𝟐𝟎: 𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭
After school, Thea told Lane, "I think you should tell her."
Lane had gotten Dean as a science partner. And Lane was unsure if she should tell Rory or not, since Rory was still avoiding Dean at all costs.
"But if she found out that Dean and I were science partners, should get upset," Lane said.
"But if you don't tell her, she would get upset because you weren't honest with her," Thea told Lane. Although to be fair, she wasn't sure if Rory would do the same for Lane if the roles were reversed.
"I'll tell her when she gets off the bus," Lane said. "Are you okay?"
Thea was confused, "What do you mean?"
"You seem like you're in a funk," Lane said. "You're not...?"
"No," Thea said, knowing what Lane meant. "I'm not."
"Okay, just wondering," Lane said.
"I hadn't slept with Sage or Aiden in two weeks anyway," Thea said.
"Ooh, no wonder why they've been a bit crabby lately," Lane replied.
Lorelai woke Rory up, but Rory really seemed like she was in a funk, so Thea knew that she had to stay out of Rory's way, while Rory stayed out of Thea's way.
Thea stopped on her way to Luke's to look in her bag to see if she had everything.
"Thea," Rory said. She really looked like she was in a funk.
Thea asked, "What's up?" What did she want?
"When did you realize that you were in love with Aiden and Sage?"
Thea wasn't expecting that question. "I knew I got the feeling about a month before Sage said it to me. I just didn't say it to them until Sage said it." That sounded dumb. "I know it sounds dumb..."
"No, I get it," Rory said. "Did you know that Lane and Dean were going to be lab partners?"
"I told her to tell you straight away and she said that was going to you as soon as you got off the bus because you'll appreciate the honesty," Thea said quickly. "I assumed that she would, but I guess it slipped her mind.
Rory nodded, "I miss Dean."
"That's fine too," Thea said. "You're not wrong for not saying it back. Just remember that. You can feel however you want to feel."
Rory asked, "And if I want him back...?"
"I'd rather you didn't because he got mad at you for not saying it back when he shouldn't have," Thea said.
Rory asked, "How did you learn all of this?"
"I talk to Georgia's mom, Annette," Thea said. "You should talk to her. I think she's a better listener than Mom and she gives better advice."
"Maybe after school," Rory said, looking somewhat better than she had after getting up that morning.
The window to the second-story classroom opened and Thea turned to see what was going on. Thea was sure that the guy was a senior and he was patting his jeans off of the dust that he had collected. The teacher, Mrs. Traister was facing the whiteboard as she talked about something that happened in To Kill a Mockingbird.
The guy was looking at the class, made an 'oh shit' face and shimmied out the window, probably to go back to the correct classroom.
Georgia and Thea looked at each other.
Thea whispered, "Did that just happen?"
Georgia nodded, "Yeah."
After class ended, there was a commotion in the hallway. It looked like two boys were fighting about something and then a guy threw a jug of milk down the hallway.
It landed and exploded all over Thea and Georgia and a few others, but Thea and Georgia had gotten the worst of it.
Apparently downstairs five other fights had broken out too at the same time.
Rory seemed to be in an even foul mood when she got off the bus. At least she didn't have to deal with being called 'Milk Jug' all day like Thea and Georgia.
Sage, Aiden, and Todd death-glared any guy that approached them, while Liberty death-glared any girl who giggled at Thea and Georgia.
Rory demanded, "Did you know?"
Thea was confused, "About what?"
Rory said, "That Mom and Mr. Medina have gotten back together?"
"She barely talks to me when she's not freaking out over my period cycles," Thea said. "What makes you think she's going to talk to me about her relationships?"
"And I thought you might like some coffee, since you always do," Lane said, handing a coffee to Rory.
Rory took it, "Thanks."
"So this feels very awkward," Lane said.
"At least you didn't have to be called Milk Jug all day, like Georgia and I have," Thea said.
Rory asked, "Why would they call you that?"
"Some kid threw a gallon of milk down the hallway and it exploded, hitting her, Georgia, and a few others," Lane explained.
Rory seemed confused, "You know, I'm a big girl. I don't need you to protect me from things."
"I just didn't want to make you sadder than you already are," Lane said.
Rory asked, "How is you telling me that Dean is your study partner gonna make me sadder?"
"You've been in a funk for a few days, you can't even go into Doose's Market, and you have to take alternative routes to avoid seeing him," Thea pointed out.
"And I don't even want to bring up his name around you," Lane added.
"That's crazy," Rory said.
"You're the one avoiding him," Thea said. "Eventually you're going to have to face him."
Lane asked, "And have you seen your face when you mention Dean?"
"My face is fine," Rory said.
"Not really," Thea said.
"Yeah, your face is far from fine," Lane pointed out.
"Nice alliteration," Thea muttered.
"I'll get over it," Rory said.
"Well you're not over it yet," Lane said.
"Maybe I'd get over it a little quicker if everyone weren't so busy running around trying to protect me from all the bad scary things in the world," Rory said.
"Fine, I won't protect you anymore," Lane said.
"Great, glad to hear it," Rory said.
"Next time we're walking down the street and you're about to walk headlong into oncoming traffic, I'll just give you a little push," Lane said.
"Exactly what I'm talking about," Rory said.
"And in the spirit of not protecting you anymore, I was gonna tell you that I couldn't study tonight because I had bible class, but that's not true. I have to meet Dean again," Lane explained.
Rory said, "Great. Thanks for the honesty."
Lane continued explaining, "And I'll probably have to see him again this weekend because the project's due on Monday."
Rory replied, "Whatever. I don't care. I'll see you when I'll see you."
Lane said, "Fine."
"Fine," Rory replied.
"Bye," Lane said and walked away.
Rory handed Thea the undrank coffee, "Show me where Georgia lives."
Lorelai "Hey, where's Lane going?"
"Away," Rory said. "And so is Thea and I."
"Okay, you've been in this mood for a week now and while I love the unexpected ups and downs of motherhood, I've got to say I'm of Goofus and I'd like my Gallant back," Lorelai said.
"You can't just say a normal sentence right? Just 'Hey, let's talk' is too dull for you," Rory snapped.
Lorelai grabbed Rory's arm to stop her from walking.
"Hey, let's talk," Lorelai said.
"About what? Oh, wait I know," Rory said. "How about you and Mr. Medina?"
Lorelai seemed surprised, "What?"
"I've heard you've gotten back together again," Rory said.
"Did you talk to Max?" asked Lorelai.
"He's her teacher," Thea pointed out.
"Yeah, and he had me stay after class today to talk about my difficult breakup situation," Rory said.
"We are not dating," Lorelai said. "We had been talking and we just now decided to start dating."
Rory asked, "Why didn't you tell me you'd been talking?"
Lorelai replied, "Because it was too much like the whole Todd and Nevina Cutler thing."
Rory said, "The what?"
"I don't think Todd knows anyone by the name of Nevina Cutler," Thea said.
Lorelai explained, "When I was in junior high, I-I had a boyfriend, Todd something-or-other. Not a soul mate, but I was crazy about him and he dumped me. I was completely crushed and I could do nothing except lie around and cry and listen to Air Supply – very low point in my life. Two days after the breakup my best friend Nevina Cutler got back together with her boyfriend, Randy something-or-other, who had dumped her days before Todd dumped me. And she was so happy and gloaty and couldn't stop talking about how great it was that she had her boyfriend back that it made me feel horrible."
Rory said, "The end. Let's go."
Lorelai explained, "Look, I didn't want to be Nevina Cutler, okay? You were so miserable about Dean. What was I supposed to do? Walk in and say, 'Sorry about you and Dean but I got Max back and aren't we happy.' Would that have been good?"
Rory said, "That would've been great."
Lorelai said, "I was going to tell you, okay? I just wanted to give you some space and a chance to come up for air. I was trying to protect you, that's all." Rory started walking down the sidewalk and Lorelai followed, "Hey."
Rory said, "You know, actually, it doesn't matter whether you tell me about Max or not because you're just gonna break up again anyway."
Lorelai seemed offended, "Excuse me?"
Rory replied, "Well that's what you do best." She continued walking.
Lorelai said, "Hey, stop right there."
Rory said, "You'll break up, cry, get back together, break up. It doesn't really matter. I'd rather not have to keep track, so tell me when you're down to the final inning."
Lorelai said, "You know what, that is way too snotty a thing even for alternate universe Rory to say. I'd like an apology."
Rory said, "Fine. I apologize. Let's go home."
Lorelai said, "Yeah, let's go home and try that apology again."
Rory headed home but stopped when Lorelai stopped in front of Doose's Market. She asked, "What are you doing?"
Lorelai replied, "We need light bulbs."
"We're fine," Rory said.
"We're in the dark," Lorelai said. "It'll take a minute. I assume you won't come in."
"Is it Wednesday?" asked Rory.
"I think he's working today," Thea told her.
"I'll meet you at home," Rory said, storming off to go home.
Lorelai went inside the market and Thea chose to go to Georgia's home instead.
Thea and her friends watched movies together, although Thea did take a shower first, a full shower instead of washing her hair in the locker room shower.
So, she kind of figured that Lorelai and Rory had made up already and were out, so she, Sage, and Aiden went to Thea's house together. Thea kissed Aiden, pushing him up against the wall, as Sage trailed behind, his hands trailing up her shirt as Aiden kissed Thea's neck, his arms around Thea's waist.
Lorelai cleared her throat, loudly, causing the three of them to freeze in their places.
Mr. Medina was looking a bit shocked, maybe because Thea was a whore.
"Uh, yeah, hi," Lorelai said. "Can you three...?" She spread her hands a little, saying that she wanted them to separate.
Sage seemed like he reluctantly stepped away from Thea, who had to take a few steps away from Aiden, who didn't look happy at that.
"Better," Lorelai said.
Aiden asked, "What's going on?"
"We can't find Rory," Lorelai said. "She's not at Lane's, Mrs. Kim doesn't know where Lane is either. She's not at the library."
Thea was annoyed. Lorelai never freaked out over Thea going missing, but then again, Sookie and Luke probably told Lorelai where she was at.
"She's probably in Hartford," Thea said.
Lorelai asked, "Why Hartford?"
"You two argued and running away to her grandparents, who she knows you don't have a great relationship with, is the nastiest thing she can think of that will hurt you," Thea explained. "You hurt her, so she wants to hurt you."
The phone rang and Lorelai went to answer the phone. "Rory?" There was a reply, "What?" Another reply, "She's there? Is she okay?" Another reply, "Okay, um, she's there with you. So, how did she get there?"
Thea made her way to the stairs, with Aiden and Sage following. She knew that they were going to do anything inappropriate, so she had to leave the door open.
"Hey, leave the door open," Lorelai called after her.
Thea fell asleep during class, because Lorelai woke her up to drive to Hartford, but she turned back halfway there, then turned back around to drive halfway to Hartford again, only to turn around to go back home, but stopped to drive back to Hartford, only for them to run out of gas halfway there.
They had to walk to the gas station in the dead of night, which was kind of freaky.
So due to falling asleep in class, she got lunch detention.
Lorelai decided to drag Thea down to Emily's and Richard's home, for reasons Thea didn't know. Lorelai rang the doorbell and Emily answered the door.
Lorelai demanded, "Where is she?"
"I thought you were going to call," Emily told her.
Lorelai repeated, "Where is she, Mom?"
"I haven't had any time to prepare her for this," Emily stated.
One more time, Lorelai repeated, "Mom, where is she?"
"Upstairs in her room," Emily said.
"Thank you," Lorelai replied.
They went up to Rory's room, with Emily following and saying. "She got home from school but she just went right upstairs. Now she didn't want a snack but I had Rosa make her one anyway. I haven't checked to see if she's eaten it. She had a decent breakfast this morning, but she did seem a little tired and when I went into her bathroom, the aspirin bottle was out so I assume she had a headache. Now I don't know if it was last night or..."
"Excuse me, Mr. Cosell," Lorelai said. "I appreciate the play by play but I just want to talk to my daughter now."
Emily asked, "Do you want me to go in there with you?"
Lorelai sarcastically said, "More than anything."
Emily said, "Well try and be nice."
Lorelai responded, "Thanks for the tip."
Rory was lying on the bed when they walked in.
Lorelai greeted, "Hey."
"Mom! Thea!" Rory said, getting up.
"Okay, so I thought when you said, 'I'll see you at home,' you meant our home. My mistake," Lorelai said.
Rory got up and walked over to hug Lorelai and, surprisingly, Thea. "I'm so sorry."
"It's okay," Lorelai said.
Rory started, "All those things..."
"I know," Lorelai replied.
Rory added, "And then the..."
"It's no big deal," Lorelai replied.
Rory started, again, "I'm just so..."
"I know, I know, I know," Lorelai told her. "So last time I saw you, you were headed home, you want to fill in the blanks?"
"I don't know," Rory explained. "I just snapped and I got sick of everything. I wanted to go anywhere." She went over to sit down on the bed and Thea crossed her arms.
Thea asked, "So you picked hell to go to?"
"It was the first place that came to mind," Rory defended herself.
Going to sit with Rory, Lorelai said, "I respect that. Listen, the need to run is a feeling I am very well acquainted with. But we have to be able to talk always. No matter how mad or upset we get with each other, our particular special thing only works if we agree to that, get it?"
"I get it," Rory replied.
"Good," Lorelai said. "Rory, tell me what happened with you and Dean."
"I don't want to talk about it," Rory replied.
Thea rolled her eyes, "Rory, you told me that he said 'I love you' to you and you froze and he got bitchy because you didn't say it back."
"And I was in the mood to do a little yelling," Lorelai admitted.
Thea was surprised, "You yelled at him?"
"You didn't," Rory said.
"Did," Lorelai replied.
"No," replied Rory.
"There he was, stacking cookies and I'm railing on him about what a great kid you are and how it sucked that he dumped you, and then he said that he told he loved you and I started feeling a little stupid," Lorelai explained.
"He did tell me," Rory replied.
Lorelai asked, "And you didn't say anything?"
"No," Rory replied.
"And that's okay," Thea said. "Besides, three months is a little early to say 'I love you'. I mean, I know Sage, Aiden, and I moved a bit fast, but we knew each other a little longer than you and Dean did."
"I just got scared and I sat there," Rory said. "And all I could think was that I wanted Dean to look at me like how Aiden and Sage look at Thea."
"I understand," Lorelai told Rory. "You shouldn't base your relationships off of Thea's. You know, I'm still learning this stuff too and since I'm still learning this stuff too and since I'm still learning, I think I haven't thought enough about what I'm supposed to be teaching you.
"And Thea," Rory added.
Thea decided that it was a Rory & Lorelai talk, which meant that she didn't have to put her two cents in. "I think I'll go to the room across the hall that's supposed to be mine." She went to the room and looked around. The Divine Comedy was sitting on the desk, so she picked it up, sat in the desk chair, and opened the book to read. She needed something to do while her sister and mother talked.
It had been a few minutes before Lorelai opened the door, "Let's go."
Thea took the book with her, because it was kind of interesting so far.
They went in the entrance and before they could leave, Rory said, "Wait. I want to thank them for letting me stay with them."
They were their grandparents and they doted on Rory like she was the one who put stars in the nighttime sky. Of course they would let her stay with no problem.
Lorelai sounded like she groaned, "Okay, fine. But make it quick."
Rory took off to go find their grandparents. She returned a few minutes later with Emily and Richard in tow. She told them, "Thank you guys so much."
"It was our pleasure," Emily said.
Lorelai asked, "What do I owe you for the cab?"
"Oh, don't worry about that," Richard told them.
"Thanks for sharing the paper," Rory stated.
"Anytime," Richard told her.
"And thank you, Mom," Lorelai told Emily.
"Of course," Emily stated, "She's our granddaughter."
"All right, we'll see you tomorrow night," Lorelai told them.
"Seven o'clock," Emily said.
Lorelai started, "Oh, really, is it seven, 'cause I wasn't sure if—"
"Goodbye, Lorelai," Emily interrupted.
"Bye," Lorelai said, and they left.
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