First Day
"There is no greater sorrow than recalling a happy time when miserable"
-Dante Alighieri
3rd pov
We see a person kneeling in front of a large silver cross. Said boy has short messy black hair, pale blue eyes, and brown skin. He's currently praying with a smile that can warm even the coldest of hearts. His outfit consists of modified priest robes that look like their made for mobility and combat. He then looks up and sighs.
(His combat uniform)
Boy: What I would give to see her again, my muse.
A man then comes and puts a hand on the boy's shoulder. The boy looks up to see Biscas T. Balmus, the High priest of the church he attends.
Boy: Hello high priest, what can I do for you today
Biscas: Y/N, you've been an Exorcist, Priest, and Demon slayer in this church for years now. I think it's time you left and pursued your own path and dreams.
The boy, now named Y/N, is taken aback. You see, the church he serves trains Demon slayers (Melee warriors) and Exorcists (Magic users). Once you get in, you can't leave under any circumstances. The moment you join, you're bound by an oath to never leave. Leaving is considered a grave sin, since your lying to the lord, and can be punishable by death. For the High priest himself to allow someone to leave is unheard of.
Y/N: H-High priest are you sure? No one can-
Biscas gives Y/N a reassuring smile and nod.
Biscas: You're a young adult Y/N, and everyone at this church can agree that we've taken out the pleasures of youth you deserved.
Y/N nods. Since he was 10, he trained in the church to become a strong Demon Slayer/Exorcist. He does have a Fiancee and went to school for only a single school year. He's had a girlfriend before but it didn't end very well.
Biscas: I've taken the liberty of enrolling you into Tenbi academy in Japan. Your flight leaves tomorrow so you should get going.
Y/N nods and packs all of his belongings. Which isn't much, just a single suitcase with clothing and his necklace. While on the plane, Y/N looks at the ring on his right hand and kisses it.
Y/N: See you soon, amore mio
Y/N pov
Japan truly is a beautiful place. I love the cherry blossoms in particular. I'm actually happy I came here and met my muse. Currently I'm in a taxi with a man who seems to be in his late 30's.
Driver: So kid, why come to Japan?
Y/N: I came here to ho to Tenbi academy, and pursue an education so I may get a nice job in the future.
The driver smiles, but he's giving off a strange aura. It feels like mixture of amusement and a hint of lust. He speaks, breaking me out of my thoughts.
Driver: Going to a school with majority girls eh?
Oh that's why. In hindsight, I should've researched this school first.
Y/N: I promised il mio amore I would forsake all pleasures of the flesh until we meet again. I'd rather not be like that puttana and cheat.
The driver looks confused. Something about me is that I tend to speak in other languages (mainly Italian) when I'm speaking. It especially happens when I'm angry.
Y/N: My apologies. I've been, how do you say, NTRed. She cheated on me for as long as we've been together, about 6 or 7 months. She deceived me and planned it with that bastardo she calls a father.
A/N: There will be hints on who his ex is.
The driver gives me a look of sympathy. From what I understand, most people hate NTR no matter who cheated. It was a bad memory, but her mother and sister were incredibly angry at her while her father was proud. The reason for it sickens me even if it was 3 years ago.
Driver: Damn, that's rough kid.
Y/N: Sadly yes, I was planning on proposing to her but I found out she was having sex behind my back with my "bully", that bastardo.
Driver: Why did you sound unsure of whether to call him a bully?
Y/N: Because, all of his attempts fail. He's only arrogant because his family is somewhat friends with a man named Sir. Edward.
Driver: Did you hurt them after you found out? Most men would get revenge
Y/N: To an extent yes. While the bastardo and his family were having tea with Sir. Edward and her family, I challenged him to a duel. I won but found out why her father was happy she cheated on me with him.
The driver looks intrigued.
Y/N: He was a supposed "Hero" in a past life. Luckily he goes to a school who trains people who know their past lives. She goes there as well and from my understanding, her past life was a mage and princess who ruined another man's life with lies.
He then stops and I walk out and thank him for the ride. Before I can walk into the gates, he grabs my arm and puts something into my hand. Looking down, I see a beautiful looking ring that seemingly glows.
Before I can say anything, the driver holds up his hand, signaling me to stop.
Driver: Keep it, it's much better in your hands, Mr. Alighieri.
The driver leaves. I put the ring on my left hand and walk to school. Crap, I never got his name.
Driver pov
Looks like the kid's worthy to wield his ring. Hopefully that wraith inside it will help him unlike that elf Celebrimbor and idiot Isildur.
Celebrimbor/Isildur: I heard that
Driver: You were meant to.
Y/N pov
That driver was right when he talked about this school. Most of the students are women, and the men here are perverts except for one guy who's tall and wears a visor. We're both the same height.
???: But most importantly, it's an all girl school that went co-ed this year!
Turning around, I see two people walking down the path I'm taking. One is a boy with orange hair, glasses, and green eyes
And the other is a girl with purple hair and eyes. I have to say, she's quite beautiful
Boy: Farewell, o dark times of all-boys middle school.
He starts rambling on about how bad his old school was.
Boy: Having just boys piled up the past three years harmed my libido almost to the point of breaking.
Sigh, at least he doesn't have this damned curse from Cleopatra. The girl starts explaining to the now named Takeru that this school is different from others, like a martial arts competition.
Girl: We also have a festival dance in Miko clothes.
Takeru: Miko!
He's a pervert, I already know it. A bell rings alerting the three of us.
Intercom: Attention please. Disciplinary Committee and Entrance Ceremony Perpetration members, please head to your assigned positions.
The purple haired girl walks forward. Guess she's a part of one of those groups.
Girl: I have to go now.
Takeru: Huh?
Girl: I'm a Preparation member.
Y/N: Excuse me miss?
Haruko pov
???: Excuse me miss?
I look up to see a really handsome boy talking to me. He has brown skin, pale blue eyes, and black hair.
Boy: Do you know where the entrance ceremony will be held?
W-wow, he has a really nice accent. Judging by it, he's Italian.
Haruko: I-in the gym
He smiles, making me blush harder.
Boy: Grazie
I leave not before telling Takeru to not mess around.
Y/N pov
After she leaves, Takeru starts talking to me.
Takeru: Hey man
Y/N: Hello there
Takeru smiles. What's he planning
Takeru: General Kinobi
Y/N: You are a bold one
Girls are passing by us talking about how the school is going to be co-ed this year. I may be 18 which is a second year's age, but I'll be a first year since I haven't been to school. After walking for a while, we both end up lost.
Takeru: I'm lost
Y/N: That's what happens when you follow girls instead of asking for directions
Takeru: You try being surrounded by nothing but boys for 3 years
Y/N: Before I came here, I was surrounded by middle-aged and elderly men, yet you don't see me acting like a horny dog.
Before he can retort, we hear a girl chanting
Girl 1: To open one's own path. To confirm one's true purpose. One's soul shall be sworn to live with Tenbi.
Girl 2: The path of the sun
Girl 3: Shall be imprinted in the sky.
Y/N/Takeru: Cosa?/N-nani?
We both feel a gust of wind and a crushing pressure. Well, crushing for Takeru but I only feel a bit of wind. Looking at the source, we see two girls summoning weapons and look like their about to engage in a fight. One seems to be a blue haired girl with blue eyes holding a sword
The other is a red head with purple eyes and a bandage across her nose.
The blue girl slashes her sword to the ground making a wave of energy fly twords to red girl. The red girl jumps into the air and manifest a greave on her left foot.
Y/N: So she's a fighter who focuses on her kicks.
The blue girl charges while the other kicks off the air. Both miss their attacks but stick their respective landings.
Takeru: Am I dreaming? What just happened?
Y/N: A duel between warriors my friend. Duels are fought for glory,
Blue: If I win,
Y/N: Testing your skill
Blue: You'll return him to me
Takeru looks at Y/N who sweatdrops
Y/N: 😅 yes, some duels are for someone's hand
The red girl rubs her nose and smirks
Red: And if I win, you'll stop bugging me about him
Whoever this guy is he's lucky. Both of those girls seem devoted to him.
Blue: Poor him.
The red gets in a running position
Red: He's already mine
She pushes off with her right leg making the blue girl get into a stance.
Blue: I won't let that happen
She slashes at the red who counters it with a kick. I'm smiling, seeing two trainees fight always makes me happy for some reason. Takeru is just standing there like an idiot. We then suddenly hear laughing. Looking up, we see a girl with blonde pigtails hanging upside down
.... not caring that her panties are showing
Strange voice: Is that all right, Ojou? To allow such a fight.
Blonde: What's wrong with it? I mean, after knowing the trivial reason behind their fight it's just too interesting.
I mean, they are fighting over a boy. Strange yes but people fight for affection all the time.
Takeru: Excuse me
The girl looks at us, confusion visible on her face.
Blonde: Two guys?
A small being appears out of nowhere. He has fire like hair, red clothes and, a pipe in his mouth. I'll call him a mini stand
Fire mini stand: Didn't they say that the school will be co-ed from now on?
Blonde: Oh, that's true
She looks at us
Blonde: So, what do you want?
Takeru mouths the word pan and holds up two fingers.
Blonde: Two
Takeru makes his hands into a circle
Blonde: are completely
Takeru does a motion with his hand above his eye
Blonde: visible.
Fire mini stand: What era is this joke from.
Blonde: Was he really born in this era?
She finally realizes what he was trying to say. Looking at her skirt, she realizes that her panties are showing. When she covers herself, we hear a clang sound. Turning to the source, it's the two girls from before fighting. The red girl kicked the sword out of the blue girl's hand. Said sword spins twords the blonde girl who screams and falls. Unfortunately, she falls on me and accidentally kisses me.
Fire mini stand: Ojou
She removes her lips from mine and covers her lips. She looks at me in anger and grabs my shirt and blazer. She recoils her fist back.
Blonde: I'll send you to the sky kingdom, pervert!
Himegawa pov
As I'm about to punch this guy, I see some strange cloth on his chest with stitches.
Kodama: Y-you
Y/N pov
Her fire mini stand comes out of nowhere again.
F. Mini stand: Are you alright, Ojou?
She gets off of me. I start fixing my clothes. Looking up, she stares at me menacingly. I stand up and sigh
Y/N: Come on Takeru, we have to go to the gym
He nods and follows me.
Blonde: I've found him. My destined one and sworn enemy. Yes, my destined one is said to be with my sworn enemy
Timeskip brought to you by
Takeru: Co-ed schools are the greatest after all.
I could care less about that. I broke my promise to my love. Even if it wasn't intentional, I still broke it. Right now we're in the gym and a woman is at the microphone. I can only guess that she's the principal
Woman: Test, Test. The microphone is currently being tested.
Takeru: We made it
The principal clears her throat. After testing the microphone some more, she finally speaks
Principal: Everything, Congratulations on your admission. I am Tenbi academy's principal, Minori Rokujo.
She puts her hands on her hips. From what the High priest told me, she's the strongest person in this school. Her usage of element is above anyone in this school. However, I could still beat her in a fight easily.
Minori: As I welcome the new students today, I'd like to introduce our school
I already know, but I'll listen out of respect
Minori: Our school's motto is Heart, Beauty, Body
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say they didn't bother to change it even though boys were coming.
Minori: Whether it is heart or body, both are beautiful and strong. This concept will not change even now that we are a co-ed school.
Knew it
Minori: The meaning of this principal is to let boys and girls harden themselves, and while abiding by the schools rules, to freely learn "Love" and "Battles".
Takeru: Love and Battles?
Y/N: Didn't you know why this school is so important?
He looks away sheepishly. Lord, help this poor boy.
Minori: Additionally, everyone will receive the "Element" to fight for the eight "Maken".
Oh yeah I've heard of those. 8 powerful weapons formed from an Orochi. I wonder how strong they are compared to my scythe?
Minori: If you can become the owner of the eight Maken by controling your Element, you'll surely have a very bright future.
Will I have to protect him from these people?
Minori: Well, rather than listening to me, it's easier to understand by watching. 2-B, No.6, Garret Kinua
She motions to the blue haired girl from earlier
Minori: Also from class 2-B, No.7, Azuki Shinatsu
She motions to the red haired girl who was using a greave. Both girls stare at each other menacingly.
Garrett: Principal, Azuki and I have already had our battle
Principal: Ah, is that so?
Azuki: Of course. And I won.
Garrett: Tch. Oh my poor Teddy.
Wait so this whole time, they we're fighting over a Teddy bear
Garrett: From now on, Azuki will hug you tightly every night, while your tears are soaking the pillow.
Is this why the church tried to keep me away from women?
Random girl: Eh? Who'd think that Azuki would have such interests?
Random girl 2: And they battled for it?
Azuki: Garrett, how did you know? No, I mean stop talking.
Garrett: I'm giving you small payback
Garrett starts laughing. The principal talks to Haruko and another girl another what to do now
Blonde: Principal
The blonde girl from earlier speaks up. As she walks, the boys are all mesmerized by her beauty. She turns twords the new students.
Himegami: I, Kodama Himegami, would like to carry out this battle
Haruko: H-Himegami
Y/N: That girl with the mini stand?
Himegami: I'd like my opponent to be him
She points to poor Takeru, who looks confused
Takeru: Me?
Takeru points to himself. Haruko tries to intervene by saying he's a new student.
Himegami: So his name is Takeru?
Haruko: Yeah, he's a childhoods friend, I mean.
She tries to talk to the principal about it and a girl who I assume is a president speaks up.
Minori: Well, isn't it ok
A/N: I've always loved how nonchalant she is
Haruko: How can you say that?
Minori: Then Mr. New Student, come on. Hurry up and prepare backstage.
Takeru looks nervous. A boy tells him to hurry up and a girl tells him he should've been prepared. Takeru gets up looking scared, only for me to pull him down and stand up. Everyone looks at me
Y/N: I'll be your opponent
Himegami: What!? You can't-
Minori: Kid's got guts. I'll allow it
I nod and get on the stage. Me and Himegami stare each other down.
Minori: Now, the entrance ceremony special battle contest will begin. The participants are Kenkebiki, 2-A, No.2, Kodama Himegami and new student Y/N Al-Al, how do you pronounce your last name again?
Y/N: It's Alighieri, Y/N Alighieri
She nods with a slight blush. Damnit, why must I have this curse. While I'm thinking about the ring that driver gave me, I hear Himegami speak to me
Himegami: Kiddo.
Aren't we the same age? And how did she get this close to me that fast? Why is she smiling, is she planning something?
Himegami: What's wrong, you seem lost in though?
Y/N: Just thinking.
Himegami: Just relax. Although it's called a battle, we're just pretending.
Y/N: Really
Himegami: Yeah, I wouldn't go all out. Just make some karate poses and I'll take care of everything else.
Ok, i'll play along. The experienced students look worried about me. Guess no new student has won against a second year on the first day. While she walks back to her side, I stretch and grab my necklace
Himegami: That red and those scars on his chest. There's no doubt he's the one I'm destined to be with. Not only did he see my favorite panties, he even stole my first kiss.
Her fire mini stand appears looking worried
F. Mini stand: What are you planning Ojou?
Himegami: Are you worried? Don't worry, I won't kill him.....yet. Just a test to see if he's the real thing
Himegami manifests some lightning in her hand.
Himegami: Ikazuchi
Another mini stand appears. This one I'm guessing is lightning based. How many mini stands does she have?
Ikazuchi: What's up
Himegami: Plant a timed stun ball in his body. As you can see, he has no resistance to Elements at all.
Woman I fight demons for a living. They shoot fire, ice, electricity, acid, and anything else you can think of.
F. Mini stand: Ojou, if you overdo it Kamagiri will notice. Even if you don't hold any grudges to him personally
Himegami: I know that. However, my blood won't calm down.
Haruko: Her expression. Will she really go all out against a student with no Element or Maken? Even if it's a demonstration, a direct battle will be against the school's rules.
Minori: The time limit is three minutes. Start!
Himegami charges at me with a punch. I smack it away and palm strike her in the stomach. She backs away and I charge. We then proceed to attack each other with strikes and counters, with mine hitting most of the time. Haruko looks relieved while Azuki looks bored. I'd use my scythe but I don't want to get in trouble for hurting her badly. I go for a punch but she jumps back pretty far. She gives me a glare but her eye becomes like that of a dragon. I get flashbacks of a man in armor fighting a black dragon and another man fighting monsters with divine magic. Himegami jumps at me with a ball of lightning in her hand. Haruko looks worried but I use Divine Armor and absorb her hit. Everyone looks shocked that a first year took a second year's attack like it was nothing.
Timeskip (I didn't download any memes sorry 😢)
Minori: And the winner is Y/N!!!
So Takeru fought some random person but luckily it was blocked by someone. That someone is my Fiance, Inaho Kushiya
She blocked with her Maken, which is one of the 8 originals
Suddenly she faints after blocking that hit. I move quickly and caught her. She opens her beautiful dark brown eyes and smiles at me.
Inaho: N/N!!!
Boys: *Horny noises*
I smile at her
Y/N: Amore mio, how i've missed you
We then share a loving kiss. Everyone screams louder. Sadly, Haruko splits us up with a blush on her face
Haruko: Impure contact between sexes is forbidden!!
Minori: Do you know this girl, Mr. Alighieri?
She's blushing as well. We both smile at her and show our rings
(Her ring)
Y/N/Inaho: She's/He's my fiancee/fiance
Timeskip to our dorms
We've certainly caused an uproar on the first day. Hell, people are making (ship name) shirts and whatnot. We hear a knock at the door.
Takeru: Yes
He opens the door to reveal Haruko
Haruko: I have to talk to you
Takeru: W-wait
Haruko pushes past him. She makes some scream like noise when she sees Inaho in the dorm drinking a juice box while sitting in my lap. I'm just reading one of Shakespeare's plays, Hamlet. I told this to Inaho and she asked me is a Hamlet an Omelette made with ham.
Inaho: Oh, you're the girl from before
Haruko: W-why is a girl in her?
Inaho: The Principal said that there's nothing wrong with living with my fiance
Y/N: Allow me to elaborate. Origin me and Takeru were to share a dorm room but since Inaho is my fiancee, the principal put her here. Not that I'm complaining
I give her some headpats, making her purr like a kitten. My little gattina. The principal also said room seven was too large for two people.
Haruko: This is too random. A-anyway. Two boys and a girl living together is something I cannot allow as the dorm's superintendent. I'll discuss this with the principal.
Himegami kicks a door open, surprising Haruko. I forgot she was here.
Haruko: As expected of a four person room, it's large and pretty. What's wrong, Dorm Superintendent? It it strange that I showed up?
Haruko only nods with a confused look. I think we broke her. Himegami smiles with a confident look
Himegami: Well this is a four person room. I'm also going to switch to this room for a variety of reasons
A/N: *cough* *cough* she wants the D *cough* *cough*
Haruko: What reasons?
Himegami: They're... just various reasons.
She looks away bashfully. What, is she attracted to one of us? Takeru tries to clear up some tension
Takeru: Um... it's not like I asked it to be like this.
Y/N: And I don't mind sharing a room with my adorable Gattina.
Inaho gives me a kiss on the cheek.
Takeru: Umm, ignore him. But it somehow became like this.
Haruko thinks. Before Takeru can say anything, she leaves and slams the door. Takeru looks at Himegami who just shrugs. Inaho just drinks her juice and I count down.
Y/N: Tre, Due, Uno
We hear rumbling and look around. Haruko opens the door with bags of what I can assume is clothes.
Haruko: I...I will stay here as well.
We all look confused except Inaho who looks excited.
Y/N: But this is a 4 person room?
Haruko: That doesn't matter. As Dorm Superintendent, I have to watch over you so that nothing happens.
Y/N: That's not the problem. It's the fact that there's only 3 beds.
Inaho: You can sleep with me Y/N. I don't mind
Haruko: Rejected!
Himegami: Takeru can sleep on the roof
Haruko: That could work
Inaho: Poor Takeru
Haruko: Now that it's come to this, nothing can be done.
Y/N: That reminds me, isn't Takeru your childhood friend?
Haruko blushes lightly.
Haruko: Y-yeah, what about it
Y/N: You did call him Take when walking earlier, and said it during the entrance ceremony
Inaho: Wow, you both must be really close
Haruko looks away in embarrassment. Why does she get flustered easily?
Haruko: It's not like that. We trained at the same dojo together is all
Himegami: I'll let it slide if you say so
Haruko: What do you mean?
Inaho's stomach growls. I look down at her
Y/N: You hungry my Gattina?
Inaho: Un
She nods. God, she's adorable
Himegami: Then let's eat
Y/N: I brought some ingredients for some penne pasta
Haruko: As dorm superintendent, I forbid you to have food in your rooms.
Y/N: Then starve
Haruko: That's also forbidden
After 15 minutes, I make a dish my mother use to serve me. Penne pasta with white sauce
Inaho takes a bite and gets stars in her eyes.
Inaho: So yummy
Himegami: It's pretty good
Takeru: This is amazing
I smile and look up
Y/N: Just like mama use to make
Timeskip to the morning
Haruko looks at Himegami sleeping on the floor. A good distance away form her is Takeru, sleeping in a sprawled out way.
Haruko: Is Y/N still sleeping?
Climbing up the ladder, she sees something unexpected.....
-Strange dark room-
We see Biscas in a dark room next to a bedridden man. Said man is in the clothes similar to a Vicar and is laying on a bed like altar. This is Sanctus, the leader of the Order of the Sword. Just like Biscas, who is leader of the Order of the 4 Weapons, he's extremely manipulative in his quest for power. Right now they're discussing something.
Sanctus: Is he ready Biscas?
Biscas: Not yet, I've sent him to Tenbi academy to discover his Maken.
Sanctus: What good will that do?
Biscas: Imagine how strong he will be when he discovers his Maken, being the descendant of the crusader who fought through Hell, and becomes an Angelo
Sanctus thinks for a moment and agrees.
Sanctus: You've done well to make him trust you Biscas. Poor fool..
Both: He won't know before it's too late
End of chapter 1
Forgot to mention, expect a lot of smut and lewdness.
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