhorn and took off running, with the teen following after him.
Thea smiled and laughed, shaking her head. She honestly loved that boy.
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