𝟏𝟗: 𝐃𝐮𝐝𝐞, 𝐋𝐞𝐭'𝐬 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐚 𝐁𝐚𝐧𝐝
Luke had saved Thea a table that was 'wheelchair accessible' for her to sit at, because he cared more about her than Lorelai. Rory still had Thea use a bell to get her attention so she can get whatever Thea needed.
Luke still had Jess and Liberty work at the diner but it was taking orders and Luke allowed Jess to rest at certain points, which Jess took for granted by 'resting' a lot to read. Luke would glare but allow it because Jess did have a broken leg after all.
Liberty only had a minimum amount of tasks because of her dislocated shoulder and really couldn't do much heavy lifting, since her arm needed to be in a sling for six weeks.
And for some reason, while Thea was napping, Rory put a Emily the Strange sticker on her right leg cast.
All Thea could think was, 'Girl, why?' when she saw that.
Rory did bring Thea The Cat Who Can Read Backwards and Wish You Were Here by Rita Mae Brown and Sneaky Pie Brown because they were two books that Thea had requested to read and Aiden had promised to call them in when he got a hold of them.
When Rory noticed that Sneaky Pie Brown was a cat, Rory started talking about how a man named Yuri Knoroz had always put his cat, Asaya, down as a co-author, when he deciphered the Mayan text in 1953. He always got pissed when people edited out Asaya's part and took a photo of himself and his cat, and got pissed when editors cropped out Asaya.
Rory had shown Thea a picture and yeah, the man looked more pissed off than his cat.
When the Friday Night Dinner rolled around, Rory had debated whether to go to the occasion or skip out so she could tell him in person what happened to the car he made her, but the Friday Night Dinner won out because she needed to help Thea since Lorelai would probably 'accidentally' drop Thea after getting her out of the car or something. So, Rory opted to write a letter and tape the envelope to his front door so he could read it once he got home.
So, Thea wore a shirt under her dress, moreso to hide a hickey Sage had left on her collarbone because she was sure that Emily would disapprove of such a thing.
Sure, Thea and Sage didn't exactly have sex, because it would've been awkward with the two casts, but they managed to do other things.
So, Rory helped Thea out of the car while Lorelai unfolded the wheelchair for Thea because Rory needed help with that.
Then Lorelai went to the door complaining about something or other, while Rory stood by making sure Thea was comfortable first or didn't accidentally roll down the driveway before they went to the front door together.
Lorelai rang the doorbell.
When Emily opened the door, she started, "Lorelai?"
"Yes, Mom?" asked Lorelai.
"Why is Thea in a wheelchair?" asked Emily, in a very calm voice.
Lorelai started, "Oh, you see, there was this incident with the—"
"A few friends and I were in a car accident," Thea interrupted. "A guy was speeding and t-boned us because he ran a red light and then a drunk guy collided with us head-on. No one died."
Emily looked over Thea, "Well, at least you and your friends are okay, right?"
Thea was surprised by the fact that Emily showed more concern over her than Lorelai did.
"Better a few casts than caskets, I say," Lorelai said.
Emily let them in, but made sure to make sure there was room for Thea to get through. She took Thea's coat and allowed her to move into the living room.
Emily, Rory, and Lorelai finally appeared, but Emily stopped to pour some champagne for herself and Lorelai, "I wonder if I should take a drink into Richard. I hate to disturb him while he's working."
Rory seemed happy, "Oh, he's working?"
Emily gave her a glass of soda.
"Yeah, he's working? Like work working?" asked Lorelai.
"That's right," Emily answered.
"What's he doing?" asked Rory.
"He's not the president and CEO of the Gilmore Group, an international insurance consulting firm," Emily explained, getting another glass of soda to pass over to Thea. She moved Thea's wheelchair to be a bit closer to the coffee table, so she didn't have to reach so far and accidentally fall out and hit her head on the edge of the coffee table.
"That's great," Rory said.
"His articles of incorporation arrived last week," Emily told her. "He's rented an office."
"Wow, that's great," Lorelai said. "So, um, what's the...like, how does...what's his job?"
"He's a consultant," Emily told her.
Thea thought about it, "So, he's consulting on international insurance now?"
"That's right," Emily replied.
Lorelai started, "Wait wait – when Dad goes to his new office, he sits down and he—"
"Consults with international clients on insurance matters," Emily explained.
"I don't know why we're not opening for Rickles," Lorelai told Rory.
"Damn it!" yelled Richard.
Emily called out, "Richard, are you all right?"
Richard walked into the living room, "No, I am not all right." He walked to get some champagne, "That was Margie just now on the phone."
"Oh, how is she?" asked Emily.
Lorelai asked, "Who is she?"
"You know very well who Margie is," Emily told her. "She's been your father's secretary since you were a child."
"Oh, Largie Margie," Lorelai said. "Very clever when you're six."
Richard turned around, "In answer to your Emily – why is Thea in a wheelchair?" He seemed concerned.
"Thea and her friends had been in a car accident," Emily told him.
"A guy ran through a red light and t-boned us and a drunk guy hit us head-on," Thea explained.
"Oh, as long as everyone is all right," replied Richard.
"No deaths," Rory told him. "Just three out of four had been put in casts."
"Better a cast than a casket," Lorelai repeated her bit from earlier.
"So how is Margie?" asked Emily.
"She's doing well, Emily," Richard explained as he went to a chair. He had stopped in his tracks to smooth down Thea's hair for some reason Thea didn't know. "So well, in fact, that she has decided not to join me in my new business."
"That's awful," Rory said.
Emily seemed shocked, "What?"
"She's staying with the old firm," Richard told Emily.
"But how could she? You were the only reason she even had a job at that firm," Emily told Richard.
"I went to great pains to remind her of just that," Richard said.
"Well, this is simply unacceptable," Emily said. "You and that rotund ingrate had an agreement."
Thea felt uncomfortable with the insult.
Lorelai asked, "There was an agreement? In writing?"
"Well, not in writing per se, but helped me procure my new office, she arranged to have all my things sent over, all that was left was for her to accept my formal offer, a very generous one, if I may say so," Richard explained as he moved around the couch to go sit down in the chair.
"And she just turned you down?" asked Emily.
"She had the gall to counteroffer," Richard explained. "She kept insisting that I match her current salary."
Yeah, Thea would turn down the offer too if she was offered less money than what she had been making; especially in a business that might not take off.
Lorelai said, "Oh, Dad, you weren't even offering to match the poor woman's salary?"
"Well, Lorelai, the Gilmore Group is a fledgling enterprise," Richard explained. "I can't afford to pay Margie her full salary right away."
Emily said, "But after twenty years, where is the woman's sense of loyalty?"
"Oh, gee, I don't know," Lorelai joked. "Maybe with the company that's keeping her from having to stand in line for government cheese."
"I'm afraid, at this point, I don't know how to proceed," Richard said.
"Well, of course you don't," Emily told him.
Rory suggested, "Why not just hire a new secretary?"
"Yeah," Lorelai agreed. "Hire another secretary."
"Oh no," Emily replied. "Your father's had other secretaries."
"Three in fact," Richard replied. "Each other worse than the previous one."
"Until Margie," Emily added.
"Margie was a gem," Richard said.
"Margie did everything for him," Emily added.
"Maybe I should reconsider," Richard said.
"But there must be other Margie's out there," Rory cut in. "You just might find one like her."
Lorelai nodded in agreement, "Yeah, they'll be dying to be in that kind of codependent relationship with you. Now she might not be named Margie, but if you pay her enough, you can probably call her whatever you want."
"I don't have time to find someone new," Richard said. "The office is a disaster. Everything is in boxes. I don't know where anything is or how anything works...the computers, the phones, even my office chair."
Rory said, "I can help you, if you want. I can finish off my homework tonight and first thing tomorrow morning, I can swing by and help you with your boxes, computer, the phone, even your office chair."
"I don't want to spoil your weekend by having you be stuck with me," Richard told her.
"I don't mind," Rory replied. She looked at Thea, "As long as Thea doesn't mind."
"I'll be fine," Thea said. "That's what Mother is for."
"I can help," Lorelai cut in. "Tomorrow afternoon after my business class, I can come to your office—"
"Don't be ridiculous, Lorelai," Emily cut in. "Rory offered to help and Thea is in a wheelchair and might need your help."
"Well, Rory can help in the morning and by the afternoon, I can take over her shift," Lorelai said.
"Well, it's fine with me," Richard replied.
Rory smiled, glad that she could spend her time with Richard. She looked at Thea, "Is it really fine with you? Can you manage—"
"I can manage," Thea cut in. "I'll be fine."
She always was.
Dean was being a creepy weirdo by lurking outside the home when they got back from Hartford.
While Rory was getting Thea out of the car, Dean came over, "Hey, I got your letter."
"Oh, hi," Rory replied, jumping a little, nearly dropping Thea. "You startled me."
"Here, let me—" Dean started and picked up Thea bridal style to carry her up the porch.
Thea would've preferred taking a porch step to the spine than be carried by Dean.
Rory had taken Thea's wheelchair to carry while Lorelai unlocked the door.
Rory asked Dean, "So, you got my letter?"
"Yeah, at first I thought it was going to be a break up letter," Dean said as he carried Thea over to the couch to set her down.
Phoenix the cat hissed at Dean.
"Oh, well, I would've told you in person," Rory tried. "I just figured that Thea needed my help more."
"I am sorry about your car," Thea said.
Dean said, "Well, at least it was an accident and everyone's fine, right?"
Lorelai started, "Better a cast—"
Thea groaned.
At Luke's, Sage and Aiden were with Thea at the table that Luke kept unoccupied for Thea so she could get around the diner easily. Jess sat down on a chair, setting his crutches on the table, nearly hitting Sage in the face with a crutch.
Jess started, "You know what Broken Leg Twin?"
"What?" asked Thea. The term was beginning to grow on her. She had to get used to it since Jess was most likely going to use it for four to six months, while their broken legs healed.
"People look at me more sympathetically," Jess replied. "They hold the doors open for me when I leave a store. They look at me less like a menace and more like 'look at the poor boy's broken leg. He survived a car accident'."
"That's good, I think," Aiden said.
"Yeah," Jess replied. "If all it took was for me to break my leg, I should've broken it a long time ago."
"They still hate you, they just pity you," Sage pointed out.
"Way to crush a guy's heart Sage," Jess said, moving his crutch to jab Sage with it.
Jess once used his crutch to poke and prod Liberty with it. Liberty got irritated and threw the crutch right across the schoolyard. Then she had to go and do the walk of shame to pick it up because Jess had a broken leg.
Lane ran in looking excited, "Come on, guys. I gotta show you something cool."
Jess had to get up, taking his crutches and Sage held the door open for Thea and Jess while Lane hurried down the sidewalk, stopping every now and then to look impatiently at them, which wasn't Jess's and Thea's fault really, but Lane showed them a shop that had a 'GRAND OPENING' on it.
"Here it is," Lane said excitedly.
Aiden asked, "A music shop?"
Even Jess looked excited, "What do you know? Stars Hollow can keep up with the times. Someone open the door and let me through. I have a crutch and I know how to use it." He jabbed Aiden in the leg. "See? Now I'm using it."
"Pushy," Lane said, opening the door to let Thea (Jess had motioned for Thea to go ahead) and Jess through.
Thea spotted some guitars and other things, like Kirk for example. He was talking to a lady that was behind the counter. It sounded like he had applied to the store.
Thea wheeled around the store while her friends split up to look around. Jess was looking at some magazines. She looked at some red drums.
A woman appeared at Thea's side, "Do you need some help?"
"Oh, no, I'm just looking around with my friends," Thea told her.
The woman looked at Lane and went over to her, "Can I help you?"
"Oh, no thank you," Lane replied. "I was just looking."
"We like the looking, it's the touching we're a little iffy on," the woman, Sophie, told her.
"Actually, I was just going to find my—" Lane almost bumped into a cello, "that probably would've been construed as touching, huh?"
"Yes," Sophie said her.
"Right," Lane said. She stepped up to Thea, "Oh my."
"That's a DW drum set with Zildjian cymbals," Sophie explained.
"It's beautiful," Lane said.
"I like the red," Thea added.
Sophie asked, "Do either of you play?" She looked at Thea, "I'm sorry. That sounded insensitive."
"It's fine," Thea said. "Just my right leg is broken and my left ankle. Maybe one day I'll be playing the drums just as amazing as Joey Jordinson."
"I wish," Lane told Sophie.
"Sit," Sophie told Lane.
Lane asked, "What?"
"Sit down, see how it feels," Sophie urged.
"Oh, I couldn't," Lane replied.
Thea joked, "Why? Is your leg and ankle broken?"
"No," Lane replied.
"Well, if they're not broken, then sit down," Thea said.
"Well, okay," Lane replied, sitting down on the stool. "This is a good stool."
"Yes, it is," Sophie replied. "Here," she handed Lane some drumsticks, "you can't sit down at a drum set without your sticks."
"Right," Lane said, pointing with a drumstick ,"'cause that would be stupid."
"And remember – no touching," Sophie reminded her.
"Right," Lane said, pretending to play the drums to only a beat she could hear.
"You look good," Sophie told her.
"Thanks," Lane replied.
"If only you knew how to play the drums," Thea said. "You and Todd could start a rock band together."
Lane smiled as she pretended to play, "Yeah. That would be something."
Thea went on letting Lane live in a fantasy world.
Sophie asked Thea, "So how did you break a leg and an ankle?"
"Car accident," Thea replied.
"Ah," replied Sophie, clearly disinterested.
No questions asked.
Thea liked Sophie.
However, at the launch party for Richard, a lot of people asked her what happened and why she was in a wheelchair.
Thea didn't like those people.
At least they were nice enough to move out of the way when she was trying to get through. And if she may have accidentally ran over a foot or two or five it wasn't her fault they didn't move out of the way fast enough.
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