Returning to Normalcy

The next day arrives with the sun breaking through the windows. All asleep comfortably or as well as they can given the circumstances. The first awake or rather was already awake was (Y/n), given it has been weeks since he last looked through his notes regarding his classes, he decided to wake up extra early to try and get some studying done. He was in the kitchen, trying to also remain quiet as to not wake Terra and Aqua, he was also eating some fruit to sate his hunger given his school also provided breakfast in the morning. With some time he was able to recall all of the information he forgot, and actually patted himself on the back for making well detailed notes before everything.

Time passes and it was almost time for (Y/n) to walk to school, but before he does he leaves a note on the fridge saying: "I'll be at school until 3:30PM, try your best to relax." Signed (Y/n). And so he heads to leave his house, a smile crossing his face seeing his once empty home now filled with people he cares about.

During his walk to school, he recalls what life was like before everything. His life was a quiet one, and he often kept to himself. That isn't to say he didn't have friends, for he did have some for a time. However, one by one they moved away and they lost contact, eventually leading to him being forgotten by many. It became harder to open up to others since then and so he stuck with remaining quiet hoping he would be able to cruise through his school life without further issues. However, after his parents disappeared, that quiet life became hell. As news got out, many people began to tease him and one in particular began to bully him. That one person is named Budo. Many saw him as a powerful figure, mainly due to his prowess in strength and aggressive nature. But to (Y/n), there was something off about Budo. But why? Sure he fights but from previous people Budo messed with he never did physical violence unless it was one, necessary, or two to get someone who wronged him.

What was odd to him was that (Y/n) didn't do anything to Budo. He always left him be to do what he wants and remained invisible so he wouldn't be on Budo's radar. And yet, this only occurred during the period (Y/n)'s parents disappeared... perhaps there was a connection? It's hard to tell at a glance, but even if that was the case it's not his place pry. Thoughts continue to turn within (Y/n)'s head and before long he reaches the school. With so much time remaining until his first class, he goes to the cafeteria to eat breakfast. Some eyes were on him but he didn't care, he continued to eat as normal.

Time passes on and the day seems uneventful, which... rarely occurs. No people were teasing (Y/n) about his parents, and none approached him. It was odd. (Y/n) tries to not think about it too much. He was now in line in the cafeteria once more, for it was now lunch time. As he waits around in the line, he then feels someone touch his shoulder. (Y/n) didn't pay any mind to it as he assumes someone is trying to mess with him. He then receives another tap, but he still tries to ignore it. A third tap comes and with irritation he turns around, thinking it was just someone messing with him. But to a warm surprise, he was actually met by Sora, Roxas, Ventus and Vanitas with each wearing some casual clothing.

"Surprise!" Sora says with excitement, happy to see his lover. "Your mom and dad wanted us to eat with you, so they got us some food so we could eat together." Roxas says with a soft smile. "Awww... thanks guys! Wait... how did you find my school? And what's with the change of clothes?" (Y/n) asks. "We went back to our 'place' and got some new clothes with our money." Sora says, enjoying his new look while also hinting they went back to their world for a bit. "Plus, your mom and dad gave us directions." Ventus adds. "Ah, I see. Well at least you look cool in your new clothes." (Y/n) says with a smile, causing Sora to blush a bit and making the others smile, including Vanitas. "Well what are we waiting for? C'mon let's go sit down and eat." (Y/n) says and the boys head over to a empty table and sit down. The food that was packed were homemade burgers made by (F/n). "Wow! I haven't had these in forever!" (Y/n) says with a smile, recalling back in the past his father loved to grill before he was hired by Square Enix. "They look good! He's been cooking for all of us." Ventus says as he pulls out a few drinks and passes them around.

"Oh, have they received any word from Square Enix yet? What about the authorities?" (Y/n) asks, and the four look at each other with a bit of a nervous expression. "We're not sure..." Sora says. "Well it's more like they haven't told us yet. And I have a feeling they won't until they have something to say." Vanitas says as he begins to eat, (Y/n) sighs with this news. Of course he's trying to not worry and to focus on his life right now, but it's a lingering feeling that doesn't go away. "W-Well let's try not to worry about that! We're here to spend some time with you, there's no need to worry!" Sora says trying to lighten the mood as he gently rubs (Y/n)'s back. This makes (Y/n) smile and he feels himself comforted. "Thanks Sora, you're right. Whatever happens I'm sure it will be okay." (Y/n) says and the entire group smiles and continue to eat and enjoy their time together.

They talked about different subjects such as how school life is and what types of classes does (Y/n) take. It was with conversations between the five and they were having fun. But their fun began to turn into unease and people began to stare at the quintet. Roxas is the first to notice. "Uh... guys... do you feel their stares drilling holes into your heads?" Roxas asks and Vanitas shrugs. "Yeah but don't pay them any mind. I can feel their negativity from here." Vanitas says as he takes a sip from his drink. "Oh yeah, Vanitas... since you're uh... in tune with negative emotions more easily... what do you sense from these people?" Ventus asks.

"Confusion for the most part, but I sense some envy and jealousy too. But I'm sensing one with incredible anger. Anger for (Y/n) specifically." Vanitas says and he turns his head only for the people staring at them to look away. "Hey... do you think you will be okay? You did say your middle and high school life wasn't the best... I'm just a bit worried something might happen." Roxas says showing his concern due to (Y/n) confiding in him previously. (Y/n) waves his head in dismissal but smiles. "I'll be fine Roxas. It's nothing I can't handle, besides I have you guys to look forward too when I get home." He gives a innocent smile, just truly happy to be with his new friends.

"Well... as long as you're sure." Roxas says, sounding less worried. With that the group finishes their meal and the bell rings for the next class. Roxas, Ventus, and Vanitas wave goodbye leaving first with Sora staying behind a moment and giving a hug to (Y/n) before placing a kiss on his cheek, which then (Y/n) returns it with a smile. Sora then leaves and the four return to (Y/n)'s home... but even after they left... the boys couldn't help but feel something bad was going to happen.

The day continues forward and was seemingly uneventful. Nothing was out of the ordinary, but this gave a sense of unease to (Y/n). He tries to not think about it until the final bell of the day rings. He gathers his stuff and then quickly goes to leave the school. Still... he couldn't shake this feeling that something was going to happen. This feeling followed him as he walked and right before he was going to exit the school... the way is blocked by a familiar group of people. And behind them was a familiar face.


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