Our New Home

Before we begin, this book is the sequel to World's Collide. Please read World's Collide before reading this story, otherwise you will not understand some of the content that will be discussed.

The light of the keyhole shines bright as it begins to reveal figures walking through it. It's light shines from a broken TV in a room that is tattered and somewhat damaged. It is adorned with posters of familiar video games along with a bed that seems to fit two people. The figures walking through the keyhole get bigger and reach closer to the exit, and as they do, the brighter the light becomes. Then one of the figures walks out of the keyhole and is revealed. He has (h/c) hair and (s/c) skin wearing a simple t-shirt and a pair of jeans. This person is (Y/n), the son of some of the developers of the game, Kingdom Hearts.

The boy looks around after exiting the keyhole and sees this room, his room in utter shambles. He remembers what has happened here. This was where the Heartless first showed up. Though the reason why they were there trying to kill him was unknown, he is relieved to see they are not here anymore. Soon, more figures walk though the keyhole: the first being Sora, Riku, and Kairi, the young keyblade wielders. Then Axel, Roxas, Xion and Naminé, the former nobodies and ex-members of Organization XIII. After them it was Aqua, Terra, Ventus, and Vanitas, The wielders that were before Sora, Riku and Kairi. And lastly were (M/n) and (F/n), the parents (Y/n).

All have revealed themselves and have passed through the keyhole which then disappears. Everyone takes in their surroundings, not sure what to do now that they are here. (M/n) and (F/n) were in shock to see (Y/n)'s room like this, they didn't know what caused this sort of mess. (Y/n) turns to his parents and explains what happened here before he was taken to Sora's world. After a bit of explaining, (Y/n) walks to his door and opens in, fortunately not seeing any sort of threat beyond it. He breaths a sigh of relief and looks back to the others.
"Alright everyone, it's safe. We can rest easy now." (Y/n) says and motions everyone to follow him to the first floor of his home.

(Y/n) walks down the stairs and looks around before quickly noticing the groceries he bought before he was spirited away. As he recalls he wasn't able to put any of them away. "Looks like that was a waste of money, I'll have to go to the store again." (Y/n) sighs as he walks over to the kitchen and grab the groceries. He first puts away the items that were not perishable away and was about to throw the items that were supposed to go into the fridge and freezer away, however he realized something as he touched those items. They were still cold to the touch.

"Why... are they cold?

(Y/n) was confused, for he was away for over weeks and by that time most of the items that were supposed to be kept refrigerated would have been expired. "This... this doesn't make any sense, these should be warm and rotten and moldy. But... they aren't." He says and Aqua comes up to inspect.

"I recognize this..." She says simply, which causes (Y/n') mother and father to look at Aqua in confusion.
"What do you mean you recognize this Aqua?" His mother asks.
"If you recall, Master Yen Sid said that (Y/n)'s world is no longer surrounded in darkness. When a world is surrounded by darkness, time flows differently. I should know... for I have experienced it." Aqua says with her expression giving hints of her recollecting her memories. Still even in the midst of her recollection, she continues.

"I was trapped in the world of darkness for a long time. So much so I felt myself going insane. I had to fight constantly to survive and to avoid the darkness from corrupting my very heart. Though for what I thought was merely a few hours in the world of darkness, years passed in other worlds. So much so... that I heard Sora, Riku  and Kairi from Mickey when he tried free me from the world of darkness. The three children I saw, now grown up into fine young men and women." It was clear to see that Aqua was trying her best to not cry. She went through so much alone, no one but her can imagine what she went through and knowing so much has passed in so little time. (Y/n)'s heart ached for her. But she wasn't alone this time, as Ventus and Terra place a hand on each of her shoulders, telling her she's not alone anymore.

"To..." she then clears her throat, trying to not show any signs of her faltering. "To put simply, if we were gone for weeks, more than likely only a few minutes passed in this world." She finishes. When brought into perspective like that, it does make sense. Though (Y/n) didn't fully understand anything when it came to other worlds but with Aqua's explanation it allowed for a bit more clarity.

As Aqua finished her explanation, both (M/n) and (F/n) put away the remaining groceries.
"Well... we have all been through much these past several weeks, why don't you all try to settle in for now. And... we will need to explain this to the authorities... and to the company." (M/n) says, and (Y/n) remembers what she means. Given both (M/n) and (F/n)'s disappearance, the police were looking for them but to no avail. Not only that, but their affiliation with Square Enix is likely in jeopardy as they were gone. More than likely their jobs have been terminated...

"We... will try to take care of this. Try not to worry about it, this is our fight to take care of now. Oh and... we will figure out something about your room (Y/n), so more than likely you'll need to sleep in one of the guest rooms until then." (F/n) says and receives a nod in response. Without a room that wasn't decimated, there would be no way (Y/n) would be able to sleep comfortably, and even then the memories of the attack would prevent him from sleeping in that room regardless.

"Leave everything to us, we will do what we can." (F/n) adds before both him and (M/n) leave the kitchen and head to their room. After everything that has happened... they only had to worry about getting home, but now they have to prepare for what is to come in the next few days. More likely than not it will be hectic, it just comes down to how they will all handle it.

"Well... I will be honest I don't think we will have enough rooms for you all. We only have three guest rooms and each only has a singular queen sized bed. More than likely you will have to share and if it comes down to it... some of you may need to sleep on the floor." (Y/n) begins to tell the others about the rooms in his house.

Everyone looks at him and they nod their heads. "It's alright, we understand completely. Besides you weren't really expecting to house eleven new guests right?" Aqua says with a smile, seems she was feeling better after being comforted by Terra and Ventus. "Hmmm... I'm thinking if each group stays in one room it should be fine. That means Sora, Riku, and Kairi are together. Roxas, Xion, Naminé, and Axel in another. Lastly is Aqua, Terra, Ventus and Vanitas..." (Y/n) pauses for a moment, before speaking further he is interrupted by Terra.

"If it's alright, I can sleep in living room here." Terra offers, (Y/n) was about to shake his head as he didn't want Terra to sleep uncomfortably on the sofa but then he recalls his family also has a air mattress. "Actually if I remember, we have a air mattress used for extra guests and at most it can hold two adults." (Y/n) says with Aqua following up. "Then both me and Terra can sleep on that mattress, Ven and Vanitas can have the room." She says with Ventus giving a nod of approval but Vanitas not saying a word, but it doesn't seem he objects to the idea.

"Well that does make things a bit easier. Just... try to make yourselves comfortable, I'll be back." (Y/n) says as he heads back to his room, Sora follows closely behind as the others go and find their rooms. Once (Y/n) enters his room, he has a closer look at the damage from before. His bed sheets were torn and his bed frame was damaged but usable. None of his clothes were damaged and his school supplies were safe as well. The only things destroyed was just his TV, a bit of his flooring, and his mattress. "At least the damage was minimal..." (Y/n) breaths a sigh of relief.

"It could have been a lot worse if I was too late." (Y/n) turns around to see Sora standing at his doorway. He gives a slight sigh but also a small smile. "Yeah, and I'm lucky I had you back then to save me." He says with his voice carrying warmth. "Do you think you will be okay? Trying to get back to your normal life?" Sora asks with concern lacing his voice. (Y/n) thinks for a moment but as he does his smile fades away and it turns into unease. "I don't know... school wasn't really the best. And now that my parents are back... I don't know how they will explain to the authorities or their jobs about their disappearance. I'm honestly a little worried." He says, rubbing his arms a bit out of a nervous habit.

"They... might lose their jobs and then I don't know how they will help us, given we have more mouths to feed..." (Y/n) continues to speak his concerns with Sora's face showing a bit of guilt, he never thought of the burden they all would carry to (Y/n)'s family. "But even so... it won't be as bad as it was before." (Y/n) says causing Sora to snap back to reality. "Huh? Why do you say that?" Sora asks, to which in response he feels (Y/n)'s hand holding his own with fingers intertwined, "it's because you are here. I'm not alone anymore and neither is my family... I think with you all around things will be okay with the emotional support. " (Y/n) says with a warm smile, causing Sora's heart to melt.

"Yeah... this is our home now... and I promise to do my best to help you in any way possible." Sora says with a smile, taking (Y/n)'a hand and giving it a gentle kiss.

"What ever happens... I'll be here for you."

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