Mind and Matter


A laboratory just exploded with many scientists burning or running while on fire. As they were screaming in pain and agony, someone else in the fire walked out like it was nothing and calmly roamed the hallway. This person was still on fire and yet he only had a dull look on his face as he was walking around until he came upon some jail cells. As he got closer to them, some of the guards that saw him brought out their guns.

Guard: Stop right there!

The male did the opposite and simply walked towards the guards. As he got closer to them, they warned him to stop, but of course he didn't listen. With that, they opened fire on him, but the bullets did nothing to him. As soon as they touched him they instantly became dented and fell to the ground. It even looked like the male didn't even feel the bullets. He only walked up to the guards, grabbed them by their heads and forcefully slammed them through one of the cells. This was a coincidence, since the person the man was looking for was in the same cell.

???: I-I see t-that you got t-the rest of the powers in y-you?

???: Yep, it stung at first, but like ya said, I just got used to it.

???: J-Just be glad that you g-got yours threw your arm. M-Mine had to go t-through my eye.

???: Yeah, well now that I got ya, guide us out of here.

With that the two young men slowly made their way through darkened hallways in order to escape. Escape from what ?, some might wander. Well escape from their own personal hell.


At best it was just supposed to be for a week to test some new skin products for a few hundred bucks. Y/N needed the money to help pay for his grandmother's apartment and since she was the only one left of his family, and had Alzheimers, Y/N was all on his own.

 He dropped out of high school to help his grandma and make sure she was still going, but finding work in New York without at least a diploma was really hard. Then as if it was fate, he saw an ad on t.v. that talked about testing a new skin product that would be for a week, and by the end they would earn up to a thousand dollars. Y/N saw this as an automatic win and made sure that he left his grand ma with notes and reminders for he that week. When he got there, it looked fine at first....but after a few days, he started to see some of the other participants go out in hospital beds or even taken to a back room and never coming out. When he tried to ask what was happening, the people in lab coats there simply said that the ''product'' caused them to break out in rashes or was too strong for them, so they were sent home. Now as the end of the week was coming up, Y/N was given some type of new product where it would be some sort of insulin shot that would "rejuvenate the skin from the inside". He was promised double, and since he was good so far, he thought it would be fine....then he blacked out.

When he woke up again, he was no longer in some sort of room with others but instead what looked like a holding cell. When he tried to see past the bars, as soon as he touched them, the bars sent him flying back by giving him an instant zap.

???: Stay away from the bars. They're hooked up to a few thousand vaults of electricity.

That caused Y/N to look all around him for whoever said that, because he didn't see anyone else around him. He was just in a cell by himself, so where did that voice come from?

???: On the wall to your left, there's a hole. Look inside it.

Y/N was hesitant to do what the voice said, but his curiosity to get the best of him. As he looked through the hole of the wall, he saw that on the other side to the far side wall, he saw another guy who was slouched against it, but was all twitchy and scrawny. When the man looked at him, Y/N could see that he had two different eyes.

???: Hello. It's nice to see I have another neighboring cellmate once again.

Y/N: *to the guy* Who are you.....and how are you talking to me without moving or opening your mouth?

???: Apologies friend, I don't mean to spook you or alarm you, but this is the only way where I can fully speak to you without taking forever because of my speech impediment. For you see if I was to actually speak to you-

???: *speaks*I-I would a-always be t-talking l-like t-t-this. *slowly smiles*

???: *telepathically* Now as I was saying, to save us a good amount of time, I'll simply speak to you by my mind. Besides that'll also secure that our conversation isn't to be listened on by unwanted ears. Now, I know you're probably wondering where you are correct?

Y/N: Well yeah.

???: Well to put it bluntly, you're in an underground holding facility. And before you ask why, it would seem that YOU are also the chosen recipient for this project.

Y/N: Project, what project? And why are we in an underground holding facility?!

???: Keep your voice down, you don't want to get the guards attention. As for the project, you my friend have in-voluntarily been put part of Project: Mind and Matter or M.M. for short. You're here just like me...an innocent guy who got tricked. But unlike you chum, I've been here for just almost a year now.

Y/N: *shocked* A year.....what the hell happened?

???: Well not to be rude or anything, but after scanning your memories, I see that you were brought here under false pretenses just trying to help your dear old grandmother. Me on the other hand, I was brought here by my father. He dropped me off, thinking that these people were miracle doctors that could cure my "problem", aka my stutter, but instead they actually made it worse and gave me....these abilities or powers if you would.

Y/N: Hold up...like super powers?

???: Well they don't feel so super to me, but in a way yes.

Y/N: So that's what's gonna happen to me?

???: Well seeing on how you can handle some of them so far, I'd say yes.

Y/N: Wait, what do you mean-

???: I mean that the "product" you were given in your veins wasn't for some skin or beauty use. It was actually a cocktail full of minor abilities. You were one of the few specimens that was left of the "product testing". And seeing that you're now the sole survivor of it, I do believe you will be moving on to the second phase.

Y/N:*nervous* W-Whats going to happen?

???: *sighs* Well...seeing on that I'm the 'Mind' in this dirty project, I do believe that YOU are going to be the 'Matter'.

Y/N: What does that mean?

???: It means that while I have abilities from a lot of the most intelligent heroes and villains that ever were....you will get the other abilities from other heroes and villains.


???: From what I've heard, the government is trying to make two ultimate super soldiers. These two soldiers will each have different abilities. While one will be inhumanly intelligent, the other will be an unstoppable Adonis. These two soldiers will also be able to take out any Villain...or Hero with ease.

End of Flashback

After getting his final dosage of powers, he exploded the lab and went for his friend that he now knew for two years. As he guided him through out the laboratory, the two were finally out of the facility through catacombs. From there he guided Y/N out to where they ended up in a sort of forest area. Now the two were on the run. At the time they didn't exactly know from who...but little did they know that EVERYONE would be looking for them.


Lab Files

Name Y/N L/N


A/N: You can change the eye and hair color if you want and keep the beard or loose it. All up to you

Power: The Matter of Project Mind and Mater. Y/N has the Elemental ,Physical and Athletic abilities of all known and unknown heroes and villains.

Drawbacks: Besides an average intelligence....NONE.


Name: J


Power: The Mind of Project Mind and Matter. J has all the Intellectual, Physic, Strategic, and Magic powers and abilities from all known and unknown heroes and villains.

Drawbacks: Besides his speech impediment, due to all of the intellect, J has developed multiple personas that take over him at random times. If not being able to control or handle, this may turn deadly for himself and others.

A/N: And that's the end of this chapter.

-If you have any questions about this story (nothing about updates), ask them here

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