People couldn't see the whole chapter... so if it doesn't end with the words 'fucking hell' then you can't see the ending... IDK whats happening
"Fuck Lou...." Stan muttered as he rubbed the boy's back as Louis puked his guts into the toilet of his shitty little apartment.
"Ughhh... fuck I knew I would regret it."
Stan, one of Louis' only friends, human, sighed as he helped Louis stand up, passing him a glass of water. They had both been clubbing on a Sunday - Louis however had one too many drinks.
"What time is it?" Louis mumbled, popping two panadol into his mouth. Stan checked his phone briefly before muttering an exhausted, "7am."
Louis whined, "I got to leave in an hour to get to work on time... why did we ever go clubbing on a Sunday knowing work was tomorrow."
Stan chuckled softly as he pet the small boy's shoulder comfortingly, "oh love... you're going to have a shit day."
Louis looked at him sassily playfully punching his arm before rolling out the door to get ready for work.
It had been a whole month since Harry had taken him to Paris, and promoted him to his personal assistant. Ever since then Tasha had been nothing but mean to him.
The girl dom he had purchased never ending coffees for and who had seemingly been nice to him at first had now turned into the green eyed monster.
The small boy bit his lip as he walked into the small coffee shop noticing Tasha was the last in line. He sighed before moving to stand behind her in line.
Naturally she noticed immediately.
"Oh well if it isn't Harry's favvvvourite."
Louis frowned as the girl flipped her hair over her shoulder, "I-i'm not."
"Can you even do anything without s-s-stuttering... Useless human. Harry now does overtime and had to employee another person just because you can't do the same amount of work a vampire could."
Louis ignored her insult, zoning in on the second half of her sentence, "o-overtime?"
The girl gave a huff, "yes. Haven't seem him go home in 23 days. Not like I'm counting or anything. If I were his assistant that number would be in the ones."
Louis' lip quivered, not hurt because of her words, but from the feeling of guilt which consumed him.
The feeling that he was letting Harry down.
Letting the company down.
The feeling that he was brining them down.
"Oh indeed." The dom vampire rolled her eyes, turning order.
Louis' eyes fell with tears, as his head pounded even harder and his hang over only seemed to get worse he turned around and stumbled out the door.
For the first time in four months missing work.
"Lou baby don't do this... Harry employed you for a reason."
"No Stan I have to-fuck." Louis coughed as he picked up the bucket next to his bed, everything in his stomach coming right up.
Tears welled in his eyes, he felt like shit.
"Shhhh.. babe. Oh Lou you're so hung over, don't make big decisions like this now."
Louis had come home absolutely distraught, it was now 3 hours past when he was meant to have started. But after hearing Tasha speak he couldn't bring himself to meet Harry's eyes.
Guilty. Was the only word to describe him.
Stan stared at his best-friend, Louis had called him for support. Stan knew the small boy had the biggest heart in the world.
"Lou darling, Harry Styles wouldn't keep you around if you weren't a good worker. Don't listen to her, don't let guilt consume you. You have done your job the best you can. And Harry knows that, he wouldn't have taken you, a human, to Paris if he didn't know you weren't doing your best."
"My best isn't enough Stan!" Louis hiccuped, as he expelled the remaining alcohol from his tummy.
Suddenly, his phone was ringing. The one name Louis didn't want to see flashed upon the screen.
Harry Styles.
The small boy gulped, "I can't answer it..."
"You have to Lou, he's your boss... you're missing work."
Louis stared at the phone a moment longer before declining the call.
"LOUIS!" Stan eyes widened.
"I can't...."
His friend smiled sadly as he came and sat on the bed next to him.... "Okay Lou. I trust you to do what is best for you. Can you please promise me you won't do anything rash until the morning at least."
Louis shrugged.
Stan only sighed, "I have to go Lou... I have work... unlike lucky you I have to get to work an hour early or else I'm cut." Stan paused, "don't quit, you have found something magical."
The two stared at each other in silence for a split second before Louis replied, "bye Stan."
The Brunette rolled his eyes in defeat, "feel better Lou."
Louis could hear Stan's point... somewhat. Maybe Harry and he had formed a friendship... Question mark?
And Louis knew Harry Styles, fuck, he loved Harry Styles. There was no way he could let the man who was utterly perfect lose money by hiring more employees, and never leaving his office because Louis couldn't do enough...
He knew Stan would criticise him, he knew Stan would scold him... but he did what his friend told him not to do.
To: Harry Styles
From: Louis Tomlinson
Dear Mr Styles
I am sorry for not coming to work today, I apologise for any inconvenience I have caused. I have truly loved my time at Styles Enterprise and learnt much. Your hospitality, kindness and acceptance is something I will never forget. However, after much thought, I have decided to resign from my position within your company and move somewhere else. I have always enjoyed my time at Styles Enterprise and am very thankful for the opportunity.
Louis Tomlinson.
Once the message is sent Louis reads over it, and he cries. He cries because he just cut ties with the one person, however unattainable, that he felt such pure emotion for. A draw... a pull... like magnets.
He opens another bottle of whiskey.
He drinks half.
He feels like shit.
He receives an email from Harry only half an hour later.
To: Louis Tomlinson
From: Harry Styles
Your message, however kind, worries me greatly. I hope this is nothing I personally have done. Can we talk of this, tomorrow at 12, in my office? Please.
CEO Harry Styles
Styles Enterprise 2018
Louis reads over the message, he drinks the other half of the bottle. He can't stomach any more alcohol, but he grabs another bottle.
He wobbly types out a reply.
To: Harry Styles
From: Louis Tomlinson
No, Mr Styles, it is notttting yu hav ever done. You're perfect. I will be busy den.
Not a minute Later he receives a reply. He barely comprehends what he is reading.
To: Louis Tomlinson
From: Harry Styles
Louis, you are scaring me. Are you okay, you can't even spell you're own name. Cub, please.
- Harry.
Louis reads the message, and smiles, feeling funny inside.
To: Harry Styles
From: Louis Tomlinson
I like wen yue call me cub.
The small boy throws his phone onto the floor, he doesn't read Harry's next email. Or the next, or the next.... he throws himself onto the couch, mumbling to himself incoherent and intoxicated.
Before he can even comprehend what is happening, a loud bang is filling his ears. He shakily sits up, gasping when he sees an enraged vampire fly towards him.
But, he isn't scared.
Because it's the one person who could never scare him.
"Fucking hell Louis you're so drunk...."
"Hawwwy? You shouldn't be hereeee.. Tasha was right I toddalyyy givin you more work. Stupid human self."
The vampire frowns, running a hand through the very drunk boy's caramel locks. He doesn't half understand what Louis means. All he knows is that somebody has told Louis some very not true lies.
"Oh baby..."
Within a second the vampire is effortlessly pulling Louis into his arms, bridal styles carrying him into what he presumes is the boy's bedroom.
Louis whines as Harry places him in bed, "daddddy it's not bedtime yettt."
Harry freezes.
Eyes widening.
Cock waking up.
"Sleep Louis.... you're drunk."
Harry can only sigh, running his hand through his curly locks as the small boy drifts off almost immediately.
"Fucking hell."
I hope Its not glitching this was 1.3K
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