𝟏𝟒: 𝐆𝐮𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐂𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐬

Luke was looking for a brown leather ledger, which meant that Liberty employed her friends to help him look. Jess, however, was spending his time locked in the bathroom.

There was a knock on the apartment door, causing Luke to jerk, making a box and a lamp fall on top of him. "Ow!"

"Luke, are you okay?" asked Lorelai.

Thea was horrified at the sound of her mother's voice.

Luke said, "Stupid box! Stupid lamp!"

Lorelai asked, "Hey, Luke, are you being attacked by your possessions again?"

Thea considered hiding somewhere just to avoid the inevitable headache that she was going to endure watching Lorelai get her way with something.

Luke told them, "Keep searching." He went to answer the door.

"Hi," Lorelai greeted.

"Hi," Luke replied.

Lorelai asked, "Watcha doing?"

"I'm looking for my supply ledger," Luke said. "Libby had her friends help look for it." He glanced over his shoulder to see them standing around. In a louder tone, he repeated, "help look for it."

They went back to looking.

Lorelai asked, "Is it going well?"

"Never better," Liberty told her.

"Yeah, it's going fine," Luke replied.

"You have a sock on your shoulder," Lorelai pointed out. "Is it helping you look?"

Luke asked, "What are you doing up here?"

"Rory and I are starving," Lorelai said. "We need you to cook us breakfast."

"You don't need him to do anything," Liberty said. "That's why Caesar is the one making food."

"Yeah, but he can't make the pancakes fluffy like Luke can," Lorelai said, coming into the apartment since Luke motioned for her to come in. "Oh my god. What happened to this place?"

"It's what it looks like when you have a third person living here," Liberty told her.

"Nothing happened," Luke said.

"This is what I always pictured the inside of my head to look like," Lorelai said.

Yeah, and probably some pop song playing in the background for bonus points.

"See if you can find a brown leather ledger," Luke told Lorelai.

"I've never seen so much stuff," Lorelai said. "It looks like a white trash Hearst Castle in here."

"On second thought, I have these kids to help me find it," Luke said to Lorelai.

Lorelai clearly didn't get the hint to leave, "Where's all this come from?"

"Jess," Luke said. "Liz shipped the rest of his stuff last week. He finally unpacked."

"Well, he did a very nice job," Lorelai said sarcastically.

"I know it's crazy now, but we just have to get it all organized, figure out where to put everything, but another dresser, a portable wardrobe, some storage bins..."

"Can of gasoline, box of matches," Lorelai joked.

"Order eggs or an omelet or french toast," Liberty snapped at Lorelai, because she wasn't even helping.

"No!" Lorelai said, horrified at the thought. "See, I had a near death experience today."

"Nearly falling off the roof is not a near death experience since you weren't anywhere near death and you didn't actually fall off the roof," Thea told Lorelai, growing annoyed with Lorelai's sense of entitlement.

Luke asked Lorelai, "You fell off the roof?"

"I was trying to clean the rain gutters, so I have to have pancakes," Lorelai said, "Please?"

The entitlement was astounding; more than Sookie somehow managing to keep an infant alive on her own.

Lorelai continued, "I'll help you shower when I become a superhero."

Jess came out of the bathroom.

"You were in there for two hours," Liberty told Jess.

"Yeah, well my hair just ain't bouncing' and behavin' today, Belle," Jess told her.

"There are other people living here too, you know," Luke said.

"Huh, learn something new everyday," Jess said, taking off, leaving Georgia glaring after him.

"Well, his people skills are really improving," Lorelai replied.

"Go downstairs," Luke told her. "I'll be there as soon as I can."

"How long is that?" asked Lorelai.

"I don't know," Luke replied.

"An estimate," Lorelai said.

"I don't know," Luke replied.

"Ballpark figure," Lorelai said.

"Go!" yelled Liberty. "You're just stalling us!"

Georgia looked like she was ready to push Lorelai out of a window, so she can actually fall off of something.

Lorelai asked, "Did I mention that I almost fell off my roof today?"

"Jesus Christ," Thea said.

"I found the stupid ledger, now shut your piehole before I travel back in time and actually push you off the roof myself," Georgia told Lorelai.

Lorelai looked extremely offended at that.

In the afternoon, Thea came downstairs to find Rory and Lorelai staring at a clock.

"Wait," Lorelai was telling Rory.

Rory asked, "What are we waiting for?"

"Patience, grasshopper," Lorelai told her.

Rory asked, "Are we close?"

"Very close," Lorelai said. "Hmm, getting closer."

"Should I get chips?" asked Rory.

Lorelai said, "Ready, and—"

They looked at the clock, which then started making pig noises. It was terrifying. Thea was sure that the sounds would haunt her nightmares.

"The clock is grunting," Rory pointed out.

And squealing, Thea thought.

Rory looked over at Thea, "Hey, Thea, the clock is grunting."

"And squealing," Thea told her.

"This, my friend, is a state of the art CD/clock radio that enables you to wake up to the barnyard animals of your choice," Lorelai explained to Rory.

"This is great," Rory said. She looked at Thea, "Right?"

"Not really," Thea replied.

"I have selected the perky piggies," Lorelai said. "You might choose the cheery chickens or the goofy goats."

"This is closest to a farm that I ever wanna get," Rory said.

Thea looked at Rory, "You completely blocked out the petting zoo from elementary school, huh?"

There was a knock on the door and Thea went to answer it. It was Jess.

Thea was confused, "I thought you were apartment hunting with Luke and Libby?"

"Well, it was either clean the gutters or continue apartment hunting with Belle and Luke," Jess said. He held up a CD, "Has Georgia heard of the Shaggs?"

Thea thought about it, "Lane showed us two of their songs. Georgia claimed that it sounded like they were playing a normal song in reverse and Todd mentioned that their dad was probably holding them at gunpoint in the recording studio."

"Sounds about right," Jess said.

"Maybe she'll show you the Legendary Stardust Cowboy while you get down with this," Thea said. "She kind of enjoys terrible music."

Jess asked, "How is Stardust Cowboy legendary?"

"No, that's his name, Legendary Stardust Cowboy," Thea corrected him. "Have you three found a potential place yet?"

Rory appeared, "You're moving?"

"I don't know," Jess said. "Luke flipped out last night—" something that Liberty told Thea about. "—And next thing I know, he's dragging me and Belle all over town banging on pipes and measuring square footage. It's crazy."

"A new place might be nice," Rory said. "More space, maybe you and Liberty will get your own room."

"I would like that," Jess said. "I can get away from Belle's snoring."

"Libby doesn't snore," Thea said.

"Have you not listened to her? She sounds like the lovechild of a chainsaw and Darth Vader," Jess told her.

There was a sound of ducks quacking.

Lorelai called out, "Hey, ducks!"

"We just got a new alarm clock," Rory told him.

"The pigs on that thing sound like they're getting slaughtered," Thea told him.

"Huh," Jess said. "Bet I know what the lead story in the Stars Hollows Gazette's gonna be tomorrow."

Lorelai walked over to the front door, "Hey, did you hear the ducks 'cause they're great. Oh, Jess, you're here, terrific."

Rory asked, "So, um, would you like to come in?"

"Oh, yeah, come on in," Lorelai said. "Sorry, it's just...so excited about the ducks that, uh...do you want something to drink? You have good time 'cause we shopped yesterday, and in addition to a case of Maybelline Fresh Lash Mascara, I also bought some of that new, uh, freaky Coke with the lemon in it. It's very addictive." She was leading Jess to the kitchen.

Jess gave Thea a 'god help me' look. Thea wished she could, but they went into the kitchen.

"You can sit, you know," Rory told him.

Jess seemed a bit uncomfortable with the random friendliness that Lorelai and Rory were showing him. He knew that Lorelai didn't care about Thea, so her trying to reach out to him was strange.

"No thanks," Jess told them.

Lorelai asked, "So, Jess, what's new?" She was looking in the fridge.

"Not much," Jess replied. He wanted nothing to do with the mother that reminded him of his own mother, at least, to Thea.

"Jess, Liberty, and Luke are looking for an apartment," Rory told Lorelai.

Lorelai asked, "Oh, you guys see anything good yet?" She handed him a can of soda.

"Nope," Jess replied.

Lorelai explained, "Well, you know, there's some really cool places over on Peach. Or on Plum. Hm, Orange. Basically, any of your fruit named streets are pretty nice." Jess looked bored, "Okay, well, I guess you should get started. Um, there's a ladder right out front and some buckets and gloves and stuff on the porch. You need anything else, just walk against the wind."

"I'll show you the stuff," Thea told Jess and led him out the door. Jess set his can of soda and picked up the water hose. "You can just—" He tossed it onto the ground. "—do that."

Jess asked, "So Georgia listens to a band called Legendary Stardust Cowboy?"

"Only when she's upset and needs a good laugh," Thea said. "Apparently it was something that Sage listened to when he and his former friends got high together."

Rory came out of the house, "Question."

"Yes?" asked Jess.

Rory said, "You come over. You seem to have a very firm grasp of the English language. You put together several full sentences, even using a couple of words that contain two or more syllables, and then my mother appears and suddenly we need a thought bubble over your head to understand what you're thinking. Can you tell me why that is?"

"The verbal thing comes and goes," Jess replied.

"I would really appreciate it if you would try to get along with my mom," Rory told him.

"I took the Coke," Jess replied.

"I know," replied Rory.

"Personally, I think it's a little crazy to put lemon in Coke but I took it anyhow," Jess said.

"It's also gross to be honest," Thea said.

"That's because you hate Coca-Cola," Jess pointed out.

"Stop it," Rory told Jess.

"Ooh, stern face," Jess replied.

"Look, I went out on a limb for you trying to get my mom to give you the benefit of the doubt, okay? So I don't think it would hurt you to try to be nice," Rory told him.

"Why?" asked Jess.

Rory replied, "Why?"

"Yeah, why?" asked Jess.

"Because she's my mom and she's a friend of Luke's," Rory said.

"So? Thea is friends with Belle and Luke," Jess replied. "Doesn't mean anything. So just because she's your mom or Luke's friend doesn't mean that I automatically have to get along with her. Belle's not here twisting my nipples to get me to get along with her."

Rory made a face at the last part. "Jess, my mother is a great person."

"Who ignores Thea in favor of you," Jess cut in. "I saw the pictures and they mostly contained you. I wouldn't exactly call her a great person."

Rory paused, "Well, if you care about me at all, you will take that into consideration and you will be mildly polite to her."

Jess asked, "What makes you think I care about you?" He seemed genuinely curious to know. He had one conversation with her in total.

Rory replied, "I don't mean care care, like care. I mean if you like me at all...not like like. I just meant that if... if you think of me remotely as the sort of person that you could occasionally stand to talk to then you will try to get along with my mom since Thea is my sister and you're her friend, that's all."

Thea looked at Jess who seemed to think it over, before he said, "Okay."

"Okay?" asked Rory.

"I can't guarantee that it'll work and I won't make any rude comments about her parenting, but I'll try," Jess replied.

"Thank you," Rory said.

"You're welcome," Jess said. "I should probably get to work."

"Right," Rory said. "Sorry, go ahead." She went up the porch steps to go inside.

Thea looked at Jess, "At least try to be civil towards my mother."

Jess asked, "Why should I be civil to the woman who treats one of my friends like shit throughout her life? Is it so she can call me Justin like how she calls Aiden Adam?"

"She knows your Luke's nephew," Thea said. "She'll call you Jess, because she calls Libby Liberty so as not to piss off Luke. She calls Sage by his name because he's Sookie's son."

Jess seemed curious, "What does she call Georgia?"

"She calls her Virgina," Thea told him.

Jess made a face, "Yeah, that's just rude."

Thea looked at Jess, "At least be nice and I'll make you the blueberry cookies." She glanced down the sidewalk half-expecting Georgia to run up like Road Runner and slam her into the porch steps demanding her for the cookies.

"All right," Jess replied. "I expect three dozen for them. Make it a baker's dozen too."

 "I should probably give this CD to Georgia," Thea said.

"And get crackin' on the cookies," Jess said. Thea glared at him. "I'm not one of your boyfriends. You can't threaten to withhold sex from me to get me to fold."

Thea said, "Yeah, but I can refuse to bake you those cookies."

"I'm sorry," Jess said, folding immediately. "I can also paint your fingernails for you."

Sage was at the Buy a Book! fundraiser looking at books for Thea and Aiden, when Rory came up to him.

Sage was confused because he wasn't blocking any books, "What?"

"I wanted you to tell Aiden that I started reading The Secret History," Rory told him.

Sage was still confused, "Okay?"

"Do you know if he makes notes in books? I just wanted to compare," Rory also added.

"I can check and get back to you," Sage replied.

"Thanks," Rory said. "He is right though. It sounds a bit cult-y."

Dean came up to them, "Hey." He put an arm around Rory's shoulders and gave Sage a strange look, like Sage was flirting with Rory or something. "Hey, Sage. Is Thea around?"

"No," Sage replied.

"Oh," Dean replied, sounding surprised at that. "Well, do you know where she is?"

"No," Sage said with a shrug. "I don't need to be around my girlfriend 24/7 let her know I love her, you know." He looked at Dean, "Jealousy and possessiveness should be beneath you. They're not attractive traits, just saying." He walked away.

Thea had gone to Georgia's to give her the CD and in return Georgia had given Thea the Legendary Stardust Cowboy CD so Thea had gone back to give it to Jess.

Then Fran called Thea because Fran needed help at the bakery because people from the Buy a Book Fundraiser had started swarming in, so Thea had to run off to go help with that.

After the swarm of people finally died down, Thea was allowed to go home.

It looked like Lorelai and Jess were having lunch together when she got home.

Then Rory barged in and started checking coat pockets hanging on the mirror.

Thea asked, "What are you doing?"

Rory proceeded to start checking Thea's coat pockets, taking out a small batch of cookies in a small baggie.

Thea asked, "You can't wait for me to take off my jacket first?"

"I'm looking for my bracelet," Rory told her.

Thea asked, "Have you checked Mom's room? She probably borrowed it."

"No, I'm looking for the bracelet Dean made me," Rory said.

Thank god Rory misplaced it because that thing was hideous.

"How could I do this?" Rory said, "How could I lose that bracelet?" She started looking in the living room.

"You didn't lose it, you probably just misplaced it somewhere," Thea said, deciding to join in the search.

Lorelai finally came into the living room, "Rory, honey, tell me which bracelet – maybe I stole it from you," Lorelai said.

"Dean's bracelet," Rory said.

"Yes, the one that he made with his blood, sweat, tears, and other bodily fluids," Thea joked. Although, coming from the way Rory was reacting, maybe Dean made it with his blood, sweat, tears, and other bodily fluids.

"Yes," Rory told Lorelai.

Lorelai asked, "It's gone?"

"Yes," Rory repeated.

"Where?" asked Lorelai.

"I don't know where," Rory said. "If I knew where then I would have it."

Lorelai asked, "Well, when did you first notice it was gone?"

"When he pointed out that I wasn't wearing it," Rory said.

"Oh, not good," Lorelai said. "What did you say?"

"That I had a rash and that I had to take it off until it healed," Rory said.

"Nice save, Gretzky," Lorelai said.

Thea was stunned by Lorelai's lack of concern. "Don't you find it concerning that Rory has to lie about why she's not wearing it when in reality, he should be a little sad and understanding that Rory had misplaced it?"

Lorelai turned to Thea, "When you accidentally misplace—"

"I have," Thea interrupted flatly. "I once misplaced a necklace they got me and I told them. They didn't notice I wasn't wearing it, but they were a little sad and considering buying me a new one to replace it."

She went to the front door and outside.

Thea later found the stupid bracelet on the pier at the lake. Thankfully it didn't fall in the water or had been picked up and thrown in the trash, where it belonged.

Dean better have made it with his blood, sweat, tears, and other bodily fluids with the way he reacted over Rory misplacing it.

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