𝟏𝟓: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐩𝐡𝐞𝐫
Thea and her friends had made their way over to Todd's house since he wanted to show them his music.
His older sister, Tara, was in the kitchen with some woman. It looked like they were drinking wine together and laughing.
"That's her...friend, Janie," Todd said. They went to his room while Thea thought it was weird that he paused between 'her' and 'friend'.
They gathered around while Todd put a CD in a stereo.
"This is Mayhem. They're a Norwegian black metal band," Todd explained. "The history behind them is...bad."
Lane took the CD case from Todd to look at it, "Bad?"
"The lead singer took his own and his band-mate did the most sane thing ever and went to take pictures of his dead body," Todd explained.
Sage looked at Aiden, "If you were to find my body when I died for whatever reason, don't take pictures of it."
"Well damn, there goes my plan of scrap booking it to treasure it forever," Aiden said sarcastically.
Lane gave him a weird look.
"Anyway the band-mate also took pieces of his dead friend's skull to turn into necklaces," Todd added. "And then a couple of years later, a different band-mate killed him, so there's that."
"Thank you," Sage said. "For the awful story."
Todd joked, "Was it almost as awful as Wizard's First Rule?"
"I am so close to punching you in the face, Todd," Sage said.
Thea came home to find Rory putting blankets on the couch and Lorelai hovering.
Lorelai asked, "Hey, where were you?"
"At Todd's," Thea said.
Lorelai asked, "Who's Todd?"
"Dean's former friend," Rory told her. "Lane wanted to go on a date with him but she didn't like him that much. Apparently they're friends now."
"We were listening to Norwegian black metal," Thea said. She looked at Rory who was laying blankets down. "What's that for?"
"For Dad," Rory said. "He looks good, don't you think?"
"I haven't seen him," Thea said.
"He looks better with short hair," Rory said. "I like it shorter."
"Short is nice," Lorelai agreed.
Thea didn't like the way Rory got whenever Christopher visited – in Hartford. He never came by Stars Hollow. Rory had this whole 'Lorelai and Christopher Get Married So Family = Whole' idea.
Thea was never that hopeful.
Rory asked, "Do you think he'll stay long?"
"Not a chance," Thea replied.
"Yeah, wouldn't bet a lot of money on it," Lorelai said.
"Maybe we can get him to stay for a couple of weeks," Rory said.
"And maybe Georgia could talk me into going free climbing again," Thea said. "By that – I mean: there's no chance in hell." That was Georgia's sixteenth birthday present from Annette: going to a rock climbing wall and free climbing. All because Georgia wanted to try it.
"And by weighing him down with blankets," Lorelai told Rory.
"I just want him to be comfortable," Rory told Lorelai.
"He's gonna come and go as he pleases, babe, you know that," Lorelai told Rory.
"Yeah, I know," Rory replied.
"And no amount of bedding is gonna change that," Lorelai said.
"Yeah, but he's never been to Stars Hollow before," Rory pointed out.
"I know," Lorelai said.
Rory said, "Well that means something's gotta be different right?"
Lorelai said, "Why don't you just enjoy the time you've got, okay?"
It was silent for a moment before Rory said, "Yeah, okay. I still think something is different though."
"That is the worst shower I have ever had," Christopher said. He had Thea's red towel around his shoulders and was drying off his hair with a portion of the towel.
Note to self: get new towels, Thea told herself.
"Water pressure keeps changing every two seconds," Christopher continued. "I'm fixing it tomorrow."
"Think of it as a bad massage," Thea told him.
"And you stay away from my shower," Lorelai told him.
"We ordered Chinese food," Rory said. "It should be here any minute."
"Good," Christopher said, going to look through his bag. "I'm starving."
"Here," Lorelai said, going over to hand him a mug of coffee.
Rory asked, "Hey, how's Diane?"
"Uh," Christopher started. "Diane is ancient history."
"When Thea and I met her at Easter, you said she could be the one," Rory said.
"The one to be gone by Memorial Day," Christopher replied.
"You're worse than Mom," Rory stated.
"Low blow," Lorelai said.
Christopher teased, "Can't keep a feller happy?"
"Oh, I keep them happy," Lorelai said. "I keep them very happy."
"Too much information," Thea stated.
"Yeah, don't get gross," Rory replied.
"Yeah, you're upsetting us," Christopher joked.
"I'm gonna go study before the food gets here," Rory said
"What?" Christopher said, 'Tomorrow's Saturday."
"I know," Rory replied. "I like to get my weekend homework done and out of the way by Saturday night so then I can do extra-credit stuff on Sunday." She left.
Thea went over, picked up River, and went upstairs, because nothing. Christopher didn't acknowledge her, which wasn't anything unusual.
Thea called her friends to talk about her dad showing up. So, when they showed up, Thea snuck out the window to see them.
So when she got on the ground, she made her way towards Liberty and Georgia. The door opened and Christopher stood there.
He asked, "Where are you going?"
Thea almost rolled her eyes, because why did he care? He was never a father to her.
"We're going for a midnight picnic," Liberty said kindly, although her eyes said differently. She may be holding a picnic basket, her eyes were definitely giving the middle finger.
Christopher reached over, "Let me see what's in there."
Liberty handed the basket over, "Don't worry, sir. I left my crystal meth at home."
Sage was probably not happy about that remark. He may be standing behind those trees, but he was most likely glaring at Liberty.
Georgia smirked, because there was clearly food in there.
Christopher opened it and looked in, digging through, before taking out a bottle of wine and handing the basket back to Liberty, who took it back, but she was scowling on her.
As if they were going to get drunk off of one bottle of wine that six people were going to split? Unless Todd was a lightweight, but still....
"At least use the front door when you're coming back in," Christopher told Thea. "I don't think your mom would appreciate you breaking your neck trying to sneak back in."
"Okay," Thea replied, not appreciating the 'fatherly kindness' he tried to show her, when he was never a father. Not to her or even Rory.
Christopher went inside the house, probably to drink the wine by himself, and Liberty decided to flip off Christopher while his back was turned, they took off towards the Dragonfly Inn, while Liberty ranted about how he stole their wine that Sookie clearly gave them.
Thea just didn't get why Christopher was trying to act like a dad when he wasn't.
Aiden couldn't make it to the game because there were new books that needed to be shelved, so he had to miss the game.
However, Sage, Todd, Georgia, and Thea were there for Luke, like they had promised, so Liberty wasn't going to stab them in the tit for not making it.
It looked like Luke was pitching but it was kind of hard to pay attention because Sage was playing with Thea's fingers.
"Looks like we got out number three coming to the plate, guys," Luke said to his team.
Rory and Christopher came over and sat on the bleachers. Christopher was in the middle.
"I'd send your boys a little farther into the field, Luke," Dean told the diner owner.
"Why?" asked Luke. "Will they have a better view of you whiffing?"
"You know, the only way I'm not hitting it is if you don't have the strength to get it over the plate," Dean retorted.
"The truth of the matter is that you can't pitch," Kirk said, pointing at Luke. He pointed at Dean, "And you can't hit. So this'll be a terrific match up."
Thea couldn't help but smile because it was true. Even Liberty was trying hard to scowl, but even she knew that it was true.
"Knock it off, Kirk," Luke said, looking like he was getting ready to pitch.
"A historic lack of action," Kirki continued to heckle.
Luke asked, "Don't you have anything better to do with your Saturdays?"
"What can I say?" Kirk said, "I'm addicted to comedy."
Okay, that got some giggles out of Thea and Sage actually chuckled a few times because Thea thought it was funny.
Liberty drove her knee into Thea's spine, just a little to get her to shut up.
"Half an hour, they've been playing and it's tied zero:zero," Kirk explained to Rory and Chris. He decided to heckle Luke and Dean some more, "Hey! If you ever take this show on the road, I got a name for you, Zero and Zero. Dean Zero and Luke Zero – get it?"
Georgia face-palmed at the stupidity of that.
"Doesn't even resemble clever," Luke told Kirk.
"I'm dumbing it down for you, Alfalfa," Kirk said.
"Get a life already, Kirk," Liberty said, sounding so close to punching him in the balls.
Since apparently Thea didn't exist to him even though she was sitting next to him, Christopher asked Rory, "How long do these games last?"
"'Til they get tired," Rory explained. "And then they say the first team to get a run wins."
That wasn't how softball worked, but it was Stars Hollow.
"Yeah, it's real professional down there," Kirki said sarcastically. He must've had a deathwish, because he said, "Hey, Luke? Does your husband play softball too?"
Todd snapped, "Can you shut up with the homophobia, already?"
"All right, that's it," Luke said, coming for the bleachers, tossing his baseball glove onto the ground.
"Um...I'm getting a page," Kirk said. "I've gotta go." He jumped down from the bleachers and ran off.
Dean went over to flirt with Rory.
Georgia asked, "So, what are we going to do after this?"
"I've gotta get to the bakery," Thea said. "There's this old recipe Fran found that she wanted to make."
"Yeah, I got homework to catch up on," Todd said.
"I got to get to the diner," Liberty added.
"I have nothing better to do," Sage said. "Probably help my mom out at the inn like always."
Georgia nodded, "I really need to get a part-time job."
"You said that a while ago," Sage pointed out.
"Dean, come on!" yelled Luke.
Liberty suggested, "So, maybe we can have lunch together at the diner?"
"Yeah," Thea agreed. "I'll pick up Aiden while at it."
Dean asked Luke, "Hey, uh, next run wins, all right?"
Luke sighed, "Yeah, all right."
After the game was over, they got up to leave but Thea kissed Sage bye and went to the bakery.
According to Rory, who walked in the bakery with Christopher, Rory was showing Christopher around town. Rory wanted snacks so they could eat while they walked. Thea got them cupcakes and then Fran allowed Thea to take off early to go on her lunch break.
Thea went to the bookstore and walked in. Andrew was behind the desk and Jackson seemed to have been having a conversation with Andrew.
"Oh, hey, Thea," Jackson greeted..
"Hi, Jackson," Thea replied, confused.
"I need your help," Jackson told her.
"I am not taste testing any mutant vegetables you grew," Thea told him.
"Not that, I was hoping to find a book that Sage and I could talk about," Jackson told her. "I figure that will be a start at getting to know my girlfriend's son better. He always gives me weird looks when I stop by so maybe it'll be a good way to get past awkwardness."
Note to self #2: Get to know why Sage is awkward around Jackson, Thea told herself. She showed Jackson a bookshelf and picked out a book that she knew Sage liked. It was nice that Jackson was willing to try to get to know Sage better.
Jackson asked, "Does he like sports?"
"I don't think so," Thea replied.
Jackson asked, "Music?"
"I'll write a list and give it to you when I find it," Thea told him.
"Thank you, Thea," Jackson told her, smiling at her gratefully.
"You're welcome," Thea replied and they went to the front with the book.
Aiden came over from wherever he was and kissed Thea right as Christopher and Rory walked in.
Christopher was surprised, because he was pretty sure that Thea cheated on her boyfriend, whatshisface.
Jackson looked at Christopher, "Hey, hey, Christopher! Jackson Belleville." He shook hands with Christopher.
"Hello," Christopher said.
Jackson kept shaking Christopher's hand, "Boy, I gotta tell you, did they get your description wrong." They finally stopped shaking hands.
Christopher asked, "Really?"
"Oh, yeah," Jackson replied. "Much more George Clooney than Brad Pitt." He looked at Andrew. "Hey, Andrew? Aiden?"
"Yup?" replied Andrew.
Aiden was confused, "What?"
Jackson asked, "Don't you two think he's much more George Clooney than Brad Pitt?"
"I don't see it," Aiden replied bluntly before he and Thea ended up leaving the bookstore, because they had somewhere to be.
Aiden decided to make a quick stop at his home, so Thea went on without him and went to the diner where Georgia and Todd were at since Liberty was behind the counter. Thea spotted Lorelai at her own table, looking at a menu.
Thea frowned, "Where's Sage?"
Liberty said, "Where's Aiden?"
Thea explained, "He had something to do at his home."
"Sage needed to help his mom with something," Todd said. "He got a page from her and had to leave."
Luke went over to talk to Lorelai.
"God, I can't wait for him to leave," Thea said, referring to Christopher. The fact that he never once acknowledged her or even talked to her said a lot.
Liberty brought them their drinks and stood around to talk to them. She asked, "Did they really have to remove the mirrors from the girls' restroom?"
Todd asked, "You had mirrors in the girls' restroom?"
"Yeah, and someone wrote 'just assume you look like shit' on the wall," Thea told him.
Liberty snickered, "Okay, that was me."
"You rude little goblin," Georgia told Liberty, who laughed.
"And we're now down to one restroom because someone caught the soap on fire," Todd said.
Thea was surprised, "You had soap in the boys' restrooms?"
"There was until someone caught it on fire," Sage told her.
Thea asked, "How do you set soap on fire?"
Sage shrugged, "Don't know." He took some fries from Georgia's plate.
Aiden finally came in and also kissed Thea before sitting in between Sage and Todd, since there was an empty space in between the two.
(Christopher was staring at them in confusion, because what the hell? Did whatshisface not care that his girlfriend kissed whatshisname in front of him?
"Oh, don't worry. Thea's dating the both of them," Rory told Christopher, after noticing his staring.)
Todd had to learn that there were specific places for them to sit at. He didn't quite understand the seating chart that they had while sitting at the counter.
Todd hadn't quite grasped the fact that they also eat the sides off each other's plates, but he was learning that he can reach over and steal a fry or chip, without asking permission.
A cell phone rang and they looked around, trying to find the source of the sound, finally landing on Christopher.
"No cell phones," Liberty told Christopher, pointing at the 'no cell phones' sign. "It's rude."
Even Lorelai pointed at the sign.
Christopher answered his cell phone anyway.
Liberty scoffed, "Was there a wall blocking his ears?"
"When it comes to cute girls whose father owns the diner? Then yes," Todd said.
That wasn't as smooth as Todd probably hoped it would be.
There was dinner at Emily and Richard's house. Apparently their other grandparents, Francine and Straub, were coming to meet them (Rory) because it's been almost fourteen years since Francine and Straub last saw them (Rory).
So, they stood on the doorstep while Thea messed with the strings on her bag and then the ruffle on her skirt.
Lorelai sighed, "I've gotta see my parents."
Christopher also sighed, "I've gotta see my parents."
Thea sighed and thought, I've gotta get out of here.
"Ladies and gentlemen, the drama king and queen of Connecticut," Rory stated.
Lorelai went forward and unlocked the front door using a key Emily gave her 'for emergencies'.
Lorelai called out, "Hello? Anybody home?"
"Oh, my god!" Emily said. "You're here. Christopher, look at you!"
Thea removed her coat, hung it up on the coat rack, and went into the living room, because she wouldn't be talked to. She wondered if she could escape to the dining room. She sat down on one of the couches, since she knew that Rory would be in the middle of the couches, between Lorelai and Christopher. Richard didn't even look up from a newspaper as passed her the comics section.
"Thank you," Thea told him as she looked at it.
"Well, here they are," Richard said, getting up as Rory went over to kiss him on the cheek.
"Hi, Grandpa," Rory said.
"Hello, Rory," Richard greeted. "Lorelai." He shook Christopher's hand, "Christopher, old boy, how are you? My gosh, it's good to see you!"
Christopher said, "How are you, Richard?"
Richard finally stopped shaking Christopher's hand, "Well, I'm better than most, not as good as some."
"And annoyed with all," Christopher finished.
"Aha! You speak the truth, young man!" Richard said, "I have made martini's." He got two glasses and passed them to Christopher. "So, Christopher, tell me about your business."
Christopher went to hand Emily one martini, who spoke, "Oh, Richard, let the poor boy relax."
"Well, I simply want to find out how it's going," Richard replied, handing another martini to Christopher.
"It's uh – it's going great, Richard," Christopher said. "I'm almost afraid to jinx it by telling you how good it's going."
That was not reassuring in the slightest. That sounded fake.
"Oh, that is wonderful," Richard said, going to sit down in the chair, while Emily sat next to Thea. "I always knew you had it in you. You have a splash of greatness as my mother would say. You've always had that splash of greatness."
Lorelai had finished one martini, "Mmm. I'd like another splash of greatness if you don't mind." She went to get another martini.
"Oh, Richard," Emily said. "Isn't Rory the spitting image of Christopher?"
"She looks more like Mom to me," Thea said, kind out of spite.
"I just hope you inherit your father's business sense, also my dear," Richard told Rory.
Thea would rather inherit Lorelai's business sense, since it seemed like she was the one that was successful in her business. Actually, Thea would rather learn Fran's sense of business since the bakery business had been in Fran's family for a hundred years.
"I know one thing for sure – you certainly have your father's musical talent," Emily said, referring to Rory.
"She doesn't have any musical talent," Thea said. "She played the tuba once and I thought veterinarians were going to show up to ask about a dying whale."
Rory chuckled, "Well, you played the clarinet for a few months in elementary school and gave it up because you decided that archery was more fun since you read Chronicles of Narnia and wanted to be Susan."
"And I have no clue where she got that bit of musical talent from since they don't have any," Lorelai said.
"Hey, I play guitar," Christopher said.
"You know the opening lick to Smoke on the Water," Lorelai pointed out.
"And I've since mastered the opening lick to Jumping Jack Flash," Christopher replied.
"My friend, Todd, plays guitar and he knows the entirety of Iron Man by Black Sabbath and Symphony of Destruction by Megadeth," Thea said.
"You know, I'm a...Chuck Berry man myself," Richard said.
Lorelai chuckled, nearly spitting her martini out of her mouth.
And it seemed like the conversation was done with Thea. She took a book out of her bag to read.
She got a few pages in when the doorbell rang.
"That would be Straub and Francine," Emily said, getting up to answer the door.
Lorelai whispered to Rory, "Ha, ha. Your turn."
"I haven't seen your parents in quite a number of years. We were practically inseparable for a while," Richard said, going to the Haydens.
"I remember that," Christopher said.
Rory fretted over what to call the Haydens and Lorelai tried to reassure her.
Richard said, "Look who's here." He led in Christopher's parents.
Lorelai, Rory, and Christopher got up.
"Hello, Mother, Pop," Christopher greeted.
"Christopher," Straub said.
"Christopher, hello," Francine said, adjusting Christopher's tie.
"Mr. and Mrs. Hayden, long time no see," Lorelai said.
Francine kept adjusting Christopher's tie, "Lorelai, you look well."
"I am, thanks," Lorelai replied. "You remember Rory. You haven't seen her in quite a while."
"No, we haven't," Straub said. He seemed confused, "We were aware there was another one."
Thea got up, "I'm right here." The two elder Haydens looked at her. "I'm Thea."
"I think they were just beginning to speak in complete sentences," Francince said.
"So, not for two years then," Lorelai stated. The two elder Haydens looked at her, "They've obviously been talking a long time so I was making a humorous comment sometimes referred to as a 'joke'."
"I see you haven't changed Lorelai," Straub said.
"No, not at all," Lorelai said.
"Rory, Thea, hello," Francine said.
"Hi," Rory said, and proceeded to curtsy.
"Hello, Grandmother Francine," Thea said, trying to get the attention off of Rory's awkward curtsy.
Lorelai and Rory had a mini whisper banter.
"Please," Straub said.
Richard and Straub discussed retirement stuff for a moment, before Richard said, "We're very pleased about Christopher's business success out in California."
Straub said, "Yes, it's taken a while but it seems to be finally coming together. Seems to be."
"Christopher, your tie, please," Francine said.
"So, Straub and Fran—" Rory cleared her throat, "Mr. and Mrs. um..."
"Rory wants to know if you two are enjoying your time here," Thea said to Straub and Francine.
Christopher whispered something to Lorelai.
Straub asked, "How old are you two, young ladies?"
"Sixteen," Rory and Thea said in unison.
"Dangerous age for girls," Straub said.
"Yes, yes, it is," Thea said. "A few weeks ago, at a concert, a college man kissed me on my cheek without my permission. Earlier that day, my boyfriend, Sage, went to give another male teacher a note and he was curious enough to open it and the note said, 'check out the ass on this guy'. Apparently that teacher did check out his butt. The thing is, the math teacher sent out girls to deliver notes to this teacher and if that's what his note said, we're sure that the girls' notes said much worse. Just before that, I got stabbed in the back with sewing needles by five of my classmates, and just before that, our gym teacher barged in on me and friends in the locker while we were changing without even knocking and our principal didn't do anything because nothing happened. So, yes, it is a dangerous age for girls because when a guy comes up to us, we're not entirely sure if he's going to be friendly or a creep. And I think that is much more dangerous than a pregnancy."
For a strange moment, it looked like Francine was smiling and nodding in agreement, while she drank her martini.
"You know, Rory is a very special child – excellent student, very bright," Emily said, like Thea somehow offended Straub and Francine by Thea talking about her history sexual harassment and assault with needles.
"You should have a talk with her, Straub," Richard said. "She could give you a run for your money."
Straub said, "Is that so?"
"That's right," Emily said.
Straub looked at Rory, who looked like she was struggling to think of something to say.
"Well, I think my money's safe with this one. I think I'm more worried about Thea taking off with all my money with her debating skills," Straub said.
Was that a compliment? I think that was a compliment, Thea thought, feeling confused and a little overwhelmed.
The nice moment of being complimented was ruined when Lorelai said, "I hate President Bush."
Straub asked, "What?"
"Lorelai..." Emily started.
"Oh, boy," Christopher muttered.
"He's stupid and his face is too tiny for his head and I just want to toss him out," Lorelai said.
"That is the leader of our country, young lady," Straub said.
"Ignore her," Richard said.
Francine said, "'His face is too tiny for his head.' What kind of thing is that to say?"
"I see your daughter is just as out of control as ever," Straub said to Richard and Emily.
"Pop, please," Christopher said. "Let's try and keep it civil."
"Tell me, Lorelai," Straub said, "What have you been doing with your life anyway, besides hating successful businessmen. I'm just curious."
Emily pleaded, "Why don't we all go into the dining room?"
"Well, uh, Straub, I run an inn near Stars Hollow," Lorelai said.
Straub asked, "Really?"
"Yes, really," Lorelai said.
"Dad, come on," Christopher said.
"Nice to see you found your calling," Straub said.
"Dinner is ready," Emily said.
"Christopher, your tie," Francine told him.
"Mom, please," Christopher said.
Straub asked Lorelai, "And is your life everything you hoped it would be?"
"Yes it is," Lorelai replied.
"Because it seems to me you might not want to take such a haughty tone when you announce to the world that you work in a hotel," Straub told her.
"Well, there's nothing wrong with where I work," Lorelai defended herself.
"Straub please," Francince said, fanning herself with her bag, "I'm getting a headache."
"Come on, Richard," Emily pleaded, "Lead us into the dining room, now."
Straub said, "If you had attended a university as your parents had planned and as we planned in vain for Christopher, you might have aspired to something more than a blue collared position."
"Don't do this," Christopher tried.
"And I wouldn't give a damn about you derailing your life if you hadn't swept my son along with you," Straub said.
Thea wished she had popcorn because shit was going down and it was entertaining as well.
"Honey, go into the next room," Lorelai said to Rory. "Go, go."
Rory got up to leave. Hey, Lorelai said nothing about Thea leaving.
"I'm going to have to echo Christopher's call for civility here," Richard said. "A mutual mistake was made many years ago by these two, but they have come a long way since."
"A mutual mistake Richard?" Straub said, "This whole evening is ridiculous. We're supposed to sit here like one big happy family and pretend that the damage that was done is over, gone? I don't care about how good of a student you say that those girls are..."
"Hey!" Lorelai said, offended on Rory's behalf.
"Our son was bound for Princeton," Straub continued. "Every Hayden male attended Princeton including myself, but it all stopped with Christopher. It's a humiliation we've had to live with every day, all because you seduced him into ruining his life. She had those babies and ended his future."
Thea got up and looked Straub in the eye, "With all do respect, Grandfather Straub, I know I am a mistake. I have lived with that knowledge since I was a child. I know that I'm mediocre at best and have lived with knowing that since I was a kid and was getting compared to Rory most of my life. However, even I know that my mom didn't get pregnant by herself. Your son ruined his own future. I know how disappointed you must feel about that, because I feel that way every time I look your son in the face, because he sure as hell is not my dad since he had no help in raising me. Since he's been here, he hasn't spoken to me once and barely acknowledged my existence. So, get your head out of your ass and do some yoga because all that hate and bitterness that you have is going to put you in an early grave."
The way Straub looked at Thea almost made her flinch. She couldn't tell if it was hatred or respect.
Thea grabbed her bag and went into the dining room and towards the kitchen. She needed a drink.
After getting back from Hartford where Lorelai and Christopher had disappeared for a while, and lackluster leftovers for dinner, things were silent on the ride back; even after Rory asking where they went. 'Nowhere' Lorelai had said and Thea was sure that was code-speak for 'we had sex somewhere'.
When they got back to the house in Stars Hollow, Thea took off for Georgia's house. Georgia allowed her in.
"Let me tell you, what happened in Hartford was a wild ride," Thea told Georgia.
Georgia asked, "You going to tell me?"
"Hell yeah," Thea said and proceeded to tell her what happened with a big grin on her face..
And in the morning, Thea didn't bother seeing Christopher off.
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