The Unexpected Backup
Natalia's POV:
I wake up feeling a sharp stinging pain on my right cheek.
"Eyes on me baby sis." Seth teases as my vision focuses on the half blonde half brunette dumbass brother in front of me. I lunge forward out of anger only to be held back due to my arm being handcuffed behind the wooden chair creating a lot of noise.
"What afraid that I will kick your ass if I'm not tied up Sethie? Or are you just pissy that I used your own finisher against you?" I sassed anger lacing every word that slid out of my mouth. Seth cackles and replied, "Look around you little sister it's not just two of us in here." I looked around the room and look back at him.
"Um Seth are you okay? Because unless you're talking about ghosts or the boogeyman then it is just the two of us in here. Or are the other two mutts just hiding under the table?" I sassed looking at him like he was an absolute dumbass. "Normally I would be putting you through a table, however Stephanie and Hunter want you to be at your best so they can crush your rebellious spirit themselves," He snickered. With that I front flipped and slammed the chair on top of him breaking it sort of freeing myself the handcuffs still locking my hands behind my back.
Randy' POV:
John and I were wandering around trying to figure out where they hid Natalia. When out of nowhere we hear a loud crash. We run in the direction of the noise and as we get closer, we hear Natalia's always present sass coming from the room where Roman and Dean were standing in front of. "Well, that might be a bit of a problem." I muttered to John concerned. "I think I might have an idea. Follow me." He replied walking back towards our locker room pulling his phone out of his pocket. He puts the phone up to his ear.
"Hi mate, did you see RAW last night? Well, we may need you as backup.... Oh, you're already coming. Fantastic! See you then." He told whoever he was talking with on the phone. Leaving me confused. John then walks back towards me and says, "Sorted."
"Okaaay, care to fill me in?" I asked trying to figure out what the play is. His face folds into a dark smirk as he replied, "Let's just say that someone very close to her is not happy at all." Nodding at that information still completely none the wiser.
Natalia's POV:
"Oh, I'm sorry did that hurt your back brother mine?" I snarled a devious grin on my face. There was a short knock on the door before Dean and Roman entered the room and step to the side to let Stephanie and Hunter into the room. "Oh, look the queen bitch and her husband have shown their face." I snarked showing no fear on my face even though I was severely outnumbered. Pissed off Stephanie storms up to and slaps me in the face at full strength making me stumble into Roman who had moved behind me after they entered the room. "It's time move her into position. I'll see you out there Miss Locke." Stephanie snarks as she and Hunter leave the room.
"Position? Seth what the hell does she mean by that?" I questioned. Seth cackles as blood drips down his arms from the wounds he obtained from me breaking the chair on his back as he replied, "Well, you'll be entering the ring... The SHIELD way tonight PUP." With that being said Roman shoves me out the door first giving me an opening to make a break for it. I sprint down the hallway my hands still handcuffed behind my back. I use the strength in my legs to push me forward with more momentum. I hear 3 sets of combat boots racing in my direction. I make a sharp turn slightly putting me off balance and Seth tackles me to the floor from behind.
"And here we were trying to give you the benefit of doubt that you weren't going to run if we let you leave the room first." Seth mocks and he yanks me off the floor keeping a hold of my upper arm guiding me towards their entrance the crowd booing them along the way. Once we get to the opening Seth and Dean move in front of me while the powerhouse of the SHIELD blocks my exit. Roman grabs me by the arm before we make our way down the stairs through the crowd.
"If you even think about trying to escape again Seth, Dean and I will triple power bomb you through the announcer's table again." He growled in my ear before shoving me forwards down the stairs. His threat demolishing any plans I was forming for another escape attempt. I quietly made my way down the stair towards the barricade mentally prepping for a beat down knowing that if I don't win this match my freedom is going to be stripped from me. Roman grabs my arm and unlocks the handcuffs so I can safely get over the barricade, I then grab onto the side of the barricade and launch myself over it accidentally kicking Dean in the jaw as I do so. "Ooops, sorry Dean you probably shouldn't have been standing too close to me." I snarked a small smirk on my face.
"Natalia, leave them alone and get in the ring." Hunter barked annoyed with me. But, I couldn't really blame him I have been ruining their plans lately. "So are you going to dismiss your lapdogs now that I'm in the ring with you?" I asked climbing up to the top rope to sit on top of the ring post. "No, they will be hanging out outside the ring as "insurance" to make sure you don't run from this match." Stephanie sassed me. I laughed to myself for a moment. "Steph, did you really think I would run when you have already given me my biggest challenge yet? Are you daft?! This is all just a big game to me, and I am sure you know what I mean by this Hunter the so called "king of kings". " I sassed a devious smile plastered on my face. The bell then rings starting the match. Stephanie tags Hunter in immediately making me chuckle at how predictable it was. Triple H charges at me going for a clothesline and I quickly duck underneath it sending him straight into the ring post. "You didn't think it would be that easy, did you?" I asked before drop kicking him while he faced me. I then nailed him in the face with a Brogue Kick before the ref tells me to back up. I walk backwards giving hunter some space before dropping to the mat as Sephanie tries to hit me with a suicide dive. She nails the ref in the leg making him fall backwards tripping over her.
"Damn Steph what did the ref ever do to you? Leave the poor guy alone he was only doing his job." I snickered. Hunter grabs me from behind and whips me around to face him, he then grabs me by the throat lifts me into the air before slamming me down onto the mat with a chokeslam. Stephanie instantly goes for the pin only for me to immediately kick out at the one count. She goes to grab me by the hair to which I reverse in and put her in the black widow submission hold. Hunter unable to help his oh so precious wife else he risks breaking her arm stands by idly and watches as Stephane taps out. The ref then signals for the bell ending the match. I release her from the hold and as I do the SHIELD instantly surrounds the ring as hunter exits the ring and slides underneath it looking for his signature weapon.
All the sudden Face to Face by citizen soldier echoes through the arena and I see both Randy and John sprinting down the entrance to the ring, Randy catches Seth with an RKO on the way down. John swings the metal bat he ran down with and hits dean on the knee then hits him in the ribs with full strength leaving Roman open and alone. JBL gently pulls Stephanie out of harms way kissing her ass along the way. I charge and spear Roman through the ropes the both of us hitting the floor. Hunter finds his favorite weapon and crawls out from under the ring and slowly but threateningly makes his way over towards me as I slowly get back to my feet.
I glance over towards the announcer's table to see a random guy in a hoodie leap over the barricade and steal Cole's chair from under him and Cole falls to the floor. I couldn't help but laugh at the sight, before Seth pops out of nowhere curb stomping my head into the floor cutting my forehead open. With the blood from the cut dripping into my left eye making it hard to see I hear a loud metalic clang that came from a chair shot to the back and Hunter yell out in pain. I then see the mysterious person claymore Seth out of nowhere. I hear his footsteps come towards me as I am on one knee trying to get the blood out of my eye. I can see him kind of kneeling next to me with my one good eye.
"Are you okay my little ball of energy?" A very familiar and very welcomed voice asked in concern while wiping some blood off of my face. I freeze shock and disbelief running through me. "Nate? I.. Is that really you or have I just got hit in the head too hard?" I stuttered. "Nope. Really me." He replied I instantly tackled him to the floor with a giant hug for my small size. Not caring what was going on around me.
All I managed to hear was Michael Cole yelling, "I THINK THESE TWO KNOW EACH OTHER!"
"Okay you two reunion needs to happen later, the mutts of justice of getting up we got to go." John sassed the two of us. We both get up and make our way towards the entrance side by side and we stop before entering backstage to listen to my lover's theme echoing over the entire arena as I cuddle into his side praying that I wasn't imagining things.
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