‘I just want to see James!’ Amelia moaned as they trudged in the snow up to the Burrow that looked cosier than ever while they walked in the cold.
They had planned to leave at noon but Fred had some important work he had to finish so now it was nearly midnight and they were walking to the Burrow. The night seemed to bring the cold with it and Amelia shivered as she tried to drag her trunk behind her. The trunk was specked with white from the snow that was gradually falling and falling.
‘Here, darling, let me carry it,’ Fred said, yawning as he took her trunk. Amelia tried to object, she couldn't let her father carry her trunk! He was so tired from working so early in the morning. Fred didn't listen to her objections and took her trunk to the Burrow, carrying his own as well. He sighed, ‘you’ve been away from James one night, sweetie.’
‘I still miss him,’ Amelia muttered as she pulled her hood up to cover her head. Hermione, coughing slightly, walked a little behind them, thinking about the fight she had with Amelia this morning and also last night. Amelia ignored her mother and talked to Fred instead, ‘he’ll be here, right?’
‘I’m sure he will,’ Fred muttered and glanced back at Hermione. Amelia walked on faster when she knew that James would be in there; she truly missed him. This left Fred and Hermione walking side by side in the snow that was still floating onto the already white ground. Fred glanced at his wife and muttered, ‘I love you, Mia.’
‘I love you too, Fred,’ Hermione whispered back, her heart lifted a little. Fred stopped her by the arm as they neared the front door of the Burrow. Amelia walked right in, not waiting for her parents. Fred let go of the trunks and bags, he instead took Hermione’s face in his hands, ‘what is it, Fred?’
‘This is our first Christmas with my family since Amelia was eleven,’ Fred muttered, sighing at the thought of their previous Christmases which was only the three of them at home together. Hermione was aware of that fact and could remember exactly what had happened that Christmas when Amelia was eleven. It had ended up in tears from both Amelia and Hermione.
‘I know that, Fred,’ Hermione whispered and hugged him, laying her head on his chest, ‘you haven’t seen your family in a long time. It’ll be fine, I promise you. Everyone will be so excited to meet you.’
‘How do you always know the right thing to say?’ Fred muttered and pulled back so he could look into her eyes. There was love there that seemed never absent. Hermione smiled and kissed him, ‘I could never love you more than I do right now.’
‘I don’t think I could handle more love,’ Hermione gave him a smile. Fred pressed his lips to hers again and then felt Hermione shiver. He chuckled, grabbing his and Amelia’s trunk as Hermione got hers. Hermione sighed, ‘let’s go in.’
Amelia didn't wait for her parents at all and she walked into the Burrow. The first thing she noticed was the kitchen and just how messy and clustered it was even though only two people lived in this house. Amelia smelt the cakes that were cooling on one of the counters but then she heard James’ laugh, mixed in with someone else’s, coming from the living room. Feeling nervous, she walked forwards. She had hardly spent any Christmases in this house since she was eleven. Usually her Christmas contained presents from her mum and dad, Hermione’s cooking, and then watching a movie. Nothing special but always fun and filled with jokes from her father and hugs from her mother.
Amelia edged closer to the living room and the sight she met was one of a huge family. Her eyes grazed over all of the relatives she remembered but had not talked to since she was eleven. Harry and Ginny were sat on the floor in front of the fire with Lily curled up next to her mother, reading a book. Albus was talking animatedly to Charlie about dragons. Bill and Fleur were cuddled up on the one seater and their children, Dominique and Louis were playing a fierce battle of chess; Amelia saw them around Hogwarts but they never spoke, they were in different classes. Teddy and Victoire were no where to be seen and Amelia noticed that Percy was not here yet either, neither was Ron. Molly Weasley and Arthur Weasley were sitting on the other sofa talking to James.
‘Go on, sweetheart,’ Fred murmured into Amelia’s ear, appearing behind her. A hand on her shoulder ushered her forwards and Fred coughed to announce their arrival. Everyone stopped suddenly and looked up at them with surprise; they must have assumed they weren’t coming this year. Fred’s hand stayed on Amelia’s shoulder and the fake smile on his face never wavered, ‘room for three more?’
There was a deafening silence and Amelia wished they had never come. Talk about not being welcome! Mr Weasley’s eyes went to Amelia then to Hermione and finally to Fred before looking at his wife. Amelia wished she could just melt under the high intensity gazes of her cousins and family, they just wouldn’t stop staring at her like she was some rare species. Finally Harry stood up and came over to Hermione, hugging her first with a genuine smile on his face.
‘Merry Christmas,’ he muttered and then shook hands with Fred before hugging Amelia whose heart was lifting slightly, at least Harry wouldn’t shun her out of the excitement. He smiled at them, ‘come on in.’
James bounded off his chair where he was sitting next to his grandparents who were staring at their son and his family. He hugged Hermione and Fred before attacking Amelia with a hug that nearly knocked her backwards. She smiled, she could always count on James, ‘I missed you, Amelia!’
‘I missed you too, James!’ Amelia muttered and she pulled back from the hug. The smile on her face was brighter now as James took her, and Fred and Hermione’s, trunks. He walked up the stairs to put them in the rooms and Amelia watched him go before turning around to see a sea of faces, regarding her and James’ friendship.
‘Fred,’ Charlie greeted him with a pat on the shoulder. Fred nodded at him, not quite the greeting he had hoped for after sending letters over the last couple of weeks. Bill greeted him the same sort of way whilst Fleur hugged Hermione and then hugged Amelia but the hug was not very welcoming and warm.
‘Grandma,’ Amelia whispered as Mrs Weasley got up and cupped Amelia’s face, studying her granddaughter. She then pulled her into a hug, the Molly Weasley type of hug. One of a kind, Amelia thought, wrapping her arms around Mrs Weasley.
‘I remember when you were such a tiny little baby and now you’re so grown up!’ Mrs Weasley gave her a kiss on her forehead. Amelia didn't know what to say to that so she just smiled and then looked to Mr Weasley who was too immersed in the newspaper to acknowledge Amelia.
Amelia hugged Ginny and Lily who were acting perfectly normal and happy to see them. Albus hit her shoulder and she hit his back with a smile before hugging him while he tried to get away. Dominique and Louis only gave Amelia a quick smile and hugged greeted Fred and Hermione. She smiled a fake smile although her heart hurt a little from being ignored by her grandad. The room quickly went back to being its usual noisy self and James came back down the stairs to sit next to Amelia and he started to talk to her excitedly.
Fred, on the other hand, sat next to Mr and Mrs Weasley, watching Hermione talk to Ginny. He smiled a little at how Hermione seemed to fit in straight away with Ginny but they were old friends. Mrs Weasley lay a hand on his arm and he turned to look at him mum. She smiled at him and he was shocked to notice the wrinkles near her eyes; when did she get so old and how had he missed it? Maybe those Christmases away hadn’t been such a good idea after all.
‘I’m glad you’re here, son,’ Mrs Weasley said and Fred smiled at her. His mum was glad he was here but Mr Weasley seemed not so glad. He tried his very best to ignore his father’s frowns when Amelia laughed out loud. Mrs Weasley said, ‘it’s been a long time and Christmas just isn’t the same. I remember Christmas when George was still alive... there was never a dull moment-’
‘Mum, please,’ Fred shook his head, he couldn't think about his brother right now. Mr Weasley glanced at him and Fred gulped as he looked at both of his parents, ‘I can’t think of Georgie, it hurts me.’
‘I know, son. It hurts us too-’
‘She still has the necklace?’ Mr Weasley asked abruptly.
Fred looked up at his father who had not even greeted him properly. Fred saw him looking at Amelia who was playing with the necklace around her neck, twirling it around her finger as she whispered something to James and they shared a smile. It was the same necklace that Fred had given her; the gold one with the letter G hanging off the end, it used to be George’s. Fred turned to his father and suppressed the urge to roll his eyes.
‘Yes, she’s my daughter and I gave her the necklace,’ Fred shrugged and Mr Weasley turned his eyes onto James and then back to Amelia before looking at Fred. He frowned and then Fred really did roll his eyes, ‘don’t start, Dad.’
‘She hardly deserves that necklace. She doesn’t know how George died to save-’ Mr Weasley stated but Fred frowned at him, cutting him off before he could talk any louder. Amelia didn't notice anything for which Fred was glad.
‘She doesn’t deserve a grandfather like you!’ Fred hissed, leaning over his mum so that he could get his point across. He didn't want to be overheard, ‘say anything to my girl and I’m telling you right now, I won’t stand for it.’
Mr Weasley shook his head at his son wondering where he had gone wrong. He muttered something that sounded like ‘illegitimate’ and Fred nearly growled at him. He stood up and left the room, muttering to Hermione about getting some fresh air. Hermione sighed, glancing at Mr Weasley who went into the kitchen and then at her husband who went out the door. Hermione turned to reassure Amelia but she had noticed nothing, thankfully.
‘They’ll never be able to get on,’ Ginny muttered about Fred and Mr Weasley. Hermione stood up and gave her an I’m sorry look but Ginny just smiled and waved it off, ‘we’ll have plenty of time to catch up.’
Hermione gave her a thankful smile and then went into the kitchen. She peered out of the window and saw Fred standing outside in the snow with his hands buried deep into his pockets. It was so cold out there and Fred must be freezing! Hermione turned around and glared at Mr Weasley who turned to look at her. Hermione felt like she should stand up for Amelia and Fred now; this had gone on far too long.
‘Can’t you try to get along with your son? Why are you so set in your ways? Amelia’s seventeen, nearly eighteen! All those years, you’ve been avoiding her and Fred and I like we’re some sort of bugs. Amelia was the best mistake I’ve ever made!’ Hermione murmured, glancing out at Fred whose head was lifted slightly so that he could stare up at the stars, ‘he was so excited to come here and see his brothers.’
‘He wasn’t raised to sleep with-’ Mr Weasley started but Hermione opened the door and walked out into the snow in mid sentence or before he could call Hermione a name that she really wasn’t.
‘Fred?’ she whispered, walking over to him. Fred didn't turn around or even say anything so Hermione wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her head on his shoulder, ‘don’t let this ruin your Christmas.’
‘I just can’t believe he still won’t accept us and Amelia!’ Fred muttered, getting more annoyed by the second. He turned around and hugged Hermione with his strong arms and she kissed his cheek, ‘we should never have come here.’
‘Don’t say that. At least Charlie and Bill are speaking to you! Just ignore your father, okay? Please, don’t start a fight in front of Amelia. She’s happy talking to James and Lily and Albus and I want it to stay that way. They are our family, Fred, we have to make an effort or we’re going to be all alone...’ Hermione muttered and kissed him, wrapping her arms around his neck. The cold air seemed to have no effect on her as Fred wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer.
‘Fine, I’ll try and make an effort with Charlie and Bill,’ Fred shrugged and Hermione nodded thankfully. At least that was a start and Charlie and Bill weren’t really against Hermione and Amelia now. Then Fred said, ‘but not with my father.’
Hermione sighed. Mr Weasley wouldn’t listen anyway. It was quite useless to try and persuade Fred to make peace with his father since Mr Weasley wouldn’t stop saying things about Amelia that annoyed Fred. Hermione shrugged as Fred stared into her eyes.
‘We should get inside. I think everyone’s going to sleep now,’ Hermione muttered, looking back at the house. She heard Fred yawn behind him and then felt tired herself. Tired of all the drama that still hadn’t died down over the seventeen years.
Fred and Hermione walked back to the house, holding each others hands for comfort. Hermione was glad to see that Mr Weasley was not in the kitchen; he must have left after seeing Hermione and Fred kissing outside. She squeezed Fred’s hand but he did not smile, he only glanced at her with a dead look in his eyes that hurt Hermione’s heart. They walked to the living room to see everyone waiting for them.
‘Ah, there you are!’ Teddy Lupin said as Fred and Hermione showed up, ‘take your seats!’
‘What’s happening?’ asked Fred as they sat down on the sofa. Hermione sat next to him and grabbed his hand as they looked at Teddy’s ecstatic face. Victoire was shining brighter than usual and Hermione frowned a little as she blushed when Teddy looked at her and then... at her dress?
‘We have some news,’ Teddy began, capturing everyone’s attention. Amelia’s eyes brightened and she looked happier than before at all the excitement. She didn't get this with previous Christmases. Hermione nearly squealed when she realised what they were about to say and she grabbed Fred’s hand tighter as Victoire smiled at her. Fred only glanced at her with a confused expression... or maybe the expression was one of understanding. Hermione didn't care, she turned to the couple. Teddy sealed an arm around Victoire’s waist and told them the news, ‘we’re... we’re engaged!’
‘I knew it!’ Hermione bounded off the sofa and straight to Victoire, throwing her arms around her waist. Everyone cheered simultaneously, slapping Teddy’s arm and hugging Victoire. They all looked so happy at the news and Hermione found herself wishing she had this sort of happiness when she got married. Hermione whispered into Victoire’s ear when everyone was talking to Teddy, ‘and I guess you’re pregnant?’
‘How did you know?’ asked Victoire, eyes widened. Hermione just smiled and glanced at Amelia with a look that said I’ve had a kid too, remember? Victoire smiled half heartedly, ‘we’re keeping it a secret right now.’
‘Probably a good idea,’ Hermione whispered and hugged her again as Teddy spoke. He looked so much happier than Hermione had ever seen him. He started to hand out something that looked like invitations.
‘We’ve organised an engagement party next week,’ Teddy said to everyone and handed them the invites. Hermione took one as Fred smiled at the excitement on her face. Teddy hugged Harry and everyone watched as they shared a father-son moment even though Harry wasn’t his real dad.
‘She’s pregnant, isn’t she?’ Fred whispered in Hermione’s ear as he wrapped an arm around her waist. He glanced at Victoire and Hermione frowned at him. It was fine that Hermione realised Victoire was pregnant but Fred? Was it that obvious? Victoire wasn’t even showing yet!
‘How did you know that?’ she asked suddenly.
‘Just the way Victoire is acting. You were like that once too, remember?’ Fred kissed her, ‘but that was a long time ago.’
Hermione leaned against him and glanced at Amelia. The thought that any mother would have shot through Hermione’s mind and she wondered who Amelia would marry when the time came. She had a mental image of Scorpius in a wedding suit and Amelia in a wedding gown but stopped herself from thinking that as Amelia’s eyes shone brighter seeing Victoire blush.
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