𝟏𝟐: 𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

Thea came home from Liberty's and was going to head upstairs when Lane called out to her, "Hey, Thea."

Thea stopped and headed to where Lane and Rory were sitting, "Yeah?"

"I have a favor to ask you," Lane said.

Thea was confused, "Yeah, what's up?"

Lane asked, "Well, you know Sage?"

"Yeah, Sookie's son and one of my boyfriends," Thea replied.

Lane said, "Okay...well remember I was telling you about Dean's friend, Todd?"

"Yeah," Thea said.

Lane asked, "Have you met him?"

"I think he's in Aiden's PE class class," Thea told Lane.

Rory was fiddling with the radio, adjusting the volume.

Lorelai came in, "Hey. I'm studying in there..."

"I know," Rory said.

"Yeah," Lorelai replied. "I have like six thousand of case studies to memorize and this whole big test on the Wal-Mart phenomena coming up on Friday and because I have a life and a job and business school's not the only thing I have to concentrate on, I'm behind, and I'll probably fail and then that little eighteen-year-old annoying gnat who sits behind me will get another 'A' and make that 'I'm smart, you're dumb' face to me for the rest of the week and I'll be very upset and will possibly cry."

"The music's too loud," Rory pointed out.

"Yes," Lorelai replied.

"Got it," Rory said.

"Thank you," Lorelai said, and went back into the kitchen.

Rory turned down the volume.

"So, anyhow, I was wondering if you could talk to Aiden or Sage about maybe talking to Todd about me," Lane said.

"Sure," Thea said.

"And then maybe you could ask them to ask him out," Lane added, "For me."

"Good, 'cause I don't think they would be very comfortable about me dating a third guy," Thea said, "Especially one they don't know very well."

"And then I was thinking that this date could maybe happen this weekend," Lane said.

"So, Saturday then?" asked Thea.

"Sunday, preferably," Lane told her.

"Okay, Sunday," Thea said.

"After church," Lane added.

Thea nodded, "Okay, after—"

"But don't mention church," Lane interrupted.

Thea started, "Don't mention—"

"Unless he's into church," Lane finished.

"Got it," Thea said.

Lorelai came into the living room, "Hey, uh, now it's too quiet."

"I'll turn it up," Rory said.

"Thank you," Lorelai said. She turned to leave.

"Okay, so I'll have either Aiden or Sage talk to Todd about going on a date with you," Thea said.

Lorelai turned back, "Who the hell is that anyways?"

"Claudine Longet," Rory told her.

Lorelai asked, "The chick who shot the skier?"

"Uh, sure, why not," Rory replied.

"Wow – renaissance woman," Lorelai stated and left to go into the kitchen.

Rory asked, "So, you want Thea to set you up with Todd?"

"Yes, and I was thinking that she and Aiden or Sage could come out with us so that it's not that big of a deal," Lane told Rory.

"Oh," Rory replied.

"I mean, I would've asked you and Dean to come along, but I know that you don't want to lie to Lorelai about it since Lorelai would tell my mom because she can't lie to another mother," Lane explained to Rory.

"I'm going to go upstairs and call Sage and Aiden," Thea told Lane, who nodded, and went upstairs.

Sage and Aiden had talked to Todd about Lane and he surprisingly agreed to go on a date with her.

Aiden ended up having to work at the bbookstore so he couldn't go on this date with them, so it'll just be Thea, Sage, Todd, and Lane.

So, in between classes, Sage said, "My mom finally asked Jackson out so they're going to some restaurant on Sunday."

Liberty asked, "How does it feel to know your mom's dating again?"

Sage shrugged, "A little weird, but hey, Jackson's nice."

"At least he won't push you onto the ground just for being a little too loud," Georgia said with an eye roll.

"Don't remind me," Sage said. "I never saw my mom look so pissed before. She was even more terrifying waving that wooden spoon around."

"Get out of there right now!" a teacher yelled at the girls' restroom door.

The door burst open and two naked kids ran down the hallway.

"They were having sex," Emiko told them.

Liberty yelled, "Ew!"

"School restrooms are so disgusting," Georgia responded.

There was smoke coming from the boys' restroom. If Thea was correct, it smelt like weed and when Aiden pushed the door open, there was a fire in there.

In the end, someone burnt down the stall cubicles.

Rory ended up gate-crashing the date with Dean. As Lane's best friend, Rory felt like she should support Lane on her first date, so it turned into a 'triple date'.

Lane's idea was that she, Rory, Sage, and Thea just happened to find Todd at the movie; they didn't want to look rude so they invited Todd to join them.

Thea figured plans afterward involved her and Sage going back to his house since Sookie was going to be back.

So, when Rory and Lane got done in Rory's room, they meet Thea and Sage by the door.

Thea was putting on her blue coat and then put on her scarf which she thought when with her outfit.

"We're going," Rory said to Lorelai, who was by the stairs.

Lorelai asked, "Oh, where?"

"We're going to a movie with Dean," Lane said.

"Nothing dirty, violent or French, please," Lorelai said.

Sage asked, "What happens if they end up playing a violent, dirty French movie?"

"I think my head would explode," Lorelai told him.

Rory asked, "Are you going to be home late?"

"Well, there's a bit of doubt as to whether or not we'll ever actually get out of the house at all tonight," Lorelai said. "Sookie, please!"

"Okay," Sookie called back, coming down the stairs. "I'm here, I'm down."

Lorelai said, "Wow."

"You look nice, Mom," Sage said with a smile.

"Thank you, dear," Sookie told him.

Lorelai asked, "Hey, where's your coat?"

"It's upstairs," Sookie replied.

"It's going to be cold out," Sage said. "Don't want you getting sick."

"Hey, I'm the parent," Sookie replied.

Lorelai asked, "Yeah, aren't you gonna need your coat?"

"Oh, well, it got caught around the thing, and then when I twisted around to get loose, and then the choking started," Sookie explained. "I'm free now."

"Okay, I'll get you something to wear," Lorelai told her.

"I appreciate that," Sookie said.

Sage said, "How I did not die as an infant is astounding."

Rory laughed at that.

"We should get going," Thea said. "I don't want to stand in a long line."

"Yeah, we should," Sage agreed.

"Bye," Rory said.

"Bye," Lane and Thea said.

"Bye kittens," Sookie told them.

"Bye, Mom," Sage said, going over to kiss her on the cheek. "Have fun on your date with Jackson."

"I will try," Sookie told him. "Make sure you have condoms."

"Mom," Sage said, embarrassed.

"Just saying," Sookie told him.

They took off.

"So, it's Attack of the 50 Foot Woman," Dean told them when they got there.

"Just as long as it's not dirty, violent, or French," Sage added.

Todd asked, "What if it was a violent, dirty French movie?"

"Her head would explode," Thea added. "I would hate to disappointment my mother."

"I'm sure you disappointed her when she found out you had a threesome," Sage said.

"Nah, I disappointed her when I was born," Thea told him.

They ended up splitting up among the line.

Thea asked Sage, "So, what do you think of A Game of Thrones so far?"

"Its fine," Sage replied. "I think Jon Snow is a dipstick so far. I just want to skip his chapters."

Thea nodded. She was trying to get him into the series.

Sage asked her, "Have you seen When a Stranger Calls?"

Thea groaned, "It was good at first and then the middle happened."

"Oh, god, the middle part," Sage agreed. "I was into the whole horror movie part and then it just turned into an overly long Law & Order episode."

"And the rest of it turned back into the horror movie," Thea said. "I felt every millisecond of that movie."

"It was excruciating," Sage agreed.

Thea looked back at Lane and Todd.

"And the amazing thing is, all these girls are screaming and none of them are getting the joke. He's playing the character of a rock star. I mean Beck is a genius and all these stupid girls are screaming at him just because they're buying into the rock star image. I love Beck. I understand Beck," Lane told Todd.

Todd looked like he wanted to get away from Lane.

Thea asked, "Should we go rescue Lane?"

"She's got to learn how to talk to her crushes," Sage told her.

"Yeah, I guess so," Thea said.

"Besides, maybe he's into it," Sage said.

"He looks like he's into the thought of getting away from her," Thea told him.

Sage asked, "Hey, have you read The Boys on the Tracks?"

"I'm currently reading it," Thea said.

Sage asked, "What do you think so far?"

"It's a cover-up," Thea told him.

"What about school?" Lane asked, "What are you majoring in?"

"I was thinking about gym," Todd told her.

"Gym?" asked Lane.

"If I major in gym, I only have to take four classes my senior year," Todd explained.

"Oh, cool," Lane replied.

"Lane deserves better than this idiot," Thea whispered to Sage.

Sage nodded.

When the movie was over, Todd said, "Good flick, good flick."

"Yeah, not bad," Dean agreed.

"It was fine," Thea said.

Rory asked, "Lane, what'd you think?"

"Uh, I think it's really late and I should be getting home," Lane said.

Todd seemed a little sad to see her go, "Really?"

"Yeah," Lane said. "But it's been fun."

"Oh, come on," Todd said. "Let's go get some ice cream or something – eat it really fast, get that freezy brain thing going. It's cool."

Who enjoys brain freezes besides pot-heads?

Lane started, "So tempting and yet—"

"Lane Kim!" yelled Mrs. Kim. She started yelling in Korean.

Lane said, "My mom!"

"My mom!" said Rory, spotting Lorelai.

"Two moms," Todd said. "That's gotta be bad."

Lane started explaining, "Mama, I was just about—"

Rory added, "Mom, I can—"

"So not the time, Rory," Lorelai told her.

"You lied to me," Mrs. Kim said to Lane.

"I'm sorry," Lane said.

"Get home right now!" ordered Mrs. Kim. They started walking away.

"Whoa, rough family," Todd said.

"What's going on?" asked Dean.

"Oh, bits of information were left out of the mom packets tonight," Lorelai told him.

"I'm sorry," Rory said.

"Okay," Lorelai said. "Mother/daughter #2 are leaving now. Say bye, Rory."

"Bye," Rory said to Dean.

"I'll, uh, call you later," Dean said.

"Aah," Lorelai started.

"I'll call you tomorrow," Dean said to Rory.

"Yeah, bye Dean," Lorelai said.

Lorelai and Rory took off.

"That's your mom?" Todd said to Thea. "So, that's where you get it from! She's a babe!"

Dean and Sage looked awkward

Todd looked at Thea, looking like he realized something, "How come you didn't go with them?"

"She spoke to Rory not me," Thea said.

"That's not right," Todd said. "And I thought Lane had it rough. You shouldn't have to be ignored like that."

Thea nodded, "I guess."

"So, let's go get ice cream," Todd said. "When my sister's upset, we get ice cream."

"I was thinking of going home with Sage," Thea said.

"We should get going," Sage said.

"Yeah," Thea agreed. "Bye."

"Bye," Dean and Todd said as the couple took off.

Sage and Thea were in Sage's room, making out on Sage's bed, shirts off, arms wrapped around each other. Sage pulled away to run his lips along the side of Thea's neck. "God, I love you." Thea's eyes opened wide as they both seemed to freeze and Sage sat up. He seemed confused. "Okay, that came out of nowhere."

Thea frowned, "Saying 'I love you'?"

"I mean, a few times I thought about it, but it just slipped out," Sage explained. "You don't have to—"

Thea kissed him, "I love you too." She kissed him again.

Sage felt like a weight had been lifted off of his shoulders as they resumed making out and going further.

And afterwards, Thea fell asleep, but Sage was still up.

He honestly wasn't expecting this thing to go this far when he got together with Thea.

Sure he just wanted friends after he kicked his old ones to the curb, especially after they tried to trick him into doing crystal meth. They were saying it was molly, but as far as Sage knew, you don't smoke molly. One of them groaned and said, "It's just crystal meth" in the most nonchalant tone ever. Sage knew that then and there, he needed new friends. Sure, he did try other drugs with them, nothing too crazy, but still.

He once came home high and his mom wasn't too happy. The next time he came home high, there were glow-in-the-dark googly eyes on almost everything, which was a trip and a half. His mom laughed at his reaction.

Sure, he considered ditching them after the whole incident at the gas station when they made him take a hit of something that caused him sweat and shake and made him throw up three times. His former friends laughed their asses off because they did whatever the hell that was before. However, after the meth thing, that was the final straw, because how can anyone be nonchalant about crystal meth?

After the crystal meth thing, he had considered befriending Rory and Thea like Lorelai had originally wanted, (except Lorelai specifically wanted him and Rory to be friends, probably expecting them to get married or something.) But Sage had looked at Rory who was sitting with Lane at lunch, and he wondered what the hell could they possibly talk about. Then he looked at Thea who was laughing with her friends and he knew then that he'd rather be friends with her because they looked like fun.

So he ended up befriending Aiden, who at least seemed normal albeit a bit boring, because no fun drugs there, but at least Aiden didn't look like the type to laugh at him while he threw up.

He sat with Aiden's female friends and honestly at least it seemed like they actually gave a shit about each other.

Then Thea smiled at him and all bets were off. All it took was a pretty girl to smile at him and he was already crushing hard. He didn't even know anything about her besides that his mom and her mom were best friends, and Lorelai obviously preferred Rory over Thea, something that baffled Sookie a lot.

Getting to know all these people was strange, he knew their likes and dislikes, favorite genres of movies and favorite TV shows. It was strange because he didn't know his former friends that well, besides what drugs they preferred or what part of the female anatomy they enjoyed or what porn they jacked off too – it was shit that didn't even matter.

It wasn't stuff like what Aiden's mom did to him – once Sage made a joke that upset Aiden (Sage couldn't remember what was said) and Liberty had to explain that it wasn't exactly Sage's fault since he didn't know and he was glad that Aiden didn't punch him in the throat and Thea had gone to comfort Aiden (Sage saw the way Thea looked at Aiden). Or him asking why Thea had these strange scars on her upper arms and Thea explained to him why she had them – a depression spell and she cut the lines in her upper arms.

Then it happened – when they got together at the lake.

Aiden had gotten a camera over summer break and wanted to try it out by taking pictures of the lake so they went with him. Georgia and Liberty refused to go but they had given each other that look – a look that Sage hated because he didn't understand what it meant and he hated being left out.

So while Aiden was off taking pictures, and then Thea took off her shirt to reveal her bikini top to wade around in the lake with, since she wore jean shorts to go with it. So, Sage joined her and it turned into them splashing each other with water and Aiden joined in.

Then Thea was kissing Sage, arms around his neck and Aiden gave a sad smile because he liked Thea and then Thea kissed him too. And they agreed that Thea can date the both of them since she didn't want to choose just one boy – she wanted both.

And it all ends here with him and Thea in bed together. In some way, Sage was glad that his mom raised to be smarter because if she didn't, god knows where he would be right now. Probably not here with the most gorgeous girl in his bed next to him.

He might have dozed off because he was woken to his bedroom door opening; the light from the hallway coming. Sookie stood there, she backed up and partially closed the door and whispered, "Sorry."

At least she wasn't there like an hour ago; she would've gotten an eyeful.

"Jackson agreed to go on a second date," Sookie said.

"That's good, great," Sage said, messing with his blanket.

"Goodnight, sweetheart," Sookie said.

"Night, Mom," Sage said.

Sookie closed the door.

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