I had to fix some mistakes!!
[Your author is currently acting out Pirates 😅😅😅 Now getting back to the story 'fore I sail away off on the Black Moon myself...
Gypsy: *makes shushing motion*
Keith: *continues to play keys*
Greg: *belts out the next verse*
Carl: *epic drum solo*
Gypsy: *dances along* ]
4: Come Aboard My Pretty Boys!!
"How do you expect us to do this or have ye not gotten that far yet?" Carl said in a snartarse manner.
Greg rolled his eyes, "How else, we go in there and say we want join their crew."
"I suggest you get dressed--." Keith began.
Carl but in, "No time, you'll just have to be persuasive." He said trying to keep a straight face.
Keith caught on, "Show a little leg, Gregory and we'll probably get special accommodations." He mused laughing along with the tavern owner.
Greg being a good sport played along, "Perish the thought, if he was a lady captain then I'd have a better chance." He piped up wearing a little smirk.
Carl became serious, "That reminds me you still owe those ladies from the night before."
Keith was snickering at this and decided to take it a step further, "I think they deserve to pay him." He quipped.
"You're right after that show he gave them not but a few minutes ago!" Carl replied leaving both him and the painter in hysterics.
Greg growled underbreath, "I swear I'm gonna strangle Palmer by the time this adventure is over."
Keith wrapped his arm around Greg's shoulder, "Just think of all the exotic beauties and decedent liquors of the ages to indulge in." He said motioning his hands to the ocean before them.
Carl looked out to the sea with them, "A lady in every port, you do realise that's an ocean of broken hearts left behind." He said sounding faux sympathetic.
Greg looked back at Keith with a wide smile, "You had me at exotic beauties let's become pirates! Sink or swim we must get in!" He hollered breaking away from the painter.
The men headed for the tavern. The owner heard glass shatter and groaned but upon entering found his establishment was still in one piece much to his surprise.
They made there way towards the captain and his gaggle of drunk merry men. The captain had the blonde from earlier seated in his lap as he sweet talked the Vixen.
The merchant felt his angry flare but he quashed it just as quickly knowing it was a losing battle. Clearly the girl was just there to see what she could get from the captain.
Keith cleared his throat and the captain looked up, unamused not annoyed as they thought he would but more uninterested.
"What be on ye mind lad?" Questioned the captain.
"We'd like to join your crew." The merchant said without his voice wavering.
"Ye?" The captain guffawed. "Yer not even fit enough to hold me eyepatch!" He finished having the whole table laughing at the three men.
The merchant felt that anger build up once more and was ready to give this guy a piece of his mind but Carl stepped in front of him.
"Listen here we have just as much maybe even more spirit and will power than yer whole damn crew!" Carl snarled at the captain and his crew of cut throats.
"Yer treading on dangerous waters, bar keep." The captain warned caressing his gun on the table.
Carl did not back down, "I knew what I was getting into when I opened up my establishment of the sea front!" He hissed back getting closer to the captain's face.
One of the crew members had begun to advance onto the tavern owner but he was quicker hitting the man with a discarded bottle from the table next to him.
The member, known as Sid fell to the floor with a hard crash, as everyone of the crew members, captain included watched on with shocked expressions.
"Holy shit." Said the painter and merchant in unison.
The tavern owner ignored everyones looks and composed himself while laying the broken bottle or what was left of it on the table and looked the captain straight in the eye.
"Now, what say ye?" Are we now worthy enough to be on your crew?" Asked Carl with fire in his eyes as he stared down Mad Eye.
The captain stood as his crew carried the unconscious body of Sid back out to the ship. Mad Eye stood in front of Carl with a look no one could describe till he opened his mouth and spoke two words they were all waiting for.
"Welcome aboard."
TBC!! 😉
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