Chapter 27

"I'm not proud of myself most of the time okay? but I know that I try, whether it looks like it or not. Because getting out of bed for some of us just ain't an easy task."


Today has probably been the highlight of all my shopping days put together. I got so many things I wanted and didn't want from the market Luke took me down to I didn't quite know what to do with myself. 

"Really, thank you so much. I had the best time." I say. We had gone back to my hotel to drop off all the bags and came back here to the boy's house where everyone was gathering for the night.

"You don't know how glad I am to hear that I didn't ruin your day for once." He laughs silently, looking up at the sky. We had gotten here ten minutes ago but decided to sit out here on the front steps for awhile. It was quiet and peaceful out here but there was music blasting from inside, each song lasting less than three seconds before someone changed it. Ashton most likely. 

"I have to admit, this was a very unexpected day."

"Welcome to down under love, where all the unexpected becomes reality." He says and my heart flutters at the words. Reality was usually a very ugly thing, it normally didn't feel this satisfying.

"Thanks for spending the day with me. I know it couldn't have been easy for you." He really had spent the entire day with me even though he couldn't stand me. Effort was something I appreciated a great deal.

"What do you mean it couldn't have been easy?" He asks lightly, bumping his knee with mine.

"You told me you couldn't stand me so I'm assuming it took an effort to be around all day." I don't know why I was bringing this up now and I instantly regret it. 

"Those are words that I say, but not ones that come from me, Sierra. I only understand the depth of them after they have come out of my mouth and usually, it's too late to fix the mistake." He tugs on a strand of my hair that's waving around in the wind. 

"I'm sorry I've said those things. All of it. Today was the calmest day I've had in a very long time. It was very easy for me." There's a smile on his face, one of those rare ones. 

"Okay." I nod because that's all I can think to say. I really do wish I had more to say. It's just hard to put my feelings into thoughts when he's around.

"Okay? That's all you have to say?"

"Yeah. I'm not really good at communication." I shrug.

I used to be.

"You sure do say a lot when—"

"I know you two are outside! Get your asses inside and stop kissing on my porch!" Michael shouts from inside the house and we both burst into fits of laughter

"We are not kissing!" "Coming!" Luke and I both shout at the same time, getting up to head inside.


The band is jamming out in the studio room like excited puppies on red bull. Luke disappears into the room too and I head into the kitchen to find the girls. 

When I do enter, about twenty pizza boxes are stacked high on the kitchen counter and there are food and drinks everywhere. Addy and Montana are sitting at the dining room table with a bunch of papers between them.

"Hey you! Where have you been all day?" Addy gets up to hug me.

"You know where I've been all day." I point out. Luke had mentioned that the girls had given him tips on stuff I like so he can plan the trip.

"I know. Tell us everything!" She grins as I walk around to give Montana a kiss on the head.

"He took me to this vintage market thing and oh my god, you guys should have seen the stuff there! I got so many things and a bunch of stuff for you two as well." 

"That sounds amazing." Addy squeals again with excitement. 

"How was he?" Montana asks me on a more serious note.

"He was nice, the whole day. He behaved and didn't say a thing." I tell them, a tone of disbelief in my voice.

"That's weird to hear. We were kind of waiting all morning for one of you to storm back here and scream at everyone and swear at each other." Addy admits.

"I'm glad you had a good time," Montana says, deep in thought. Something was on her mind, I make a note to myself to talk to her later.

"What did you guys do all day?" I ask them, changing the subject from me. Montana shrugs and points at the papers and Addy giggles again. She was so bubbly today I wonder why.

"Well, we stayed in today. The boys decided to record some stuff and um..."

"They mean, I recorded stuff cause I was bored and they never came out of their rooms," Michael says from behind me with a mouthful of pizza and a box in his hand.

"Oh really?" I laugh, seeing Addy and Montana's horrified expressions.

I hear Michael mumble incoherently as he walks back into their studio "Hate couples" "Sex all day"


Luke's Point of View

"Why don't we go a little bit higher? And then maybe let the bass drop for a second?" I suggest to Ashton and Calum.

"That sounds good." Ashton agrees while Michael plops down next to me with a pizza box.

"How did it go with Sierra today?" he asks me and the other two go silent, waiting for my answer.

"She had a good day," I tell them, not wanting to elaborate. What we did was our business.

"She had a good day? What did you do then?" Michael pries.

I roll my eyes at them. "I had a good day too." 

"Man am I glad to hear that." Ashton laughs.

"I've had lots of good days." I scoff.

"Sure mate, lots." Calum laughs at my vague answers.

"I'm glad you're trying to fix your shit." Michael pats me on the knee.

I wanted to tell them that I was so happy for the first time in so long, I had felt the darkness dissolve for awhile today. It had felt so pure. My broken parts had healed a little every time she smiled because of me today.

"At least one of us had a good day." Calum groans.

"What did you do all day?" I ask them.

"Calum got the cold side of Montana cause she found out he's smoking after she told him not too." Ashton laughs.

"That's not funny." Calum shoots him a glare.

"Tell her it's your life," I tell him. He should be able to smoke whatever the fuck he wants. I hate it when girls think they can boss their boyfriends around.

"Sure. Cause that's what you told Ana every time she told you not to do something right?" He says and I feel the air between us crackle.

I had a good day with Sierra today. And I'm going to have a good day with her tomorrow so I'm going to walk out of here and I'm not going to get up and punch him like I really want too.

Deep breaths

"I'm going to go sleep before your drunk ass says some other shit I can't stand tonight and I beat the shit out of you." I point and walk out of the room.

"Did you have to bring that bitch up Calum?" I hear Ashton whisper.


"Sierra, wake up." Someone lightly runs a hand up and down my arm.

"Hmm," I mumble and bury my face further into my pillow. It was so comfortable and warm I didn't want to move.

"I brought you breakfast." The voice says and I force myself to wake up from the sleepy haze, managing to open my eyes into slits and squint at the sunlight streaming in. 

"Can you close the curtains please?" I groan.

"Yeah. Of course." Luke says matter of factually and gets up to pull the curtains closed, leaving it open a little in the middle so the room isn't pitch black.

"Thanks. Good morning." I yawn, sitting up in bed. I had slept in the guest room at their house last night because it had been too late to go back to my hotel room.

"Morning sunshine." He laughs, amused at my sleepy state. I didn't want to touch and find out the state my hair was in.

"Sunshine huh?" I ask as he sits back down.

"Yeah. Probably why you can't stand it." He laughs again like it's the funniest joke in the world. I can't help but think about how much he has laughed and smiled in the last two days.

"I can stand myself thank you very much," I say sleepily, taking the time to appreciate his messy hair and the sound of his voice this early in the morning.

"I brought you breakfast. We have to leave soon." He says, reaching for a tray on the night stand I hadn't seen.

"You made me breakfast?" I raise my eyebrows at him.

He made me breakfast! 

"Yeah." There's a light rose tint that spreads across his cheeks. He was so beautiful in the morning, I wanted to reach out and run my hands through his hair and pull him closer. He was too far away.

Wake up Sierra

"I made you waffles with maple and a shit load of different kinds of berries on top." He lays the tray on my lap and I stare down at the food.  It smelled amazing and this was my favourite kind of breakfast. I always loved waffles way more than I have ever loved pancakes.

"How did you know?"

"Montana." He says sheepishly.

"You're torturing my best friends for a lot of information these days."

"They are all for it."

Of course, they are. Those two would do anything for a guy wanting to please me.

"Thank you for the waffles. I'm surprised you didn't burn it really." I chortle, cutting off a piece.

"I can do a lot of things right, McKinnon." He says smugly and I feel my breath hitch in my throat.


I don't look up from my food so that he doesn't see the angry blush spreading through my cheeks, even in the semi-darkness of the room.

"Eat up. We are leaving in half an hour." He pulls his phone out of his pocket.

"Where are we going?" I ask through a mouth full of what was probably the most amazing waffles I've ever had or I'm probably just too amazed to think otherwise. I didn't care either way, he had made me waffles. Luke Hemmings, the one that wanted nothing to do with me two days ago, made waffles.

"The others want us to join in with the stupid mini tour thing Ashton has planned for today. We aren't going with them but if we're here when they wake up, they'll make us go with them."

"But why can't we go with them?"

"Do you really want to see the Sydney opera house and that damn bridge, climb a mountain and get mobbed my fans?"

He had a point. 

"So where are we going?" I ask.

"The most magical place on earth." He winks at me and walks out of the room.

He is so dramatic. I loved it. I love that he gave me a day I could tell my grandchildren about yesterday. I love that he went through the trouble to interrogate my friends. I love that he made me breakfast with berries on top, even though I had to pick out the blackberries because they made me feel sick. For years, I haven't had a start to a morning this great or had a day that I have looked forward to this much. I couldn't wait to go magical places with him, even if it's weighing down on me like temporary bliss that is running out of time.


I'm seeing One Direction in one week you guys and nothing can prepare me for the feels.

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