Isolation and The Turn
Peach's POV: (The day after the match)
As I start to regain my energy and the shock from the match leaves my system, I find myself in a dark room with only one light as I look around, I realize the only people in the room with me are Stephanie and Seth. "How is my little sister after that grueling match?" Seth asked making me cringe and a sharp pain shoots up my spine from the injuries I obtained. " Don't pretend to care about me when the actual truth is that you really don't." I croaked out from both not using it and the pain from my back getting in the way. "Well, we actually do care about which is why you're here in this safe room, unlike the wolf lot were looking after you." Stephanie chimed in. "You don't know a damn thing about the wolfpack they will come for me." I snarled trying to lunge at her only to realize that I was tied to a metal chair. "Mmhmm, sure they will we'll see in a couple of weeks." Stephanie replied doubtfully. "Wait, a couple of weeks?! You can't keep me here! That's kidnapping!" I shrieked struggling against the ropes. "Well, it would be if you weren't a member of the shield Lay." Seth countered. "I will never be a part of your stupid pack." I hissed angrily. "We will see about that." Seth replied with a small laugh. "I will see you in a week Little Rollins." Stephanie says as she leaves the room. "Seth leave her alone she needs time think." Stephanie calls from outside the room. Seth leaves the room quietly as well leaving me with my thoughts.
(A week later)
"Morning Layla, how are you doing? Still holding onto that feeble string of hope that your wolf lot will find you?" Stephanie asked calmly. "That isn't my name, and I will always have faith in my wolfpack." I replied stubbornly. "Well last time I checked you're still here and last I have seen they were winning their matches and not looking for you." Stephanie said concerned for my wellbeing. "Well, you have probably been running them ragged to where they don't have time for anything else." I snapped. "I would never do that these matches have been planned far in advance before this even happened." Stephanie says innocently. "All I want to do is look after you. Because I know of your past and I see a little bit of me in you." She continued. "Clearly you don't know everything about my past. Sure, I may not have had my families support, but I had something better. I have a boyfriend who means the world to me, who has always been there when I got low and has even helped me become the wrestler I am today. He hasn't given up on me and I sure as hell won't give up on him." I retaliated. "My, my, my, such anger that can be used. You should use it more in your wrestling, I can see such great potential in you Layla." She pushes. "I am not a weapon that can be used, and my name is Natalia not Layla!" I snapped. "You're just proving my point with your anger Layla. I'll see you in a few weeks see how you feel then." Stephanie said leaving me once again in complete isolation. "Where are you guys, I'm trying to hold on. But my hope is fading fast. I miss you Nate." I think aloud my voice breaking as I do.
(Two Weeks Later)
Growing tired of waiting for my packmates I slip out of the ropes and try to leave the room only to learn that the door was locked from the outside. So, I slam my shoulder into trying to bust the door down. "I can't give up not when I'm this close." I grumbled to myself. I hear the familiar clicking of Stephanie's heels as she nears the door. I can hear the door click as she opens it. "Well seems like your anger has finally been useful to you Layla." She commented, I just glare at her despising that name because I know it's not my own. "That is not my name, and it never will be. " I hissed annoyed. "Wow, your anger and hatred has reached its peak. I can only assume that it's because your still here and your boys haven't been looking for you not even the SHIELD boys. Only I have been looking after you and seeing your potential grow." Stephanie tells me. "Oh, I'm sorry how have you been looking after me considering I have only seen you once a week?" I sassed trying not to let her words get to me. "Well I'm the only one who has seen you for a while, last time I saw your team they never talked about you, not even your boyfriend has seemed to mention you. which is hard for you I'm sure, but I am here for you just so you know." She tells me. "You're lying he would never forget about me." I tell her my voice breaking in the process. "We'll see in our next chat. Until then." She says as she exits the room, I lunge forward barely missing my chance to escape as she shuts the door quickly. "Damn it! I was so close!" I cussed to myself. "Nice try, but even if you did you would still need the code for the next door." Stephanie says with a small chuckle. "Fuck you." I spat my shoulder aching from practically slamming into the door.
(One month later)
I can hear Stephanie's footsteps coming near my door once again, but I make no move towards the door. "Sorry it's been a while Layla, how is my secret weapon doing today?" She asked concern ringing in her voice. "I really thought they'd have come for me by now. Nate even said he would come for me and find a way to get me back." I told her my voice breaking due to the amount of abandonment I felt any hope I had was gone, "Oh Layla I'm so sorry this has happened to you, I would have never done that to you as I see you as a daughter of mine. But from what I have heard John was the one stopping him from looking for you." Stephanie said sincerely. "What? He was my brother he was there for me for years before I met Nate!?" I exclaimed my heart breaking even more. "See you can't trust boys, but you can trust me." She comforts. "How do I know you wouldn't abandon me too?" I questioned. "Because I see you as a daughter and I see myself in you with the potential of being the future for the Women's division as well as the men's division." She tells me. "Well, I'm sure the SHIELD has more potential than I do. The Wolfpack clearly believing the same." I muttered doubtfully. "Look those wannabes have nothing compared to you, because I can give you those opportunities, I can even give you the chance to take out John if you want." Stephanie said with a smile on her face. My anger towards John shot up. "What must I do? How do I get justice on the man that betrayed me?" I questioned. "Just follow me and I will take you places that would have taken you years to get to." She tells me her hand out towards me to seal the deal. "I have a few conditions, for starters Natalia Locke is dead that name no longer has any meaning for me, and two I get to change my look. Other than that, I will follow you anywhere." I bargained with her. "Okay, what is your new name and why do you want to change your look and what would you change it to?" she asked. "Layla Rollins, I want to change my look because the wolfpack who built Natalia Locke also killed her. How about your weapon actually starts to look the part?" I tell her using the design I made in isolation with a smirk on my face.
"Wow, you've put a lot of thought into this and I can't say you won't look amazing in this, so Layla I accept your terms and your first task is to take out John at the end of his match and reveal the evolved you and if you succeed, I have a reward for you after." She replied with joy. "What about the SHIELD?" I asked out of curiosity. "Don't worry about them, just listen to me and I'll take care of you." She replied. "Yes ma'am, I shall not fail you." I replied, a small grin on my face eager to take out the man I once considered my brother. "Fantastic, but please call me Stephanie." She corrected me. "Of course. My bad." I replied popping my knuckles. 'Now let's show them what my secret weapon can do." She said as we walk out the door.
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